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Issue Title File
Vol 50, No 6 (2017) Soil contamination in the impact zone of mining enterprises in the Bashkir Transural region
Opekunova M.G., Somov V.V., Papyan E.E.
Vol 49, No 7 (2016) Soil cover in the southern forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland against the background of centennial climate fluctuations
Smirnova L.G., Kukharuk N.S., Chendev Y.G.
Vol 51, No 8 (2018) Soil Cover of the Svetloyarsk Irrigation System after 50 Years of Reclamation Practices
Gorokhova I.N., Khitrov N.B., Prokop’eva K.O., Kharlanov V.A.
Vol 52, No 9 (2019) Soil Cover Patterns in Anthropogenically Transformed Landscapes of Leningrad Oblast
Sukhacheva E.U., Aparin B.F.
Vol 52, No 5 (2019) Soil Delineations on Public Cadaster Maps as Elements of the Soil–Land Cover Mapping
Shapovalov D.A., Koroleva P.V., Suleiman G.A., Rukhovich D.I.
Vol 49, No 6 (2016) Soil erosion in river basins of Georgia
Gogichaishvili G.P.
Vol 51, No 9 (2018) Soil Fertility Characteristics and Organic Carbon Stock in Soils of Vegetable Gardens Compared with Surrounding Arable Land at the Center of the Urban and Industrial Area of Ruhr, Germany
Burghardt W., Heintz D., Hocke N.
Vol 52, No 2 (2019) Soil Formation in the Taiga–Steppe Ecotone of the Selenga Mountains, Western Transbaikal Region
Sympilova D.P., Badmaev N.B.
Vol 52, No 4 (2019) Soil Indicators of Paleoenvironmental Conditions in the South of the East European Plain in the Quaternary Time
Alekseev A.O., Kalinin P.I., Alekseeva T.V.
Vol 49, No 4 (2016) Soil map of the Russian Arctic on a 1 : 1 M scale: Contents and compilation methods
Mikhailov I.S.
Vol 52, No 12 (2019) Soil Maps in the New Ecological Atlas of Russia
Bogdanova M.D., Gerasimova M.I.
Vol 52, No 3 (2019) Soil Memory: Theoretical Basics of the Concept, Its Current State, and Prospects for Development
Targulian V.O., Bronnikova M.A.
Vol 52, No 7 (2019) Soil Moisture Measurement by the Dielectric Method
Bobrov P.P., Belyaeva T.A., Kroshka E.S., Rodionova O.V.
Vol 52, No 3 (2019) Soil Mulching as an Important Element in the Strategy of Using Natural Water Resources in Agroecosystems of the Steppe Crimea
Gusev Y.M., Dzhogan L.Y.
Vol 50, No 6 (2017) Soil nutrients losses by wind erosion in a citrus crop at southeast Spain
Segovia C., Gómez J.D., Gallardo P., Lozano F.J., Asensio C.
Vol 49, No 9 (2016) Soil organic matter in the Moscow State University botanical garden on the Vorob’evy Hills
Rozanova M.S., Prokof’eva T.V., Lysak L.V., Rakhleeva A.A.
Vol 51, No 6 (2018) Soil Respiration and Biogenic Carbon Dioxide Sink in the Territory of Russia: An Analytical Review
Kudeyarov V.N.
Vol 52, No 5 (2019) Soil Salinity Resistance Effect on Evaporation
Mahdavi S.M., Fujimaki H.
Vol 50, No 11 (2017) Soil salinization in different natural zones of intermontane depressions in Tuva
Chernousenko G.I., Kurbatskaya S.S.
Vol 50, No 5 (2017) Soil yeasts and their role in seed germination
Fedotov G.N., Shoba S.A., Fedotova M.F., Stepanov A.L., Streletsky R.A.
Vol 52, No 1 (2019) Soil-Biogeochemical Aspects of Arable Farming in the Russian Federation
Kudeyarov V.N.
Vol 50, No 2 (2017) Soil-like bodies on Mars
Targulian V.O., Mergelov N.S., Goryachkin S.V.
Vol 51, No 4 (2018) Soils and Vegetation of the Khaipudyr Bay Coast of the Barents Sea
Shamrikova E.V., Deneva S.V., Panyukov A.N., Kubik O.S.
Vol 51, No 1 (2018) Soils of Agricultural Terraces with Retaining Walls in the Mountains of Dagestan
Borisov A.V., Korobov D.S., Idrisov I.A., Kalinin P.I.
Vol 52, No 6 (2019) Soils of Archeological Landscape Sorokino 1 (Orel Oblast): Reconstruction of Natural Changes and Anthropogenic Transformation of the Environment
Chendev Y.G., Golyeva A.A., Dolgikh A.V., Uvarkin S.V., Golotvin A.N., Belevantsev V.G., Sarapulkin V.A., Dudin D.I.
451 - 475 of 605 Items << < 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 > >> 

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