Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 52, № 7 (2019)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Changes in the Soil Cover under the Impact of Short-Term Climate Fluctuations

Smirnova L., Chendev Y., Kukharuk N., Narozhnaya A., Kukharuk S., Smirnov G.


The climate of the 1950s–1990s in the center of the Russian Plain was characterized by the alternation of cool–wet and warm–dry periods, which is confirmed by hydrothermal coefficients. The studies in the south of the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland (Belgorod oblast) based on the geoinformation analysis of different-time soil maps have revealed regular changes in the boundaries of soil areas of automorphic chernozems (Chernozems) related to these intra-century climatic cycles. The transformed chernozems area was 125 790 ha (38.5%). In general, 61.5% (328 885 ha) of soil areas in the studied region remained unchanged. The response of the soil cover was indicated by behavior of carbonates and leaching. It has been revealed that with increase of hydrothermal coefficient by more than 0.2, the effervescence line in chernozems is oscillating, which results in a change in the taxonomic position of soils at the subtype level.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):729-735
pages 729-735 views

Soil Chemistry

Comparison of Two Integrated Biotic Indices in Assessing the Effects of Humic Products in a Model Experiment

Yakimenko O., Terekhova V., Pukalchik M., Gorlenko M., Popov A.


The descriptive ability of two integral biotic indices obtained from laboratory experimental data focused on estimating the effects of humic products (HPs) on the microbiota under conditions of copper contamination in a model soil substrate is evaluated. The “Standard Soil” prepared from sand, kaolin, and peat (ISO 11268-1) as recommended for the assessment of biological effects was used. To summarize the results of ecotoxicological studies of Cu-polluted samples (660 mg Cu/kg) and to provide the integral estimation of HPs impact on the microbiota, two statistical models were used: the Harrington’s desirability function D and the integrated parameter of the soil microbial system sustainability G (ratio of biodiversity to instability) using multisubstrate testing. The indices obtained based on two sets of multidimensional data were compared in their descriptive ability when estimating the detoxifying efficiency of HPs. It was found that HPs mainly stimulate multispecies bacterial complexes, while the test cultures representing higher plants and algae are less sensitive to their impact. Three of the five studied HPs showed a pronounced detoxifying effect and improved the state of the studied system. Both integral biotic indices—the generalized Harrington desirability function D and the General sustainability parameter of the system G—demonstrated a similar effect vector. For the purpose of environmental regulation, the use of the integrated approach based on a generalized desirability function could be recommended due to its higher completeness and reliability of the system of biotic indicators.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):736-746
pages 736-746 views

Changes in Labile and Microbial Pools of Carbon and Nitrogen in Forest Litter Samples under Different Methods of Storage

Maslov M., Maslova O., Tokareva O.


The influence of conservation procedures (drying, freezing, and storage at low positive temperatures) and preliminary aerobic incubation on the result of determination of labile and microbial pools of carbon and nitrogen has been analyzed using forest litter samples from the northern, middle, and southern taiga spruce forests. It was established that drying of litter samples and their subsequent moistening before analyzing them resulted in a decrease of microbial carbon and nitrogen concentrations against the background of increasing concentrations of elements of the labile pool. Freezing of the samples had similar effect on the labile pool, but it did not lead to a statistically significant change in concentrations of C and N in microbial biomass. Storage at low positive temperatures resulted in decrease of microbial pool, but its on the labile forms of carbon and nitrogen effect was ambiguous, and this was associated with the growth and death cycles of microbial biomass. Preliminary aerobic incubation of litter samples did not lead to restoration of carbon and nitrogen concentrations typical for fresh samples. The main direction of nitrogen compounds transformation was determined by the C : N ratio in labile organic matter and microbial biomass, and depended on the storage method: the processes of net mineralization predominate when drying, while the processes of net immobilization dominated during freezing and storage at low positive temperatures.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):747-755
pages 747-755 views

Carbon Stock in Sandy and Loamy Soils of Coniferous–Broadleaved Forests at Different Succession Stages

Kuznetsova A., Lukina N., Tikhonova E., Gornov A., Gornova M., Smirnov V., Geraskina A., Shevchenko N., Tebenkova D., Chumachenko S.


