Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 52, № 4 (2019)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Soil Indicators of Paleoenvironmental Conditions in the South of the East European Plain in the Quaternary Time

Alekseev A., Kalinin P., Alekseeva T.


Climatic conditions are an important factor affecting mineralogical and chemical compositions of soils and paleosols with the formation of paleosol archives that reflect major stages of the evolution of biogeosphere systems in the Quaternary period. In the steppe zone of the south of the East European Plain, two types of the “time capsules” storing information on paleoecosystems and paleoclimate of the Quaternary period are found. First, these are loess/paleosol complexes in coastal zone of the Sea of Azov and in the North Caucasus; their environmental records extend back into the Pleistocene for about 800 ka. Second, these are Holocene paleosols of archeological sites; they are buried under kurgans constructed in different periods of the Middle and Late Holocene. The completeness and reliability of paleoenvironmental reconstructions depend on the chosen study objects. For quantitative reconstruction of the environmental parameters in the past, independent methods based on the assessment and interpretation of soil solid-phase properties—magnetic. mineralogical, geochemical, isotopic, etc.—are to be applied. Detailed mineralogical study of paleosols coupled with the analysis of their organomineral complexes and variations in the concentrations of biophile and lithophile elements significantly increase the reliability of soil indicators of the paleoclimatic conditions. The sets of soil indicators obtained from the study of Holocene paleosols and loess/paleosol sequences in the Sea of Azov region allow us to estimate parameters of the paleoenvironment: paleotemperature, paleoprecipitation, and aridity of the climate.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):349-358
pages 349-358 views

Soil Chemistry

Lithium in Soils and Plants of Western Transbaikalia

Kashin V.


The content of lithium in soil-forming rocks, soils, and plants of forest-steppe, steppe, and dry-steppe landscapes of Transbaikalia has been studied. The mean Li content is 1.1 times higher in soil-forming rocks than the natural abundance (clarke) of this element in the Earth crust and is 1.1–1.3 times higher in the studied soils as compared to the clarke of this element in soils of the world. The Li content in soils is closely related to its amount in soil-forming rocks, while its correlation with the soil humus and Li concentration in plants is absent. Spatial and vertical distribution patterns of Li in soils of the studied landscapes are described. According to the coefficients of the biological uptake of Li by steppe, meadow, and agrogenic cenoses from soils (1.2–2.4), this element is assigned to the group of moderate accumulation. The mean Li content in steppe and meadow plants and crops is 1.3–2.3 times higher than its average content in terrestrial vegetation. Lithium concentrations reach toxic values (5–15 mg/kg) in plants of eight test plots in meadow cenoses. The accumulation of Li per unit area in the meadow vegetation is 10.5 times higher than that in the dry-steppe vegetation.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):359-369
pages 359-369 views

The Influence of Ground Fires on the Properties and Erosion of Forest Soils in the Southern Urals (Bashkir State Nature Reserve)

Gabbasova I., Garipov T., Suleimanov R., Komissarov M., Khabirov I., Sidorova L., Nazyrova F., Prostyakova Z., Kotlugalyamova E.


The influence of ground fires of different ages on the morphological, hydrophysical, and physicochemical properties and on the humus status of dark gray soils (Luvic Retic Greyzemic Someric Phaeozems (Loamic)), gray soils (Eutric Retisols (Loamic, Cutanic, Humic)), and gray-humus lithozems (Eutric Leptosols) was studied in the Bashkir State Nature Reserve in the Southern Urals Mountains. A decrease in the bulk density, increase in the field, capillary, and total water capacities of the soils, alkalization of the soil solution, and an increase in the contents of organic carbon, nitrogen, and ash elements take place in the upper horizons of the soils affected by fires. The humus state of these soils changes: its composition becomes more humate; the portion of free humic acids decreases, the contents of calcium-bound humic acids and non-hydrolyzable residue increase; and the enrichment of humus with nitrogen takes place. The development of post-pyrogenic erosion on steep (13°–15°) slopes leads to significant differentiation of the properties related to the micro- and mesorelief. In the first year after the fire, the soil layer of 7.1 ± 2.3 cm thick was washed out; in the following three years, the average soil loss amounted to 4.6 ± 1.3 cm per year. Taking into account the soil bulk density, this is equivalent to the annual soil loss of 150–400 and 360–540 t/ha, respectively. The burning of herbaceous vegetation and litter, as well as soil erosion and deposition of eroded material are important factors of current pedogenesis in pyrogenic soils.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):370-379
pages 370-379 views

Background Contents of Heavy Metals in Soils and Bottom Sediments in the North of Western Siberia

Opekunov A., Kukushkin S., Ganul A., Opekunova M.


