
The effect of geocryological conditions and soil properties on the spatial variation in the CO2 emission from flat-topped peat mounds in the isolated permafrost zone of Western Siberia
Bobrik A., Goncharova O., Matyshak G., Ryzhova I., Makarov M.
Soil map of the Russian Arctic on a 1 : 1 M scale: Contents and compilation methods
Mikhailov I.
Geochemical characterization of soils of the eastern coast of the Northern Sakhalin Lowland
Zharikova E.
Eco-Geochemical Assessment of the Content of Pollutants in Hummocky Bogs of the Kola Peninsula
Barkan V., Lyanguzova I.
Morphology and properties of the soils of permafrost peatlands in the southeast of the Bol’shezemel’skaya tundra
Kaverin D., Pastukhov A., Lapteva E., Biasi C., Marushchak M., Martikainen P.
Hydrophysical Properties of the High-Ash Lowmoor Peat Soils
Shein E., Pozdnyakova A., Shvarov A., Il’in L., Sorokina N.
Decomposition Rate of Peat-Forming Plants in Oligotrophic Bogs of the Southern Taiga Subzone of Western Siberia: Assessment of the Effect of Water Table Level and Peat Deposit Temperature
Nikonova L., Golovatskaya E., Kur’ina I., Kurganova I.
CO2 Emission and Organic Carbon Pools in Soils of the Northern Taiga Ecosystems of Western Siberia under Different Geocryological Conditions
Bobrik A., Ryzhova I., Goncharova O., Matyshak G., Makarov M., Walker D.
Specific features of the development of soils of hydromorphic ecosystems in the northern taiga of Western Siberia under conditions of cryogenesis
Matyshak G., Bogatyrev L., Goncharova O., Bobrik A.
Nonspecific organic compounds in peat soils of the Subpolar Urals
Nizovtsev N., Kholodov V., Ivanov V., Farkhodov Y., Dymov A.
Thermophysical Properties of Histosols on Lowmoor Peat
Shein E., Pozdnyakova A., Sorokina N., Dembovetsky A., Shvarov A., Il’in L.
Losses of Soil Carbon upon a Fire on a Drained Forested Raised Bog
Glukhova T., Sirin A.
Soil catenas on denudation plains in the forest-tundra and northern taiga zones of the Kola Peninsula
Urusevskaya I.
Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration in Palsa Peatlands of the North of Western Siberia
Tarkhov M., Matyshak G., Ryzhova I., Goncharova O., Bobrik A., Petrov D., Petrzhik N.
The influence of the bog water level on the transformation of sphagnum mosses in peat soils of oligotrophic bogs
Golovatskaya E., Nikonova L.
Formal Criteria for the Humus Status of Mountainous Peat Soils in Altitudinal Zones
Efremova T., Efremov S., Melent’eva N., Avrova A.
Molecular Structure of Humus Substances in Permafrost Peat Mounds in Forest-Tundra
Vasilevich R., Beznosikov V., Lodygin E.
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