Thermal Desorption Analysis of Effective Specific Soil Surface Area


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A new method of assessing the effective specific surface area based on the successive thermal desorption of water vapor at different temperature stages of sample drying is analyzed in comparison with the conventional static adsorption method using a representative set of soil samples of different genesis and degree of dispersion. The theory of the method uses the fundamental relationship between the thermodynamic water potential (Ψ) and the absolute temperature of drying (T): Ψ = QaT, where Q is the specific heat of vaporization, and a is the physically based parameter related to the initial temperature and relative humidity of the air in the external thermodynamic reservoir (laboratory). From gravimetric data on the mass fraction of water (W) and the Ψ value, Polyanyi potential curves (W(Ψ)) for the studied samples are plotted. Water sorption isotherms are then calculated, from which the capacity of monolayer and the target effective specific surface area are determined using the BET theory. Comparative analysis shows that the new method well agrees with the conventional estimation of the degree of dispersion by the BET and Kutilek methods in a wide range of specific surface area values between 10 and 250 m2/g.

Об авторах

A. Smagin

Moscow State University; Institute of Forest Science

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Moscow, 119991; Uspenskoe, Moscow oblast, 143030

A. Bashina

Moscow State University

Россия, Moscow, 119991

V. Klyueva

Moscow State University

Россия, Moscow, 119991

A. Kubareva

Moscow State University

Россия, Moscow, 119991

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2017

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