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Том 50, № 2 (2017)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Soils of loamy watersheds of coastal tundra in the north of Yakutia: Pedogenetic conditions and processes

Gubin S., Lupachev A.


This paper considers regularities governing the formation of automorphic tundra soils on glacial loamy deposits containing relict organic matter mainly represented by very fine plant detritus. Drainage, microtopography, and cryoturbation activity are the major controls of the development of these soils. With an increase in drainage, the following pedogenetic trend is observed on the surface of yedoma (Ice Сomplex) areas: gleyzem–cryozem–cryometamorphic soil. The climate change in the Holocene induced quick transformation of topography and general landscape situation and promoted formation and development of cryogenic soil complexes in the considered territory. Upon the low intensity of pedogenesis, the features and properties of previous soil formation stages are often preserved in the soil profiles; these are: gleyzation, peat accumulation, and cryoturbation.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):133-141
pages 133-141 views

Coatings in cryoaridic soils and other records of landscape and climate changes in the Ak-Khol Lake basin (Tyva)

Bronnikova M., Konoplianikova Y., Agatova A., Zazovskaya E., Lebedeva M., Turova I., Nepop R., Shorkunov I., Cherkinsky A.


An assemblage of coatings in cryoaridic soils (Skeletic Cambisols Protocalcic) of southwestern Tyva is considered as a key block of soil memory, which is an intrasoil archive of landscape and climate changes in regional geosystems in the Holocene. The results of hierarchical macro-, meso-, and micromorphological studies of a large assemblage of coatings and the data on the X-ray microanalysis of coatings and composition of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes, as well as on radiocarbon dating of coatings are presented. The synthesis of the results made it possible to reconstruct the main evolutionary phases of cryoaridic soils in the Holocene and landscape and climate changes that induced their alteration. The following climatogenic evolutionary phases of pedogenesis were distinguished: (1) formation of microsparite–micritic dense silica-containing coatings due to short-term fluctuations of the shallow alkaline bicarbonate groundwater level in the semiarid–arid climate; (2) formation of sparitic dense coatings under the slow accumulation of carbonates from low-mineralized bicarbonate water at the higher lake level as compared to the present one in the less arid conditions; (3) the eluvial-illuvial formation of micritic loose coatings under stable automorphic semiarid conditions; (4) formation of Fe-humus coatings in cool humid climate (Al–Fe-humus phase of pedogenesis); (5) the recommencement of the eluvial-illuvial formation of micritic loose coatings under aridization of the last thousand years of the Holocene.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):142-157
pages 142-157 views

Morphogenetic features of soils in the Cat Tien National Park, southern Vietnam

Khokhlova O., Myakshina T., Kuznetsov A., Gubin S.


Morphogenetic features of soils on the selected plots in the Cat Tien National Park in southern Vietnam have been studied with the use of a set of morphological, analytical, and instrumental methods. The lithological factor and topographic position play the leading role in the development of the particular genetic soil features. The soils can be subdivided into four groups according to these factors. The soils developing from volcanic deposits with a predominance of tephra can be classified as thin clayey brown tropical soils (Dystric Skeletic Rhodic Cambisols (Clayic)), and the soils developed from less weathered colluvial derivatives of basalts with some admixture of tephra can be classified as dark-humus clayey tropical soils (Skeletic Greyzemic Umbrisols (Clayic)). Very poor soils developed from the eluvium of argillites are classified as thin weakly developed clayey tropical soils (Dystric Regosols (Clayic)). The soils forming from the alluvial sediments of different textures are classified as alluvial loamy sandy soils (Dystric Fluvisols (Arenic, Drainic)) and as alluvial clay loamy soils (Eutric Fluvisols (Episiltic, Endoclayic)).

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):158-175
pages 158-175 views

Reconstruction of Late Glacial and Holocene landscape-climatic changes in the central Selenga Middle Mountains based on the isotopic composition of organic matter

Golubtsov V., Ryzhov Y.


