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Том 50, № 1 (2017)

Soil Chemistry

Release and retention patterns of organic compounds and nutrients after the cold period in foliar litterfall of pure European larch, common beech and red oak plantations in Lithuania

Čiuldienė D., Aleinikovienė J., Muraškienė M., Marozas V., Armolaitis K.


This study was carried out in alien warmth-tolerant forest plantations of red oak (Quercus rubra), common beech (Fagus sylvatica) and European larch (Larix decidua). We compared the changes in foliar litterfall mass and biochemical composition after five months of cold period. The mean mass of fresh foliar litterfall collected in late autumn was 30% higher in red oak compared to the larch and beech plantations. After the cold period, the reduction of foliar litterfall mass did not exceed 10% in any of the studied plantations. The fresh foliar litterfall of red oak was the richest in cellular fibre and easily decomposable glucose and nutrients such as P and Mg, larch was distinguished by the highest lignin, N, K and Ca concentrations, while beech fresh foliar litterfall was the poorest in the aforementioned nutrients. After the cold period, the changes in the biochemical composition of foliar litterfall revealed different patterns. In the spring, the beech and red oak foliar litterfall was the richest in N, P and Ca, meanwhile the larch foliar litterfall still had the highest concentration of lignin but, in contrast to the autumn, was the poorest in nutrients. After the cold period Lignin: N, C: N and C: P ratios reached critical values indicating that the foliar litterfall of beech and red oak had started to decompose. The highest lignin concentration and the highest and most stable Lignin: N, C: N, C: P and N: P ratios after the cold period indicated that the slowest foliar litterfall decomposition took place in the larch plantation.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):49-56
pages 49-56 views

Characterization of humic acids from tundra soils of northern Western Siberia by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy

Chukov S., Ejarque E., Abakumov E.


Humic acids from polar soils—cryozems (Cryosols), gleyezems (Gleysols), and peat soils (Histosols)—have been studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. First information was acquired on the content of free radicals in humic acids from polar soils for the northern regions of Western Siberia (Gydan Peninsula, Belyi Island). It was found that polar soils are characterized by higher contents of free radicals than other zonal soils. This is related to the lower degree of humification of organic matter and the enhanced hydromorphism under continuous permafrost conditions. The low degree of organic matter humification in the cryolithozone was confirmed by the increased content of free radicals as determined by electron paramagnetic resonance, which indicates a low biothermodynamic stability of organic matter.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Geochemical characterization of soils of the eastern coast of the Northern Sakhalin Lowland

Zharikova E.


Concentrations of heavy metals (HMs) were determined in soils of the eastern coast of the Northern Sakhalin Lowland. The total contents of HMs and their distribution in the studied soils differed from those in the world soils. Thus, barium and mercury concentrations exceeded clarke values for the world soils. The reserves of mobile forms of microelements were found to be low. Significant biogenic accumulation in organic soil horizons in the process of soil formation was found for copper, arsenic, and barium.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):34-41
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Assessing the humus status and CO2 production in soils of anthropogenic and agrogenic landscapes in southern regions of the Russian Far East

Purtova L., Kostenkov N., Shchapova L.


The humus status and CO2 production have been assessed in soils of natural and anthropogenic landscapes in southern regions of the Far East with different types of redox conditions. A higher production of CO2 is typical of burozems and soddy-eluvial-metamorphic soils with oxidative and contrast redox conditions. These are soils with medium or high humus content, high potential humification capacity, and medium enrichment with catalase. A decrease in the content of humus in the plow horizons of soils in agrogenic landscapes is revealed compared to their natural analogues. The studied soils mainly have humus of the fulvate–humate type. The fractions strongly bound to the mineral soil component prevail in humic acids. In waterlogged mucky-humus gley soils, the anaerobic conditions hamper the biological activity and transformation of organic matter, which favors its accumulation. A low production of CO2 is observed in soils with reducing conditions. To determine the differences between the CO2 emission parameters in soils of agrogenic and natural landscapes, monitoring studies should be extended.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):42-48
pages 42-48 views

Soil Biology

Cyanobacteria as test organisms and biosorbents

Fokina A., Ogorodnikova S., Domracheva L., Lyalina E., Gornostaeva E., Ashikhmina T., Kondakova L.


Bioassay and biosorption potentials of different groups of cyanobacteria (CB)—Nostoc linckia (Roth.) Born. et Flah. No. 271, natural biofilms dominated by CB of Phormidium genus, and biofilms dominated by Nostoc commune (Vauch. Elenk)—were estimated. The physiological-biochemical response of CB to the influence of copper sulfate (II) (catalase activity with a gasometric method and dehydrogenase activity, lipid peroxidation, and chlorophyll ɑ and pheophytin contents with a spectrophotometric method) was studied; metal bioaccumulation was determined with a stripping voltammetry method. It was found that the communities dominated by Phormidium genus (CB biomass 0.2 g/dm3) removed copper compounds from the solutions with Cu2+ ion concentration of 20 mg/dm3 almost completely (by 99%); communities dominated by CB N. commune, by 87%; and pure culture of N. linckia, by 50%. Dehydrogenase and catalase activities and the intensity of bioluminescence proved to be sensitive indicators of the response of CB to Cu2+ ions. The impact of Cu2+ ions (20 mg/dm3) on a biofilm dominated by CB of Phormidium genus resulted in the fivefold decrease of catalase activity during 24 h; dehydrogenase activity decreased by nearly 357 times. The bioluminescence intensity during 24 h decreased by 1.3–100 times under the impact of Cu2+ (2 mg/dm3) and by 8.6–200 times in variants with a higher concentration of Cu2+ (20 mg/dm3). This regularity can be used as a test function in bioassay.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):70-77
pages 70-77 views

