
The application of the piecewise linear approximation to the spectral neighborhood of soil line for the analysis of the quality of normalization of remote sensing materials
Rukhovich D., Simakova M., Kulyanitsa A., Rukhovich A., Rukhovich D., Koroleva P.
Automated updating of medium-scale soil maps
Zhogolev A., Savin I.
Correlation of Soddy Calcareous Soils on the Soil Map of the Russian Federation (1 : 2.5 M Scale, 1988) and in the Russian Soil Classification System
Konyushkov D., Gerasimova M., Ananko T.
Application of the Spectral Neighborhood of Soil Line Technique to Analyze the Intensity of Soil Use in 1985–2014 (by the Example of Three Districts of Tula Oblast)
Rukhovich D., Rukhovich A., Rukhovich D., Simakova M., Kulyanitsa A., Koroleva P.
The influence of soil salinization on land use changes in azov district of Rostov oblast
Rukhovich D., Simakova M., Kulyanitsa A., Bryzzhev A., Koroleva P., Kalinina N., Chernousenko G., Vil’chevskaya E., Dolinina E., Rukhovich S.
Retrospective Monitoring of Soil Waterlogging on Arable Land of Tambov Oblast in 2018–1968
Koroleva P., Rukhovich D., Shapovalov D., Suleiman G., Dolinina E.
The creation of digital thematic soil maps at the regional level (with the map of soil carbon pools in the Usa River basin as an example)
Pastukhov A., Kaverin D., Shchanov V.
Soil Delineations on Public Cadaster Maps as Elements of the Soil–Land Cover Mapping
Shapovalov D., Koroleva P., Suleiman G., Rukhovich D.
Experience in Reconstruction of Agricultural Land Use for Balakhna District of Nizhniy Novgorod Gubernia in the 18th–19th Centuries (on the Basis of Cartographic Sources)
Kukushkina O., Alyabina I., Golubinskii A.
Soil cover in the southern forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland against the background of centennial climate fluctuations
Smirnova L., Kukharuk N., Chendev Y.
Soil Maps in the New Ecological Atlas of Russia
Bogdanova M., Gerasimova M.
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