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卷 51, 编号 5 (2018)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

The Impact of Artificial Forest Plantations on Mountain-Meadow Soils of Crimea

Kostenko I.


A significant change in the properties of mountainous meadow soils of the Ai-Petri Plateau has taken place under the impact of artificial plantations of pine, birch, and larch created in the Crimean highlands in the middle of the 20th century. In comparison with the soils under meadow vegetation, the soils under forest vegetation are characterized by an increased content of large aggregates, a decrease in the humus content, and an increase in the soil acidity and in the iron content of the organomineral compounds. The most dramatic changes in the structural state of the soils are observed under the plantations of pine. The changes in the acidity and the iron content are most pronounced under larch stands. The decrease in the humus content is observed under all tree species. Thus, in the soil layer of 0–10 cm under pine, birch, and larch stands, the content of Corg is 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 times lower, respectively, than that in the soil under meadow vegetation.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):485-494
pages 485-494 views

Biogeochemical Processes in Steppe Landscapes of the Ergeni Upland in the Holocene

Kalinin P., Kudrevatykh I., Vagapov I., Borisov A., Alekseev A.


A soil catena was studied on the Ergeni Upland; the soils and plants were sampled in five dependent points. The contents of macro- and microelements in them were determined. It was found that the radial (vertical) geochemical migration predominates in the eluvial positions of the catena, and the lateral geochemical migration predominates in the transeluvial and transeluvial–accumulative positions. Plants of the Poa L. genus intensely accumulated elements within the eluvial part of the catena, whereas plants of the Artemisia genus were element accumulators within the trans-superaquatic position. Plants of the Artemisia genus were generally characterized by a higher coefficient of the biological uptake of elements in all parts of the catena, except for the eluvial position, where this parameter was higher for plants from the Poa L genus. A rise in the magnetic susceptibility of the soil profile relative to the parent material was the highest in the eluvial position and the lowest in the trans-superaquatic position. A comparative analysis of geochemical ratios for modern soils showed that they are determined by the topographic position of the given point. However, the gradient of variations for surface soils is much smaller in comparison with that for buried soils indicative of the climatic fluctuations. The obtained geochemical indicators can be used for comparative analysis of buried soils found not only on the divides but also in the subordinate landscape positions.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):495-505
pages 495-505 views

Climate and Vegetation Changes over the Past 7000 Years in the Cis-Ural Steppe

Khokhlova O., Morgunova N., Khokhlov A., Gol’eva A.


A multilayered archaeological site Turganik Settlement in the valley of the Tok River in the Cis- Ural steppe (Orenburg oblast) was examined with the use of paleopedological and microbiomorph methods. Ancient people inhabited this area in the Latest Neolithic (Eneolithic) (5th millennium BC) and Early Bronze (4th millennium BC) ages. It was found that cultural layers dating back to the Atlantic period of the Holocene had been formed under conditions of a predominance of grassy–forb vegetation with a small portion of tree species and dry climate; the ancient settlement was not affected by floods and was suitable for permanent living. It is probable that soils of the chestnut type with salinization and solonetzic features were developed in that time. The final stages of the accumulation of cultural layers were marked by strong shortterm floods, whose sediments partly masked the features of the previous long arid epoch. The highest degree of aridity was at the end of the Atlantic period. In the Subboreal and Subatlantic periods, soils of the meadowchernozemic type were formed; the spore–pollen spectra of these periods are characterized by a higher portion of tree species and by the presence of phytoliths of meadow grasses. The climatic conditions were generally colder and more humid, though some short-term aridization stages could take place. Some of these stages are recorded in the thickness of the studied sediments.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):506-517
pages 506-517 views

Soil Chemistry

Distributions of Heavy Metals and Benzo[a]pyrene in Oligotrophic Peat Soils and Peat Gleyzems of Northeastern Sakhalin

Lipatov D., Shcheglov A., Manakhov D., Karpukhin M., Zavgorodnyaya Y., Tsvetnova O.


The contents and profile distributions of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb, and benzo[a]pyrene in oligotrophic peat soils, oligotrophic peat gley soils (Dystric Fibric Histosols), humus-impregnated peat gleyzems (Dystric Histic Gleysols), and mucky gleyzems (Dystric Gleysols) have been analyzed with consideration for their degree of oligotrophicity and anthropogenic loads. Horizons with the accumulation (O, Tpyr, TT) and removal (Ghi,e) of heavy metals have been revealed. The increase in the content of heavy metals and benzo[a]pyrene in the upper layer of oligotrophic peat soils under technogenic fallouts in the impact zone of flare and motor transport has been considered. Statistical parameters of the spatial variation of parameters in organic and gley horizons have been calculated. The variation coefficients of pollutant elements (Pb and Zn) in the surface horizons of soils increase to 100–125%. Positive correlations revealed between the content of some heavy metals in litter indicate their bioaccumulation and possible joint input with aerotechnogenic fallouts. No correlations are found between the contents of benzo[a]pyrene and heavy metals, but a reliable negative correlation with the ash content is noted in the peat horizon.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):518-527
pages 518-527 views

Accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils and Mosses of Southern Tundra at Different Distances from the Thermal Power Plant

Yakovleva E., Gabov D., Beznosikov V., Kondratenok B.