Soil actinomycetes in the National Forest Park in northeastern China

Shirokikh I., Shirokikh A.


The taxonomic and functional structure of actinomycete complexes in the litters and upper horizons of the soils under an artificial coniferous–broad-leaved forest located around the town of Chanchun (Tszilin province, PRС). The complex of actinomycetes included representatives of the Streptomyces, Micromonospora, Streptosporangium, and Streptoverticillium genera and oligosporous forms. In the actinomycete complexes, streptomycetes prevailed in the abundance (61–95%) and frequency of occurrence (100%). In the parcels of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica), streptomycetes of 19 species from 8 series and 4 sections were isolated. The most representative, as in European forest biomes, was the Cinereus Achromogenes series. A distinguishing feature of the streptomycete complex in the biomes studied was the high participation of species from the Imperfectus series. The verification of the functional activity of natural isolates made it possible to reveal strains with high antagonistic and cellulolytic abilities. A high similarity of actinomycete complexes was found in Eurasian forest ecosystems remote from each other, probably due to the similarity of plant polymers decomposable by actinomycetes.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):78-83
pages 78-83 views

The impact of hydrogen emission on the structure of soil microbial biomass

Polyanskaya L., Stepanov A., Chakmazyan K.


Population density and biomass of microorganisms were studied in background soils and in soils affected by hydrogen degassing. These parameters were lower in the latter soils. Actinomycetes and fungal mycelium could not be isolated from the soils treated with hydrogen already on the fourteenth day of the experiment; the number and biomass of fungal spores decreased to zero levels even earlier, on the seventh day. Fungi represent a specific physiological group, and their capacity for environmental adaptation is much lower than that of bacteria.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):57-63
pages 57-63 views

Profile analysis of microbiomes in soils of solonetz complex in the Caspian Lowland

Chernov T., Lebedeva M., Tkhakakhova A., Kutovaya O.


The taxonomic structure of the microbiota in two associated soils—solonetz on a microhigh and meadow-chestnut soil in a microlow—was studied in the semidesert of the Caspian Lowland. A highthroughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was used for the soil samples from genetic horizons. A considerable reduction in the bacterial diversity was found in the lower horizons of the solonetz and compact solonetzic horizon with a high content of exchangeable sodium. In the meadow-chestnut soil, the microbial diversity little decreased with the depth. In both soils, a portion of archaea from the Thaumarchaeota group also decreased in the deeper horizons. In the soil horizons with the lower total bacterial diversity, a share of proteobacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, and Sphingomonadaceae families became higher. The difference between the structure of the microbial population in the solonetz and meadow- chestnut soil can be first explained by the different water regimes and soil consistence.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):64-69
pages 64-69 views

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Evolution of forest pedogenesis in the south of the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland in the Late Holocene

Chendev Y., Aleksandrovskii A., Khokhlova O., Dergacheva M., Petin A., Golotvin A., Sarapulkin V., Zemtsov G., Uvarkin S.


The Late Holocene stage of forest pedogenesis has been studied on the interfluves along river valleys in the forest-steppe zone of the Central Russian Upland. The development of gray forest soils from the former chernozems as a result of the Late Holocene advance of forest vegetation over steppes is discussed. It is argued that the climatic conditions of the Subatlantic period were unstable, so that multiple alternation of forest and steppe vegetation communities took place. This specified a complex character of soil evolution upon contrasting substitution of forest pedogenesis for steppe pedogenesis. On the interfluves near the natural drainage network (balkas, ravines, and steep slopes of river valleys), the climate-driven dynamics of forest and steppe vegetation with corresponding changes in the character of pedogenesis could take place during the entire Holocene, which is reflected in a lower thickness of humus profiles and deeper leaching of carbonates from chernozems of the Early Iron Age in comparison with their analogues formed under steppe cenoses in central parts of the interfluves. Two variants of the evolution of gray forest soils can be suggested: the pulsating evolution typical of balkas and interfluves near river valleys and the continuous progressive evolution typical of automorphic (plakor) positions in central parts of the interfluves.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):1-13
pages 1-13 views

Modeling of the development of humus horizons in soils of Crimea

Ergina E.