The results of investigation into the composition of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of organic matter in the soils developed within soil–sedimentary sequences in the central part of the Selenga Middle Mountains in the Late Glacial and Holocene are presented. In the past 15000 years, the organic matter of the investigated soils has only been formed from the biomass of C3 plants (without the participation of C4 plants). This is confirmed by the of δ13С values from–27.00 to–23.35‰. A combined analysis of the parameters of the organic matter (Сorg, Ntotal, C/N, δ13С, and δ15N) of soils formed in different periods makes it possible to assume that the isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen reflects changes in the climate humidity during the Late Glacial and Holocene periods. The specified intervals of soil formation correspond to the climate humidification and stabilization of the surface owing to the development of dense vegetation. Aridization periods were characterized by the accumulation of sediments that buried soil horizons. The most pronounced stages of climate aridization occurred at the transition from the Late Glacial to the Holocene, from the Boreal to the Atlantic, and from the Atlantic to the Subboreal periods. The optimum soil-forming conditions existed in the periods of 11700–11000, 8800–6900, and 4700–1000 years ago, which is confirmed by the published data on the landscape-climatic changes in the adjacent areas in the past 15000 years.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):176-184
pages 176-184 views

Soil-like bodies on Mars

Targulian V., Mergelov N., Goryachkin S.


Soils sensu stricto are absent on Mars; most probably, they have never been formed there, because, up to now, we have no evidence of the presence of life, either relict or recent, on this planet. Numerous references to “Martian soils” in scientific literature concern loose substrates rather than Dokuchaev’s soils. In this context, surface bodies on Mars can be described using the concept of planetary shells, or exons. Exons can be subdivided into sitons formed via in situ transformation of parent material, transons formed in the course of lateral transportation and deposition of substances, and transsitons formed by the combination of both in situ and lateral processes. Among Martian exons, transons predominate. They represent loose sediments of mainly eolian genesis related to extremely strong winds. Soil-like bodies (soloids) on Mars are represented by sitons and transsitons. These are abiotic formations having the profiles differentiated by the contents of iron oxides, soluble salts, and clay minerals and mainly formed in the presence of liquid water during the paleohumid eras of Mars evolution more than 2.5/3 billion years ago. True deep sitons (Martian weathering mantles) could only be formed under the impact of long-term weathering on stable surfaces during humid eras. Then, they were either buried by later deposited sediments, or eroded. Up to now, such objects have not been discovered on Mars.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):185-197
pages 185-197 views

Short-range variation in a Wisconsin soilscape (USA)

Hartemink A., Gennadiyev A., Bockheim J., Bero N.


Here we report on the variation of a soilscape in south central Wisconsin, USA. The variation in soil properties and soil features results in four soil order (Entisols, Inceptisols, Alfisols and Mollisols). Observations were made along a 200 m transect in a field that was cultivated since 1870. Slopes ranged from 7.5% on the back slope to 0% in the lower part. The soilscape had a total relief difference of 7.0 m. The soils were studied by 41 soil pits (60 cm), 6 soil pits (125 cm), 15 soil augers (100 cm), and ground-penetrating radar imagery. The summit and shoulder consist of coarse glacial outwash (loamy sands) over limestone whereas the lower part is lacustrine sediments over coarse outwash (loams, silty loams). The A-horizon thickness ranged from 14 to 52 cm with thick A horizons at the toeslope that also had the lowest soil pH. The soil organic carbon (SOC) contents of the A horizons ranged from 11.6 to 46.9 g C kg–1, and the higher contents are in the lower part of the soilscape. SOC stocks (0–20 cm depth) ranged from 50 to 70 Mg C ha–1 on the summit and backslope, but were 80 to 95 Mg C ha–1 in the flat part of the soilscape. The lowest soybean yields (1.6 Mg ha–1) were found at the summit and the highest yield (6.3 Mg ha–1) at the lower end of the backslope. Soybean yields were correlated to the thickness of the A horizon, and every 10 cm increase in A horizon thickness yielded an extra 0.6 Mg soybeans ha–1. Analysis of spherical magnetic particles was used to estimate soil erosion rates that were highest on the backslope (16.2 Mg ha–1 yr–1) and rates of soil deposition in the lowest part of the soilscape was 18.8 Mg haP1 yr–1. It seems that there is no net soil and SOC loss within this soilscape. All in all, we found 4 soil taxonomic orders within 200 m. The variation in this soilscape was substantial and probably enhanced by 140 years of cultivation.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):198-209
pages 198-209 views

Soil Chemistry

Regularities of extracting humic acids from soils using sodium pyrophosphate solutions

Bakina L., Drichko V., Orlova N.


