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Volume 51, Nº 8 (2018)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Reconstruction of Climate, Soils, and Vegetation in the Turan–Uyuk Basin of South Siberia at the Beginning of the Subatlantic Period of the Holocene

Prikhodko V., Blyakharchuk T., Kilunovskaya M.


Four Scythian kurgans of the burial site Beloe Lake-3 were studied in the Turan–Uyuk Depression in the Republic of Tyva. They were constructed about 2565–2390 calendar years ago (calibrated with deviation 1 σ). Soil formation after 2500 yrs of the construction of the kurgans was examined in the interkurgan area. The properties of the background surface and ancient buried soils have much in common, and the difference between the soils of the four kurgans is small. This attests to the fact that the paleoclimatic conditions in the period of the necropolis construction remained stable and were similar to the modern climatic conditions. According to palynological data, the climate at the stage of the construction of the first two kurgans was a little more humid in comparison with the modern climate; it became somewhat drier after 95 years, during the construction of the third kurgan (2425 cal. BP) and again tended to humidification at the final stage of the necropolis creation. These changes in the paleoclimatic conditions are indicated by variations in the structure and composition of associations of xerophytes, mesophytes, hydrophytes, and ruderal plants. At the Uyuk stage, the area was mainly occupied by steppe phytocenoses with a predominance of xerophytes over mesophytes, and hydrophilous vegetation was allocated to moistened habitats near water reservoirs. Larch forests grew near water bodies. The variable anthropogenic impact on the landscape was stronger at the initial and final stages of the construction of the Uyuk culture necropolis.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):865-879
pages 865-879 views

Production of CO2 by Paleosol Samples Taken in the Steppe Zone under Kurgans Constructed in the Periods of Relative Aridization and Optimum of the Climate

Demkina T., Borisov A.


The studies of recent soils and paleosols buried under kurgans created in the periods of long-term aridization (3000–2000 BC) and climatic optimum (13th–14th centuries AD) were performed in steppes of the southeastern part of the East European Plain (Privolzhskaya Upland and Caspian Lowland) in order to determine the rate of carbon dioxide production by the soil samples at the natural moisture and after moistening up to 60% of the total moisture capacity. The CO2 emission from the samples of paleosols corresponding to the period of climatic aridization in the Lower Volga River at their natural moisture status was lower than that from the samples of background surface soils, whereas the CO2 emission from the samples of paleosols buried under optimum climatic conditions was higher than that from the samples of background surface soils. After moistening of the samples, the increase in the CO2 emission from the paleosol samples depended on the actual humidity of the climate in the corresponding period.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):880-888
pages 880-888 views

Soil Chemistry

Application of 13C NMR Spectroscopy to the Study of Soil Organic Matter: A Review of Publications

Chukov S., Lodygin E., Abakumov E.


Possibilities of NMR spectroscopy with 13C nuclei application to the study of soil organic matter and its various fractions is considered. This is a non-destructive method, which is particularly valuable in the analysis of various fractions of soil organic matter. It is regarded as a direct method, and, unlike most of indirect methods, it allows one to obtain reliable estimates of the ratio between virtually all groups of carbon atoms in different organic molecules, including those in humus specimens. Owing to impulse technique and high sensitivity, 13C-NMR spectra may be obtained immediately from soil samples without any extraction operations. The modern technique of obtaining spectra, their mathematical processing (Fourier transform), and data interpretation are considered. The results of applying 13C-NMR to the study of humus substances, water-soluble fractions of soil organic matter, and soil litters from different natural zones are discussed.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):889-900
pages 889-900 views

Dynamics of Desorption of Labile Potassium from Chernozems

Sokolova T., Osipova D., Ivanova S., Kiryushin A.


The dynamics of desorption of the easily exchangeable and nonexchangeable potassium (K) have been studied in chernozem samples taken from a field trial with a single-time application of different rates of potassium fertilizers after a long period of the absence of fertilizers in Voronezh oblast. The desorption of the easily exchangeable K is adequately described by the zero-order equation of reaction; several mechanisms participate in it. The reaction rate constant regularly increases with an increase in the rate of applied K fertilizer. Taking into account the high correlation between the amounts of K released into the soil solution and absorbed by plants in the course of the dynamic experiments, we may conclude about a significant improvement of plant nutrition conditions even in the case of a single application of K fertilizer at a small rate. The desorption of nonexchangeable K is approximated by the equation of irreversible reaction of the first order. The parameters of this equation, as well as of the equation of diffusion and of the Elovich equation, do not change in dependence on the rate of applied K fertilizer. The reaction rate constants in the equations of the first and zero orders describing the desorption of nonexchangeable and easily exchangeable K from chernozems are three to five times higher than those for soddy-podzolic soils and other soils of humid regions. This can be explained by the differences in the number and nature of exchange centers in the organic matter and on clay minerals of these soils.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):901-912
pages 901-912 views

Effect of the Geological Factor on Polyarenes in Soils

Gennadiev A., Kiseleva A., Pikovskii Y., Smirnova M.


