
A comparative assessment of the biological properties of soils in the cultural and native cenoses of the Central Caucasus (using the example of the Terskii variant of altitudinal zonality in Kabardino-Balkaria)
Gorobtsova O., Gedgafova F., Uligova T., Tembotov R.
Erodibility of a Model Soil in a Wide Range of Water Flow Velocities
Larionov G., Gorobets A., Dobrovolskaya N., Kiryukhina Z., Krasnov S., Litvin L.
Seasonal changes in the communities of microorganisms and algae in the litters of tree plantations in the steppe zone
Maltsev Y., Didovich S., Maltseva I.
Thermal properties of typical chernozems in Kursk Oblast
Arkhangel’skaya T., Velichenko M., Tikhonravova P.
Diagnostics, Genesis, and Localization of Pedosediments within a Small Catchment (Central Russian Upland)
Koshovskii T., Zhidkin A., Gennadiev A., Ivanova N.
Effect of soil density, tensile strength, and water infiltration on the rupture rate of interaggregate bonds
Larionov G., Dobrovol’skaya N., Kiryukhina Z., Krasnov S., Litvin L., Gorobets A., Sudnitsyn I.
Spatial distribution of mineral components in microcombinations of agrogrey soils with the second humus horizon in the Vladimir opolie area
Chizhikova N., Karpova D.
Changes in the Ratio of Aggregate Fractions in Humus Horizons of Chernozems in Response to the Type of Their Use
Kholodov V., Yaroslavtseva N., Farkhodov Y., Belobrov V., Yudin S., Aydiev A., Lazarev V., Frid A.
Erosion of agrochernozems under sprinkler irrigation and rainfall simulation in the southern forest-steppe of Bashkir Cis-Ural region
Komissarov M., Gabbasova I.
Contemporary Trend in Erosion of Arable Ordinary Chernozems (Haplic Chernozems (Pachic)) within the Volga Upland (Saratov Oblast, Russia)
Gusarov A., Sharifullin A., Golosov V.
Regularities of extracting humic acids from soils using sodium pyrophosphate solutions
Bakina L., Drichko V., Orlova N.
Contemporary Trend in Erosion of Arable Southern Chernozems (Haplic Chernozems Pachic) in the West of Orenburg Oblast (Russia)
Gusarov A., Golosov V., Sharifullin A., Gafurov A.
The Impact of Regular and Periodic Irrigation on the Fertility and Productivity of an Ordinary Chernozem of the Azov Irrigation System
Shchedrin V.
Experimental Study of Factors Affecting Soil Erodibility
Larionov G., Bushueva O., Gorobets A., Dobrovolskaya N., Kiryukhina Z., Krasnov S., Litvin L., Maksimova I., Sudnitsyn I.
Surface Runoff and Snowmelt Infiltration into the Soil on Plowlands in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of the East European Plain
Barabanov A., Dolgov S., Koronkevich N., Panov V., Petel’ko A.
Contact angles at the water–air interface of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils and clay minerals
Sofinskaya O., Kosterin A., Kosterina E.
The Impact of Fires on the Properties of Steppe Soils in the Trans-Ural Region
Gabbasova I., Garipov T., Komissarov M., Suleimanov R., Suyundukov Y., Khasanova R., Sidorova L., Komissarov A., Suleimanov A., Nazyrova F.
Effect of rainfall intensity and slope steepness on the development of soil erosion in the Southern Cis-Ural region (A model experiment)
Sobol N., Gabbasova I., Komissarov M.
Changes in the agrochemical properties of major arable soils in the south of the Far East of Russia under the impact of their long-term agricultural use
Burdukovskii M., Golov V., Kovshik I.
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