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Том 52, № 5 (2019)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Modern Trends and Problems of Soil Mapping

Savin I., Zhogolev A., Prudnikova E.


The main trends in the development of soil mapping methods are discussed, and the major problems are identified. By the present time, the transition from the paper-based soil maps to digital soil-geographical databases has already been completed. The digital mapping of soils and their properties is now accepted as the main method at all the levels of generalization. The approaches of digital soil mapping, as well as of the traditional one, are based on the ideas of V.V. Dokuchaev about the dependence of soils on soil-forming factors. However, in digital soil mapping, new achievements of mathematical statistics and mathematical modeling are being widely applied. This provides for a greater objectivity and reproducibility of the digital soil maps in comparison with the traditional soil maps. At the same time, all unsolved problems of soil cartography related to the lack of field observation data, scale, soil taxonomy, spatial microheterogeneity, and mapping of individual soil properties are preserved. Partially, these problems can be solved by using remote sensing data. When the soil geographical information is used to assess the quality of soil resources, the interpretation of remote sensing data for mapping purposes seems to be more preferable in comparison with the methods of digital soil mapping.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):471-480
pages 471-480 views

Diagnostics, Genesis, and Localization of Pedosediments within a Small Catchment (Central Russian Upland)

Koshovskii T., Zhidkin A., Gennadiev A., Ivanova N.


Results of a detailed analysis of pedosediments—sediments composed of transported material of soil humus horizons—are discussed. Five main morphological features of pedosediments attesting to the origin of the transported soil material are identified; their allocation to certain types of pedosediments is shown. A map of pedosediments for a small catchment in Tula oblast has been developed on the basis of their morphological analysis. Three types of pedosediments are specified by their morphological features and location: (1) leveling, filling depressions; (2) covering, extending on the slopes of the ravine; and (3) protruding above the surface of the slope represented by “napash”—agrogenic earthwork at the edges of fields. The covering pedosediments formed on the slopes are shown to be predominant both by area (60%) and by the volume of accumulated material (45%). The leveling pedosediments at the bottom of the ravine occupy 25% of the area and retain about 35% of all sediments of the small catchment. Only 2% of the total material of pedosediments in the catchment belongs to protruding pedosediments. The formation and localization of these pedosediments are controlled by the formation of napashes. In general, the material of pedosediments redistributed within the small catchment constituted about 12% of the total mass of humus horizons of the soils-donors. Pedosediments play a significant role in the soil cover and occupy about 10% of the total catchment area.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):481-493
pages 481-493 views

Neoformations (Nodules and Placic Layers) in Surface-Gleyed Loamy Sandy Soils of the Northern Part of the Tambov Plain

Zaidelman F., Stepantsova L., Nikiforova A., Krasin V., Dautokov I., Krasina T.


In the middle part of the profiles of light gray soils (non-gleyed, deeply gleyed, weakly and strongly gleyed) on silty loamy sandy two-layered deposits of the river terraces in the Tambov Plain, placic layers are formed. Nodules are confined to the arable layer, if surface water stagnation occurs. Angular black nodules of less than 2 mm in size with a high Mn content are specific for weakly gleyed soils, grayish brown nodules of 7–10 mm in size are common in strongly gleyed soils. The Cd and Pb accumulation coefficients in the nodules reach 100–300, those for Co and Mo are 10–100; for Zn and Cu, 2–5; the content of P2O5 is 1.0–1.5%, the content of organic matter in the nodules is 1.8–2.5%, and it has a fulvic nature (Cha/Cfa < 0.4). The placic layer density reaches 1.6 g/cm3, and the aeration porosity is reduced to 3–6%. They are highly acidic, 1.5 to 3 times higher in the contents of clay, Al, Fe, Mn, and trace elements than the enclosing material. A reliable quantitative criterion for the evaluation of the agroecological status of light gray surface-gley soils can be the Fe/Mn ratio in 1 N sulfuric acid extract from the nodules (bogging factor according to Zaidelman and Ogleznev).

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):494-506
pages 494-506 views

Soil Chemistry

Spatial Patterns of Carbon and Nitrogen in Soils of the Barents Sea Coastal Area (Khaypudyrskaya Bay)

Shamrikova E., Deneva S., Kubik O.


Concentrations of total carbon and nitrogen were measured by gas chromatography method, and the carbon content of inorganic compounds was determined by the volumetric method in soils of undisturbed coastal landscapes of the Barents Sea (Khaypudyrskaya Bay). Two groups of soils were specified. The first group included saline marsh soils formed under flooding by tidewater and surging seawater. The second group included soils of tundra ecosystems, which were subjected to precipitation of marine aerosols. In the first group, the content of Corg varied from 5 to 75 g/kg, the content of N total varied from 1 to 5 g/kg, and the Corg/Ntot ratio varied from 10 to 18. Humus-accumulative horizons buried under recent marine sediments were described in the middle part of the marsh soil profile. In the second group, the contents of Corg was 430–470 g/kg and Ntot 4–7 g/kg. The Corg/Ntot ratio in the surface peat horizons equaled to 64–95 g/kg and decreased by three–seven times in the deeper layers. The soils of the low-level marshes flooded each tide and especially their surface horizons contained more inorganic carbon than any other soils. Mass fraction of inorganic carbon varied from 4 to 20% of the total carbon content. Seawater and carbonate-containing rocks could be the source of the inorganic carbon. A correlation was found between the contents of Corg and Ntot in soils and in plant communities growing on these soils. Additional input of Corg and Ntot into marsh soils was due to the living activity of birds and to organic substances in seawater.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):507-517
pages 507-517 views

Transformation of Nitrogen Compounds in Soils of Mountain Tundra Ecosystems in the Khibiny

Buzin I., Makarov M., Malysheva T., Kadulin M., Koroleva N., Maslov M.


