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Том 51, № 12 (2018)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Record of Holocene Changes in High-Mountain Landscapes of Southeastern Altai in the Soil–Sedimentary Sequence of the Boguty River Valley

Bronnikova M., Agatova A., Lebedeva M., Nepop R., Konoplianikova Y., Turova I.


The results of morphosubstantive genetic study of a soil–sedimentary sequence with four buried soils in the Boguty River basin (southeastern Altai) are discussed. A comparative analysis of the surface and buried soils in the valley of a tributary of the Boguty River allows us to distinguish between the following stages of the development of valley landscapes: (1) 11–8 ka BP, humid to semihumid stage with the warmest climate and widespread development of forest vegetation with the formation of texture-differentiated soils with a dark humus horizon; (2) 8–7 ka BP, the stage of relative cooling and humidization of the climate; disturbance of the valley landscapes by a mudflow; the formation of thin short-living dark-humus gleyic soils with cryogenic features under the meadow-steppe vegetation; (3) about 7 ka BP, the stage of transformation of the earlier formed profiles by solifluction processes; (4) 7–<2.7 ka BP, the stage of stabilization of the slopes and the development of cold meadow-steppe/steppe pedogenesis under conditions of a small deficit of moisture; (5) about 2.7 ka BP, a short stage of aridization and activation of eolian followed by stage (6) Al–Fe-humus pedogenesis under the tundra/meadow-steppe phytocenoses with a shift from humid to arid climatic conditions of the next (7) stage of the cryoaridic steppe pedogenesis. Modern pedogenesis proceeds under the cold and dry conditions that are most severe since the beginning of the Holocene. The obtained data are in agreement with the existing notions about the evolution of geosystems in the southeastern Altai in the Holocene and make them more detailed.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1381-1396
pages 1381-1396 views

Soil Chemistry

Potential Sources of Exchangeable Acidity in Strongly Acid Soils (pHKCl < 3.3) and Validation of Its Determination

Shamrikova E., Vanchikova E., Sokolova T., Zhangurov E., Deneva S., Bobrova Y., Kyzyurova E.


Exchangeable acidity in samples from organic and mineral horizons of taiga and bog soils with strongly acid reaction (pHKCl < 3.3 and \({\text{p}}{{{\text{H}}}_{{{{{\text{H}}}_{2}}{\text{O}}}}}\) ≤ 4.4) was determined by the Sokolov method of potentiometric titration of KCl extract before and after the addition of a sodium fluoride solution. In the same extracts, the contents of Al, Fe, and Mn ions were determined by the atomic emission method. NaF was added in an amount sufficient for binding all metal ions into fluoride complex compounds. It was found that the content of metals determined by atomic emission is lower than that calculated from titration results in 1.5–2 times in organic horizons and by 20–25% in mineral horizons. Even a higher difference between the two methods was observed for exchangeable protons: from the titration data, their content in organic horizons was 10–12% of the content determined as the difference between total exchangeable acidity and total metal ions determined by atomic emission, and 3–15% in mineral horizons. The revealed differences were attributed to the underestimated results of determining exchangeable protons in the presence of NaF, which was confirmed by the potentiometric titration of model solutions of strong and weak acids prepared from a KCl solution. It was found that the addition of NaF during the titration with a strong acid results in reaching the point of equivalence after the addition of a smaller amount of base. Reasons for the shift of the point of equivalence during titration with a strong acid in the presence of NaF require special investigations. It is recommended to estimate the exchangeable acidity of strongly acid soils due to metal ions by atomic emission or other adequate methods.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1397-1410
pages 1397-1410 views

Characterization of Humic Acids in Mountainous Meadow Soils and Burozems of the Crimea Using 13C-NMR

Kostenko I., Abakumov E.


