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Том 52, № 1 (2019)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Extreme Pedology: Elements of Theory and Methodological Approaches

Goryachkin S., Mergelov N., Targulian V.


Extreme environmental conditions that occur in Arctic, Antarctic, high mountains, extremely arid regions, as well as in toxic or nutrient-poor substrates, shallow waters, under intense anthropogenic impact, and in specific atmosphere or its absence in extraterrestrial systems, lead to the formation of soils and soloids (soil-like bodies) that cannot be adequately described, and their genesis and geography cannot be satisfactorily explained within the framework of the traditional Dokuchaev’s pedology. A new scientific direction is proposed—extreme pedology (genesis and geography of soils in extreme environments), which requires its own theory, conceptual apparatus, and methodological basis. It is based on the assumption that soils and soloids can develop in extreme conditions under the deficit or surplus of resources. In the first case, soloids are just few millimeters thick; in the second case, they have the profiles of multimeter scale. Various classes of soils and soloids extremeness are specified: factorial, regime-functional, and chorological (extra-areal). The behavior of extreme objects in time and the nature of their pedogenic records can have both specific and common features with normal soils. Morphological and analytical study of soils and soloids of extreme environments requires state-of-the-art methodological approaches and scientific equipment.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):1-13
pages 1-13 views

Quantitative Evaluation of Pedodiversity in the Russian Arctic and Subarctic (by Cartographic Data)

Smirnova M., Gennadiev A.


A quantitative assessment of the diversity of the soil cover components of the Arctic and Subarctic as shown on the Soil Map of Russian Federation, scale 1: 2.5 M was performed. Soil units of this map were combined with the mapping units on the map of soil-ecological zoning of the same scale, namely, soil districts (on the plains and in the mountains). For each soil district (total 60), average, minimum and maximum sizes of soil polygons, richness indices (total number of polygons and number of taxonomic units) were calculated, as well as species richness (Margalef, Menhinick), domination indices (Berger-Parker, MkIntosh, Simpson), complexity of the soil cover (divisibility index, complexity coefficient), diversity indices (Shannon, normalized Shannon index, Gini-Simpson), lateral differentiation, and a total score was derived by accounting the values of all calculated indices. The following quantitative characteristics of the soil cover were used to calculate the indices: the number of soil polygons, soil taxonomic groups, the length of boundaries, the area of polygons (including the average and maximum values) and their ratio. The soil diversity increases from the Arctic soil zone to the Subarctic arctic-tundra subzone and is accompanied by an increase in the areas of soil polygons. Pechorsko-Karskiy, Mezensko-Cheshskiy and Nizhneeniseyskiy plain soil districts, Koryakskiy, Anadyirskiy and Pekulneysko-Iskatenskiy mountain soil districts are characterized by maximum soil diversity, while the South-Novaya Zemlya mountain and plain soil districts – by the lowest one.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):14-24
pages 14-24 views

Russian Soil Classification System: Towards the Next Approximation

Gerasimova M.


The current status of soil classification in Russia is considered: its usage; difference among variants of 1997, 2004, and 2008; and reasons, means, and methods for its updating. To reach harmonization of abundant information and maintenance of the system’s principles and structure is now the main problem. Starting from 2004–2006, many proposals have been forwarded; they concern mostly the introduction of new diagnostic horizons and genetic features and, hence, new soil types and subtypes, respectively, for tundra and taiga regions; gaps and mistakes in the system have been revealed. A considerable portion of new data serves as a basis for discussion and introduction of new genetic features providing most complete and adequate soil names in terms of taxonomy, as well as for improving the definitions of diagnostic horizons and genetic features. Moreover, to the definitions of horizons, the relationships with other diagnostic horizons having similar properties should be added, as well as some particular landscape characteristics. As for genetic features—qualifiers for subtypes—there are doubts, whether some of them should be transferred to a lower taxonomic level—that of genus, which seems underestimated in the current system. Identifying and classifying soils encounter some problems because of traditional standards for field description of soil profiles, which are insufficiently oriented on soil properties required for recognizing diagnostic horizons and genetic features.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):25-33
pages 25-33 views

Soil Chemistry

Buried Paleosols as Reference Objects for Assessing the Current Level of Soil Pollution with Lead in the Lower Volga Steppes

Pampura T., Meili M., Holm K., Candaudap F., Probst A.


