
Experimental Study of Factors Affecting Soil Erodibility
Larionov G., Bushueva O., Gorobets A., Dobrovolskaya N., Kiryukhina Z., Krasnov S., Litvin L., Maksimova I., Sudnitsyn I.
Subsoil Compaction: The Intensity of Manifestation in Silty Clayey Calcic Pantofluvic Fluvisols of the Iğdır Region (Eastern Turkey)
Simsek U., Shein E., Mikailsoy F., Bolotov A., Erdel E.
Effect of soil density, tensile strength, and water infiltration on the rupture rate of interaggregate bonds
Larionov G., Dobrovol’skaya N., Kiryukhina Z., Krasnov S., Litvin L., Gorobets A., Sudnitsyn I.
Assessing the Degree of Physical Degradation and Suitability of Chernozems for the Minimization of Basic Tillage
Trofimova T., Korzhov S., Gulevskii V., Obraztsov V.
Composition and pools of humus in natural and agrogenic soils of the Kamchatka Peninsula
Kiseleva I., Purtova L., Kostenkov N.
Effect of mechanical fragmentation of sphagnum on population density and structure of micromycete communities
Semenova T., Golovchenko A.
The impact of hydrogen emission on the structure of soil microbial biomass
Polyanskaya L., Stepanov A., Chakmazyan K.
Physical Properties of Urban Soils in Rostov Agglomeration
Bezuglova O., Tagiverdiev S., Gorbov S.
Soil carbon stocks along an altitudinal gradient in different land-use categories in Lesser Himalayan foothills of Kashmir
Shaheen H., Saeed Y., Abbasi M., Khaliq A.
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