A comparative analysis of organic matter in the mountainous soils under the main plant communities of the Crimea was performed. The humus state of burozems and mountainous meadow soils under natural meadow vegetation and planted forests was studied using traditional methods and 13C-NMR spectroscopy for the determination of the contents of total organic carbon, carbon of humic acids and optical density of humic acid solutions. The highest humus content in the A horizon was found in the dark burozem under the beech–hornbeam forest on the Chatyr-Dag Plateau. The meadow soils of the Ai-Petri Plateau were significantly inferior in terms of humus content than the dark burozem and meadow soils of other Crimean plateaus due to the intensive anthropogenic impact on these lands until the 1970s. The lowest humus content was found in the meadow soils of the forested Ai-Petri areas because of the strong degradation of the grass cover after planting trees. The investigation of humic acids using the 13C-NMR method showed that humic acids of Crimean mountainous soils were characterized by the elevated hydrogen content, which well agreed with the content of alkyl fragments. The structural molecular composition of humic acids was dominated by aliphatic components, aromatic components being weakly expressed. At the same time, the aromaticity was somewhat higher in the cases when the soil was formed in the meadow ecosystem; it was lower in the upper soil horizons of the forest ecosystems. The degree of aromaticity of humic acids is intermediate between that of podzolic and chernozem soils, which is typical for soils of semihumid regions. The substitution of herbaceous vegetation in the course of natural overgrowing or afforestation of areas with meadow soils has led to an increase in their acidity, but it had no noticeable effect on the elemental and structural composition of humic acids.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1411-1418
pages 1411-1418 views

Effect of Interannual Difference in Weather Conditions of the Growing Season on the СO2 Emission from the Soil Surface in the Middle-Taiga Cowberry–Lichen Pine Forest (Komi Republic)

Osipov A.


Data on the СО2 emission from the surface of iron-illuvial podzol (Albic Podzol) under an 84‑year-old cowberry–lichen pine forest of the middle taiga in the northeast of European Russia (the Komi Republic) during the growing seasons of 2014–2017 are discussed. Interannual differences in weather conditions were estimated from records of the Syktyvkar weather station. The emission of СО2 was measured by an infrared analyzer LI-COR 8100. In 2016, the duration of the growing season, mean air temperature, and the sums of effective (>5°С) and biologically active (>10°С) temperatures were 1.1–1.3 times higher than the long-term averages. Droughty seasons were absent in the studied period. The intensity of the CO2 emission correlated with the soil temperature at the depth of 10 cm; the correlation coefficient varied from 0.79 to 0.86 (p < 0.05). The temperature coefficient Q10 varied from 2.2 to 3.7; soil respiration at the temperature of 10°C, from 1.2 to 1.5 g С–СО2/(m2 24 h); at the temperature of 20°C, from 2.6 to 5.3 g С–СО2/(m2 24 h), the mean rate of soil respiration during the growing season, from 1.3 to 1.7 g С–СО2/(m2 24 h). The total emission of carbon in the form of CO2 from the surface of iron-illuvial podzol varied from 246 to 389 g/m2 with the maximum during the hot summer season of 2016.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1419-1426
pages 1419-1426 views

Eco-Geochemical Assessment of the Content of Pollutants in Hummocky Bogs of the Kola Peninsula

Barkan V., Lyanguzova I.


The results of eco-geochemical survey of hummocky bogs of the Kola Peninsula at the southern border of their area showed that the climate changes in the recent 60–80 years and the impact of aerotechnogenic pollution did not affect the area of hummocky bog complexes and the depth of the thawing peat layer of conventionally reference and impact high-moor bogs. In the zone affected by the emissions from the Severonikel smelter (Monchegorsk), the content of Ni and Cu in the peat high-moor soils (Cryic Ombric Fibric Histosols) is 60–90 times higher than the level of accumulation of the same metals in the peat of conventionally reference bogs. The S, Cd, Cr, and Pb contents in the compared bog massifs did not differ significantly. In the frozen horizon of the impact bogs, the Ni and Cu content was significantly greater (~ 2 times) than their content in the same layer of the conventionally background bogs, which indicates a vertical migration of pollutants down the peat profile and a deeper technogenic transformation of cryogenic massifs due to the effects of atmospheric emissions from the plant. The profile distribution of pollutants (Ni, Cu, Pb, S, Cr, and Cd) in the peat layer of the impact and conventionally background bogs has its own specific features.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1427-1439
pages 1427-1439 views

Changes in Soil Physical and Chemical Properties During the Process of Alpine Meadow Degradation along the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Xie H., Wu Q., Hu J., Yu L., Bie P., Wang H., Deng D.


