
Magnesium, Potassium and Phosphorus in Available Forms in Luvisols in the Vicinity of Głogów Copper Smelter
Jaworska H., Dąbkowska-Naskręt H., Różański S.
Soils of Archeological Landscape Sorokino 1 (Orel Oblast): Reconstruction of Natural Changes and Anthropogenic Transformation of the Environment
Chendev Y., Golyeva A., Dolgikh A., Uvarkin S., Golotvin A., Belevantsev V., Sarapulkin V., Dudin D.
Radiometric Study of Soil Profiles in the Infrared Band
Ponomareva T., Ponomarev E.
Lithium in Soils and Plants of Western Transbaikalia
Kashin V.
Color estimation of forest-steppe soils by digital photography under laboratory conditions
Valeeva A., Aleksandrova A., Koposov G.
The Effect of Contrasting Moistening Regimes on CO2 Emission from the Gray Forest Soil under a Grass Vegetation and Bare Fallow
Lopes de Gerenyu V., Kurganova I., Khoroshaev D.
Geochemistry of Thorium and Uranium in Soils of the Southern Urals
Asylbaev I., Khabirov I., Gabbasova I., Rafikov B., Lukmanov N.
Vanadium in landscape components of western Transbaikalia
Kashin V.
Relationships between parameters of the humus status of forest and meadow soils and their altitudinal position on the main Crimean range
Kostenko I.
Evolution of forest pedogenesis in the south of the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland in the Late Holocene
Chendev Y., Aleksandrovskii A., Khokhlova O., Dergacheva M., Petin A., Golotvin A., Sarapulkin V., Zemtsov G., Uvarkin S.
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