The content of nitrogen compounds and processes of nitrogen mineralization and nitrification were studied in the soils of four tundra ecosystems in the Khibiny Mountains. The results obtained demonstrate the differences between soils of heath and meadow ecosystems in the concentrations of extracted inorganic and organic nitrogen and in the activity of nitrogen transformation. The relationships between the activity of organic nitrogen mineralization and the C/N ratio in organic matter, as well as between the activity of mineralization and the amount of microbial biomass in the soils, differ among the soils. At the high C/N ratios, microorganisms assimilate more available nitrogen, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of organic N mineralization. In soils of meadow communities, as compared to the heath ones, the activity of N mineralization responds more rapidly to changes in the microbial biomass, the C/N ratio and proportion of microbial nitrogen in the labile nitrogen pool. The microbial community in the studied soils of the mountain tundra ecosystems substitutes the nitrogen mineralization for nitrogen immobilization at the C/N ratio in organic matter of about 20.5 and the carbon content in the microbial biomass of about 1000 mg/kg.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):518-525
pages 518-525 views

Soil Salinity Resistance Effect on Evaporation

Mahdavi S., Fujimaki H.


Soil salinity is an increasing threat to agriculture and is a major factor in reducing plant productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. Knowledge of the transport process of mass and energy in subsurface soil is vital for understanding the environmental and economic impact of agricultural practices in these areas. A finite difference model, WASH_1D, was applied to evaluate various transport mechanisms associated with temporal variations in soil water content and soil salinity in 5 cm sandy soil columns. Experiment was conducted in a laboratory with fixed temperature and relative humidity. Soil columns were initially saturated with distilled water or 3000 ppm NaCl solution. The accuracy of the model was evaluated using measured soil water content and soil salinity at seven depths 0.2, 0.6, 1.2, 1.7, 2.4, 3.4 and 4.4 cm at the end of the experiment. Simulated cumulative evaporation was compared with the data measured with an electronic balance. Results showed that the liquid flux of distilled water treatment was sharply declined sooner than NaCl solution treatment which was associated with decreasing in moisture diffusivity. The contribution of the water vapor flux to the total moisture flux was 0.01 and 0.2% for distilled water and solution treatments, respectively. The RMSE values between simulated and measured cumulative evaporation lines were 0.77 and 1.08 (g) for the distilled water and solution treatments, respectively. It was observed that the solution treatment significantly reduced total cumulative evaporation up to 11% as compared to the distilled water treatment. Simulated results demonstrated that the model predicted soil water content and salinity with adequate accuracy.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):526-534
pages 526-534 views

Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Fertility

Effect of Long-Term Regular Application of Fertilizers on Main Parameters of Soil Fertility and Productivity of Fodder Crop Rotation on Deeply Freezing Meadow-Chernozemic Soil of Transbaikalia

Pilipenko N., Andreyeva O.


New experimental data on changes in organic matter content, in soil nutrition regimes, and in productivity of crops in fodder rotation were obtained. Long-term (1995–2005) studies of the effect of different rates of mineral and organic-mineral fertilizers (the control variant without fertilizers; N120Р90К90; manure 40 t + N120Р90К90; N240Р180К180; and manure 80 t + N240P180K180) in the fodder crop rotation (fallow–turnip–corn–sunflower mixture–spring rape–pea–oats mixture) were performed at the Research Institute of Veterinary Science of Eastern Siberia, Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Bio Technologies, Russian Academy of Sciences. Their results are discussed in this article. The application of particular norms of organic fertilizers per rotation (80 t of manure and N240P180K180 kg of active substance) resulted in the greatest rise in the nitrate content (by 10–28 mg/kg), available phosphorus (by 21–47), exchangeable potassium (by 12–57 mg/kg of soil), and in organic matter (by 0.08% over the first rotation, by 0.09% over the second one, and by 0.17% over two rotations) in the 0- to 20-cm layer. Productivity of fodder crop rotation increased by 55.4–98.8% over the first rotation and by 58.4–120.6% over the second one.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):535-542
pages 535-542 views

Assessment of Effects of Soil Allelotoxicity and Toxicity of Fungicides on the Development of Grain Crops

Fedotov G., Shoba S., Fedotova M., Gorepekin I.


