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Том 50, № 12 (2017)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Hydrocarbon Status of Alluvial Soils in the Istra Morphostructural Node (Moscow Oblast)

Pikovskiy Y., Gennadiev A., Kovach R., Khlynina N., Khlynina A.


The effect of the current block structure of the earth’s crust and its most active sites (morphostructural nodes) on the natural hydrocarbon status of alluvial soils has been considered. Studies have been performed in the Istra district of Moscow oblast within the Istra morphostructural node. The node represents an area of increased geodynamic activity of the earth’s crust located at the convergence or intersection of block boundaries: mobile linear zones following large river valleys with alluvial soils. Soil cover mainly consists of alluvial humic-gley soils (Eutric Gleyic Fluvisols) of different depths and alluvial mucky-gley soils (Eutric Gleyic Histic Fluvisols). Some soils manifest stratification. Two factors forming the hydrocarbon status of soils are considered: soil processes and the effect of geodynamic activity, which is manifested within the morphostructural node. The contents of bitumoids and retained methane and butanes in alluvial soils appreciably increase at the entry of river valley into the node. The occurrence frequency of 5–6-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (perylene and benzo[ghi]perylene) in mineral horizons increases. It has been concluded that alluvial soils within the Istra morphostructural node are characterized by the biogeochemical type of hydrocarbon status with signs of emanation type at sites with the highest geodynamic activity.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1363-1374
pages 1363-1374 views

Location of Bare Soil Surface and Soil Line on the RED–NIR Spectral Plane

Koroleva P., Rukhovich D., Rukhovich A., Rukhovich D., Kulyanitsa A., Trubnikov A., Kalinina N., Simakova M.


Soil as a separate natural body occupies certain area with its own set of spectral characteristics within the RED–NIR spectral space. This is an ellipse-shaped area, and its semi-major axis is the soil line for a satellite image. The spectral area for a bare soil surface is neighboring to the areas of black carbon, straw, vegetating plants, and missing RED–NIR values. A reliable separation of the bare soil surface within the spectral space is possible with the technology of spectral neighborhood of soil line. The accuracy of this method is 90%. The determination of the bare soil surface using vegetation indices, both relative (NDVI), and perpendicular (PVI), is incorrect; the accuracy of these methods does not exceed 65%, and for most of the survey seasons it may be lower than 50%. The flat part of the “tasseled cap” described as the soil line, is not a synonym for the area of the bare soil surface. The bare soil surface on the RED–NIR plots occupies significantly smaller areas than the area of soil line according to Kauth and Thomas.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1375-1385
pages 1375-1385 views

Soil Chemistry

The Effect of Treatment with Hydrogen Peroxide and the Mehra–Jackson Reagent on X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Clay Fractions

Sokolova T., Tolpeshta I., Izosimova Y., Umnova V., Lashukov P.


X-ray diffraction patterns of clay fractions from the AEL and EL horizons of pale-podzolic soil before and after treatment with 10% H2O2 and the Mehra–Jackson reagent in different sequences have been examined. The successive treatment with 10% H2O2 and then with the Mehra–Jackson reagent causes dissolution of Al-hydroxy-interlayers in pedogenic chlorites and the respective increase in the content of labile minerals because of a dramatic decrease in pH upon the treatment with hydrogen peroxide. The rate of these changes depends on the degree of chloritization of pedogenic chlorites in the initial samples. The result of the reverse sequence of the treatments of clay fractions (initially with the Mehra–Jackson reagent and then with hydrogen peroxide) is opposite: the chloritization of labile minerals becomes more intensive. It is provided by pH values that do not drop below 7.5 at any treatment stage. At particular stages, pH values favors the mobilization of Al compounds and their subsequent polymerization in the interlayer space of labile structures. We suppose that hydroxyl-aluminosilicate layers may be formed in the interlayer space upon this treatment sequence.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1386-1394
pages 1386-1394 views

Concentrations of Radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th, 40K, and 137Cs) in Chernozems of Volgograd Oblast Sampled in Different Years

Mingareeva E., Sanzharova N., Sukhacheva E., Aparin B.