Regularities of extracting humic acids from different soil types (soddy-podzolic soil, gray forest soil, and all chernozem subtypes) with sodium pyrophosphate solutions at different pH values (from 5 to 13) have been studied. It is found that, regardless of soil type, the process occurs in two stages through the dissociation of carboxylic groups and phenolic hydroxyls, each of which can be described by a logistic function. Parameters of the logistic equations approximating the extraction of humic acids from soils at different pH values are independent of the content and composition of humus in soils. Changes in the optical density of humic acids extracted from soils using sodium pyrophosphate solutions with different pH values are described in the first approximation by the Gaussian function. The optically densest humic acids are extracted using sodium pyrophosphate solutions at pH 10. Therefore, it is proposed to use an extract with pH 10 for the characterization of organic matter with the maximum possible degree of humification in the given soil.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):210-217
pages 210-217 views

Soil Physics

Structural state of migrational-mycelial (typical) agrochernozems of the Kamennaya Steppe on plowed fields of different ages

Lebedeva I., Cheverdin Y., Titova T., Grebennikov A., Markina L.


Changes in the structural state of migrational-mycelial (typical) chernozems (Haplic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic)) as dependent on the duration of their cultivation (from 20 to 120 years) are considered. Field studies were performed in 2013 on the fields of the Dokuchaev Research Institute of Agriculture in the Central Chernozemic Region of Russia (the Kamennaya Steppe area) used for growing cereals and row crops in rotation. The study showed that the most intensive degradation of the structure of chernozems takes place during the first two decades of their agricultural use. The maximum transformation of the soil structure is observed in the upper 10 cm, as this layer is subjected to the most frequent and intense mechanical impacts. The rate of structural degradation decreases with time until the equilibrium between disaggregation and aggregation processes is reached. The time required for this largely depends on the applied crop rotation systems and agrotechnologies. In this context, flexible assessment scales for the structural state of agrochernozems under conditions of different farming systems should be developed in order to perform monitoring of the physical properties of cultivated chernozems for their long-term efficient and ecologically sustainable use. Despite general disintegration and destruction of granular aggregates, the structural state of agrochernozems in the Kamennaya Steppe area remains sufficiently good even on the old-cultivated (120 yrs.) fields.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):218-228
pages 218-228 views

Soil Biology

State of microbial communities in paleosols buried under kurgans of the desert-steppe zone in the Middle Bronze Age (27th–26th centuries BC) in relation to the dynamics of climate humidity

Khomutova T., Demkina T., Borisov A., Shishlina I.


The size and structure of microbial pool in light chestnut paleosols and paleosolonetz buried under kurgans of the Middle Bronze Age 4600–4500 years ago (the burial mound heights are 45–173 cm), as well as in recent analogues in the desert-steppe zone (Western Ergeni, Salo-Manych Ridge), have been studied. In paleosol profiles, the living microbial biomass estimated from the content of phospholipids varies from 35 to 258% of the present-day value; the active biomass (responsive to glucose addition) in paleosols is 1‒3 orders of magnitude lower than in recent analogues. The content of soil phospholipids is recalculated to that of microbial carbon, and its share in the total soil organic carbon is determined: it is 4.5–7.0% in recent soils and up to three times higher in the remained organic carbon of paleosols. The stability of microbial communities in the B1 horizon of paleosols is 1.3–2.2 times higher than in the upper horizon; in recent soils, it has a tendency to a decrease. The share of microorganisms feeding on plant residues in the ecological–trophic structure of paleosol microbial communities is higher by 23–35% and their index of oligotrophy is 3–5 times lower than in recent analogues. The size of microbial pool and its structure indicate a significantly higher input of plant residues into soils 4600–4500 years ago than in the recent time, which is related to the increase in atmospheric humidity in the studied zone. However, the occurrence depths of salt accumulations in profiles of the studied soils contradict this supposition. A short-term trend of increase in climate humidity is supposed, as indicated by microbial parameters (the most sensitive soil characteristics) or changes in the annual variation of precipitation (its increase in the warm season) during the construction of the mounds under study.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):229-238
pages 229-238 views

Functional activity of soil microbial communities in post-fire pine stands of Tolyatti, Samara oblast

Maksimova E., Kudinova A., Abakumov E.


