
Assessing the contribution of nonhydraulic forces to the destruction of bonds between soil particles during water erosion
Larionov G., Bushueva O., Dobrovol’skaya N., Kiryukhina Z., Litvin L., Krasnov S.
Research on the Influence of Water Vapor Diffusion and Evaporation on Water and Heat Transfer in Frozen Soil
Zhang C., Zhao Y., Zhang R., Zheng Y.
The Impact of Climatic Humidity of the Southeastern Part of Western Siberia on Spring Deficit of Moisture in the Profiles of Eroded Chernozems
Tanasienko A., Chumbaev A., Yakutina O., Filimonova D.
Effect of Impact Angle on the Erosion Rate of Coherent Granular Soil, with a Chernozemic Soil as an Example
Dobrovol’skaya N., Kiryukhina Z., Krasnov S., Kobylchenko Kuksina L., Litvin L., Sudnitsyn I., Larionov G., Bushueva O., Gorobets A.
The influence of climate cycles on the water regime and carbonate profile in chernozems of Central European Russia and adjacent territories
Bazykina G., Ovechkin S.
Dynamics of Physical and Physicochemical Properties of Urban Soils under the Effect of Ice-Melting Salts
Azovtseva N., Smagin A.
The preferential flow of soil: A widespread phenomenon in pedological perspectives
Zhang Y., Zhang M., Niu J., Zheng H.
Leaching of Saline Calcareous Soil under Laboratory Conditions
Hosseininia M., Hassanpour F., Naghavi H., Abbasi F., Bastani S.
Dynamic Assessment of Soil Water Erosion in the Three-North Shelter Forest Region of China from 1980 to 2015
Ji C., Li X., Jia Y., Wang L.
Soils and Vegetation of the Khaipudyr Bay Coast of the Barents Sea
Shamrikova E., Deneva S., Panyukov A., Kubik O.
Indicative capacity of NDVI in predictive mapping of the properties of plow horizons of soils on slopes in the south of Western Siberia
Gopp N., Nechaeva T., Savenkov O., Smirnova N., Smirnov V.
Evaluation of pedotransfer functions for estimating the soil water retention points
Bahmani O., Palangi S.
Potential Soil Loss from Erosion on Arable Lands in the European Part of Russia
Maltsev K., Yermolaev O.
Decomposition Rate of Peat-Forming Plants in Oligotrophic Bogs of the Southern Taiga Subzone of Western Siberia: Assessment of the Effect of Water Table Level and Peat Deposit Temperature
Nikonova L., Golovatskaya E., Kur’ina I., Kurganova I.
Seasonal and Daily Dynamics of the CO2 Emission from Soils of Pinus koraiensis Forests in the South of the Sikhote-Alin Range
Ivanov A., Braun M., Tataurov V.
An improved Mualem–Van Genuchten method and its verification using data on Beit Netofa clay
Terleev V., Mirschel W., Badenko V., Guseva I.
Estimating the Soil Water Content Using Electrical Conductivity, Oven Method and Speedy Moisture Tester
Kurtuluş C., Yeken T., Durdağ D.
Hydrophysical Properties of the High-Ash Lowmoor Peat Soils
Shein E., Pozdnyakova A., Shvarov A., Il’in L., Sorokina N.
Assessment of Soil Water Composition in the Northern Taiga Coniferous Forests of Background Territories in the Industrially Developed Region
Lukina N., Ershov V., Gorbacheva T., Orlova M., Isaeva L., Teben’kova D.
Comparative Study of Statistical, Numerical and Machine Learning-based Pedotransfer Functions of Water Retention Curve with Particle Size Distribution Data
Amanabadi S., Vazirinia M., Vereecken H., Vakilian K., Mohammadi M.
Comparison of Eluate and Direct Soil Bioassay Methods of Soil Assessment in the Case of Contamination with Heavy Metals
Pukalchik M., Terekhova V., Karpukhin M., Vavilova V.
Assessment of the State of Soils and Vegetation in Areas of Landfills and Municipal Solid Waste Sites (a Review)
Zamotaev I., Ivanov I., Mikheev P., Belobrov V.
Pore-size distribution in loamy soils: A comparison between microtomographic and capillarimetric determination methods
Dembovetskii A., Abrosimov K., Il’in L., Shnyrev N., Shein E., Skvortsova E.
The Effect of Increasing Active Layer Depth on Changes in the Water Budget in the Cryolithozone
Desyatkin R., Desyatkin A.
Application of Evaporation Method Using Two Tensiometers for Determining Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity beyond Tensiometric Range
Fujimaki H., Yanagawa A.
1 - 25 из 40 результатов 1 2 > >> 
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