The estimation of soil contamination with anthropogenic lead requires uncontaminated analogues of the recent soils for comparison. For this purpose, a paleosol buried under a 2-m high burial mound of the Bronze Age and protected by it from atmospheric deposition during 4500 years was studied. The content and isotopic composition of mobile and total lead in the buried and recent soils (roadside and remote from lead sources) were compared. Obvious signs of anthropogenic contamination were revealed in only the upper layer of the roadside soil within 10 m from a highway. These were an increase in the absolute content of all lead forms; a high relative content of mobile forms; high ratios of Pb relative to Ti, Zr, and Y; and the similarity between isotopic compositions of the soil lead and the lead from modern atmospheric aerosols and Russian gasoline. Interestingly, no significant difference was found in the total lead contents or in the isotopic compositions between the recent soil remote from roads and the buried soil. However, some signs of anthropogenic impact could be revealed by the analysis of mobile lead forms, which make up a small portion of the total content.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):34-49
pages 34-49 views

Soil Physics

Tomography of Soil Pores: from Morphological Characteristics to Structural–Functional Assessment of Pore Space

Ivanov A., Shein E., Skvortsova E.


The development of tomographic studies of soil pore space in Russian soil science in 2011–2018 is discussed. In several years, these studies have evolved from the qualitative description of pores in some soils from the European part of Russia to the quantitative functional assessment of soil pore space on the bases of 3D tomographic models. Three stages of tomographic studies of soil pores can be distinguished: (1) qualitative analysis of pore space as a spatial-geometric characteristic of soil structure and as a component of the general analysis of soil morphology; (2) the obtaining of quantitative morphometric data on the shape, size, and orientation of soil pores and combined analysis of these tomographic data and data on the physical soil properties; and (3) the use of calculated tomographic parameters in the study of hydrological and physicomechanical properties of soils important for both theoretical and applied aspects of soil science. In recent years, the research has been focused on the assessment of the relationships between tomographic parameters of soil pore space and traditional soil hydrological constants, possibility of calculating the water retention curve and water conductivity function from the tomographic parameters of soil pore space, and on the quantitative assessment and prediction of soil degradation on the basis of tomographic data. The solution to these problems will make it possible to explain the physical phenomena controlling soil hydrological characteristics and to substantiate the use of tomographic data in applied soil science, soil hydrology, and agrophysics.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):50-57
pages 50-57 views

Soil Biology

Microbiological Transformation of Organic Matter in Oil-Polluted Tundra Soils after Their Reclamation

Maslov M., Maslova O., Ezhelev Z.


The influence of oil pollution caused by the accident of 1994 on the biological activity of Histic Cryosols is considered. Despite the use of complex mechanical (oil removal), physicochemical (washing on special devices), and agrotechnical (fertilization, plowing, grass sowing) reclamation techniques, the residual content of oil hydrocarbons in the soils can reach high values. The disturbance of the natural peat soil horizon during the reclamation procedures reduces the respiratory activity, as well as the potential rate of consuming the substrates, plant residues and water-soluble organic matter, which decreases the carbon cycle rate.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):58-65
pages 58-65 views

Mineralogy and Micromorphology of Soils

Regional Diversity of Mineralogical Composition of Solonetzes in Russia

Khitrov N., Varlamov E.


The quantitative and qualitative diversity of the clay fraction (<1 µm) from parent materials (BC and C horizons), albic (suprasolonetzic eluvial SEL) horizons, and clay-illuvial solonetzic (BSN) horizons of Solonetzes in different regions of the East European and West Siberian plains is described. The contents of smectitic phase (1.7 nm) (SM), illites (1.0 nm) (IL), and the sum of kaolinite and chlorite (0.7 nm) were calculated by the Biscaye method for all the samples. Overall, data on the mineralogical composition of 394 samples of soil horizons in 71 Solonetz soil profiles were summarized. The empirical statistical cumulative and differential distribution curves of clay minerals were obtained. The frequency of occurrence of different types of mineral distribution in the profile was assessed. It was found that Solonetzes do not have a single type of distribution of clay minerals in the profile because of the differences in the mineralogical composition of parent materials and soil forming conditions. The eluvial–illuvial distribution pattern of illites in the bulk soil mass (ILSEL < ILBSN > ILBC) was the most frequent variant; its occurrence frequency varied from 25 to 65% in separate groups of Solonetzes and comprised 57% of the total data sample. Traditionally, the eluvial–illuvial distribution of smectitic phase (SMSEL < SMBSN > SMBC) is considered to be typical of Solonetzes. However, its occurrence frequency varied from 10 to 30% in separate groups of Solonetzes and comprised just 20% of the total data sample.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):66-82
pages 66-82 views

Carbonate Rhizoliths in Dune Sands of the Belaya River Valley (Upper Angara Region)

Golubtsov V., Khokhlova O., Cherkashina A.