The state of microbial communities in gray-humus soils (Eutric Fluvic Arenosols (Ochric)) of pine stands in the city of Tolyatti after forest fires of 2010 is analyzed. It is shown that fires exert negative effects on the structure and metabolic activity of microbial communities in the postpyrogenic soils. The content of the carbon of microbial biomass and the intensity of microbial respiration in the upper organic horizons of the post-fire plots decrease by 6.5 and 3.4 times, respectively, in comparison with those in the soils of background plots. However, the fire has not affected the studied microbiological parameters of the soils at the depths of more than 10 cm. The maximum content of the carbon of microbial biomass carbon and the maximum intensity of microbial respiration have been found in the subsurface AY2 and АС horizons two–three years the fire. An increase in the microbial metabolic quotient (the ratio of soil respiration to microbial biomass) attests to the disturbance of the ecophysiological state of soil microbial communities after the pyrogenic impact.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):239-245
pages 239-245 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Application of the soil-ecological multiplicative index to assess suitability of Cis-Ural chernozems for cultivation with due account for economic parameters

Levykin S., Chibilev A., Kazachkov G., Petrishchev V.


The evolution of Russian concepts concerning the assessment of soil suitability for cultivation in relation to several campaigns on large-scale plowing of virgin steppe soils is examined. The major problems of agricultural land use in steppe areas—preservation of rainfed farming in the regions with increasing climatic risks, underestimation of the potential of arable lands in land cadaster assessments, and much lower factual yields in comparison with potential yields—are considered. It is suggested that the assessments of arable lands should be performed on the basis of the soil–ecological index (SEI) developed by I. Karmanov with further conversion of SEI values into nominal monetary values. Under conditions of land reforms and economic reforms, it is important to determine suitability of steppe chernozems for plowing and economic feasibility of their use for crop growing in dependence on macroeconomic parameters. This should support decisions on optimization of land use in the steppe zone on the basis of the principles suggested by V. Dokuchaev. The developed approach for assessing soil suitability for cultivation was tested in the subzone of herbaceous–fescue–feather grass steppes in the Cis-Ural part of Orenburg oblast and used for the assessment of soil suitability for cultivation in the southern and southeastern regions of Orenburg oblast.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):246-252
pages 246-252 views

Soil Erosion

Erosion of agrochernozems under sprinkler irrigation and rainfall simulation in the southern forest-steppe of Bashkir Cis-Ural region

Komissarov M., Gabbasova I.


Experiments on small (about 10 m in length) runoff plots on slopes of 1°–3° subjected to sprinkler irrigation in the southern Cis-Ural forest-steppe region showed that the formation of surface runoff is controlled by the intensity and character (intermittence) of sprinkler irrigation, its duration, and the state of the soil surface. On the clay-illuvial moderately leached agrochernozem, the surface runoff is developed after 14‒20 h of irrigation imitating heavy rain (180–210 mm rainfall), after 15 min (24 mm) under shower, and after 10 min (23 mm) under heavy shower. Runoff appeared on the plowed plots unprotected by plants after 100–140 mm of heavy rainfall 6 h earlier than on the fallow plot; in the case of shower and heavy shower on the unprotected plot, it appeared virtually immediately. Turbidity of runoff flows gradually increased after the beginning of runoff under heavy rain and sharply increased under heavy shower. After reaching its maximum, it decreased. The contents of fine fractions, humus, and nutrients in the solid runoff (drift) were higher under lower rain intensity (heavy rain) than under showers and heavy showers; they were higher in all the drifts than in the soil on the adjacent slope. Long (about 24 h) continuous artificial heavy rain (0.17–0.22 mm/min) caused slight soil compaction and some improvement of the structure of the surface soil layer both on the fallow plots and on the plowed plots.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(2):253-261
pages 253-261 views

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