Three-dimensional fluorescence analysis of chernozem humic acids and their electrophoretic fractions



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Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in combination with size-exclusion chromatography (SEC–PAGE) has been used to obtain stable electrophoretic fractions of different molecular size (MS) from chernozem humic acids (HAs). Three-dimensional fluorescence charts of chernozem HAs and their fractions have been obtained for the first time, and all fluorescence excitation–emission maxima have been identified in the excitation wavelength range of 250–500 nm. It has been found that fractionation by the SEC–PAGE method results in a nonuniform distribution of protein- and humin-like fluorescence of the original HA preparation among the electrophoretic fractions. The electrophoretic fractions of the highest and medium MSs have only the main protein-like fluorescence maximum and traces of humin-like fluorescence. In the electrophoretic fraction of the lowest MS, the intensity of protein-like fluorescence is low, but the major part of humin-like fluorescence is localized there. Relationships between the intensity of protein-like fluorescence and the weight distribution of amino acids have been revealed, as well as between the degree of aromaticity and the intensity of humin-like fluorescence in electrophoretic fractions of different MSs. The obtained relationships can be useful in the interpretation of the spatial structural organization and ecological functions of soil HAs.


O. Trubetskoi

Institute of Fundamental Problems of Biology

俄罗斯联邦, Pushchino, 142290

O. Trubetskaya

Shemyakin–Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry (Pushchino Branch)

俄罗斯联邦, Pushchino, 142290

版权所有 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2017