Список статей

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Том 49, № 6 (2016) A comparative analysis of microbiomes in natural and anthropogenically disturbed soils of northwestern Kazakhstan
Pershina E., Ivanova E., Nagieva A., Zhiengaliev A., Chirak E., Andronov E., Sergaliev N.
Том 49, № 2 (2016) A Comparative Analysis of the Microfabrics of Surface Horizons and Desert Varnish in Extremely Arid Soils of the Mojave (USA) and Trans-Altai Gobi (Mongolia) Deserts
Lebedeva M., Shishkov V.
Том 49, № 1 (2016) A comparative assessment of the biological properties of soils in the cultural and native cenoses of the Central Caucasus (using the example of the Terskii variant of altitudinal zonality in Kabardino-Balkaria)
Gorobtsova O., Gedgafova F., Uligova T., Tembotov R.
Том 52, № 12 (2019) A Spherical Steady-State Method to Measure Soil Thermal Conductivity
Mahdavi S., Neyshabouri M., Fujimaki H.
Том 51, № 7 (2018) About Thermodynamic Theory of Water Retention Capacity and Dispersity of Soils
Smagin A.
Том 50, № 10 (2017) Accumulation of n-alkanes and carboxylic acids in peat mounds
Gabov D., Beznosikov V., Gruzdev I., Yakovleva E.
Том 51, № 5 (2018) Accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils and Mosses of Southern Tundra at Different Distances from the Thermal Power Plant
Yakovleva E., Gabov D., Beznosikov V., Kondratenok B.
Том 49, № 11 (2016) Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils and plants of the tundra zone under the impact of coal-mining industry
Yakovleva E., Gabov D., Beznosikov V., Kondratenok B.
Том 52, № 6 (2019) Acid–Base Characteristics and Clay Mineralogy in the Rhizospheres of Norway Maple and Common Spruce and in the Bulk Mass of Podzolic Soil
Sokolova T., Tolpeshta I., Danilin I., Izosimova Y., Chalova T.
Том 50, № 11 (2017) Acidity in organic horizons of arctic soils on the Barents Sea coast
Shamrikova E., Deneva S., Kubik O., Punegov V., Kyz”yurova E., Bobrova Y., Zueva O.
Том 49, № 10 (2016) Actinomycetal complex of light sierozem on the Kopet-Dag piedmont plain
Zenova G., Zvyagintsev D., Manucharova N., Stepanova O., Chernov I.
Том 52, № 8 (2019) Adsorption Characteristics of Zn2+ Ions onto Different Aggregate Size Fractions of Some Calcareous Soils and their Relationship with Soil Properties
Khajeali Z., Motaghian H., Hosseinpur A.
Том 52, № 9 (2019) Adsorption of Lead, Cadmium, and Nickel on Benchmark Soils of Pakistan
Munazza Yousra ., Muhammad Mahmood-ul-Hassan ., Sarwar S., Naeem S.
Том 50, № 10 (2017) Agrogenic degradation of soils in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe
Shpedt A., Trubnikov Y., Zharinova N.
Том 50, № 5 (2017) Agrogenic evolution of automorphic chernozems in the forest-steppe zone (Belgorod oblast)
Chendev Y., Khokhlova O., Alexandrovskiy A.
Том 51, № 2 (2018) Algological and Mycological Characterization of Soils under Pine and Birch Forests in the Pasvik Reserve
Korneikova M., Redkina V., Shalygina R.
Том 49, № 10 (2016) Alkalization of irrigated soils suitable for orchard growing in steppe Crimea and prospects for their use
Klimenko O.
Том 51, № 1 (2018) Alkanes as Components of Soil Hydrocarbon Status: Behavior and Indication Significance
Gennadiev A., Zavgorodnyaya Y., Pikovskii Y., Smirnova M.
Том 49, № 11 (2016) Alternative technologies for remediation of technogenic barrens in the Kola Subarctic
Koptsik G., Koptsik S., Smirnova I.
Том 49, № 8 (2016) An experience in regional estimates of changes in soil carbon pools of the southern taiga and forest-steppe during the historical period
Chernova O., Ryzhova I., Podvezennaya M.
Том 50, № 4 (2017) An improved Mualem–Van Genuchten method and its verification using data on Beit Netofa clay
Terleev V., Mirschel W., Badenko V., Guseva I.
Том 49, № 1 (2016) Analysis of the indices of acidity in the soil profile and their relationship with pedogenesis
Kokotov Y., Sukhacheva E., Aparin B.
Том 52, № 10 (2019) Antagonism and Resistance to Antibiotics of Actinomycetes from Soils of Three Specially Protected Natural Territories
Shirokikh I., Shirokikh A.
Том 50, № 4 (2017) Anthropogenic sediments and soils of tells of the Balkans and Anatolia: Composition, genesis, and relationships with the history of landscape and human occupation
Sedov S., Aleksandrovskii A., Benz M., Balabina V., Mishina T., Shishkov V., Şahin F., Özkaya V.
Том 51, № 9 (2018) Anthropogenic Soils on the Territory of the New Jerusalem Monastery, Moscow Region
Urusevskaya I., Kolesnikova V., Vertyankina V.
1 - 25 из 605 результатов 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 

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