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Том 50, № 4 (2017)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Anthropogenic sediments and soils of tells of the Balkans and Anatolia: Composition, genesis, and relationships with the history of landscape and human occupation

Sedov S., Aleksandrovskii A., Benz M., Balabina V., Mishina T., Shishkov V., Şahin F., Özkaya V.


Soils and sediments composing Tell Körtik Tepe (Epipaleolithic, Turkey) and Tell Yunatsite (Chalcolithic (Eneolithic), Bulgaria) have been studied with the aim to gain a better insight into their microfabrics, determine the composition of anthropogenic artifacts, and, on this basis, to analyze similarities and distinctions between these objects and the modern soils of urban areas. The methods of micromorphology, scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer, X-ray fluorometry, and other techniques to determine the chemical and physical properties of the soils and sediments have been applied. Two paleosols have been identified in Tell Yunatsite with a total thickness of 9 m: the paleosol buried under the tell and the paleosol in its middle part. Sediments of Tell Körtik Tepe have a total thickness of up to 5 m; their accumulation began at the end of Pleistocene over the surface of buried paleosol. The cultural layer of the tells consists of construction debris mainly represented by a mixture of clay and sand and of domestic wastes with the high content of phosphorus. The major source of phosphorus is calcium phosphate (apatite) of bone tissues. The abundance of various anthropogenic materials in the sediments is clearly seen in thin sections. Even in the paleosols developed within the cultural layer (the mid-profile paleosol in Tell Yunatsite), the amount of microinclusions of bone fragments, charcoal, and burnt clay (ceramics) is very high. Micromorphological data indicate that up to 50% of the layered material filling an Epipaleolithic construction in Tell Körtik Tepe consists of the anthropogenic inclusions: bone fragments, charcoal, etc. The features of pedogenic transformation are present in the sediments. Such sediments can be classified as synlithogenic soils similar to the modern Urbic Technosols. It is shown that the formation of paleosols and sediments of Tell Körtik Tepe took place under extreme environmental conditions—arid climate of the latest Pleistocene climate cooling phase (the Younger Dryas, Tell Körtik Tepe)—and intensive anthropogenic loads (tells Körtik Tepe and Yunatsite).

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):373-386
pages 373-386 views

The application of the piecewise linear approximation to the spectral neighborhood of soil line for the analysis of the quality of normalization of remote sensing materials

Rukhovich D., Simakova M., Kulyanitsa A., Rukhovich A., Rukhovich D., Koroleva P.


The concept of soil line can be to describe the temporal distribution of spectral characteristics of the bare soil surface. In this case, the soil line can be referred to as the multi-temporal soil line, or simply temporal soil line (TSL). In order to create TSL for 8000 regular lattice points for the territory of three regions of Tula oblast, we used 34 Landsat images obtained in the period from 1985 to 2014 after their certain transformation. As Landsat images are the matrices of the values of spectral brightness, this transformation is the normalization of matrices. There are several methods of normalization that move, rotate, and scale the spectral plane. In our study, we applied the method of piecewise linear approximation to the spectral neighborhood of soil line in order to assess the quality of normalization mathematically. This approach allowed us to range normalization methods according to their quality as follows: classic normalization > successive application of the turn and shift > successive application of the atmospheric correction and shift > atmospheric correction > shift > turn > raw data. The normalized data allowed us to create the maps of the distribution of a and b coefficients of the TSL. The map of b coefficient is characterized by the high correlation with the ground-truth data obtained from 1899 soil pits described during the soil surveys performed by the local institute for land management (GIPROZEM).

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):387-395
pages 387-395 views

Soil Chemistry

Evaluation of organic carbon stocks and СО2 fluxes in grasslands of Western Transbaikalia

Lavrentyeva I., Merkusheva M., Ubugunov L.


The stocks of organic carbon and mean rates of the CO2 emission during the growing season (May–September) and the entire year were estimated in a sequence of grass ecosystems along the transect encompassing chestnut and meadow-chestnut steppe soils, marsh and meadow alluvial soils, and a haloxerophytic community on a typical solonchak. The total stocks of organic carbon comprised 6.17–9.70 kg С/m2 in steppe, 7.41–10.04 kg С/m2 in floodplain, and 4.74 kg С/m2 in haloxerophytic ecosystems. The portion of humus carbon in the upper 50-cm-thick soil layer comprised 79–92% of the total carbon stock. The mean daily CO2 emission (С–CO2/(m2 day)) from alluvial soils was moderate (3.3–4.9) or low (1.5–2.5). The dependence of the CO2 emission on the moistening of steppe soils, temperature of alluvial soils, and temperature and moistening of solonchak was revealed. In comparison with the CO2 emission from the zonal chestnut soil, its mean values during the growing season and the entire year were 1.2 times higher for the meadowchestnut soil, 3.3 times higher for the marsh alluvial soil, 2.3 times higher for the meadow alluvial soil, and 1.7 times higher for the solonchak. The portion of the CO2 emission beyond the growing season in the mean annual emission averaged 19.8–24.2% and depended on the type of grass ecosystem and on weather conditions of particular years. The sink of carbon in the grass ecosystems exceeded carbon emission, especially in the steppe ecosystems.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):396-411
pages 396-411 views