Current approaches to the simulation of pedogenesis processes in time are considered. Models for the formation of humus horizon on parent rocks of different genesis in Crimea are presented. Formation rates of humus horizons have been determined, which allows developing the remediation strategies for mining dumps of mineral deposits in Crimea.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):14-19
pages 14-19 views

The methods of geomorphometry and digital soil mapping for assessing spatial variability in the properties of agrogray soils on a slope

Gopp N., Nechaeva T., Savenkov O., Smirnova N., Smirnov V.


The relationships between the morphometric parameters (MPs) of topography calculated on the basis of digital elevation model (АSTER GDEM, 30 m) and the properties of the plow layer of agrogray soils on a slope were analyzed. The contribution of MPs to the spatial variability of the soil moisture reached 42%; to the content of physical clay (<0.01 mm particles), 59%; to the humus content, 46%; to the total nitrogen content, 31%; to the content of nitrate nitrogen, 28%; to the content of mobile phosphorus, 40%; to the content of exchangeable potassium, 45%; to the content of exchangeable calcium, 67%; to the content of exchangeable magnesium, 40%; and to the soil pH, 42%. A comparative analysis of the plow layer within the eluvial and transitional parts of the slope was performed with the use of geomorphometric methods and digital soil mapping. The regression analysis showed statistically significant correlations between the properties of the plow layer and the MPs describing surface runoff, geometric forms of surface, and the soil temperature regime.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):20-29
pages 20-29 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Long-term dynamics of anthropogenic solonetzicity in soils of the Eastern okrug of Moscow under the impact of deicing salts

Nikiforova E., Kasimov N., Kosheleva N.


The long-term dynamics of the anthropogenic soil solonetzicity under the impact of applied deicing salts were studied in the Eastern administrative okrug (EAO) of Moscow. The composition and amount of the applied agents and distribution patterns of sodium in snowmelt water and in soils of different land-use zones were analyzed. The maps of soil solonetzization in the EAO in 1989, 2005, and 2010 were compiled, and the degree of degradation of the soil cover was evaluated. It was shown that the contrast of the technogenic anomalies in the content of exchangeable sodium and the size of these anomalies in soils of the okrug increase with time. In 21 years, the mean content of exchangeable sodium in the surface soil layer increased from 0.38 to 0.80 cmol(equiv.)/kg, and the degree of solonetzicity (as judged from the exchangeable sodium percentage) increased from 3.1 to 7.2%. In 2005–2010, the rates of sodium accumulation in the soil adsorption complex were twice as high as those in 1989–2005.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):84-94
pages 84-94 views

Dynamics of benzo[α]pyrene accumulation in soils under the influence of aerotechnogenic emissions

Sushkova S., Minkina T., Mandzhieva S., Deryabkina I., Vasil’eva G., Kızılkaya R.


The regularities of benzo[α]pyrene (BaP) accumulation and distribution in chernozems (Haplic Chernozems), meadow-chernozemic soils (Haplic Chernozems (Stagnic)), and alluvial soils (Fluvisols) affected by the aerotechnogenic emissions from the Novocherkasskaya Electric Power Station (NEPS) were studied on the basis of long-term (2002–2011) monitoring data. A 5-km-wide zone stretching to the northwest from the electric power station and coinciding with the predominant wind direction was found to be most contaminated, with the maximum accumulation of BaP at about 1.6 km from the source. The coefficients of vertical BaP distribution between the layers of 0–5 and 5–20 cm closely correlated with the contents of physical clay, clay, and humus, and with the cation exchange capacity. The content of BaP in soils was shown to be indicative of the level of technogenic loads related to the combustion products of hydrocarbon fuels.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):95-105
pages 95-105 views

The effect of megalopolis environment on the feeding activity of soil saprophages in urban forests

Ermakov A., Bergman I., Vorobeichik E.


The feeding activity of soil saprophages was assessed by the bait-lamina test in pine forests of native origin within the city of Yekaterinburg and its suburbs in 2011–2013. Four areas, drastically different in terms of manifestation of two main factors—urbanization and recreation loads—were compared. The effect of urbanization on the feeding activity of soil saprophages was both positive and negative. Recreation loads, as a rule, adversely affected the feeding activity. Probable mechanisms responsible for the influence of a large city environment on the feeding activity of soil saprophages are discussed.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):106-117
pages 106-117 views

Geoinformation mapping of soil erosion in the Middle Volga region

Yermolaev O.


The results of a medium-scale geoinformation mapping of soil erosion on an area of about 150000 km2 in the Middle Volga region are analyzed using the catchment-based approach. A quantitative index of the development of soil erosion on the agricultural lands is suggested. It reflects the intensity of soil erosion on slopes within the river catchments. A computer-based vector map of the boundaries of 3331 elementary catchments has been developed. It represents the territorial units for the analysis of soil erosion. Archive materials from the former institutes for land survey have been used to compile a series of the maps of soil erosion in river catchments on a scale of 1: 200000. The zoning of erosional processes has been performed, and the natural and anthropogenic levels of soil erosion in different basins have been estimated. The analysis of these materials shows that the topography and agricultural activity of humans are the major factors controlling the development of erosion. The maximum development of soil erosion in the studied region is typical of the subzone of broadleaved forests.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2017;50(1):118-131
pages 118-131 views

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