A number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) structures have been identified in organic horizons of surface-gley tundra soils (Stagnic Cambisols) and the moss Pleurozium schreberi. The total content of polyarenes in soils and P. schreberi exceeds the background values in 3.5–5 times. A tendency of increasing content of polyarenes with the distance from the source to 1 km has been revealed. High coefficients of variation have been found between the contents of PAHs in snow cover, organic soil horizons, and mosses. Light hydrocarbons dominate in the composition of PAHs from the snow and ground covers and mosses. Naphthalene dominates on the surface of mosses in all of the studied plots, which is largely related to its intensive uptake by mosses under pollution conditions. It has been found that when the input of polyarenes onto the surface of tundra phytocenoses increases, the bioaccumulation of PAHs by P. schreberi is intensified, and PAHs begin to penetrate into moss. The increase in the concentration of high-molecularweight polyarenes in the environment plays the key role in the activation of PAH bioaccumulation by moss. It has been shown that P. schreberi can be used as an indicator species for monitoring the contamination of tundra phytocenoses by polyarenes. Both living and dead parts of P. schreberi are suitable for the environmental monitoring of PAH contamination.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):528-535
pages 528-535 views

Phosphorus Sorption Capacity of Gray Forest Soil as Dependent on Fertilization System

Rogova O., Kolobova N., Ivanov A.


In this paper, the results of the study of changes in the phosphorus sorption capacity of gray forest soils of Vladimir opolie under the impact of different fertilization systems are discussed. The quantitative parameters of the potential buffer capacity of soils for phosphorus (PBCP) and Langmuir sorption isotherms have been calculated. It is shown that the application of organic fertilizers results in a stronger decrease in PBCP than the application of mineral fertilizers. The portion of phosphorus of mineral compounds considerably increases, and the high content of available phosphates is maintained. In the variants with application of mineral phosphorus in combination with manure, the portions of organic and mineral phosphorus are at the level typical of unfertilized soils. The energy of phosphate bonds with the soil is minimal upon the application of a double rate of mineral phosphorus at the maximum capacity in relation to phosphate ions.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):536-541
pages 536-541 views

Losses of Soil Carbon upon a Fire on a Drained Forested Raised Bog

Glukhova T., Sirin A.


We studied the consequences of a fire that affected 29 ha of a drained forested raised bog in Tver oblast, Central European Russia. The drainage network consisted of open 1-m-deep ditches with 60 to 160 m ditch spacing. The groundwater level (GWL) varied within the studied drained bog. We used the method of assessing the loss of soil carbon (C) based on the difference between the ash concentration in the burnt peat of the upper layer and underlying unburnt layers. The carbon loss was higher near the drainage ditches than in the sites remote from ditches. The sample median values of carbon loss (kg C/m2) were estimated at 0.37 near the drainage ditches and at 0.22 for the remote sites with a distance of 160 m between ditches. They increased to 2.23 and 0.79 near and far from the drainage ditches for 106 m ditch spacing, and ranged from 1.13 to 2.10 near the drainage ditches and were equal to 0.45 at the remote sites for 60 m ditch spacing. The maximum loss of C was at the bog margin with the 70-cm-deep GWL; the sample median was equal to 2.97 kg C/m2. The results obtained for C loss from the wildfire on the raised bog agree with the estimates obtained by other authors (1.45–4.90 kg C/m2) and confirm the importance of taking such loss into account in the estimates of the carbon budget of peat soils (Histosols).

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):542-549
pages 542-549 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Methodological Approaches toward Chemico-Biological Diagnostics of the State of Soils in Technogenically Transformed Territories

Fokina A., Dabakh E., Domracheva L., Skugoreva S., Lyalina E., Ashikhmina T., Zykova Y., Leonova K.


The comprehensive diagnostics of the state of soils in the impact zone of thermal power station (TPS-5) in the city of Kirov was performed on the basis of the soil chemical analyses and the study of biota response to the loads at different organization levels. The chemical analyses attested to a satisfactory state of the soils. However, the use of soil cyanobacteria and bird’s-foot trefoil (Lótus corniculátus) as test objects showed the toxicity of studied soil samples. The toxicity of the samples was judged from the bioindication effects of cyanophytization and melanization of soil microbial complexes. The obtained results demonstrated that at relatively low concentrations of total and mobile heavy metal compounds in the soil samples, their amount released into the tested soil water (1: 4) extract exceeded the limit allowable for normal functioning of living organisms. For the first time, the express cyanobacterial tetrazole-topographic method of biotesting was applied in the geoecological study to estimate the toxicity of the soil samples. The results obtained with the help of traditional and express methods proved to be comparable. The express-method was sufficiently sensitive and efficient. It allowed the determination of the samples' toxicity in five hours, i.e., four to five times faster than the traditional technique. An inverse relationship between the number of viable cells of cyanobacteria (as judged from the inclusion of formazan crystals) and the concentration of lead ions in the tested soil extracts was found. This finding can be considered a prerequisite for further study and application of the express method in the practice of geoecological monitoring. Our study demonstrated the necessity of a comprehensive approach for the assessment of the real ecological state of soils in the investigated impact zone of the thermal power station.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):550-560
pages 550-560 views