The study, generalization, and comparative analysis of data on the content and composition of polyarenes have been performed for the soils subjected to the impact of the following factors: (1) approach of bituminous material to the surface along the fault zone from the deep layers of sedimentary rocks with the formation of bituminous sandstones and asphalt lenses (Bakhilovo asphalt deposit, Zhiguli dislocations, Samara region); (2) periodical discharge of large amounts of volcanic tephra into the atmosphere resulting in the formation of pyroclastic deposits (near the Avacha Volcano, Kamchatka region); (3) increased geodynamic activity within the area of the recent blocky structure of the earth crust, where a spontaneous upward flux of fluids into the soil is possible (Istra morphostructural node, Moscow region); and (4) high fumarolic activity resulting in the impact of hot water and vapor on the surrounding soils (Golovnin caldera, Island Kunashir, Kuril region). It has been found that the considered manifestations of geological factors can be arranged into the following increasing order: (a) exposure of volcanic tephra as a parent rock (20 ng/g); (b) increased hydrodynamic and fumarolic activity (85–90 ng/g); and (c) penetration of asphalt into the sedimentary rocks (4800 hg/g). According to the diversity of polyarenes identified in the soils, the considered situations form the following increasing series: (a) 9 out of 11 identified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are found in the area of increased geodynamic activity and in the region of volcanic tephra fallouts; (b) 10 PAHs are identified in the asphalt deposit; and (c) all 11 PAHs are identified in the area of fumarolic activity.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):913-920
pages 913-920 views

Paramagnetic Properties of Humic Substances in Taiga and Tundra Soils of the European Northeast of Russia

Lodygin E., Beznosikov V., Vasilevich R.


The study of paramagnetic activity of humic substances in taiga and tundra soils of the Komi Republic and the assessment of the influence of soil hydromorphism on concentrations of free radicals in the structure of humic acids (HAs) and fulvic acids (FAs) have been performed. The concentration of free radicals in HA specimens was up to 11 times higher than that in FA specimens due to a higher content of aromatic and other condensed structures in HA molecules. This fact attests to the high capacity of HAs to polymerization and complexation reactions with participation of radicals. The average value of g-factor is higher for FA specimens than for HA specimens, which attests to a greater electron density shift of unpaired electron to oxygen atom in the structure of FAs because of its spin-orbital interaction with oxygen-containing functional groups, the concentrations of which are significantly higher in FAs than in HAs. An increase in the concentration of free radicals in the molecular structure of HAs is observed in taiga soils with an increase in the degree of their hydromorphism (from automorphic to semihydromorphic soils), which is related to the biohydrothermal conditions of humus formation in bog-podzolic soils with retarded biochemical processes and low degree of plant litter humification. As a result, HAs with the high content of free radicals in their structure are formed. An opposite situation is observed for HAs in tundra soils with a decrease in the content of unpaired electrons under conditions of the increased hydromorphism. The difference in the character of changes in the paramagnetic activity of HAs in taiga and tundra soils with different degrees of hydromorphism may be related to different natures of plant residues participating in humification processes. A tendency for a decrease in the paramagnetic activity in both HAs and FAs from the south to the north is observed, which may be related to a general decrease in the content of poly-conjugated systems in the structure of humic substances in tundra soils.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):921-928
pages 921-928 views

Fractional-Isotopic Composition of Lead Compounds in Soils of the Kologrivskii Forest Reserve

Ladonin D.


Isotopic composition of lead is a very sensitive indicator allowing us to determine even very low contamination of soils by this element, which is not noticeable from the change in its concentration against the background of the natural variability. Isotopic composition of loosely bound lead fractions (exchangeable and specifically sorbed) changes in soils of the Kologrivskii Forest State Natural Reserve under the impact of global or regional atmospheric transport and deposition of contaminants, though these soils are not subjected to the local technogenic pollution. The maximum portion of lead bound with the soil organic matter in the upper organic horizons reaches 75% of the total lead content. The portion of lead bound with iron and manganese (hydr)oxides increases down the soil profile. The portion of the residual fraction of lead also increases significantly down the soil profile. The most pronounced changes are observed for the 206Pb/207Pb ratio, which decreases from 1.20–1.24 to 1.15–1.18 under the impact of global pollution. The technogenic compounds of lead migrate down the soil profile. In the gray-humus gley alluvial soil (Fluvic Gleysol), low values of the 206Pb/207Pb ratio are observed for the exchangeable and specifically sorbed lead fractions in the entire soil profile, which is explained by the worse conditions for lead fixation in the profile of this soil in comparison with those in the podzolic soils.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):929-937
pages 929-937 views

Interaction of the Mixture of Phenolic Acids with Modified Kaolinite under Batch and Dynamic Conditions

Zavarzina A., Ermolin M., Demin V., Fedotov P.


