
Plant Residues Decomposition and Formation of Active Organic Matter in the Soil of the Incubation Experiments
Semenov V., Pautova N., Lebedeva T., Khromychkina D., Semenova N., Lopes de Gerenyu V.
Comparative Analysis of the Number and Structure of the Complexes of Microscopic Fungi in Tundra and Taiga Soils in the North of the Kola Peninsula
Korneikova M.
Bacterial complexes of a high moor related to different elements of microrelief
Dobrovol’skaya T., Golovchenko A., Yakushev A., Yurchenko E., Manucharov N., Chernov I.
Microbiological Characteristics of Bare Peat Circles on Flat-Topped Peat Mounds in the North of Western Siberia
Yakushev A., Matyshak G., Tarkhov M., Kachalkin A., Sefilyan A., Petrov D.
Physicochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Tundra Soils on the Rybachii Peninsula
Evdokimova G., Mozgova N., Myazin V.
State of microbial communities in paleosols buried under kurgans of the desert-steppe zone in the Middle Bronze Age (27th–26th centuries BC) in relation to the dynamics of climate humidity
Khomutova T., Demkina T., Borisov A., Shishlina I.
Transformation of Nitrogen Compounds in Soils of Mountain Tundra Ecosystems in the Khibiny
Buzin I., Makarov M., Malysheva T., Kadulin M., Koroleva N., Maslov M.
Thermal Impact of Gas Flares on the Biological Activity of Soils
Yevdokimov I., Yusupov I., Larionova A., Bykhovets S., Glagolev M., Shavnin S.
The impact of hydrogen emission on the structure of soil microbial biomass
Polyanskaya L., Stepanov A., Chakmazyan K.
Microbial Biomass and Its Structure in Karst Peats of Tula Oblast
Golovchenko A., Volkova E.
Comparative analysis of the luminescence microscopy and cascade filtration methods for estimating bacterial abundance and biomass in the soil: Role of soil suspension dilution
Polyanskaya L., Pinchuk I., Stepanov A.
A comparative assessment of the biological properties of soils in the cultural and native cenoses of the Central Caucasus (using the example of the Terskii variant of altitudinal zonality in Kabardino-Balkaria)
Gorobtsova O., Gedgafova F., Uligova T., Tembotov R.
Assessment of the Contribution of Root and Microbial Respiration to the Total Efflux of CO2 from Peat Soils and Podzols in the North of Western Siberia by the Method of Component Integration
Goncharova O., Matyshak G., Bobrik A., Timofeeva M., Sefilyan A.
Microbial biomass and biological activity of soils and soil-like bodies in coastal oases of Antarctica
Nikitin D., Marfenina O., Kudinova A., Lysak L., Mergelov N., Dolgikh A., Lupachev A.
The effect of salinization on the biomass of microorganisms in the soils of different ages in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia
Yakutin M., Anopchenko L., Andrievskii V.
Microbiological Transformation of Organic Matter in Oil-Polluted Tundra Soils after Their Reclamation
Maslov M., Maslova O., Ezhelev Z.
The emission of carbon dioxide from soils of the Pasvik nature reserve in the Kola Subarctic
Kadulin M., Smirnova I., Koptsyk G.
Effect of forest and soil type on microbial biomass carbon and respiration
Habashi H.
Specific Features of the Microbial Community Development in Soddy-Podzolic Soil in the Course of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Growing
Pinchuk I., Polyanskaya L., Kirillova N., Stepanov A.
Transformation of ecofunctional parameters of soil microbial cenoses in clearings for power transmission lines in Central Siberia
Bogorodskaya A., Ponomareva T., Efimov D., Shishikin A.
The structure of fungal biomass and diversity of cultivated micromycetes in Antarctic soils (progress and Russkaya Stations)
Marfenina O., Nikitin D., Ivanova A.
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and the Properties of Soils in Forests of Vologda Region
Kudrevatykh I., Ivashchenko K., Ananyeva N., Ivanishcheva E.
Assessment of biological activity in agrogenic and natural chernozems of Kabardino-Balkaria
Gorobtsova O., Uligova T., Tembotov R., Khakunova E.
Transformation of nitrogen compounds in the tundra soils of Northern Fennoscandia
Maslov M., Makarov M.
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