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Том 51, № 3 (2018)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Selection of a Geostatistical Method to Interpolate Soil Properties of the State Crop Testing Fields using Attributes of a Digital Terrain Model

Sahabiev I., Ryazanov S., Kolcova T., Grigoryan B.


The three most common techniques to interpolate soil properties at a field scale—ordinary kriging (OK), regression kriging with multiple linear regression drift model (RK + MLR), and regression kriging with principal component regression drift model (RK + PCR)—were examined. The results of the performed study were compiled into an algorithm of choosing the most appropriate soil mapping technique. Relief attributes were used as the auxiliary variables. When spatial dependence of a target variable was strong, the OK method showed more accurate interpolation results, and the inclusion of the auxiliary data resulted in an insignificant improvement in prediction accuracy. According to the algorithm, the RK + PCR method effectively eliminates multicollinearity of explanatory variables. However, if the number of predictors is less than ten, the probability of multicollinearity is reduced, and application of the PCR becomes irrational. In that case, the multiple linear regression should be used instead.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):255-267
pages 255-267 views

Soil Chemistry

Platinum-Group Elements in Soils and Street Dust of the Southeastern Administrative District of Moscow

Ladonin D.


The contents of five platinum-group metals (Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, and Pt) in soils and street dust of the Southeastern administrative district (SEAD) of Moscow have been determined. The contents of these elements in soils may considerably exceed their natural abundances in the lithosphere and are characterized by considerable variability and asymmetric frequency distribution. A close correlation between Rh, Pd, and Pt contents in soils and street dust has been shown. The data on the contents of the elements and the ratios between them suggest that motor vehicles are the major source of pollution of soils and street dust in the studied district.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):268-276
pages 268-276 views

Assessment of Soil Water Composition in the Northern Taiga Coniferous Forests of Background Territories in the Industrially Developed Region

Lukina N., Ershov V., Gorbacheva T., Orlova M., Isaeva L., Teben’kova D.


The composition of soil water under coniferous forests of Murmansk oblast—an industrially developed region of northern Russia—was investigated. The studied objects were dwarf-shrub–green-moss spruce forests and dwarf-shrub–lichen pine forests on Al-Fe-humus podzols (Albic Rustic Podzols) that are widespread in the boreal zone. The concentrations and removal of organic carbon performing the most important biogeochemical and pedogenic functions were estimated. The results proved significant intra- and inter-biogeocenotic variability in the composition of atmospheric depositions and soil water. Carbon removal with soil water from organic and mineral horizons within elementary biogeoareas (EBGA) under tree crowns was 2–5 and 2–3 times (in some cases, up to 10 times) greater than that in the intercrown areas, respectively. The lowest critical level of mineral nitrogen (0.2 mg/L) was, as a rule, exceeded in tree EBGAs contrary to intercrown areas. Concentrations of sulfates and heavy metals in water of tree EBGA were 3–5 times greater than those in inter-crown areas. Significant inter-biogeocenotic variations related to differences in the height of trees and tree stand density were found. It is argued that adequate characterization of biochemical cycles and assessment of critical levels of components in soil water of forest ecosystems should be performed with due account for the intra- and inter-biogeocenotic variability.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):277-289
pages 277-289 views

Soil Physics

Seasonal and Daily Dynamics of the CO2 Emission from Soils of Pinus koraiensis Forests in the South of the Sikhote-Alin Range

Ivanov A., Braun M., Tataurov V.


The presented study shows the results of measuring soil respiration in typical burozems (Dystric Cambisols) under mixed Korean pine–broadleaved forests in the southern part of the Primorskii (Far East) region of Russia growing under conditions of monsoon climate. The measurements were performed in 2014–2016 by the chamber method with the use of a portable infrared gas analyzer. Relative and total values of the CO2 efflux from the soil surface on four model plots were determined. The intensity of summer emission varied from 2.25 to 10.97 μmol/(m2 s), and the total CO2 efflux from the soils of four plots varied from 18.84 to 25.56 mol/m2. It is shown that a larger part of seasonal variability in the soil respiration is controlled by the soil temperature (R2 = 0.5–0.7); the soil water content also has a significant influence on the CO2 emission determining about 10% of its temporal variability. The daily dynamics of soil respiration under the old-age (200 yrs) forest have a significant relationship with the soil temperature (R2 = 0.51). The pyrogenic transformation of Pinus koraiensis forests into low-value oak forests is accompanied by an increase in the СО2 efflux from the soil.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):290-295
pages 290-295 views

Soil Biology

Biological Oxygen Demand in Soils and Litters

Smagin A., Smagina M., Sadovnikova N.