A comparative assessment of the carbon stock in loamy soils (Albic Retisols) of coniferous–broadleaved forests on the Moskvoretsko-Oksky Plain and sandy soils (Albic Podzols) in the Bryansk region is given. The carbon accumulation in soils is related to the texture of their mineral horizons and biotic factors, such as the quality of litter and activity of earthworms. The forests on sandy soils were characterized by a high carbon stock in the plant litter, which is explained by the low biomass of earthworms. The carbon content was significantly higher in the mineral horizons of loamy soils owing to high share of fine particles. The carbon stock in the litter and mineral horizons of loamy and sandy soils turned out to be comparable, except for the sandy soils of mixed forests due to higher clay content. In the course of succession of the coniferous-deciduous forests on the loamy soil, the carbon accumulation in the litter was high only at the late stage due to the high input of spruce needles. The carbon stock in the humus horizons of the loamy soils varied due to changes in their density, which was regulated by earthworms. When comparing different succession stages/types of the forests on sandy soils, it was found that the carbon stock in the litter of the pine forests at the early stage of succession was significantly higher than that of the mixed and broadleaved forests. Trends of carbon accumulation in the mineral horizons of sandy soils were mainly explained by their thickness, which was related to the amount of percolating precipitation regulated by woody plants.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):756-768
pages 756-768 views

Sorption of Cu2+ and Zn2+ Ions by Humic Acids of Tundra Peat Gley Soils (Histic Reductaquic Cryosols)

Lodygin E.


Sorption properties of humic acid (HA) preparations extracted from the peaty horizon of peat gley tundra soil (Histic Reductaquic Cryosols) are characterized. The kinetic and thermodynamic sorption parameters of Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions by HAs are calculated. The sorption of the study heavy metal ions by HA preparations is estimated to be truly approximated by the pseudo-first-order response equation. The negative values of the Gibbs energy change at temperatures of 298.0 К and 314.3 К for Сu2+ (–26.2 and –24.5 kJ/mol, respectively) and Zn2+ ions (–22.2 and –22.0 kJ/mol, respectively) attest to the possibility of self-sorption of the study ions within the considered temperature range. Changes in the sorption enthalpy values (–33.1 kJ/mol for Cu2+ ions and –4.5 kJ/mol for Zn2+ ions) characterize both reactions as exothermal reactions. As the temperature rises, the sorption equilibrium constant for Сu2+ ions considerably decreases, whereas it does not change significantly for Zn2+ ions. The decreasing sorption equilibrium constants with the rise in temperature point to the equilibrium shift towards desorption. This is a characteristic feature of physical sorption that indicates possible existence of two fixation mechanisms of ions on the surface of HA preparations, namely, physical sorption and сhemisorption.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):769-777
pages 769-777 views

Application of Kinetic Models in Describing Soil Phosphorus Release and Relation with Soil Phosphorus Fractions across Three Soil Toposequences of Calcareous Soils

Abolfazl Azadi ., Majid Baghernejad .


Knowledge on P release characteristics and availability of different forms of soil phosphorus can be useful for crop production. Kinetics of P release and distribution of inorganic P from in calcareous soils at summit, shoulder, back slope, foot slope and toe slope of three soil toposequences (Fars province southern Iran) were determined and the relationship between P release and soil properties with phosphorus form was investigated. The kinetics of P release in the soils was determined by successive extraction with 0.01 M CaCl2 over a period of 72 hours. The kinetics of P release followed Elovich, power function and first order kinetic models. The results demonstrated that the pattern of P desorption was similar in all topographic units of the three regions at all times. The highest amount of P release was observed in the lower part of the slope specially in Eghlid and Abadeh (xeric and aridic regimes). Generally, the average content of cumulative phosphorus release and most forms of phosphorous and physical and chemical characteristics in Eghlid soils were greater than other studied soils. Different P forms were determined by sequential extraction; the fractionated inorganic P forms namely apatite type and dicalcium phosphate possessed the highest and the lowest amounts of P reserve in the soils, respectively. As a result, P release and various P forms distribution within the soil profiles along toposequences varied in different topographic units and increased down the slope with an irregular trend. Due to such variability, P fertilizers are recommended by consideration of the physiographic units.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):778-792
pages 778-792 views

The Influence of Vegetation on the Forest Soil Properties in the Republic of Karelia

Lukina N., Orlova M., Bakhmet O., Tikhonova E., Tebenkova D., Kasakova A., Kryshen A., Gornov A., Smirnov V., Shashkov M., Ershov V., Knyazeva S.