Hydrocarbon status of soils in the asphalt deposit area (Samara Bend)

Pikovskiy Y., Gennadiev A., Kovach R., Zhidkin A., Khlynina N., Kiseleva A.


The composition and distribution features of the main components of soil hydrocarbon complex― organic (noncarbonate) carbon, hexane bitumoids, and individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)―in the area of depleted Bakhilovo asphalt deposit (Samara oblast) have been studied. According to their proportions, three genetic types of soil hydrocarbon status are distinguished: (a) emanation–injection type prevailing within the limits of the former production field and characterized by anomalous contents of heavy resinous bitumoids (5000–7000 mg/kg on the average) throughout the soil profile and a high content of PAHs (4–9 mg/kg on the average, 29 mg/kg as the maximum, with the dominance of naphthalene homologues); (b) emanation–biogeochemical type confined to mechanogenically undisturbed soils within and beyond the deposit area, where the emanation component is manifested in soils with heavy texture and higher concentrations and very light composition of bitumoids in the lower parts of the soil profile; and (c) atmosedimentation–biogeochemical type characteristic of conventionally background soils with light texture; benzo[a]pyrene traces are detected among PAHs in the upper soil horizon, which indicates the input of this hydrocarbon with aerosols from the atmosphere; the concentrations of bitumoids and PAHs in parent rocks are lower than in the soils.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):412-421
pages 412-421 views

Effect of temperature and moisture on the mineralization and humification of leaf litter in a model incubation experiment

Larionova A., Maltseva A., Lopes de Gerenyu V., Kvitkina A., Bykhovets S., Zolotareva B., Kudeyarov V.


The mineralization and humification of leaf litter collected in a mixed forest of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve depending on temperature (2, 12, and 22°C) and moisture (15, 30, 70, 100, and 150% of water holding capacity ( WHC)) has been studied in long-term incubation experiments. Mineralization is the most sensitive to temperature changes at the early stage of decomposition; the Q10 value at the beginning of the experiment (1.5–2.7) is higher than at the later decomposition stages (0.3–1.3). Carbon losses usually exceed nitrogen losses during decomposition. Intensive nitrogen losses are observed only at the high temperature and moisture of litter (22°C and 100% WHC). Humification determined from the accumulation of humic substances in the end of incubation decreases from 34 to 9% with increasing moisture and temperature. The degree of humification CHA/CFA is maximum (1.14) at 12°C and 15% WHC; therefore, these temperature and moisture conditions are considered optimal for humification. Humification calculated from the limit value of litter mineralization is almost independent of temperature, but it significantly decreases from 70 to 3% with increasing moisture. A possible reason for the difference between the humification values measured by two methods is the conservation of a significant part of hemicelluloses, cellulose, and lignin during the transformation of litter and the formation of a complex of humic substances with plant residues, where HSs fulfill a protectoral role and decrease the decomposition rate of plant biopolymers.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):422-431
pages 422-431 views

Soil carbon stocks along an altitudinal gradient in different land-use categories in Lesser Himalayan foothills of Kashmir

Shaheen H., Saeed Y., Abbasi M., Khaliq A.


The carbon sequestration potential of soils plays an important role in mitigating the effect of climate change, because soils serve as sinks for atmospheric carbon. The present study was conducted to estimate the carbon stocks and their variation with altitudinal gradient in the Lesser Himalayan foothills of Kashmir. The carbon stocks were estimated in different land use categories, namely: closed canopy forests, open forests, disturbed forests, and agricultural lands within the altitudinal range from 900 to 2500 m. The soil carbon content was determined by the Walkley–Black titration method. The average soil carbon stock was found to be 2.59 kg m–2. The average soil carbon stocks in closed canopy forests, open forests, and disturbed forests were 3.39, 2.06, and 2.86 kg m–2, respectively. The average soil carbon stock in the agricultural soils was 2.03 kg m–2. The carbon stocks showed a significant decreasing trend with the altitudinal gradient with maximum values of 4.13 kg m–2 at 900–1200 m a.s.l. and minimum value of 1.55 kg m–2 at 2100–2400 m a.s.l. The agricultural soil showed the least carbon content values indicating negative impacts of soil plowing, overgrazing, and soil degradation. Lower carbon values at higher altitudes attest to the immature character of forest stands, as well as to degradation due to immense fuel wood extraction, timber extraction, and harsh climatic conditions. The study indicates that immediate attention is required for the conservation of rapidly declining carbon stocks in agricultural soils, as well as in the soils of higher altitudes.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):432-437
pages 432-437 views