Background concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Cr, Pb, Hg, Cd, Ba, Sr, and Sc) in soils and bottom sediments were determined for the background and anthropogenically disturbed (oil and gas extraction) areas in the north of Western Siberia on the basis of long-term studies (1993–2017). It was found that the soils are characterized by relatively low concentrations of heavy metals. The major factors affecting the variability of the chemical composition of the environmental components are the lithological and chemical composition of the parent materials and the zonal–azonal geochemical differentiation related to peat accumulation. The statistical analysis and the method of ranked geochemical spectra suggested that background element concentrations should be separately determined for organic soil horizons, for mineral (illuvial) horizons in coarse-textured and heavy-textured soils, and for peatlands. Minimum concentrations of most of the studied heavy metals were determined in peatlands: they were 2–8 times lower than the concentrations of these metals in the clayey and loamy illuvial horizons. Mercury and cadmium were the exceptions: their concentrations in the peatlands were 3–4 times higher than those in the illuvial mineral horizons. Background metal concentrations in bottom sediments were separately calculated for three categories: clay and peaty clay sediments, silts, and fine-grained sands. Metals concentrations in clay sediments were significantly higher than those in sandy sediments: by 11 times for Fe and Mn; by 8.5 times for Ni; by 6.5 times for Co; and by 5 times for Zn, Cu, Cr, and V. The concentrations of metals were determined by the ICP MS method. The obtained data on the background concentrations of heavy metals can be recommended for the assessment of technogenic impact on local soils and bottom sediments in the course of the environmental monitoring.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):380-395
pages 380-395 views

Soil Physics

Particulate Organic Matter in Noncultivated and Arable Soils

Semenov V., Lebedeva T., Pautova N.


Data on the contents of particulate organic matter (POM) in the humus horizons of different soil types were obtained. The influence of the land use system and fertilizers on the carbon of particulate organic matter (CPOM) in gray forest soil and typical chernozem was shown. The mineralization rate of POM under constant conditions of temperature and moisture was estimated, and the ratios between the pools of POM and biologically active organic matter in the soils were calculated. In the soils of natural cenoses, the percentage of POM together with the sand particle-size fraction varied within 12–36% of the soil mass, and the CPOM content varied from 1.66 to 8.03% of the fraction mass. The portion of CPOM in the total Corg ranged from 20 to 48%. Cultivated gray forest soil and typical chernozem were depleted of CPOM by 3.0–3.2 and 2.0–2.8 times, respectively, in comparison with the samples of noncultivated soils. The mineralization rate of POM in the gray forest soil and typical chernozem was about the same (7.9–12.1 and 7.2–8.2% of CPOM, respectively), which was about 1.2–2.4 times higher than the mineralization rate of the total soil organic matter. It was noted that POM could be a sensitive indicator of the Corg dynamics in the soil, a good predictor of changes in the content and quality of soil organic matter, and a significant source of potentially mineralizable organic matter in the soil.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):396-404
pages 396-404 views

Application of Evaporation Method Using Two Tensiometers for Determining Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity beyond Tensiometric Range

Fujimaki H., Yanagawa A.


Accurate determination of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in low pressure head range is critical for predicting evaporation rate under localized irrigation or root water uptake under drought stress conditions. We proposed a relatively low cost and fast laboratory method to simultaneously determine water retention and hydraulic conductivity functions across a wide range of pressure heads. The method is quite similar to conventional evaporation method using two tensiometers. In addition to tensiometer readings, the proposed method uses water content profile at the end and cumulative evaporation. Experimental results for three soils with different textures showed that inversely optimized hydraulic conductivity functions agreed with K-data measured with the steady state evaporation method, indicating the reliability of the proposed method. The hydraulic conductivity functions fitted for K-data obtained by tensiometer readings with Campbell’s K(θ) function also agreed well with the reference K-data for two of the three soils, but largely deviated from those for the third soil. This indicates the importance of actual measurement of K(θ) in low pressure head range.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):405-413
pages 405-413 views

Mineralogy and Micromorphology of Soils

Post-pyrogenic Evolution of Sandy Soils under Pine Forests in the Baikal Region

Gyninova A., Dyrzhinov Z., Kulikov A., Gyninova B., Gonchikov B.


