Soil Biology

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卷 50, 编号 6 (2017) Microbiological parameters of aggregates in typical chernozems of long-term field experiments PDF
Zhelezova A., Tkhakakhova A., Yaroslavtseva N., Garbuz S., Lazarev V., Kogut B., Kutovaya O., Kholodov V.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2017) Soil yeasts and their role in seed germination PDF
Fedotov G., Shoba S., Fedotova M., Stepanov A., Streletsky R.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2017) The influence of the bog water level on the transformation of sphagnum mosses in peat soils of oligotrophic bogs PDF
Golovatskaya E., Nikonova L.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2017) Assessment of biological activity in agrogenic and natural chernozems of Kabardino-Balkaria PDF
Gorobtsova O., Uligova T., Tembotov R., Khakunova E.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2017) Bacterial complexes of a high moor related to different elements of microrelief PDF
Dobrovol’skaya T., Golovchenko A., Yakushev A., Yurchenko E., Manucharov N., Chernov I.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2017) Microbiological transformation of carbon and nitrogen compounds in forest soils of Central Evenkia PDF
Sorokin N., Aleksandrov D., Grodnitskaya I., Evgrafova S.
卷 50, 编号 3 (2017) Variation in soil macro-fauna diversity in seven humus orders of a Parrotio-Carpinetum forest association on Chromic Cambisols of Shast-klateh area in Iran PDF
Izadi M., Habashi H., Waez-Mousavi S.
卷 50, 编号 2 (2017) State of microbial communities in paleosols buried under kurgans of the desert-steppe zone in the Middle Bronze Age (27th–26th centuries BC) in relation to the dynamics of climate humidity PDF
Khomutova T., Demkina T., Borisov A., Shishlina I.
卷 50, 编号 2 (2017) Functional activity of soil microbial communities in post-fire pine stands of Tolyatti, Samara oblast PDF
Maksimova E., Kudinova A., Abakumov E.
卷 50, 编号 1 (2017) Cyanobacteria as test organisms and biosorbents PDF
Fokina A., Ogorodnikova S., Domracheva L., Lyalina E., Gornostaeva E., Ashikhmina T., Kondakova L.
卷 50, 编号 1 (2017) Soil actinomycetes in the National Forest Park in northeastern China PDF
Shirokikh I., Shirokikh A.
卷 50, 编号 1 (2017) The impact of hydrogen emission on the structure of soil microbial biomass PDF
Polyanskaya L., Stepanov A., Chakmazyan K.
卷 50, 编号 1 (2017) Profile analysis of microbiomes in soils of solonetz complex in the Caspian Lowland PDF
Chernov T., Lebedeva M., Tkhakakhova A., Kutovaya O.
卷 49, 编号 12 (2016) The structure of mesofauna complexes in soils of the forest-park zone of Moscow and the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biospheric Reserve PDF
Buyvolova A., Rakhleeva A., Buyvolov Y., Bykova E.
卷 49, 编号 12 (2016) The influence of cryogenic mass exchange on the distribution of viable microfauna in cryozems PDF
Gubin S., Lupachev A., Shatilovich A., Myl’nikov A., Ryss A., Veremeeva A.
卷 49, 编号 12 (2016) The effect of salinization on the biomass of microorganisms in the soils of different ages in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia PDF
Yakutin M., Anopchenko L., Andrievskii V.
卷 49, 编号 10 (2016) The number and biomass of microorganisms in ancient buried and recent chernozems under different land uses PDF
Polyanskaya L., Prikhod’ko V., Lomakin D., Chernov I.
卷 49, 编号 10 (2016) Changes in the species composition of the rhizosphere and phyllosphere of sugar beet under the impact of biological preparations based on endophytic bacteria and their metabolites PDF
Pusenkova L., Il’yasova E., Lastochkina O., Maksimov I., Leonova S.
卷 49, 编号 10 (2016) Actinomycetal complex of light sierozem on the Kopet-Dag piedmont plain PDF
Zenova G., Zvyagintsev D., Manucharova N., Stepanova O., Chernov I.
卷 49, 编号 10 (2016) Responses of soil enzyme activity and microbial community compositions to nitrogen addition in bulk and microaggregate soil in the temperate steppe of Inner Mongolia PDF
Shi Y., Sheng L., Wang Z., Zhang X., He N., Yu Q.
卷 49, 编号 9 (2016) Effect of forest and soil type on microbial biomass carbon and respiration PDF
Habashi H.
卷 49, 编号 8 (2016) Carbon emission from the soil surface in a mature blueberry pine forest of the middle taiga (Republic of Komi) PDF
Osipov A.
卷 49, 编号 8 (2016) The structure of fungal biomass and diversity of cultivated micromycetes in Antarctic soils (progress and Russkaya Stations) PDF
Marfenina O., Nikitin D., Ivanova A.
卷 49, 编号 7 (2016) Dynamics of ecological and biological characteristics of soddy-podzolic soils under long-term oil pollution PDF
Petrov A., Versioning A., Karimullin L., Akaikin D., Tarasov O.
卷 49, 编号 7 (2016) The influence of Aster x salignus Willd. Invasion on the diversity of soil yeast communities PDF
Glushakova A., Kachalkin A., Chernov I.
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