Biological oxygen demand (BOD) in mineral and organic horizons of soddy-podzolic soils in the forest-park belt of Moscow as an indicator of their microbial respiration and potential biodestruction function has been studied. The BOD of soil samples has been estimated with a portable electrochemical analyzer after incubation in closed flasks under optimum hydrothermal conditions. A universal gradation scale of this parameter from very low (<2 g O2/(m3 h)) to extremely high (>140 g O2/(m3 h)) has been proposed for mineral and organic horizons of soil. A physically substantiated model has been developed for the vertical distribution of BOD in the soil, which combines the diffusion transport of oxygen from the atmosphere and its biogenic uptake in the soil by the first-order reaction. An analytical solution of the model in the stationary state has been obtained; from it, the soil oxygen diffusivity and the kinetic constants of O2 uptake have been estimated, and the profile-integrated total BOD value has been calculated (0.4–1.8 g O2/(m2 h)), which is theoretically identical to the potential oxygen flux from the soil surface due to soil respiration. All model parameters reflect the recreation load on the soil cover by the decrease in their values against the control.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):296-308
pages 296-308 views

The Influence of Edaphic and Orographic Factors on Algal Diversity in Biological Soil Crusts on Bare Spots in the Polar and Subpolar Urals

Patova E., Novakovskaya I., Deneva S.


The influence of edaphic and orographic factors on the formation of algal diversity in biological soil crusts was studied in mountain tundras of the Polar and Subpolar Urals. Bare spots developed in the soils on different parent materials and overgrown to different extents were investigated. Overall, 221 algal species from six divisions were identified. Among them, eighty-eight taxa were new for the region studied. The Stigonema minutum, S. ocellatum, Nostoc commune, Gloeocapsopsis magma, Scytonema hofmannii, Leptolyngbya foveolarum, Pseudococcomyxa simplex, Sporotetras polydermatica species and species of the Cylindrocystis, Elliptochloris, Fischerella, Leptosira, Leptolyngbya, Myrmecia, Mesotaenium, Phormidium, Schizothrix genera were permanent components of biological soil crusts. The basis of the algal cenoses in soil crusts was composed of cosmopolitan cyanoprokaryotes, multicellular green algae with thickened covers and abundant mucus. The share of nitrogen fixers was high. The physicochemical properties of primary soils forming under the crusts of spots are described. The more important factors affecting the species composition of algae in the crusts are the elevation gradient, temperature, soil moisture, and the contents of Ca, Mg, mobile phosphorus, and total nitrogen.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):309-320
pages 309-320 views

Changes in the Metagenome of Prokaryotic Community as an Indicator of Fertility of Arable Soddy-Podzolic Soils upon Fertilizer Application

Naliukhin A., Khamitova S., Glinushkin A., Avdeev Y., Snetilova V., Laktionov Y., Surov V., Siluyanova O., Belozerov D.


The influence of different systems of fertilization and liming on the changes in the taxonomic structure of prokaryotic community in arable soddy-podzolic soil (Albic Retisol (Loamic, Aric, Cutanic, Differentic, Ochric)) was studied in a stationary field experiment of Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy with the use of high-performance sequencing method of gene 16S rRNA. The 25-year-old fallow plot, in which the intensity of microbiological processes was close to that in the virgin soddy-podzolic soils, was used as a control. At the first stage, dominant phyla were identified: Proteobacteria (45.3–56.2%), Actinobacteria (13.6–20.4%), Bacteroidetes (7.2–19.3%), Acidobacteria (7.1–11.5%), and Verrucomicrobia (4.3–10.3%). Several groups of microorganisms-indicators, whose portion changes in the arable soil under the influence of liming, fertilizer application, and soil treatment in comparison with the control, were determined. The applied approach made it possible to relate the taxonomic structure of the soil microbial cenosis with external factors for assessing changes in the structure of soil microbial complex under the impact of different uses of the arable soil.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):321-326
pages 321-326 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Changes in the Degree of Contamination of Organic Horizons of Al–Fe-Humus Podzols upon a Decrease in Aerotechnogenic Loads, the Kola Peninsula

Barkan V., Lyanguzova I.


Contamination levels of the organic horizon of Al–Fe-humus podzols (Albic Rustic Podzols) in the zone affected by atmospheric emissions of the Severonikel smelter (Murmansk oblast) within a 20-yearlong period are compared. The spatiotemporal changes in the total content of heavy metals in the soils in response to a decrease in aerotechnogenic loads have a complicated pattern. As the content of heavy metals in the soils varies widely, the correlation between their amount in the organic soil horizon and the distance from the contamination source is absent. In response to the ninefold decrease in the amount of atmospheric emission of Ni compounds, the bulk content of Ni in the organic horizons of podzols reliably decreased by 2.5 times. The threefold decrease in the emission of Cu compounds proved to be insufficient for a significant decrease in the Cu content in the soils. In 2016, the content of heavy metals in some sampling points even increased in comparison with the earlier periods. The Ni-to-Cu ratio in the soil samples changed significantly. In 1989–1994, bulk forms of heavy metals in the soil samples formed the sequence Ni > Cu > Co; in 2016, it changed to Cu > Ni > Co, which corresponds to the proportions of these metals in the aerial emissions. Under conditions of the continuous input of heavy metals from the atmosphere, the contamination of the organic horizons of podzols with heavy metals remains at the high or very high levels.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):327-335
pages 327-335 views

Experimental Study of Factors Affecting Soil Erodibility

Larionov G., Bushueva O., Gorobets A., Dobrovolskaya N., Kiryukhina Z., Krasnov S., Litvin L., Maksimova I., Sudnitsyn I.