The development of sandy soils under pine forests and the influence of forest fires on the soil properties have been studied in the Baikal region, The profile of background soils consists of a litter layer and a thin humus-accumulative horizon with features of grain bleaching in the lower part. In the WRB system, such soils are classified as Eutric Arenosols (Ochric). They have an acid reaction, fulvate humus, and slightly developed features of the Al–Fe-humus process. Post-pyrogenic soil successions depend on the type of fire. In fifteen years after the ground fire, a soil with specific pyrogenic horizons in the upper part of the profile was formed. It had a high content of carbonaceous matter and humus, a slightly acid reaction, and a relatively high content of exchangeable and total calcium. The soil humus was of the fulvate–humate type, and the humus pool considerably increased. These changes were related to the presence of charcoal microparticles adsorbing dispersed substances on their surface and detected in thin sections. After the crown fire with the destruction of the tree stand and activation of wind erosion, the features of pyrogenesis were poorly expressed in the soils. In this case, post-pyrogenic soils had a weakly developed immature profile, acid reaction, and a low content of humus of the humate–fulvate type. The properties of the background soils allow us to classify them as podzolized humic psammozems (Eutric Arenosols (Ochric)); the soils of post-pyrogenic successions after the ground fire can be classified as post-pyrogenic humic psammozems; after the crown fire, as humic psammozems.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):414-425
pages 414-425 views

Cartography of the Composition of Clay Minerals in Soils and Parent materials in Moldova

Alekseev V., Rozloga Y.


A brief review of world experience in mapping the mineralogical composition of soils is given; in particular, the results gained in Great Britain (England and Wales), Canada, the United States, Australia, Hungary, the former Soviet Union, and Russia are analyzed. In the majority of countries, the composition of clay minerals was the only object of mapping, except for the United States, for which the data on the mineral composition of coarse fractions were included. This publication is aimed at the analysis of the experience in mapping the mineralogical composition of soils in Moldova—a small country with steppe and forest-steppe landscapes—and elucidates the achievements and problems in this area. Unlike other countries, where the associations of clay mineral were the object of mapping, the specific mineralogical composition of soils and parent materials in Moldova, together with the development and application of appropriate analytical methods and databases, made it possible to compile the maps reflecting the contents of individual minerals both in the clay and coarse fractions. For the first time, digital maps of the contents of various minerals in soils of Moldova were developed on the basis of data of quantitative X-ray diffractometry and their statistical analysis. A close relationship was found between the content of certain minerals and the particle-size distribution data, which permitted us to perform mapping of the mineralogical composition of soils with due account for their textures. As an example, digital maps of the contents of clay minerals (smectite and illite) in the A horizon and in the parent material of Moldavian chernozems and forest soils on a scale of 1 : 3 M are presented. Statistical data on the contents of these minerals in the soils of different textures are discussed. The content of smectite varies within 6–43%, and the content of illite varies within 3–16%. Their distribution in the soil profiles attests to a statistically reliable difference between the contents of these minerals in the A horizon and in the parent material. The mapping procedure is described, and the areas of the practical application of such maps are specified.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):426-435
pages 426-435 views

Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Fertility

Assessment of Provisioning Ecosystem Services of Irrigated Salt-Affected Soils in Ukraine

Balyuk S., Drozd E., Naidenova O., Nosonenko A.