Results of investigating carbonate rhizoliths formed in the Early Holocene dune sands in the Belaya River valley are presented. Carbonate accumulations are characterized by large sizes (2 to 7 cm in diameter, and about 1 m in length), which is associated with a high content of carbonates in the enclosing sediments and long-lasting rhizoliths formation. Morphology, mineralogical and isotopic composition of accumulations attest to their origin related to roots and root microorganisms activity. The redistribution of carbonates from the surrounding sediments and their concentration near the roots increased the carbonate content there to more than 30%. With the distance from the roots, the amount of carbonates decreases to 10–12% causing a concentric structure of rhizoliths. In the cross-section of the accumulations, the central and peripheral parts have distinct differences: in the central parts, carbonates are completely recrystallized and represented by pure calcite with insignificant inclusions of quartz and feldspars; on the periphery, coarse-grain silicate material prevails, and it is weakly cemented by clay-carbonate plasma bridges. The δ13C values of carbonates range from –7.4 to –1.5‰ and increase to the periphery owing to recrystallization of primary carbonates. The δ13C value of the rhizoliths’ organic residues is –22.15‰ indicating the formation of carbonate accumulations around the roots of C3-vegetation. The carbonate δ18O values of rhizoliths vary from ‒10.34 to –11.99‰ demonstrating the trend towards 18O enrichment from the inner to outer layers. Calculation of the annual temperatures using the δ18O values of the inner layers of rhizoliths consisting only of secondary carbonates, showed significant temperature deviations during the formation of carbonate accumulations from modern ones. The radiocarbon age of rhizoliths carbonate cementations (7160 ± 100 kyr BP) is slightly less than the age of enclosing deposits. Organic residues from the central parts of the rhizoliths are much younger (1770 ± 40 kyr BP) which is explained by the penetration of organic matter of soils and plant biomass through the cavities which apparently did not cause contamination of the carbonate component of the rhizoliths with younger carbon.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):83-93
pages 83-93 views

Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Fertility

Soil-Biogeochemical Aspects of Arable Farming in the Russian Federation

Kudeyarov V.


Soil-biogeochemical aspects of the current state of arable land in the Russian Federation are discussed. Considerable transformation of Russian agriculture has led to structural changes in the agricultural land use, including arable farming. About forty million hectares of former arable land have been abandoned and converted into the category of abandoned lands subjected to overgrowing with meadow and woody vegetation. The restoration of natural vegetation in postagrogenic ecosystems is accompanied by changes in the biological productivity and composition of vegetation on agricultural land in general. The reduction of plowlands and their transformation to abandoned lands have changed the carbon budget. In the early 1990s, arable farming was the net source of C-CO2. At present, the total arable land area in Russia is estimated at approximately 80 M ha. This area is a source of about 20 Mt C-CO2/yr. Forty million hectares of former arable land have turned into the sink of C-CO2 of about 40 Mt/yr in size. Thus, the entire agricultural land in Russia functions as the net sink for atmospheric CO2 at the rate of 20 Tg C/yr. This fact can be considered a contribution of Russian agriculture to the goals of the “soil 4 per mille” international program assuming carbon sequestration in agricultural soils. Changes in the agricultural land use patterns together with a sharp decrease in the application of all kinds of fertilizers have led to prevalent biogeochemical flux of nutrients (N, P, K) from arable soils to urbanized areas. The deficient nutrient budget implies that the soil-climatic potential and the potentials of other factors increasing farming productivity (new varieties, plant-protective chemicals, etc.) are not fully realized in agricultural production. In 25 years (1992–2016), the uptake of nutrients by crops from arable land comprised 91, 33, and 90 Mt for N, P2O5, and K2O, respectively. The amount of applied fertilizers in that period was only about 28 Mt for N, 10 Mt for P2O5, and 28 Mt for K2O. The highly deficient budget of phosphorus is of special concern. Under these conditions, it is necessary to significantly restrict the export of apatite concentrate and phosphate fertilizers as strategic (nonrenewable) resources necessary for ensuring the food security of Russia for decades ahead.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):94-104
pages 94-104 views

History of Science

Pavel Vladimirovich Ototsky (1866–1954): Pedologist and Organizer of Soil Science Research

Ivanov I., Rusakova E., Kovalev M.


Pavel Vladimirovich Ototsky was the founder and first editor of the Pochvovedenie journal. The article presents his biography and activity in science and organization of research.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(1):105-111
pages 105-111 views

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