Data on the concentrations of natural (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) and artificial (137Cs) radionuclides and on the physicochemical properties of chernozems sampled in different years are presented. In 1952, upon the creation of the Penza-Kamensk state shelterbelt, three deep (up to 3 m) soil pits were examined within the former arable field under two-year-old plantations of ash and maple along the transect crossing the territory of the Beloprudskaya Experimental Station of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Volgograd oblast. The samples from these pits were included into the collection of dated soil samples of the Dokuchaev Central Soil Science Museum. Five pits were examined along the same transect in 2009: three pits under shelterbelts (analogues of the pits studied in 1952) and two pits on arable fields between the shelterbelts. In the past 57 years, certain changes took place in the soil structure, bulk density, and the content and composition of humus. The salt profile of soils changed significantly under the forests. The comparison of distribution patterns of natural soil radionuclides in 1952 and 2009 demonstrated their higher contents at the depth of 10–20 cm in 2009 (except for the western shelterbelt). Background concentrations of natural radionuclides in parent materials and relationships between their distributions and the salt profiles of soils have been determined; they are most clearly observed is the soils under shelterbelts. Insignificant contamination with 137Cs (up to 34 Bq/kg) has been found in the samples of 2009 from the upper (0–20 cm) horizon. The activity of 137Cs regularly decreases from the east to the west; the highest concentrations of this radionuclide are found in the topmost 10 cm. This allows us to suppose that 137Cs was brought with aerial dust by eastern winds, and the shelterbelts served as barriers to the wind flow.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1395-1405
pages 1395-1405 views

Geochemistry of Thorium and Uranium in Soils of the Southern Urals

Asylbaev I., Khabirov I., Gabbasova I., Rafikov B., Lukmanov N.


Specific features of the horizontal and vertical distribution of uranium and thorium in soils and parent materials of the Southern Urals within the Bashkortostan Republic have been studied with the use of mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. The dependence of distribution patterns of these elements on the local environmental conditions is shown. A scale for soil evaluation according to the concentrations of uranium and thorium (mg/kg) is suggested: the low level, up to 3; medium, up to 9; high, up to 15; and very high, above 15 mg/kg. On the basis of to this scale, the ecological state of the soils is evaluated, and the schematic geochemical map of the region is compiled. The territory of Bashkortostan is subdivided into two parts according to the contents of radioactive elements in soils: the western part with distinct accumulation of uranium and the eastern part with predominant thorium accumulation. This finding supports the charriage (thrust fault) nature of the fault zone of the Southern Urals. The vertical distribution patterns of uranium and thorium in soils of the region are of the same character. The dependence between the contents of these two elements and rare-earth elements has been established. The results of this study are applied for assessing the ecological state of soils in the region.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1406-1413
pages 1406-1413 views

Predicting Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in the Russian Chernozem from Depth and Wireless Color Sensor Measurements

Mikhailova E., Stiglitz R., Post C., Schlautman M., Sharp J., Gerard P.


Color sensor technologies offer opportunities for affordable and rapid assessment of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in the field, but the applicability of these technologies may vary by soil type. The objective of this study was to use an inexpensive color sensor to develop SOC and TN prediction models for the Russian Chernozem (Haplic Chernozem) in the Kursk region of Russia. Twenty-one dried soil samples were analyzed using a Nix Pro™ color sensor that is controlled through a mobile application and Bluetooth to collect CIEL*a*b* (darkness to lightness, green to red, and blue to yellow) color data. Eleven samples were randomly selected to be used to construct prediction models and the remaining ten samples were set aside for cross validation. The root mean squared error (RMSE) was calculated to determine each model’s prediction error. The data from the eleven soil samples were used to develop the natural log of SOC (lnSOC) and TN (lnTN) prediction models using depth, L*, a*, and b* for each sample as predictor variables in regression analyses. Resulting residual plots, root mean square errors (RMSE), mean squared prediction error (MSPE) and coefficients of determination (R2, adjusted R2) were used to assess model fit for each of the SOC and total N prediction models. Final models were fit using all soil samples, which included depth and color variables, for lnSOC (R2 = 0.987, Adj. R2 = 0.981, RMSE = 0.003, p-value < 0.001, MSPE = 0.182) and lnTN (R2 = 0.980 Adj. R2 = 0.972, RMSE = 0.004, p-value < 0.001, MSPE = 0.001). Additionally, final models were fit for all soil samples, which included only color variables, for lnSOC (R2 = 0.959 Adj. R2 = 0.949, RMSE = 0.007, p-value < 0.001, MSPE = 0.536) and lnTN (R2 = 0.912 Adj. R2 = 0.890, RMSE = 0.015, p-value < 0.001, MSPE = 0.001). The results suggest that soil color may be used for rapid assessment of SOC and TN in these agriculturally important soils.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1414-1419
pages 1414-1419 views

Comparison of Chemical Extraction Methods for Determination of Soil Potassium in Different Soil Types

Zebec V., Rastija D., Lončarić Z., Bensa A., Popović B., Ivezić V.