Irrigated, withdrawn from irrigation, and nonirrigated areas with southern chernozems (Calcic Chernozems) and dark chestnut soils (Haplic Kastanozems) of different degrees of natural and irrigation-induced salinity and solonetzicity were examined within the Ingulets irrigation system in Kherson and Nikolaev oblasts with the aim to assess provisioning ecosystem services of salt-affected soils in Ukraine. The suggested system is based on the results of the eco-agromeliorative assessment of land for pilot areas and takes into account susceptibility of the ecosystem services of salt-affected and solonetzic soils to different kinds of reclamation. In most cases, the soils of nonirrigated areas were characterized by the satisfactory eco-agromeliorative status, and the soils irrigated by sprinkling and withdrawn from irrigation had the good or satisfactory status depending on the depth and salinity of the groundwater. The soils subjected to drip irrigation were in the unfavorable state because of noncompliance with recommended irrigation technologies. Irrigation with slightly saline water caused changes in the structure of soil microbial cenoses and disturbance of the optimal ratios between different groups of microorganisms. In these soils and in the soils withdrawn from irrigation because of the development of secondary salinization and alkalization, the numbers of major trophic groups of microorganisms (eutrophic and oligotrophic bacteria and actinomycetes) and the total soil enzymatic activity decreased. The assessment of susceptibility of the ecosystem services of salt-affected soils to reclamation impacts (chemical amelioration and deep meliorative plowing) demonstrated certain positive changes in the efficiency of soil ecosystem services, such as the productive capacity, the habitat of species, the storage pool for carbon, and the nitrogen fixation capacity. An expert ten-grade scale to assess the productive ecosystem services of salt-affected soils in Ukraine has been developed. It is based on eight characteristics. According to this scale, the areas with the good state of the soils are virtually absent in the examined territory; the satisfactory state has been assigned to 14 surveyed areas; and the unsatisfactory state, to one area with a shallow depth of saline groundwater. This approach provides for a more efficient use of the provisioning functions of salt-affected soils owing to differentiation of reclamation impacts on them and their adaptation to the functioning of biological systems.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):436-447
pages 436-447 views

The Impact of Soil Allelotoxicity on Germination of Grain Seeds

Fedotov G., Shoba S., Fedotova M., Gorepekin I.


The inhibition of seeds of grain crops germination in soils of the East European Plain in comparison with sand has been found. It resulted from the pot experiments that the slowed down seed germination and growth of seed sprouts in the first two days of laboratory experiments was not leveled in the course of the further development of plants. The lag in plant growth was clearly visible after 14 days. Different crops and their varieties slowed down their development in the same soils in different ways. This makes it necessary to investigate the inhibition of development of particular plants in studied soils rather than to use test plants. The choice of crops (varieties) for planting on test plots in farms with the assessment of allelotoxicity of soils by the length of seed sprouts seems to be a promising method for selection of spring crops.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):448-454
pages 448-454 views

Economic Assessment of Fertility and Reclamation Measures for Secondary Saline and Solonetzic Soils of the Ararat Plain

Sahakyan S., Baghdasaryan A., Eloyan A.


The application of reclamation measures to improve the state and increase the fertility of irrigated secondary saline and solonetzic meadow-brown soils (Anthrosols) of the Ararat Plain is substantiated. The indices of soil fertility determining the yield of the main crops were studied. According to monitoring studies, the economic efficiency of different crops was estimated. It is shown that the income from the yield of winter wheat, alfalfa, vegetables, and melons on the soils without salinization and alkalization increases by 2, 2.7, 4.2, and 13.7 times, respectively. The following reclamation measures to improve the ameliorative state of the studied soils are proposed: cultivation of alfalfa, application of gypsum in doses of 12–64 t/ha, and washing of the soil with irrigation water; the amount of water in this case has to be increased by 1.5 times in comparison with the norm. The economic assessment of the proposed reclamation measures is given. The obtained results can be implemented in the farms of Armavir and Ararat regions of Armenia.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):455-463
pages 455-463 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Comparison of Eluate and Direct Soil Bioassay Methods of Soil Assessment in the Case of Contamination with Heavy Metals

Pukalchik M., Terekhova V., Karpukhin M., Vavilova V.


We compared the advantages of eluate and direct soil bioassay methods to reveal the overall toxicity of contaminated soils in a case study with (i) Eutric Fluvisols contaminated with heavy metals; (ii) cultivated Albic Retisols (Loamic, Aric, Cutanic, Ochric) artificially polluted with zinc and lead (550 mg/kg Pb + 880 mg/kg Zn); and (iii) Albic Retisols (Loamic, Cutanic, Ochric) artificially polluted with phosphogypsum (40%). We measured the total and water-soluble species of chemical elements in the samples. Bioassay tests included six different methods. Chemical and biological variables were aggregated by the principal component analysis. It was shown that toxicity values of tested samples in case of eluate test organisms (Ceriodaphnia affinis, Paramecium caudatum, Scenedesmus quadricauda, and bacterial test system Escherichia coli) characterized the studied soils as less toxic than direct soil bioassay tests (Eisenia fetida and Sinapis alba). Finally, we discussed possible ways to improve the informative value of the ecotoxicological assessment of soils by bioassay tests.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2019;52(4):464-470
pages 464-470 views

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