
Use of empirical Bayesian kriging for revealing heterogeneities in the distribution of organic carbon on agricultural lands
Samsonova V., Blagoveshchenskii Y., Meshalkina Y.
Carbon Stock in Sandy and Loamy Soils of Coniferous–Broadleaved Forests at Different Succession Stages
Kuznetsova A., Lukina N., Tikhonova E., Gornov A., Gornova M., Smirnov V., Geraskina A., Shevchenko N., Tebenkova D., Chumachenko S.
Soil Fertility Characteristics and Organic Carbon Stock in Soils of Vegetable Gardens Compared with Surrounding Arable Land at the Center of the Urban and Industrial Area of Ruhr, Germany
Burghardt W., Heintz D., Hocke N.
Emission and Sink of Greenhouse Gases in Soils of Moscow
Mozharova N., Kulachkova S., Lebed’-Sharlevich Y.
Predicting Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in the Russian Chernozem from Depth and Wireless Color Sensor Measurements
Mikhailova E., Stiglitz R., Post C., Schlautman M., Sharp J., Gerard P.
Short-range variation in a Wisconsin soilscape (USA)
Hartemink A., Gennadiyev A., Bockheim J., Bero N.
The Mississippian Paleosols in the Brontsy Quarry, Kaluga region
Alekseeva T., Alekseev A., Kalinin P.
Assessment of Soil Water Composition in the Northern Taiga Coniferous Forests of Background Territories in the Industrially Developed Region
Lukina N., Ershov V., Gorbacheva T., Orlova M., Isaeva L., Teben’kova D.
The emission of carbon dioxide from soils of the Pasvik nature reserve in the Kola Subarctic
Kadulin M., Smirnova I., Koptsyk G.
Specific features of the morphology and chemical properties of coarse-textured postagrogenic soils of the southern taiga, Kostroma oblast
Telesnina V., Vaganov I., Karlsen A., Ivanova A., Zhukov M., Lebedev S.
Composition of the Water-Soluble Soil Fraction on the Barents Sea Coast: Organic Carbon and Nitrogen, Low-Molecular Weight Components
Shamrikova E., Kubik O., Deneva S., Punegov V.
Particulate Organic Matter in Noncultivated and Arable Soils
Semenov V., Lebedeva T., Pautova N.
Morphology, Radiocarbon Age, and Genesis of Vertisols of the Eisk Peninsula (the Kuban–Azov Lowland)
Khitrov N., Zazovskaya E., Rogovneva L.
Linear Regression between CIE-Lab Color Parameters and Organic Matter in Soils of Tea Plantations
Chen Y., Zhang M., Fan D., Fan K., Wang X.
Transformation of ecofunctional parameters of soil microbial cenoses in clearings for power transmission lines in Central Siberia
Bogorodskaya A., Ponomareva T., Efimov D., Shishikin A.
A comparative assessment of the biological properties of soils in the cultural and native cenoses of the Central Caucasus (using the example of the Terskii variant of altitudinal zonality in Kabardino-Balkaria)
Gorobtsova O., Gedgafova F., Uligova T., Tembotov R.
Specific Features of Nitrogen and Carbon Transformation in an Oligotrophic Peat Soil
Klimova A., Stepanov A., Manucharova N.
Assessment of the Contribution of Root and Microbial Respiration to the Total Efflux of CO2 from Peat Soils and Podzols in the North of Western Siberia by the Method of Component Integration
Goncharova O., Matyshak G., Bobrik A., Timofeeva M., Sefilyan A.
Markers of Soil Organic Matter Transformation in Permafrost Peat Mounds of Northeastern Europe
Pastukhov A., Knoblauch C., Yakovleva E., Kaverin D.
Changes in carbon pool and CO2 emission in the course of postagrogenic succession on gray soils (Luvic Phaeozems) in European Russia
Karelin D., Goryachkin S., Kudikov A., Lopes de Gerenu V., Lunin V., Dolgikh A., Lyuri D.
Effect of forest and soil type on microbial biomass carbon and respiration
Habashi H.
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