Soil moisture, nutrients and environmental conditions have extremely vital effects on vegetation growth and microbial activities in terrestrial ecosystems. To study the changes of soil physical and chemical properties as affected by degradation along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, using the largest wetland in Ruoergai as the research sample for two consecutive years, we tested the soil bulk density, the soil moisture content, the pH value, the content of organic C, total N and total P of 0~20 cm and 20~40 cm in different degradation degree (light, moderate, serious and non-degraded alpine meadow). The results show that: (1) Degradation had profound effects on the soil physical properties and chemical properties. with the intensification of the alpine meadow degradation in the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and soil water content decreased significantly but soil bulk density increased significantly. (2) the soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus contents and soil water content increased with the increase of soil depth, however, the soil bulk density show the opposite regular. (3) The correlation analysis indicated that there was an extremely significant positive correlation between soil organic carbon and total nitrogen, total phosphorus, soil water, and the correlation coefficients were 0.822, 0.907 and 0.885 respectively (P < 0.01). There was an extremely significant positive relationship between the pH and the soil bulk density (r = 0.488, p < 0.01), while a significant negative relationship between pH and soil water (r = –0.387, p < 0.05). Overall, these results suggested that soil degradation not only changed the soil physical properties but also affected the soil chemical properties indirectly. Protecting surface vegetation and reducing wind erosion could be a good way to curb degradation.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1440-1446
pages 1440-1446 views

Pedological Investigation of a Litho-Toposequence in a Semi-Arid Region of Southwestern Iran

Owliaie H., Adhami E., Ghiri M., Shakeri S.


A litho-toposequence of soils in a semi-arid region in southwestern Iran was investigated for their pedological properties. Nine representative pedons on different geomorphic surfaces, including river terrace, alluvial plain, pediment, and alluvial fan, were studied on stratigraphic ranges from Lower Miocene to Pliocene. The soils are dominated by carbonate, gypsum, and clay illuviation. More developed soils were found on the more stable surfaces. Illuviated clays at lower depth of stable geomorphic surfaces should be the result of the more humid climate of the past, where the carbonates have been removed completely. The occurrence of calcite coatings that are superimposed on the clay coatings shows the recalcification and carbonate precipitation processes. Smectite, illite, chlorite, palygorskite, kaolinite, and quartz clay minerals were identified in almost all geomorphic surfaces, but more palygorskite and less smectite were found in the older gypsiferous soils. Coating and infilling of gypsum and calcite crystals in voids and channels were common pedofeatures observed in the soils studied. Larger lenticular gypsum crystals were found in the soils with lighter texture located on the more stable geomorphic surfaces.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1447-1461
pages 1447-1461 views

Soil Physics

Dependence of the Osmotic Pressure and Electrical Conductivity of Soil Solutions on the Soil Water Content

Smagin A., Sadovnikova N., Kirichenko A., Egorov Y., Vityazev V., Bashina A.


The osmotic pressure and electrical conductivity were determined with the use of instrumental methods (centrifuging, conductometry, and cryoscopy) in equilibrium soil solutions as the functions of moisture (the mass ratio between solid and liquid phases) for the soils of different geneses and textures. These functions proved to have a nonlinear character with one extremum. A theoretical substantiation to this phenomenon is suggested. It is based on the concept of competing interphase interactions in soil and develops the classical ideas by A.A. Rode. Upon the low soil water content, surface (molecular and ion-electrostatic) forces of the solid phase bind water molecules and prevent them from hydrating ions and dissolving electrolyte salts in the soil solution; as a result, electrical conductivity and osmotic pressure values approach zero in this case. With an increase in the water content, water molecules escape gradually from the energy field of surface forces, and their activity (chemical potential) and dissolving capacity also increase. This results in the expected growth of the electrical conductivity and osmotic pressure of the equilibrium solution extracted from the soil. The maximum values of the studied parameters are observed at the water content approximately equal to the maximum molecular water capacity (or to the boundary zone, within which capillary gravitational forces influencing the soil liquid phase become prevailing over the surface interphase interaction forces). The further increase in the soil water content lowers the electrical conductivity and osmotic pressure of equilibrium solution because of dilution of the fixed mass of electrolyte salts. For quantitative description of the revealed functional dependence, we suggest an empirical mathematical model in the form of modified equation of lognormal distribution.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1462-1473
pages 1462-1473 views

Soil Biology

Influence of Soil Salinity on the Population of Oribatid Mites in the Forest-Steppe Zone of Western Siberia

Yakutin M., Andrievskii V., Anopchenko L.