Contemporary Trend in Erosion of Arable Southern Chernozems (Haplic Chernozems Pachic) in the West of Orenburg Oblast (Russia)

Gusarov A., Golosov V., Sharifullin A., Gafurov A.


The contemporary trend in the degradation of arable southern chernozems (Haplic Chernozems Pachic) in the steppe zone of south-eastern European Russia under the impact of water erosion has been evaluated based on a field study of changes in the deposition rate of eroded products on the bottoms of the currently stable negative landforms within a small catchment (1.92 km2 in area) with almost completely tilled slopes in the west of Orenburg oblast, in the basin of the Samara River (a left tributary of the Volga River). The dating of deposited sediments and the analysis of their temporal dynamics have been performed using the radioactive isotope 137Cs as a chronomarker. The results of a thorough analysis of catchment topography, grain size distribution data on soils and sediments, hydrometeorological observations, and satellite data have been used. It is found that the mean accumulation rate of chernozem erosion products on the bottom of a small catchment valley was 1.9–2.0 cm/year (16.5–28.4 kg/m2 annually) during the period of 1959–1986 (4.2–4.8 cm/year, or 30.4–83.5 kg/m2 annually in 1959–1963) compared to only 0.52–0.68 cm/year, or 6.6–11.9 kg/m2 annually, during the period of 1986–2016; i.e., the thickness of deposited sediments decreased at least by 3.0–3.6 times, and their mass decreased by 2.0–4.3 times (2.9 times on the average). It is shown that the main reason for the presumed significant decrease in the erosion rate of southern chernozems in the region during the last decades was the reduction in surface water runoff from slopes during the spring snowmelt period, as well as the probable change in the structure of crop rotation toward some increase in the share of perennial grasses, and erosion control measures.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):561-575
pages 561-575 views

Effects of Climate Changes and Pollution with Heavy Metals on the Transformation of Carbon Compounds in Different Soil Types of Agroecosystems in the Forest-Steppe of Baikal Region

Pomazkina L., Semenova Y.


The results of long-term (1992–2005) monitoring of the carbon compounds transformation in soils of forest- steppe agroecosystems polluted by heavy metals in the Baikal region in the years different from the “climatic norm” are discussed. The influence of environmental factors on the functioning of microbial community was estimated by the Cmicr content and CO2 emission. The changes in the ecophysiological parameters (Cmicr/Corg and C-CO2/Cmicr, mg/(g h) related to the availability of the substrate and intensity of carbon (re)immobilization in different soils revealed the differences in the formation of a stable microbial community dependent on the environmental factors, especially in anomalous years. The use of a systemic approach and analysis of the carbon compounds transformation based on the proportion between the flows of net-mineralized and (re)immobilized carbon (NM: RI) allowed to evaluate integrally the functioning regime of the agroecosystems and the ecological impact on them. The differences in the functioning of agroecosystems on different heavy metal-polluted soils identified on the background of climatic changes are suitable for forecasting the current state and development of agroecosystems. For agroecosystems of this region, C-CO2 emission was estimated for the first time; it was more intense from the soils with the high humus content than from the soils poor in humus (141 and 101 g C/m2, respectively).

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):576-587
pages 576-587 views

Restoration of Soils and Vegetation on Reclamation Sites of the Kingisepp Phosphorite Field

Dmitrakova Y., Abakumov E.


Processes of initial soil formation were studied on long-term monitoring plots on dump rocks of quarry no. 3 of the Phosphorite production company in Kingisepp district of Leningrad oblast. Observations were performed in 1998, 2004, and 2014. It was shown that vegetation succession on the plots proceeds relatively quickly, and that the species composition of phytocenoses formed is typical of the areas with soddy-calcareous soils. Soil development proved to be correlated with the development of vegetation. Maximum changes in soil characteristics were observed with an increase in the density of forest vegetation and a decrease in the role of herbs. The molecular composition of humic acids in the studied soils remained stable; in particular, the ratio of aliphatic to alkyl aromatic fragments was virtually constant. This phenomenon could be due to the great amount of aliphatic components in the falloff of coniferous species subjected to humification.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(5):588-597
pages 588-597 views