Allelotoxicity of soils has a negative effect on plant growth, which was evident in the delay of germination under field conditions, namely, a time shift in the development of crops. The technique for determining the time shift under laboratory conditions has been developed. It has been possible to assess the impact of soil allelotoxicity on the yield by comparing the results obtained with the available literature data on the effect of sowing time on yield reduction. For this purpose, a time delay in seed germination and the development of seedlings in soils was compared with the time required for the same development stages for crops sown on the quartz sand, which does not contain toxins. It was found out that the dependence of time shift, expressed in percentage of the value of soil allelotoxicity, has an exponential character. Therefore, time shift may at times exceed the period of seeds development on an inert substrate in case of high soil allelotoxicity. It has been shown that the pre-sowing seed treatment with fungicides in some cases greatly increased the joint inhibition effect of soils and fungicides on seed germination and development of seedlings. Hence, in order to prevent a decrease in yield before application of fungicides for specific crops (varieties) and soils, it is necessary to check up the possibility of their application with developed laboratory technique.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):543-549
pages 543-549 views

Soil Reclamation

Changes in the Ameliorative Status of Irrigated Soils of Volgograd Oblast in the 21st Century

Gorokhova I., Pankova E., Kharlanov V.


The ameliorative status of irrigated soils was estimated on the basis of reclamation cadaster data for 2001 and 2016 on 17 state irrigation systems in three nature regions of Volgograd oblast: (1) the Khvalyn clayey plain and Volga sand ridge in the Caspian Lowland, (2) the Volga and Ergeni uplands, and (3) the Volga and Don river valleys. Significant changes took place in the ameliorative status of these systems during the studied period: the total irrigation area sharply decreased (–31%), especially under irrigation by the local runoff (‒44.5%); the groundwater level became lower, and the area with deep (>5 m) groundwater table increased to 77.3%; and the areas of saline and solonetzic soils decreased by 22.9% and 19.3%, respectively. In many cases, the differences in natural conditions determined the ameliorative status of irrigated soils and the intensity of their changes. The changes were the greatest on the initially saline slightly drained soils of the Khvalyn clayey plain and the smallest in the Volga River valley. During the entire period of irrigation, some areas were subjected to secondary salinization and abandoned. Our investigations at the Raigorodsk plot of the Svetloyarsk irrigation system within the Khvalyn clayey plain in 2016 demonstrated that the soils subjected to secondary salinization in the period of maximum irrigation intensity (in 1990) are now at the stage of gradual desalinization.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):550-565
pages 550-565 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Soil Delineations on Public Cadaster Maps as Elements of the Soil–Land Cover Mapping

Shapovalov D., Koroleva P., Suleiman G., Rukhovich D.


The depiction of soil delineations on a public cadastral map clearly demonstrates the potentialities of large-scale soil mapping. The development of land legislation involves land accounting by land use and the assessment of land quality in accordance with soils. For the full realization of the potential of soil mapping in solving practical problems concerning delineation and evaluation of agricultural land plots, soil maps must contain essential information. Most of the large-scale soil maps for agricultural lands have been created by state institutes for land management (GIPROZEMs). They have errors of the first and second kind of computer science theory (goal omission and false alarm), and problems with soil taxonomy, i.e., missing soil areas, excessive information, and erroneous soil diagnostics. The combination of these errors significantly complicates the practical application of soil maps. On the soil maps, it is impossible to find the boundaries of the territories, where land use changes are related to soil processes. There are also certain diagnostic and taxonomic difficulties in using soil maps for applied purposes. The development of soil cartography in the form of technology of retrospective monitoring of soil and land cover can significantly improve soil mapping and facilitate the transfer of soil mapping units to cadastral maps.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):566-583
pages 566-583 views

Transformation of Forest Ecosystems in Moscow Megapolis under Recreational Impacts

Kuznetsov V., Ryzhova I., Stoma G.


A comprehensive quantitative assessment of the state of vegetation, soil invertebrate complex, litter horizons, and soddy-podzolic soils (Albic Retisols) in Moscow forest parks (Bitsevskii Forest and Losinyi Ostrov) as dependent on the level of recreational loads is presented. The changes in the main components of forest ecosystems in the forest parks under study have a unidirectional character. At the fifth stage of the recreation-induced degradation, the portion of the trees in good condition decreases by 4–5 times; the canopy density, by 20–30%; and the abundance of undergrowth, by 3–4 times. This leads to an increase in illumination of the surface by more than 30 times. With an increase in recreational loads, the species diversity of herbs in the ground cover initially increases from 9–11 to 23 species owing to the invasion of forest-meadow, meadow, and ruderal plants; then, it decreases. The litter pool becomes lower, and its fractional composition changes: the portion of the active litter fractions decreases by 1.7–2 times, and the portion of mechanically comminuted fractions increases by 3.5–7 times. The density and biomass of mesopedobionts at this stage decreases by 2–2.5 times in the soil and by 4–7 times in the litter. The most pronounced changes in the soil properties take place in the uppermost mineral layer (0–5 cm); in the deeper horizons, they are weaker. According to the results of discriminant analysis, the major contribution to the discrimination of soils at different stages of the recreational degradation is made by the aggregation factor. Individual contributions of changes in other soil properties are small, though their cumulative effect of the discrimination of soils is significant.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(5):584-592
pages 584-592 views

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