
The influence of climate cycles on the water regime and carbonate profile in chernozems of Central European Russia and adjacent territories
Bazykina G.S., Ovechkin S.V.
Transformation of soil organic matter in leached chernozems under minimized treatment in the forest-steppe of West Siberia
Sharkov I.N., Samokhvalova L.M., Mishina P.V.
Soil CO2 Emission, Microbial Biomass, and Basal Respiration of Chernozems under Different Land Uses
Sushko S.V., Ananyeva N.D., Ivashchenko K.V., Kudeyarov V.N.
Changes in the Ratio of Aggregate Fractions in Humus Horizons of Chernozems in Response to the Type of Their Use
Kholodov V.A., Yaroslavtseva N.V., Farkhodov Y.R., Belobrov V.P., Yudin S.A., Aydiev A.Y., Lazarev V.I., Frid A.S.
Effect of rainfall intensity and slope steepness on the development of soil erosion in the Southern Cis-Ural region (A model experiment)
Sobol N.V., Gabbasova I.M., Komissarov M.A.
Erosion of agrochernozems under sprinkler irrigation and rainfall simulation in the southern forest-steppe of Bashkir Cis-Ural region
Komissarov M.A., Gabbasova I.M.
Mathematical modeling of water fluxes in arable chernozems under different land use
Arkhangel’skaya T.A., Khokhlova O.S., Myakshina T.N.
Use of Background Concentrations of Heavy Metals for Regional Monitoring of Soil Contamination by the example of Rostov Oblast
Chernova O.V., Bezuglova O.S.
Relationships between the Organic Carbon Content and Structural State of Typical Chernozem
Dubovik E.V., Dubovik D.V.
Seasonal changes in the communities of microorganisms and algae in the litters of tree plantations in the steppe zone
Maltsev Y.I., Didovich S.V., Maltseva I.A.
Regularities of extracting humic acids from soils using sodium pyrophosphate solutions
Bakina L.G., Drichko V.F., Orlova N.E.
Diversity of clay minerals in soils of solonetzic complexes in the southeast of Western Siberia
Chizhikova N.P., Khitrov N.B.
Soil cover in the southern forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland against the background of centennial climate fluctuations
Smirnova L.G., Kukharuk N.S., Chendev Y.G.
The Impact of Petrochemical Enterprises on the Soil Cover in Samara Oblast
Sazonova O.V., Ryazanova T.K., Tupikova D.S., Sudakova T.V., Toropova N.M., Vistyak L.N., Sokolova I.V., Suchkov V.V.
Distribution of yeast complexes in the profiles of different soil types
Glushakova A.M., Kachalkin A.V., Tiunov A.V., Chernov I.Y.
Buried paleosols of the Upper Paleolithic multilayered site Kostenki-1
Aparin B.F., Platonova N.I., Sukhacheva E.Y., Dudin A.E.
Dynamics of the microaggregate composition of chernozem in relation to changes in the content of organic matter
Kryshchenko V.S., Zamulina I.V., Rybyanets T.V., Kravtsova N.E., Biryukova O.A., Golozubov O.M.
Changes in the Soil Cover under the Impact of Short-Term Climate Fluctuations
Smirnova L.G., Chendev Y.G., Kukharuk N.S., Narozhnaya A.G., Kukharuk S.A., Smirnov G.V.
Dynamics of Desorption of Labile Potassium from Chernozems
Sokolova T.A., Osipova D.N., Ivanova S.E., Kiryushin A.V.
Microbiological parameters of aggregates in typical chernozems of long-term field experiments
Zhelezova A.D., Tkhakakhova A.K., Yaroslavtseva N.V., Garbuz S.A., Lazarev V.I., Kogut B.M., Kutovaya O.V., Kholodov V.A.
Temporal changes of eroded soils depending on their agricultural use in the southern Cis-Ural region
Gabbasova I.M., Suleimanov R.R., Khabirov I.K., Komissarov M.A., Fruehauf M., Liebelt P., Garipov T.T., Sidorova L.V., Khaziev F.K.
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