Phenolic acids play an important role in the formation of soil profiles, however their cooperative sorption by mineral phases under environmentally relevant concentrations is poorly studied. In the present work the sorption of an equimolar mixture of phenolic acids by kaolinite modified with amorphous aluminum hydroxide has been studied under both batch and continuous-flow conditions. It has been found that the sorption of gallic and protocatechuic acids containing OH groups in the ortho position exceeds the sorption of p-hydroxybenzoic and methoxylated acids (vanillic, syringic, and ferulic) by an order of magnitude. The study of sorption under dynamic (continuous-flow) conditions has shown the competition of acids for binding sites, while the active centers of kaolinite-Al(OH)x are being occupied. The sorbed gallic acid displaces the other acids, which pass into solution in the following order: p-hydroxybenzoic acid > vanillic acid > syringic acid ≫ ferulic acid > protocatechuic acid. The revealed regularities indicate potentially important role of ortho-substituted hydroxybenzoic acids in the formation of soil organic matter, while p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, and syringic acids can be more important for the composition of soil solutions and natural waters.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):938-946
pages 938-946 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

The Efficiency of Moldboard Plowing upon Deactivation and Rehabilitation of Radioactively Contaminated Pastures in the North of Japan

Komissarov M., Ogura S.


The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant resulted in the widespread contamination of agrocenoses with radiocesium (134Cs and 137Cs) on the Honshu Island. Our study was performed on four agricultural fields located on gentle slopes of southern aspect 150 km to the northwest from the nuclear power plant. Three plots were tilled in different periods (in 2012–2013), and one plot remained untilled. The density of soil contamination and the specific activity of radiocesium in plants (June 2014) on tilled plots appeared to be permissible. Thus, the density of soil contamination varied within the range of 1.3–6.5 kBq/m2, and the specific radioactivity of plants did not exceed 100 Bq/kg in plants. Such areas may be used as pastures without restrictions. At the same time, an increased density of the soil contamination (13–32 kBq/m2) and the concentration of radiocesium in plants (up to 138 Bq/kg) were detected in some areas not subjected to reclamation works. Such fallow lands are suitable as pastures only for feeding cattle for meat and for milk with their obligatory subsequent processing. On all the plots, the concentration of radiocesium in soils decreased down the soil profile. In general, radiocesium was accumulated on the middle and lower parts of slopes, which is associated with the development of water erosion and initial distribution of radiocesium during the snowmelt season. The air dose rate on the studied plots did not exceed the permissible safety level (0.2 μSv/h) and varied within the range 0.05–0.10 μSv/h. The maximum level of γ-radiation was determined on the fallow (untilled) plot. On tilled plots, γ-radiation was 30–50% lower. Therefore, soil moldboard plowin tillage to the depth of 20 cm with or without shallow cultivation is an efficient measure to reclaim agricultural lands with the initially low level of radiocesium contamination (up to 32 kBq/m2).

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):947-954
pages 947-954 views

Transformation of Water-Soluble Organic Substances in Litters of Podzols in the Background and Technogenic Areas of the Kola Peninsula

Odintsov P., Karavanova E., Stepanov A.


Mineralization of water-soluble organic substances in forest litters of different compositions under conditions of their pollution with heavy metals from aerogenic emissions is considered. Water-soluble organic substances of the pine forest litters are shown to be less stable than that under the spruce forests irrespective of their pollution; the portion of mineralized at 20°C carbon for a month reached 40%. In the spruce litters, mineralizable amounts of carbon are related to their pollution: in the technogenic areas, compared to the background ones, carbon losses from the litters are twice greater. In the course of decomposition, in the spruce and pine litters, phenol compounds accumulate among the water-soluble organic compounds, and this process is more intense in the contaminated areas. After the decomposition of all the litters, irrespectively of their composition and the distance from the pollution sources, the water-soluble organic substances are characterized by higher indices of humification (HIX), more intense fluorescence, and greater coefficients of specific extinction (E260). In the ultraviolet spectra, bands appear in the region of aromatic amines absorption. These changes indicate the transformation of water-soluble organic substances: the degrees of their condensation and aromaticity increase and nitrogen-containing aromatic compounds are formed.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):955-964
pages 955-964 views

Soil Cover of the Svetloyarsk Irrigation System after 50 Years of Reclamation Practices

Gorokhova I., Khitrov N., Prokop’eva K., Kharlanov V.