The effect of vegetation on soil properties (acidity, C/N ratio, content of exchangeable nutrients) was assessed for the northern and middle taiga forests in the Republic of Karelia. The forests occupy autonomous positions in the landscapes; the soil-forming rocks are diverse. The study objects were Al–Fe–humus soils on Quaternary sediments, common for taiga forests. Albic Podzols predominate among them. The differences in the properties of organic soil horizons (corresponding to the taxonomic levels of forest types and formations) within and between the taiga subzones may be explained by variations in the composition of soil-forming rocks and the amount of precipitation, as well as by the influence of vegetation. It is shown that, along with the quality of plant residues produced by the predominant functional groups, the soil properties depend on the regulation by trees of the amount and composition of precipitation penetrating through their crowns and affecting the intensity of nutrients leaching from the soils.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):793-807
pages 793-807 views

Soil Physics

Viscoelastic Behavior of Vertic Solonetz in the Kamennaya Steppe

Khitrov N., Khaydapova D.


The aim of this work is to determine viscoelastic behavior parameters of soil pastes and micromonoliths of natric and vertic horizons in the profile of Vertic Solonetz from the Kamennaya Steppe (Voronezh oblast, Russia) and to use rheological properties to explain the formation of three irregular alteration structures with different wavelengths and deformation patterns of the soil mass. The rheological parameters of six soil horizons were determined by the amplitude sweep tests using an MCR-302 rheometer with parallel plates. The general features of viscoelastic behavior of soil pastes and micromonoliths, the correlation between the storage modulus G'LVR in the linear range of viscoelastic behavior of pastes and micromonoliths with their moisture, the distribution of rheological properties in the soil profile, and the relationship between the content of exchangeable sodium and the integral Iz used for the evaluation of structural stiffness are discussed. Rheological properties of Vertic Solonetz are compared with published data on Vertisols from Brazil, Russia, and USA and on saline clay alluvial soil from Spain. A hypothesis of formation of the profile of Vertic Solonetz with the gilgai microtopography as dependent on the rheological characteristics of the viscoelastic behavior of the studied soil horizons is proposed.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):808-821
pages 808-821 views

Soil Moisture Measurement by the Dielectric Method

Bobrov P., Belyaeva T., Kroshka E., Rodionova O.


Measuring soil moisture by the dielectric method is considered. It was revealed that the complex dielectric permeability (CDP) affects the readings of sensors using different physical principles in different ways. The results of CDP measurements for six samples are given: river sand, bentonite, three samples of Haplic Chernozem (Loamic) of the Omsk region and a mixture of chernozemic material and river sand. Content of particles less than 0.01 mm in size in the samples varied from 1.7 to 72%; the content of organic carbon ranged from 0 to 4.12%. Measurements of CDP were performed at different values of moisture at the frequencies from 10 kHz to 4–8 GHz in the same cell using the original technique developed by authors. It was noted that at frequencies below 20–30 MHz, the dielectric permittivity is an ambiguous function of moisture owing to the strong influence of the conductivity of the soil solution and of interlayer dielectric relaxation on it. Moisture measurements are best to perform in the frequency range 0.5–3 GHz, where the effect of interlayer relaxation and soil solution conductivity on the CDP is negligible. Measurements of soil moisture and conductivity were performed using a Decagon 5TE capacitive sensor. The calibration dependency that is valid for different soils, considering the conductivity of the soil measured by this sensor was found. The error of moisture measurements using this dependency is 0.035 m3/m3. The use of individual calibration dependencies for each of soils reduces the error to 0.014 m3/m3. Results of the work can be used to improve the accuracy of soil moisture measurement by the dielectric method.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):822-833
pages 822-833 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Retrospective Monitoring of Soil Waterlogging on Arable Land of Tambov Oblast in 2018–1968

Koroleva P., Rukhovich D., Shapovalov D., Suleiman G., Dolinina E.


