
The Diversity of Bacterial Communities in Urban Soils
Lysak L., Lapygina E.
Microbial biomass and biological activity of soils and soil-like bodies in coastal oases of Antarctica
Nikitin D., Marfenina O., Kudinova A., Lysak L., Mergelov N., Dolgikh A., Lupachev A.
Seasonal Dynamics of Microbial Biomass in Soddy-Podzolic Soil
Nikitin D., Chernov T., Zhelezova A., Tkhakakhova A., Nikitina S., Semenov M., Xenofontova N., Kutovaya O.
Effect of red clover on the microbial transformation of phenanthrene and octadecane in the soil
Nazarov A., Shestakova E., Anan’yina L.
Biomass and Taxonomic Structure of Microbial Communities in Soils of the Right-Bank Basin of the Oka River
Semenov M., Manucharova N., Krasnov G., Nikitin D., Stepanov A.
Microbiological parameters of aggregates in typical chernozems of long-term field experiments
Zhelezova A., Tkhakakhova A., Yaroslavtseva N., Garbuz S., Lazarev V., Kogut B., Kutovaya O., Kholodov V.
Microbial Biomass and Its Structure in Karst Peats of Tula Oblast
Golovchenko A., Volkova E.
Bacterial complexes of a high moor related to different elements of microrelief
Dobrovol’skaya T., Golovchenko A., Yakushev A., Yurchenko E., Manucharov N., Chernov I.
The Structure of Bacterial and Fungal Communities in the Rhizosphere and Root-Free Loci of Gray Forest Soil
Semenov M., Nikitin D., Stepanov A., Semenov V.
The impact of hydrogen emission on the structure of soil microbial biomass
Polyanskaya L., Stepanov A., Chakmazyan K.
Specific Features of the Microbial Community Development in Soddy-Podzolic Soil in the Course of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Growing
Pinchuk I., Polyanskaya L., Kirillova N., Stepanov A.
Distribution of Metabolically Active Prokaryotes (Archaea and Bacteria) throughout the Profiles of Chernozem and Brown Semidesert Soil
Semenov M., Manucharova N., Stepanov A.
The number and biomass of microorganisms in ancient buried and recent chernozems under different land uses
Polyanskaya L., Prikhod’ko V., Lomakin D., Chernov I.
Changes in the structure of bacterial complexes of vegetable crops in the course of their growth on a cultivated soddy-podzolic soil
Dobrovol’skaya T., Khusnetdinova K.
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