The state of irrigated soils of the Svetloyarsk irrigation system (Volgograd oblast) after 50 years or irrigation and ameliorative impacts has been assessed with the use of published and new field data, cadastral materials, and remote sensing materials. In the recent two decades, the area of regular irrigation and the volume of irrigation water have decreased, which has led to the lowering of the groundwater level to the depth of 5 m and more. The pattern of sown areas is characterized by a rise in the portion of winter cereals. Surface planing during the construction of the irrigation system led to a considerable transformation of the soil cover. On convex elements, solonetzic and other topsoil horizons were almost completely cut off. In many areas, they were replaced by a mixture of different horizons, including carbonaceous material. There are now significant areas of soils of different geneses with carbonates from the surface. Former solonchakous and slightly solonchakous soils are now at the stage of deep desalinization: soluble salts in them have been washed to the second meter, where slightly or moderately saline horizons with a predominance of sulfates have been formed. Irrigated areas on satellite images are specified by spotty patterns differing from those of natural solonetzic soil complexes because of the significant transformation of the soil cover during the construction and operation of irrigation system. The anthropogenically transformed soils can be mapped. Soil maps reflecting the modern state of the of soil cover of irrigated areas are given.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):965-975
pages 965-975 views

Moisture Regime of Loamy Sandy Soils of Moscow Meshchera Region under the Impact of Different Surface Planning Operations

Sidorova M., Borisova E.


Regularities of the moisture regime of soddy-podzolic soils in Moscow Meshchera region under the impact of different surface planning operations were studied in the recreational zone. Soil moisture was determined in the samples taken with an auger. Data on the dynamics of soil moisture in 2014–2016 under different surface conditions—natural and artificial covers (backfill, mulching materials, and paving elements)— were obtained. A reliable (at the level of significance α = 0.05) increase in the soil water content in the 1-m-deep layer was observed on average for all years of research in three experimental variants: a “dry creek” cover with a possible additional inflow of water, mulching of a flat soil surface with shell rock, and mulching with pine needles. The increase in the soil water reserves on these plots reached 31.4, 22.5, and 19.4% in comparison with the control, where the average soil water reserves did not exceed 112 mm of the water layer and were close to the water content at 0.7 of the field water capacity (108 mm of the water layer). In comparison with the control, the unsealed areas of the soil within the rockery and within the paved surface were characterized by the decrease in the water storage by 4.0 and 11.2–30.7% during relatively wet and dry years, respectively. In wet years, this difference was statistically insignificant; in dry years, it was significant. The analysis of chronoisopleths of soil moisture attested to differentiation of the studied variants according to the degree of moistening of the soil profiles.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):976-984
pages 976-984 views

Pollution and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Farmland Soils in Yanqi County, Xinjiang, Northwest China

Mamut A., Eziz M., Mohammad A.


A total of 50 farmland soil samples were collected from the Yanqi County, Xinjiang, China, and the concentrations of eight heavy metal elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined by standard methods. The spatial distribution, pollution level and ecological risk status of heavy metals were analyzed based on GIS technology, the Geo-accumulation Index (Igeo), the Pollution Load Index (PLI) and the Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI). Results indicated that: (1) The average contents of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn of farmland soils exceeded the background values of irrigation soils in Xinjiang by 1.5, 1.40, 1.33, 2.63, and 4.92 times, respectively. Cd showed a no-pollution level, Zn showed a partially moderate pollution level, Pb showed a slight pollution level, and Cr, Cu, As, Mn, and Ni showed no-pollution level, compared to the classification standard. The PLI values of heavy metal elements of farmland soils varied from 0.83 to 1.89, with an average value of 1.29, at the moderate pollution level. (2) The Individual Potential Ecological Risk Index for heavy metals in the study area was ranked in the order of: As > Ni > Cu > Cd > Pb > Cr> Zn. The RI values of heavy metals of farmland soils varied from 3.45 to 11.34, with an average value of 6.13, at the low ecological risk level. (3) Cu and Mn of farmland soils were mainly originated from the soil parent material and topography of the study area. As, Cd, Ni and Pb were mainly originated from human activities, and Cr and Zn may originated from both natural and anthropogenic factors in the study area.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(8):985-993
pages 985-993 views

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