The effect of different factors and preparation conditions of monofraction samples from the arable horizon of leached chernozem on soil erodibility and its relationship with soil tensile strength (STS) has been studied. The exposure of samples at 38°C reduces their erodibility by two orders of magnitude. The drying of samples, on the contrary, increases their erodibility. It has been shown that erodibility decreases during the experiment. It has been found that the inoculation of soil with yeast cultures (Naganishia albida, Lipomyces tetrasporus) reliably increases the STS value in 1.5–1.9 times. The sterile soil is eroded more intensively than the unsterile soil: at 4.9 and 0.3 g/(m2 s), respectively. The drying of soil followed by wetting to the initial water content (30%) has no significant effect on the STS value in almost all experimental treatments.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):336-344
pages 336-344 views

Application of the Spectral Neighborhood of Soil Line Technique to Analyze the Intensity of Soil Use in 1985–2014 (by the Example of Three Districts of Tula Oblast)

Rukhovich D., Rukhovich A., Rukhovich D., Simakova M., Kulyanitsa A., Koroleva P.


The technique of separation of the spectral neighborhood of soil line (SNSL) makes it possible to perform quantitative estimates of the intensity of agricultural land use. This is achieved via calculation of the frequency of occurrence of bare soil surface (BSS). It is shown that the frequency of occurrence of BSS in 1984–1994 was linearly related to the soil type within the sequence of soddy strongly podzolic, soddy moderately podzolic, soddy slightly podzolic (Eutric Albic Glossic Retisols (Loamic, Aric, Cutanic, Differentic, Ochric)); light gray forest (Eutric Retisols (Loamic, Aric, Cutanic, Differentic, Ochric)), gray forest (Eutric Retisols (Loamic, Aric, Cutanic, Ochric)), and dark gray forest soils (Luvic Retic Greyzemic Phaeozems (Loamic, Aric)); podzolized chernozems (Luvic Greyzemic Chernic Phaeozems (Loamic, Aric, Pachic)) and leached chernozems (Luvic Chernic Phaeozems (Loamic, Aric, Pachic)). The intensity of exploitation of the least and most fertile soils in this sequence comprised 28 and 48%, respectively. In the next decade (1995–2004) the relationship between the type of soil and the intensity of its exploitation drastically changed; the intensity of exploitation of the leas and most fertile soils comprised 14 and 43%, respectively. Nearly a half of agricultural lands in the zones of soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils were abandoned, because the cultivation of the soils with the natural fertility below that in the podzolized chernozems became economically unfeasible under conditions of the economic crisis of the 1990s. The spatiotemporal relationships between the character of the soil cover and the intensity of exploitation of the agricultural lands manifest themselves by the decreasing frequency of occurrence of BSS from leached chernozems to soddy strongly podzolic soils and from 1985 to 2014.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):345-358
pages 345-358 views

Emission and Sink of Greenhouse Gases in Soils of Moscow

Mozharova N., Kulachkova S., Lebed’-Sharlevich Y.


The first inventory and zoning of the emission and sink of methane and carbon dioxide in the urban structure of greenhouse gases from soils and surface technogenic formations (STFs) (Technosols) on technogenic, recrementogenic, and natural sediments have been performed with consideration for the global warming potential under conditions of different formation rate of these gases, underflooding, and sealing. From gas geochemical criteria and anthropogenic pedogenesis features, the main sources of greenhouse gases, their intensity, and mass emission were revealed. The mass fractions of emissions from the sectors of waste and land use in the inventories of greenhouse gas emissions have been determined. New sources of gas emission have been revealed in the first sector, the emissions from which add tens of percent to the literature and state reports. In the second sector, emissions exceed the available data in 70 times. Estimation criteria based on the degree of manifestation and chemical composition of soil-geochemical anomalies and barrier capacities have been proposed. The sink of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and the internal (latent) sink of methane in soils and STFs have been determined. Ecological functions of soils and STFs have been shown, and the share of latent methane sink has been calculated. The bacterial oxidation of methane in soils and STFs exceeds its emission to the atmosphere in almost hundred times.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(3):359-370
pages 359-370 views

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