
Stepanov, A.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 49, 编号 2 (2016) Soil Biology Distribution of Metabolically Active Prokaryotes (Archaea and Bacteria) throughout the Profiles of Chernozem and Brown Semidesert Soil
卷 50, 编号 1 (2017) Soil Biology The impact of hydrogen emission on the structure of soil microbial biomass
卷 50, 编号 5 (2017) Soil Biology Soil yeasts and their role in seed germination
卷 50, 编号 10 (2017) Soil Biology Comparative analysis of the luminescence microscopy and cascade filtration methods for estimating bacterial abundance and biomass in the soil: Role of soil suspension dilution
卷 51, 编号 8 (2018) Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils Transformation of Water-Soluble Organic Substances in Litters of Podzols in the Background and Technogenic Areas of the Kola Peninsula
卷 51, 编号 10 (2018) Soil Chemistry Sorption of Water-Soluble Organic Substances by Mineral Horizons of Podzol
卷 51, 编号 12 (2018) Soil Biology Specific Features of the Microbial Community Development in Soddy-Podzolic Soil in the Course of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Growing
卷 52, 编号 3 (2019) Soil Biology The Structure of Bacterial and Fungal Communities in the Rhizosphere and Root-Free Loci of Gray Forest Soil
卷 52, 编号 8 (2019) Soil Biology Biomass and Taxonomic Structure of Microbial Communities in Soils of the Right-Bank Basin of the Oka River
卷 52, 编号 10 (2019) Soil Biology Specific Features of Nitrogen and Carbon Transformation in an Oligotrophic Peat Soil