Determining potassium supply of soil plays an important role in intensive crop production, since it is the basis for balancing nutrients and issuing fertilizer recommendations for achieving high and stable yields within economic feasibility. The aim of this study was to compare the different extraction methods of soil potassium from arable horizon of different types of soils with ammonium lactate method (KAL), which is frequently used as analytical method for determining the accessibility of nutrients and it is a common method used for issuing fertilizer recommendations in many Europe countries. In addition to the ammonium lactate method (KAL, pH 3.75), potassium was extracted with ammonium acetate (KAA, pH 7), ammonium acetate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (KAAEDTA, pH 4.6), Bray (KBRAY, pH 2.6) and with barium chloride (\(K_{BaCl_2 }\), pH 8.1). The analyzed soils were extremely heterogeneous with a wide range of determined values. Soil pH reaction \(\left( {pH_{H_2 O} } \right)\) ranged from 4.77 to 8.75, organic matter content ranged from 1.87 to 4.94% and clay content from 8.03 to 37.07%. In relation to KAL method as the standard method, \(K_{BaCl_2 }\) method extracts 12.9% more on average of soil potassium, while in relation to standard method, on average KAA extracts 5.3%, KAAEDTA 10.3%, and KBRAY 27.5% less of potassium. Comparison of analyzed extraction methods of potassium from the soil is of high precision, and most reliable comparison was KAL method with KAAEDTA, followed by a: KAA, \(K_{BaCl_2 }\) and KBRAY method. Extremely significant statistical correlation between different extractive methods for determining potassium in the soil indicates that any of the methods can be used to accurately predict the concentration of potassium in the soil, and that carried out research can be used to create prediction model for concentration of potassium based on different methods of extraction.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1420-1427
pages 1420-1427 views

Soil Physics

Thermal Desorption Analysis of Effective Specific Soil Surface Area

Smagin A., Bashina A., Klyueva V., Kubareva A.


A new method of assessing the effective specific surface area based on the successive thermal desorption of water vapor at different temperature stages of sample drying is analyzed in comparison with the conventional static adsorption method using a representative set of soil samples of different genesis and degree of dispersion. The theory of the method uses the fundamental relationship between the thermodynamic water potential (Ψ) and the absolute temperature of drying (T): Ψ = QaT, where Q is the specific heat of vaporization, and a is the physically based parameter related to the initial temperature and relative humidity of the air in the external thermodynamic reservoir (laboratory). From gravimetric data on the mass fraction of water (W) and the Ψ value, Polyanyi potential curves (W(Ψ)) for the studied samples are plotted. Water sorption isotherms are then calculated, from which the capacity of monolayer and the target effective specific surface area are determined using the BET theory. Comparative analysis shows that the new method well agrees with the conventional estimation of the degree of dispersion by the BET and Kutilek methods in a wide range of specific surface area values between 10 and 250 m2/g.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1428-1434
pages 1428-1434 views

Effects of Land Use on Concentrations and Chemical Forms of Phosphorus in Different-Size Aggregates

Ahmad E., Demisie W., Zhang M.


Land use has been recognized as an important driver of environmental change on all spatial and temporal scales. This study was conducted to determine the effects of land uses on phosphorus concentration in bulk soil and in water-stable aggregates in different soils. The study was conducted on three soil types (Ferrosols, Cambosols, and Primosols), which were collected from three different locations from southeast China and under three land uses (Uncultivated, Vegetable and forest land) the region is characterized as a hill and plain area. Accordingly, a total of 24 soil samples were collected. The results showed that average contents of total P were 0.55–1.55 g/kg, 0.28–1.03 g/kg and 0.14–0.8 g/kg for the soils: Cambosols, Ferrosols and Primosols respectively. Vegetable and forest land led to higher total phosphorus contents in these soils than in the uncultivated land. An aggregate fraction of >2 mm under forest land made up the largest percentage (30 up to 70%), whereas the size fraction <0.106 mm made the least contribution (5 up to 20%) in all soil types. Vegetable land increased the total phosphorus, organic phosphorus and Olsen P and phosphorus forms in the soils. It implies that the conversion of natural ecosystem to vegetable land increased the phosphorus proportion in the soils, which could have negative impact on the environmental quality.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1435-1443
pages 1435-1443 views

Impact of Desalination on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Lanzhou Loess

Bing H., Zhang Y., Ma M.