A hypothesis about an increase in the area of waterlogged soils on arable lands of Tambov oblast in the recent decades was tested by the methods of retrospective monitoring of the soil and land cover. The period of retrospection was 50 years (2018–1968) according to remote sensing data and more than 60 years according to archival materials. It was found that waterlogging of rainfed soils has a periodic character without definite trend for an increase in their area, i.e., the area of waterlogged soils has not changed over the past 50–60 years. The area of periodic influence of overmoistening on land use of arable land was estimated at 181 000 ha, or 8.5% of the arable land area. It was also shown that official statistical data significantly underestimate the area of waterlogged soils, as these soils on arable land are not taken into account. The total area of soil waterlogging reached about 16% of the agricultural land in Tambov oblast, including about 6% of waterlogged soils within the arable land. It was also found that the decrease in the area of arable during that period because of the economic reasons significantly exceeded the influence of natural factors.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):834-852
pages 834-852 views

Reactivity, Exchangeability, and Solubility of Cu, Zn, and Cd in Various Soil Materials: Concepts and Evaluation

Diatta J., Andrzejewska A., Rafałowicz T.


Six extractants (0.005 mole DTPA dm–3, pH 7.3; 1 mole CH3COONH4 dm–3, pH 7.0; 0.10 mole HNO3 dm–3; 0.10 mole HCl dm–3; 1 mole HNO3 dm–3 and 1 mole HCl dm–3) and three ratios (1 : 2, 1 : 5, 1 : 10) were applied for characterizing the reactivity, exchangeability, and solubility of Cu, Zn and Cd in media of contrasting origin: lacustrine sediments (LS), urban soils (US) and those impacted by copper ore processing, namely metallurgically impacted soils (MIS). Data revealed that soil materials differed in pH as follows: LS (6.99 ± 0.11–7.79 ± 0.28) > US (6.49 ± 0.32–7.23 ± 0.29) > MIS (5.68 ± 1.03–6.30 ± 0.66), for pHKCl and \({\text{p}}{{{\text{H}}}_{{{{{\text{H}}}_{{\text{2}}}}{\text{O}}}}}\), respectively. The DTPA test (reactivity) applied at ratios 1 : 5 and 1 : 10 showed the best extraction for Cu and Zn as confirmed by the coefficients of correlations (r) in the range 0.85*** < r < 0.96**** (P < 0.005 and 0.001). Exchangeability represented by CH3COONH4 was best described (0.94*** < r < 0.99**** at P < 0.005 and 0.001) by the amounts of Cu and Zn determined at the ratio 1 : 5. The narrowest (1 : 2) and largest (1 : 10) ratios showed an acceptable prediction for Cu, Zn and Cd. The relationships of the pairs 1 mole HCl dm–3 versus 1 mole HNO3 dm–3 (solubility test) applied at 1 : 5 resulted in r values varying between 0.94*** and 0.99****, (P < 0.005 and 0.001). Linear regressions with Cd tests gave low r values (r < 0.50) and significance (P > 0.05). This implies that both extractants may be used interchangeably for extracting Cu and Zn in contrasting environmental media. On the basis of algorithms from the stepwise analysis, the evaluation of trace element (TE) extractability of ecosystems potentially contaminated by TE should pertinently involve two factors: acid-based extractants and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Organic matter appeared as a facultative parameter.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):853-864
pages 853-864 views

Soil and Land Categories in the Modern Legislation of Russia

Chukov S., Yakovlev A.


An analysis of existing legislation shows that legal norms are established mainly for soils belonging to the category of agricultural land. The orientation of land legislation to the category of land does not take into account the specific features of the soil as an essential component of the environment. It performs the most important set of ecological functions in both natural and anthropogenic ecosystems. At present, even a few references to soil in the system of regulatory acts are actively supplanted by the category of land. In its legal essence, the category of land is primarily a socio-economic category. The existing in scientific literature and regulatory acts formulations reflect the modern scientific ideas of soil as an independent natural body; however, from the legal point of view, they are extremely vague, uncertain, and do not meet understanding among legislators. In the legal definition of the category of soil, it is reasonable to limit it to several of the most important soil characteristics, among which the humus content and the bulk density should play the major role. Naturally, the restriction of the category of soil to a narrow set of characteristic features will narrow it in some cases and unjustifiably expand the number of natural or human-made objects related to the soil in other cases, but this will move the project of the Federal Law On Soil Protection (no. 83334-3) from the stalemate.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(7):865-870
pages 865-870 views

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