The research was performed in the center of the Baraba Plain. It was demonstrated that soil salinity exerts a considerable effect on oribatid mites. Several stages of changes in the population of oribatid mites upon soil evolution on the dried bottom of salt lake in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia were identified. At the stage of solonchakous meadow soils (Mollic Gleysols (Salic)), oribatid mites formed a multi-species low-number group. At the stage of medium-deep solonetzes (Gleyic Solonetzes) and chernozemic meadow soils (Luvic Chernozems), the species richness and abundance of oribatid mites increased by about 2–3.5 times. The appeared species were sensitive to high soil salinity and could not survive in the meadow soil. Changes in the soil salinity led to changes in the ecological status of species: some of them occupied dominant positions, and others lost them.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1474-1479
pages 1474-1479 views

Specific Features of the Microbial Community Development in Soddy-Podzolic Soil in the Course of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Growing

Pinchuk I., Polyanskaya L., Kirillova N., Stepanov A.


The development of microbial community in a soddy-podzolic soil (Albic Retisol) on the roots of common barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was studied. Morphometric characteristics of plant roots (length and surface area) were obtained with the help of scanning technique, and characteristics of root hairs were obtained by microscopy. The number of bacteria in barley rhizosphere and rhizoplane was estimated using the method of cascade filtration. A significant contribution (about 30%) of root hairs to the total surface area of barley root system was demonstrated. The germination of barley seeds was accompanied by an increase in the population of bacteria in the rhizosphere and rhizoplane by almost an order of magnitude; during the stage of the development of lateral roots, the density of bacterial cells on the root surface decreased by almost three times in comparison with the initial stage of root development.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1480-1486
pages 1480-1486 views

Mineralogy and Micromorphology of Soils

Submicroscopy of Aggregates of Luvic Phaeozems under Different Land Uses in the Southeast of the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

Maria Fernanda Alvarez ., Margarita Luisa Osterrieth .


Soil aggregates are key elements of soil structure that play an important role in several soil processes. One of the major factors that affect soil structure are the anthropogenic activities. Such modifications can be studied by different scales of analysis, macro, meso and microscale; and measured through different soil properties. The aim of our work is to perform description at submicroscopic scale of the soil aggregates matrices of Luvic Phaeozems affected by the different uses in the southeastern part of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The descriptions were made taking into account: (a) characteristics of aggregates matrix, (b) elemental composition of matrix and (c) organics components (plant residues, other carbon components) and microbiogical components. In natural and forested soils, the content of organic carbon in the aggregate matrices is higher, while in cultivated soils there is a decrease, which results in a decrease in their structural stability. The observations under MEB and the EDAXs have contributed to defining the morphological characteristics of the aggregate matrices from granular porous organic ones in non-tilled soils to compact ones in cultivated plots.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1487-1496
pages 1487-1496 views

Agricultural Chemistry and Fertility of Soils

Nitrogen in Chernozems under Traditional and Direct Seeding Cropping Systems: A Review

Zavalin A., Dridiger V., Belobrov V., Yudin S.


The functional role of nitrogen in the formation of crop yield on chernozems under conditions of traditional and direct seeding (DS) cropping systems is considered. In the course of long-term experimental studies of DS cropping system on chernozems, considerable experience has been gained and has found efficient practical application. It is shown that the effect of nitrogen as the most important element in the composition of humic substances influencing the fertility of chernozems depends on the variability of environmental factors, the forms and rates of nitrogen fertilizers, the rotation systems, and the soil treatment technologies. The DS cropping system has been tested for 4–10 years on experimental fields of the Stavropol Agricultural Research Institute and in a number of farms in Stavropol region. The obtained data on the yields of cereal crops and the application of fertilizers attest to the importance of the formation of a mulching layer of plant residues on the surface of ordinary and southern chernozems in the DS systems. This layer contributes to a gradual accumulation of nitrogen, protects the soil from erosion, and increases the number and mass of earthworms. Nitrogen in the DS cropping systems on chernozems in Russia is characterized by the high mobility and the capacity for considerable transformation. In this context, further investigations and special experiments are necessary to gain better knowledge of the behavior of nitrogen in different cropping systems. In particular, the relationships between nitrogen fluxes, agrophysical soil properties (aggregate-size distribution at the macro and micro levels), and specificity of the organic matter in different subtypes of chernozems under different cultivation technologies have to be clarified. In general, the role of DS cropping systems in farming practices has become more significant in the recent years; application of the DS cropping system is considered a positive factor in maintaining and restoring soil fertility.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1497-1506
pages 1497-1506 views

Different Response of Grain Yield to Soil Organic Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in Red Soil as Based on the Long-Term Fertilization Experiment

Liu Kailou ., Li Yazhen .


Soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) are essential nutrients for plant growth. Thus, soil amendments that increase the amounts of these nutrients can improve crop yield in poor growing soils such as Red soils in subtropical China, which were classified as Plinthosols in the WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources). It is unknown whether any of the three nutrients are more influential than the others on crop yield. A 30-year-long field experiment was established in 1986 to investigate the response of grain yield to changes in SOC, TN and TP levels, identified by regression equations, due to various fertilizer treatments applied to corn crops grown in red soil. Corn yields varied significantly under four different fertilizer treatments. For most of the experimental years, the two fertilizer treatments of application of manure combined with inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPKM) and a higher rate of NPK (HNPK) fertilizer produced significantly higher yields than the control (no addition of fertilizer, CK) by 441–548 and 380–703%, respectively. Differences between yields increased over time, particularly between NPKM and CK treatments. The long-term application of NPKM increased SOC, TN and TP contents more so than the other treatments and contents were greater than those in the CK by 48.6–57.1, 26.4–37 and 81.6–142%, respectively. There were no significant differences between the treatments with the low and high rates of NPK (LNPK and HNPK). Additional results showed that NPKM raised the C : N ratio and lowered the C : P ratio. The relationships between SOC, TN, TP and grain yield were best represented by the Michaelis–Menten equation rather than the simple linear equation. Moreover, the equations estimated different maximum yields of corn; yields estimated by SOC and TP were higher than the yield estimated by TN. Furthermore, The estimated maximum yield that could be attained is at a C : N ratio of 10.22 in red soil. Therefore, SOC and TP are likely the more important nutrients to consider altering in soil management of red soil.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1507-1513
pages 1507-1513 views

Soil Еrosion

Contemporary Trend in Erosion of Arable Ordinary Chernozems (Haplic Chernozems (Pachic)) within the Volga Upland (Saratov Oblast, Russia)

Gusarov A., Sharifullin A., Golosov V.


The current trend in erosion rate of ordinary chernozems in Saratov oblast has been assessed. Detailed studies have been performed in a small catchment area of the Bolshoi Kolyshley River (Medveditsa River basin) using the radiocesium and soil-morphological methods. Data of long-term hydrometeorological observations in the region, reported results of observations of water runoff and soil loss on the runoff plots of the South-Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture (Saratov oblast), results of analysis of the grain size and mineral composition of stratozems developed on the catchment valley bottom were also used for analysis. The quantification of sedimentation rate in the valley bottom during two time windows (1963–1986 and 1986–2017) based on the sediment dating using 137Cs as a chronomarker indicates their decrease at least in 4–6 times after 1986, which points to a proportional reduction in erosion rate on the plowed slopes of the catchment area. The analysis of the temporal variability of suspended yields in the regional rivers (Medveditsa and Khopyor) during the period from 1940 to the present time allows us to draw an analogous conclusion for the Volga Upland within Saratov oblast. The decrease in the erosion rate of ordinary chernozems could be mainly caused by the reduction in water runoff from slopes during the spring snowmelt because of reduction in soil freezing depth against the background of rising air temperature in winter and spring. This decrease in erosion rate during the snowmelt period was not balanced by the regional increase in rainfall erosion related to some increase in the rate of runoff-forming rainfalls. In the part of Saratov oblast, located within the Volga Upland, where the studied catchment is situated, on the contrary, even a reduction in the frequency of rains with a rainfall depth of more than 30 mm occurred over the last decades. The reduction in the cultivated land area since the late 1980s because of the abandonment of plowlands on the steepest slopes also contributed to the decrease in total soil loss by erosion at the river basin scale. Within the studied small catchment, the share of perennial grasses in crop rotations increased after 1986, which also led to reduction of the rate of erosion of ordinary chernozems.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1514-1532
pages 1514-1532 views

Dynamic Assessment of Soil Water Erosion in the Three-North Shelter Forest Region of China from 1980 to 2015

Ji C., Li X., Jia Y., Wang L.


