
Comparative Analysis of the Number and Structure of the Complexes of Microscopic Fungi in Tundra and Taiga Soils in the North of the Kola Peninsula
Korneikova M.
Pedodiversity and Its Significance in the Context of Modern Soil Geography
Krasilnikov P., Gerasimova M., Golovanov D., Konyushkova M., Sidorova V., Sorokin A.
Variation in soil macro-fauna diversity in seven humus orders of a Parrotio-Carpinetum forest association on Chromic Cambisols of Shast-klateh area in Iran
Izadi M., Habashi H., Waez-Mousavi S.
Characterization of Bacterial and Fungal Communities in Soils under Different Farming Systems. The Cacao Plantation in Sulawesi Island—Indonesia
Suwastika I., Cruz A., Pakawaru N., Wijayanti W., Muslimin , Basri Z., Ishizaki Y., Tanaka T., Ono N., Kanaya S., Shiina T.
Microbiological Characteristics of Bare Peat Circles on Flat-Topped Peat Mounds in the North of Western Siberia
Yakushev A., Matyshak G., Tarkhov M., Kachalkin A., Sefilyan A., Petrov D.
Difference in Some Biological Properties of Saline and Non-saline Soil under Sugarcane Cultivation
Lamizadeh E., Enayatizamir N., Motamedi H.
Correlation of Soddy Calcareous Soils on the Soil Map of the Russian Federation (1 : 2.5 M Scale, 1988) and in the Russian Soil Classification System
Konyushkov D., Gerasimova M., Ananko T.
Urban Soils: Diagnostics and Taxonomic Position according to Materials of Scientific Excursion in Moscow at the Suitma-9 Workshop
Prokofeva T., Gerasimova M.
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