Soluble salt in soil has a significant influence on the physical and mechanical properties of the soil. We performed desalination experiments on Lanzhou loess, a typical sulfate saline soil, to study the effects of salt on the physical and mechanical properties of the loess and compare variations in the soil properties after desalination. The Atterberg limits of the soil increased after desalination as a result of changes in the soil particle composition and grain refinement. The shear and uniaxial compressive strength of the soil increased as a result of decreased calcitic cementation and other changes to the soil structure. Scanning electron microstructure (SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) procedures revealed changes to the microstructure and pore-size distribution of the Lanzhou loess after desalination.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1444-1449
pages 1444-1449 views

Viscoelastic Properties of Soil with Different Ammonium Nitrate Addition

Kawecka-Radomska M., Tomczyńska-Mleko M., Muszyński S., Wesołowska-Trojanowska M., Mleko S.


Four different soils samples were taken from not cultivated recreational places. Particle-size distribution and pH (in water and in 1 M KCl) of the soil samples were measured. Soil samples were saturated with deionized water and solution of ammonium nitrate with the concentration of 5, 50 or 500 mM for 3 days. The samples were analyzed using dynamic oscillatory rheometer by frequency and strain sweeps. Soil samples were similar to physical gels, as they presented rheological properties between those of a concentrated biopolymer and a true gel. 50 mM concentration of the salt was enough to make changes in the elasticity of the soils. Small concentration of the fertilizer caused weakening of the soil samples structure. Higher concentration of ammonium nitrate caused the increase in the moduli crossover strain value. For the loam sample taken from a playground, with the highest content of the particles <0.002 mm (clay aluminosilicates), the lowest value of strain was observed at the moduli intersection. Lower strain value was necessary for the sliding shear effect of soil A sample effecting transgression to the “flowing” state. Strain sweep moduli crossover point can be used as a determinant of the rheological properties of soil.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1450-1454
pages 1450-1454 views

Soil Biology

Thermal Impact of Gas Flares on the Biological Activity of Soils

Yevdokimov I., Yusupov I., Larionova A., Bykhovets S., Glagolev M., Shavnin S.


Global warming can lead to a significant transformation of the structure of terrestrial ecosystems and changes in the mode of functioning of their components. In this connection, studies of soil respiration, particularly of the biological activity of soils under forest exposed to warm impact of flaring flare are of scientific and practical interests. A long-term experimental plot was established in a lichen pine forest on the Albic Podzols (Arenic) (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area-Yugra). Sampling and measurements were carried out in the areas at the distances of 70, 90, and 130 m from the flare with the strong, moderate, and weak heating effects, respectively. In the zone of the maximum heating effect, the soil temperature was by 1.3°C higher, and the rate of CO2 emission from the surface in situ was greater by 18% compared to the zone with weak impact of the flare. Along with increasing CO2 emissions, organic matter accumulated due to increasing the stable pool. The parameters of the microbial biomass, basal respiration, and the input of labile organic matter pool increased with the distance from the flare.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1455-1462
pages 1455-1462 views

Yeast Communities of Chestnut Soils under Vineyards in Dagestan

Abdullabekova D., Magomedova E., Magomedov G., Aliverdieva D., Kachalkin A.


The study of yeast communities in chestnut soils (Kastanozems) under vineyards in the Republic of Dagestan made it possible to isolate 20 yeast species. Most of the yeasts under vineyards belonged to ascomycetes, among which species of the Saccharomycetaceae family (in particular, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) comprised a significant part. The obtained results indicate that the soils under vineyards keep the pool of microbial diversity and ensure preservation of many species typical for grapes. The method of enrichment culture on grape juice medium proved to be more efficient than other methods of analysis with respect to the number of isolated species and the rate of their detection. However, implementation of different techniques to study yeasts’ diversity can give somewhat different results; a set of methods should be used for an integrated analysis.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1463-1467
pages 1463-1467 views

Mineralogy and Micromorphology of Soils

Mineralogical Composition of Particle-Size Fractions of Solonetzes from the North Crimean Lowland

Chizhikova N., Khitrov N., Tronza G., Kol’tsov S., Varlamov E., Chechetko E., Churilin N.


