
Soddy-Podzolic Soils with a Complex Organic Profile in the Right-Bank Part of the Lower Vyatka River Basin
Prokashev A., Soboleva E., Imenitova A., Vartan I., Matushkin A., Okhorzin N., Mokrushin S., Borodatyi I.
Dynamics of peat plateau near the southern boundary of the East European permafrost zone
Pastukhov A., Marchenko-Vagapova T., Kaverin D., Kulizhskii S., Kuznetsov O., Panov V.
Soils of Archeological Landscape Sorokino 1 (Orel Oblast): Reconstruction of Natural Changes and Anthropogenic Transformation of the Environment
Chendev Y., Golyeva A., Dolgikh A., Uvarkin S., Golotvin A., Belevantsev V., Sarapulkin V., Dudin D.
Agrogenic evolution of automorphic chernozems in the forest-steppe zone (Belgorod oblast)
Chendev Y., Khokhlova O., Alexandrovskiy A.
Soil Indicators of Paleoenvironmental Conditions in the South of the East European Plain in the Quaternary Time
Alekseev A., Kalinin P., Alekseeva T.
Evolution of forest pedogenesis in the south of the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland in the Late Holocene
Chendev Y., Aleksandrovskii A., Khokhlova O., Dergacheva M., Petin A., Golotvin A., Sarapulkin V., Zemtsov G., Uvarkin S.
Soil Memory: Theoretical Basics of the Concept, Its Current State, and Prospects for Development
Targulian V., Bronnikova M.
Buried paleosols of the Upper Paleolithic multilayered site Kostenki-1
Aparin B., Platonova N., Sukhacheva E., Dudin A.
Influence of Soil Salinity on the Population of Oribatid Mites in the Forest-Steppe Zone of Western Siberia
Yakutin M., Andrievskii V., Anopchenko L.
Record of Holocene Changes in High-Mountain Landscapes of Southeastern Altai in the Soil–Sedimentary Sequence of the Boguty River Valley
Bronnikova M., Agatova A., Lebedeva M., Nepop R., Konoplianikova Y., Turova I.
Application of 13C NMR Spectroscopy to the Study of Soil Organic Matter: A Review of Publications
Chukov S., Lodygin E., Abakumov E.
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