To evaluate the risk and dynamic change trends of water erosion status and intensity spatial distribution in the Three-North Shelter Forest Project (TNSFP) region from 1980 to 2015, the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), after integrating precipitation, soil characteristics, vegetative cover, topography, land use, and a cover management factor weighted with rainfall during flood seasons, was employed. The results illustrated that soil conservation improved and the average water erosion rate decreased from 530 to 230 t/ (km2 a) following vegetation restoration and land use changes. The water erosion area decreased by 17% in the study area, and 78% of the area tended to be stable. However, a deteriorated region of 14.87 million km2 area was determined to be an erosional risk region, mainly distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region and the southwestern Sandstorm region, which should be a priority for conservation measures. The new approach to calculate C-factor values, fully considering rainfall intensity as an appropriate weight, provided a rational and reliable estimate of the C-factor on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Further, it was found that the effectiveness of forest land use in reducing water erosion is a significant priority. These results will be useful for soil conservation management and the planning of TNSFP in the future.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1533-1546
pages 1533-1546 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Ecological Assessment of the Content of Cadmium in Soils and Crops in Southwestern Regions of the Central Chernozemic Zone, Russia

Lukin S., Selyukova S.


It is found that in Belgorod oblast during 2010–2014, cadmium mainly came into agrocenoses with organic fertilizers (0.4 g/ha, or 73.9%) and ameliorants (0.116 g/ha, or 21.4%). The lowest total content of cadmium in the A horizon (0.22 mg/kg) was noted in meadow-chernozemic soil (Greyzemic Stagnic Chernic Phaeozem (Clayic, Pachic)) developed on old alluvial calcareous deposits, and its highest content (0.42 mg/kg) was found in ordinary chernozem (Haplic Chernozem (Clayic, Pachic)), where loess-like clay is the main parent rock. Virgin leached chernozem (Luvic Сhernozem (Loamic, Pachic)) formed on loess-like loam, contained 0.33 mg Cd/kg in the A horizon, which almost coincided with the mean content of this element (0.32 mg/kg) in the plow layer of leached chernozems on reference plots. No exceeding of the tentative permissible concentration of cadmium was revealed in arable soils. In crops, the content of cadmium was highest in sunflower seeds (0.086 mg/kg) and soya beans (0.072 mg/kg), and lowest in peas (0.032 mg/kg) and white lupine beans (0.013 mg/kg). The biological adsorption factor varied within the range from 0.97 (while lupine beans) to 10.8 (sunflower seeds) for target agricultural crops and from 0.41 (while lupine straw) to 4.63 (soya straw) for side products.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1547-1553
pages 1547-1553 views

The Impact of Petrochemical Enterprises on the Soil Cover in Samara Oblast

Sazonova O., Ryazanova T., Tupikova D., Sudakova T., Toropova N., Vistyak L., Sokolova I., Suchkov V.


We studied the state of the soil cover in sanitary protection zones of two large oil refineries in Samara region (at distances up to 1000 m from the refineries) using a combination of chemical and microbiological test to identify priority pollutants. The following parameters were used for the sanitary-chemical assessment of soils: soil pH and the concentrations of ammonium, nitrates, mercury, anion-active surface-active agents, phenols, petroleum products, arsenic, copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, nickel, cobalt, and benzo[a]pyrene. The sanitary-bacteriological tests included determination of the coliform index, index of lactose-positive Bacillus coli, enterococcus index, total microbial count, and the quantity of saprophytes, actinomycetes, and enteric pathogens. Petroleum products, benzo[a]pyrene, arsenic, and some heavy metals (cadmium and nickel) were the priority pollutants of sanitary protection zones of oil refineries. The results of microbiological tests demonstrated that the soil self-purification processes in the studied areas are very slow. It was found that the content of hydrocarbons in soils depends on the distance of sampling sites from large highways within sanitary protection zones. The contents of most of heavy metals and arsenic in soils were higher near large highways and parking areas in comparison with those at the sites near small streets with low traffic. The results obtained attest to the unsatisfactory state of the soil cover in the examined sanitary protection zones. These zones require further monitoring and certain remediation actions.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(12):1554-1564
pages 1554-1564 views

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