Dynamics of denitrification and ammonification activities in the abandoned and intensely cultivated gray forest soils (Tula oblast)

Emer N., Kostina N., Golichenkov M., Netrusov A.


The results of experimental study of daily dynamics of denitrification activity and the activity and population density of ammonifiers in the abandoned (converted to long-term fallow) and intensely cultivated gray forest soils (Luvic Retic Greyzemic Phaeozems (Aric)) are discussed. The potential denitrification activity in the arable soil is higher than that in the fallow soil, whereas the actual denitrification activity in the arable soil is lower. Data on the dynamics of ammonification do not show reliable differences between the activities of ammonifiers in the arable and fallow soils, though the number of ammonifying bacteria is considerably higher in the arable soil. Differences in daily dynamics of the numbers of ammonifiers in the fallow and arable soils are shown.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):438-444
pages 438-444 views

Soil Physics

An improved Mualem–Van Genuchten method and its verification using data on Beit Netofa clay

Terleev V., Mirschel W., Badenko V., Guseva I.


An improved Mualem–Van Genuchten method for estimating soil hydraulic conductivity in the vadose zone from data on filtration coefficient and water-retention capacity of soil is proposed. The approach offered by Kosugi for a functional description of hydraulic conductivity of soil is applied. To calculate the values of hydraulic conductivity by Mualem’s formula, the function of differential water capacity of soil with interpreted parameters has been used instead of the function of integral water capacity of soil, which describes the water-retention capacity of soil. Approximations to functions of soil water-retention capacity and hydraulic conductivity are offered here. On the basis of some concepts on the specificity of the curve that describes soil water-retention capacity, a technique for identification of these parameters is developed. The experimental data from two parts of capillary pressure range, on which the water-retention capacity of soil is measured, are used in the technique. The first part corresponds to the zone of mainly film moisture, where the sorption component of the capillary-sorption forces retaining the water in the soil predominates. The second part includes (a) the zone of the mainly capillary-suspended moisture, where the capillary component of the capillary-sorption forces predominates, and (b) the zone of the capillary-backed moisture. The improved method for estimating relative values of hydraulic conductivity of soil has been verified with the use of measured data for the Beit Netofa Сlay soil. The advantages of this method include (a) the ability to identify parameters of the soil hydrophysical functions using relatively available soil indices and (b) the higher accuracy of calculating the soil hydraulic conductivity in comparison with the original version of the method.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):445-455
pages 445-455 views

Mineralogy and Micromorphology of Soils

Minerals in the three-component combination of agrochernozems in the Kamennaya Steppe

Chizhikova N., Khitrov N., Samsonova A., Varlamov E., Churilin N., Rogovneva L., Cheverdin Y.


Properties and mineralogy of fine fractions separated from agrochernozems forming a three-component noncontrasting soil combination in the Kamennaya Steppe have been characterized. The soil cover consists of zooturbated (Haplic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic, Calcaric)), migrational-mycelial (Haplic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic)), and clay-illuvial (Luvic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic)) agrochernozems. All the soils are deeply quasi-gleyed because of periodical groundwater rise. The mineralogy of the fraction <1μm includes irregular mica–smectite interstratifications, di- and trioctahedral hydromicas, imperfect kaolinite, and magnesium–iron chlorite. The profile distribution of these minerals slightly varies depending on the subtype of spot-forming soils. A uniform distribution of clay minerals is observed in zooturbated agrochernozem; a poorly manifested eluvial–illuvial distribution of the smectite phase is observed in the clay-illuvial agrochernozem. The fractions of fine (1–5 μm) and medium (5–10 μm) silt consist of quartz, micas, potassium feldspars, plagioclases, kaolinite, and chlorite. There is no dominant mineral, because the share of each mineral is lower than 35–45%. The silt fractions differ in the quartz-to-mica ratio. The medium silt fraction contains more quartz, and the fine silt fraction contains more micas.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):456-469
pages 456-469 views

Soil Biology

Bacterial complexes of a high moor related to different elements of microrelief

Dobrovol’skaya T., Golovchenko A., Yakushev A., Yurchenko E., Manucharov N., Chernov I.


