
Pedodiversity and Its Significance in the Context of Modern Soil Geography
Krasilnikov P., Gerasimova M., Golovanov D., Konyushkova M., Sidorova V., Sorokin A.
Dynamics of Soil Properties and Plant Composition during Postagrogenic Evolution in Different Bioclimatic Zones
Telesnina V., Kurganova I., Lopes de Gerenyu V., Ovsepyan L., Lichko V., Ermolaev A., Mirin D.
Changes in physical properties and carbon stocks of gray forest soils in the southern part of Moscow region during postagrogenic evolution
Baeva Y., Kurganova I., Lopes de Gerenyu V., Pochikalov A., Kudeyarov V.
Profile analysis of microbiomes in soils of solonetz complex in the Caspian Lowland
Chernov T., Lebedeva M., Tkhakakhova A., Kutovaya O.
Diversity of the soil biota in burned areas of southern taiga forests (Tver oblast)
Gongalsky K., Zaitsev A., Korobushkin D., Saifutdinov R., Yazrikova T., Benediktova A., Gorbunova A., Gorshkova I., Butenko K., Kosina N., Lapygina E., Kuznetsova D., Rakhleeva A., Shakhab S.
The structure of fungal biomass and diversity of cultivated micromycetes in Antarctic soils (progress and Russkaya Stations)
Marfenina O., Nikitin D., Ivanova A.
The influence of Aster x salignus Willd. Invasion on the diversity of soil yeast communities
Glushakova A., Kachalkin A., Chernov I.
Effect of Nonylphenols on the Abundance and Taxonomic Structure of the Soil Microbial Community
Kuzikova I., Zaytseva T., Kichko A., Zinoveva S., Russu A., Mayachkina N., Medvedeva N.
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