Data on the mineralogical composition of clay (<1 μm), fine silt (1–5 μm), medium silt (5–10 μm), and coarser (>10 μm) fractions of meadow solonchakous solonetzes (Calcic Gypsic Salic Stagnic Solonetz (Albic, Siltic, Columnic, Cutanic, Differentic)) developing from loesslike loam and clay in the North Crimean Lowland are presented. Fractions >5 μm constitute nearly 50% of the soil mass and are characterized by the same mineralogical composition in the entire profile; they consist of quartz, plagioclases, potassium feldspars, and micas (biotite and muscovite). The eluvial-illuvial redistribution of clay in the course of solonetzic process is accompanied by changes in the portion of mixed-layer minerals and hydromicas in the upper part of the profile; a larger part of the smectitic phase is transformed into the superdisperse state. In the eluvial SEL horizon and in the illuvial BSN horizon, the clay fraction is impoverished in smectitic phase and enriched in trioctahedral hydromicas. Upon calculation of the content of clay minerals per bulk soil mass, the distribution of mixed-layer minerals is either eluvial, or eluvial-illuvial, whereas the distribution of hydromicas has an illuvial pattern without distinct eluvial minimum in the SEL horizons. The eluvial-illuvial distribution pattern of clay minerals in solonetzes of the North Crimean Lowland is compared with the distribution pattern of clay minerals in solonetzes of the West Siberian Lowland. Coefficients characterizing differentiation of solonetzes by the contents of particular mineral components are suggested.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1468-1482
pages 1468-1482 views

Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Fertility

Enhancing Nitrogen Availability, Ammonium Adsorption-Desorption, and Soil pH Buffering Capacity using Composted Paddy Husk

Latifah O., Ahmed O., Abdul Majid N.


Form of nitrogen present in soils is one of the factors that affect nitrogen loss. Nitrate is mobile in soils because it does not absorb on soil colloids, thus, causing it to be leached by rainfall to deeper soil layers or into the ground water. On the other hand, temporary retention and timely release of ammonium in soils regulate nitrogen availability for crops. In this study, composted paddy husk was used in studies of soil leaching, buffering capacity, and ammonium adsorption and desorption to determine the: (i) availability of exchangeable ammonium, available nitrate, and total nitrogen in an acid soil after leaching the soil for 30 days, (ii) soil buffering capacity, and (iii) ability of the composted paddy husk to adsorb and desorb ammonium from urea. Leaching of ammonium and nitrate were lower in all treatments with urea and composted paddy husk compared with urea alone. Higher retention of soil exchangeable ammonium, available nitrate, and total nitrogen of the soils with composted paddy husk were due to the high buffering capacity and cation exchange capacity of the amendment to adsorb ammonium thus, improving nitrogen availability through temporary retention on the exchange sites of the humic acids of the composted paddy husk. Nitrogen availability can be enhanced if urea is amended with composted paddy husk.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1483-1493
pages 1483-1493 views

Identifying the Tillage Effects on Phosphorus Export from Phaeozems-Dominated Agricultural Watershed: a Plot-Scale Rainfall-Runoff Study in Northeast China

Zhou Y., Xu Y., Xiao W., Wang J., Hao C., Zhou P., Shi M.


Evaluating tillage effects on soil phosphorus (P) loss at the plot-scale has significant implication for developing best management practices (BMPs) to protect water quality and soil productivity management in agricultural watersheds. This paper aims to quantify P loss from tilled soils under different rainfall patterns in a Phaeozems-dominated agricultural watershed. Eleven rainfall events were monitored at three experimental sites growing corns with conventional till, conservational till, and no-till during a growing season from July to August in 2013. Mean event mean concentration of dissolved phosphorus was 0.130, 0.213 and 0.614 mg L–1 and mean particulate phosphorus transfer rate was 103.502, 33.359 and 27.127 g ha–1 hr–1, respectively for three tillage practices. Results showed that less tillage practices could significantly reduce sediment runoff and PP loss, accompanied with a moderate reduction of runoff yield. While the proportion of PP has been cut down, the proportion of DP could account for the majority. Hydrological factors, including antecedent soil moisture and rainfall variables, could exert various effects on DP, PP and sediment losses under different tillage conditions. Further, the results of this study imply that the soil P loss management and water quality protection in black soil region of Northeast China should take consideration of diverse effects of tillage on phosphorus loss and the dynamics of P between different forms.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1494-1505
pages 1494-1505 views

Soil Erosion

Characteristics of Nitrogen Loss through Surface-Subsurface Flow on Red Soil Slopes of Southeast China

Zheng H., Liu Z., Zuo J., Wang L., Nie X.


