
Assessment of the State of Soils and Vegetation in Areas of Landfills and Municipal Solid Waste Sites (a Review)
Zamotaev I., Ivanov I., Mikheev P., Belobrov V.
Climate and Vegetation Changes over the Past 7000 Years in the Cis-Ural Steppe
Khokhlova O., Morgunova N., Khokhlov A., Gol’eva A.
Soils and Vegetation of the Khaipudyr Bay Coast of the Barents Sea
Shamrikova E., Deneva S., Panyukov A., Kubik O.
Dynamics of Soil Properties and Plant Composition during Postagrogenic Evolution in Different Bioclimatic Zones
Telesnina V., Kurganova I., Lopes de Gerenyu V., Ovsepyan L., Lichko V., Ermolaev A., Mirin D.
Location of Bare Soil Surface and Soil Line on the RED–NIR Spectral Plane
Koroleva P., Rukhovich D., Rukhovich A., Rukhovich D., Kulyanitsa A., Trubnikov A., Kalinina N., Simakova M.
Composition of the Water-Soluble Soil Fraction on the Barents Sea Coast: Organic Carbon and Nitrogen, Low-Molecular Weight Components
Shamrikova E., Kubik O., Deneva S., Punegov V.
Effect of aerotechnogenic emissions on the content of heavy metals in herbaceous plants of the Lower Don region
Minkina T., Mandzhieva S., Chaplygin V., Motuzova G., Burachevskaya M., Bauer T., Sushkova S., Nevidomskaya D.
The Influence of Agricultural Land Use on the Dynamics of Biological Cycling and Soil Properties in the Course of Postagrogenic Succession (Kostroma Oblast)
Telesnina V., Zhukov M.
The informativeness of coefficients a and b of the soil line for the analysis of remote sensing materials
Rukhovich D., Rukhovich A., Rukhovich D., Simakova M., Kulyanitsa A., Bryzzhev A., Koroleva P.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Peat Mounds of the Permafrost Zone
Gabov D., Yakovleva Y., Vasilevich R., Kuznetsov O., Beznosikov V.
Maps of averaged spectral deviations from soil lines and their comparison with traditional soil maps
Rukhovich D., Rukhovich A., Rukhovich D., Simakova M., Kulyanitsa A., Bryzzhev A., Koroleva P.
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