The analysis of bacterial complexes, including the number, taxonomic composition, physiological state, and proportion of ecological trophic groups was performed in a high moorland related to different elements of the microrelief. The abundance of bacteria, their ability for hydrolysis of polymers and the share of r-strategists were found to be higher in the sphagnum hillocks than on the flat surfaces. The total prokaryote biomass was 4 times greater in the sphagnum samples from microhighs (hillocks). On these elements of the microrelief, the density of actinomycetal mycelium was higher. Bacteria of the hydrolytic complex (Cytophaga and Chitinophaga genera) were found only in microhigh samples.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):470-475
pages 470-475 views

Microbiological transformation of carbon and nitrogen compounds in forest soils of Central Evenkia

Sorokin N., Aleksandrov D., Grodnitskaya I., Evgrafova S.


It has been found that the total productivity of bacteria and micromycetes in the 0- to 50-cm layer of homogeneous cryozems (Cryosols) on slopes of northern and southern exposures varies from 1.2 to 1.4 t/ha, respectively, and the calculated content of microbial carbon varies in the range 0.7–0.9 t/ha. The respiratory activity of the upper soil layer is 2.5–2.6 μg C–CO2/(g h); the potential methane formation capacity reaches 0.13 nmol CH4/(m2 day) for soils on slopes of northern exposure and 0.16 nmol CH4/(m2 day) for slopes of southern exposure. Accumulation of sorbed ammonium is recorded in the range 15–17 mg NH4/100 g soil in summer. The increase of temperature in the upper horizons of soils on slopes of southern exposure by 5°C compared to the northern slopes results in only an insignificant increase in the emission of CO2 and CH4. The accumulation of sorbed ammonium and nitrate nitrogen in homogeneous cryozems during the vegetation period is comparable to that in gray forest soils of the southern taiga subzone of the Middle Siberia.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):476-482
pages 476-482 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Changes in the biological activity of heavy metal- and oil-polluted soils in urban recreation territories

Trifonova T., Zabelina O.


Urban recreation areas of different sizes were investigated in the city of Vladimir. The degree of their contamination with heavy metals and oil products was revealed. The content of heavy metals exceeded their maximum permissible concentrations by more than 2.5 times. The total content of heavy metals decreased in the sequence: Zn > Pb > Co > Mn > Cr > Ni. The mass fraction of oil products in the studied soils varied within the range of 0.016–0.28 mg/g. The reaction of soils in public gardens and a boulevard was neutral or close to neutral; in some soil samples, it was weakly alkaline. The top layer of all the soils significantly differed from the lower one by the higher alkalinity promoting the deposition of heavy metals there. As the content of Ni, Co, and Mn increased and exceeded the background concentrations, but did not reach the three-fold value of the maximum permissible concentrations, the activity of catalase was intensified. The stimulating effect of nickel on the catalase activity was mostly pronounced at the neutral soil reaction. The urease activity increased when heavy metals and oil products were present together in the concentrations above the background ones, but not higher than the three-fold maximal permissible concentrations for heavy metals and 0.3 mg/g for the content of oil products. The nitrifying activity was inhibited by oil hydrocarbons that were recorded in the soils in different amounts.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):483-490
pages 483-490 views

Self-purification of agrosoddy-podzolic sandy loamy soils fertilized with sewage sludge

Plekhanova I.


Sandy loamy agrosoddy-podzolic soils and plants growing on them were studied. The soils had been treated with sewage sludge from the Lyubertsy aeration station applied as organic fertilizer for 5–10 years before 1990. Initially, these soils were used for cultivating vegetables and fodder crops. The content and mobility of heavy metal compounds increased in the plow horizons of studied soils under the influence of sewage sludge. The concentrations of Cd and Zn exceeded the tentative permissible concentrations (TPC) for these elements by 8–16 and 2–4 times, respectively. The contaminated layer was found at the depths within 30–50 cm, which attests to a low migration rate of heavy metals added to the studied soils with sewage sludge (SS) 25 years ago. The concentration of Cd exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of this element in all vegetable and fodder crops cultivated on the studied soils. The content of heavy metals in plants differed by three–five times in dependence on the capacity of particular plants to accumulate them. The period of soil self-purification from heavy metals was found to depend on the soil contamination level and element mobility, as well as on the element removal with harvested crops and with soil water flows. The maximal time of achieving the normal level of Cd concentration was estimated as 288 years for maximally contaminated soils; the corresponding values for Cu and Zn were estimated as 74 and 64 years, respectively.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(4):491-497
pages 491-497 views

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