Soil nitrogen (N) loss related to surface flow and subsurface flow (including interflow and groundwater flow) from slope lands is a global issue. A lysimetric experiment with three types of land cover (grass cover, GC; litter cover, LC; and bare land, BL) were carried out on a red soil slope land in southeast China. Total Nitrogen (TN) loss through surface flow, interflow and groundwater flow was observed under 28 natural precipitation events from 2015 to 2016. TN concentrations from subsurface flow on BL and LC plots were, on average, 2.7–8.2 and 1.5–4.4 times greater than TN concentrations from surface flow, respectively; the average concentration of TN from subsurface flow on GC was about 36–56% of that recorded from surface flow. Surface flow, interflow and groundwater flow contributed 0–15, 2–9 and 76–96%, respectively, of loss load of TN. Compared with BL, GC and LC intercepted 83–86% of TN loss through surface runoff; GC intercepted 95% of TN loss through subsurface flow while TN loss through subsurface flow on LC is 2.3 times larger than that on BL. In conclusion, subsurface flow especially groundwater flow is the dominant hydrological rout for N loss that is usually underestimated. Grass cover has the high retention of N runoff loss while litter mulch will increase N leaching loss. These findings provide scientific support to control N runoff loss from the red soil slope lands by using suitable vegetation cover and mulching techniques.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1506-1514
pages 1506-1514 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Dynamics of Soil Properties and Plant Composition during Postagrogenic Evolution in Different Bioclimatic Zones

Telesnina V., Kurganova I., Lopes de Gerenyu V., Ovsepyan L., Lichko V., Ermolaev A., Mirin D.


The postagrogenic dynamics of acidity and some parameters of humus status have been studied in relation to the restoration of zonal vegetation in southern taiga (podzolic and soddy-podzolic soils (Retisols)), coniferous-broadleaved (subtaiga) forest (gray forest soil (Luvic Phaeozem)), and forest-steppe (gray forest soil (Haplic Phaeozem)) subzones. The most significant transformation of the studied properties of soils under changing vegetation has been revealed for poor sandy soils of southern taiga. The degree of changes in the content and stocks of organic carbon, the enrichment of humus in nitrogen, and acidity in the 0- to 20-cm soil layer during the postagrogenic evolution decreases from north to south. The adequate reflection of soil physicochemical properties in changes of plant cover is determined by the climatic zone and the land use pattern. A correlation between the changes in the soil acidity and the portion of acidophilic species in the plant cover is revealed for the southern taiga subzone. A positive relationship is found between the content of organic carbon and the share of species preferring humus-rich soils in the forest-steppe zone.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1515-1534
pages 1515-1534 views

Radioactive Contamination of Alluvial Soils in the Taiga Landscapes of Yakutia with 137Cs, 226Ra, and 238U

Chevychelov A., Sobakin P.


The concentrations and distribution of 137Cs in alluvial soils (Fluvisols) of the upper and middle reaches of the Markha River in the northwest of Yakutia and 226Ra and 238U in alluvial soils within the El’kon uranium ore deposit in the south of Yakutia have been studied. It is shown that the migration of radiocesium in the permafrost-affected soils of Yakutia owing to alluviation processes extends to more than 600 km from the source of the radioactive contamination. The migration of 137Cs with water flows is accompanied by its deposition in the buried horizons of alluvial soils during extremely high floods caused by ice jams. In the technogenic landscapes of southern Yakutia, active water migration of 238U and 226Ra from radioactive dump rocks. The leaching of 238U with surface waters from the rocks is more intense than the leaching of 226Ra. The vertical distribution patterns of 238U and 226Ra in the profiles of alluvial soils are complex. Uranium tends to accumulate in the surface humus horizon and in the buried soil horizons, whereas radium does not display any definite regularities of its distribution in the soil profiles. At present, the migration of 238U and 226Ra with river water and their accumulation in the alluvial soils extend to about 30 km from the source.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(12):1535-1544
pages 1535-1544 views

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