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Том 43, № 4 (2017)


Specifics of the microwave-breakdown mode in an accelerating structure with parallel coupling

Chernousov Y., Shebolaev I.


The results of examination of the microwave-breakdown mode in an accelerating structure with parallel coupling are reported. It is demonstrated that breakdown normally occurs in a single cavity of the structure, while other cavities and the structure in general remain unaffected. This is attributed to the fact that neighboring accelerating cavities are almost independent of each other. This feature makes the structure more resistant to breakdown failure and may be used to increase the amplitude of the accelerating field in accelerators with a large number of accelerating structures.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):325-327
pages 325-327 views

A method of distinguishing between the characteristic phases of behavior in complex networks in the intermittent generalized synchronization regime

Koronovskii A., Moskalenko O., Pivovarov A., Hramov A.


A method of identification of the phases of synchronous and asynchronous intervals in the time realizations of interacting chaotic systems representing elements of a network with complex coupling topology in the state of transition to the generalized synchronization regime is proposed. The method allows determining the duration of the phases of synchronous and asynchronous dynamics, which potentially allows analyzing the statistical characteristics of the intermittent behavior of the discussed systems.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):328-330
pages 328-330 views

Acoustical vector solitons in anisotropic media

Adamashvili G., Peikrishvili M., Koplatadze R.


A theory of acoustical vector solitons of self-induced transparency in anisotropic media is developed. It is shown that, in these systems, a two-component vector soliton oscillating with the difference and sum of the frequencies in the vicinity of the frequency of a carrying acoustic wave may arise. Explicit analytical expressions for the form and parameters of a nonlinear wave depending on the direction of pulse propagation are given.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):331-333
pages 331-333 views

The influence of thermophysical substrate properties of an anisotropic thermoelement on thermopower in the nonstationary thermal regime

Popov P., Bobashev S., Reznikov B., Sakharov V.


We have calculated the fields of temperature and electric potential in the model of a thermal sensor based on anisotropic thermoelements in the nonstationary thermal regime. It is shown that the effect of thermal-conduction anisotropy of a material of a thermoelement is insignificant at the initial stage of heating, and the distribution of temperature is close to one-dimensional. With further heating, the thermo-physical properties of the substrate have a significant effect on the field of temperature and potential. The use of a substrate with high thermal diffusivity makes it possible to simplify significantly the processing of measurement results and increase the electrical signal of the sensor.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):334-337
pages 334-337 views

Estimation of the lifetime of a trapped vortex in a circular cavern on a semicircular airfoil streamlined at a zero angle of attack after switching off slot suction

Isaev S., Baranov P., Sudakov A., Popov I., Usachov A.


The restructuring of the periodic structure of a turbulent streamline for a semicircular airfoil at a zero angle of attack with a system of slot suction from the circular cavern switched off is calculated. Multiblock numerical methods are applied for solution of Reynolds-averaged nonstationary Navier–Stokes equations closed using the modified shear-stress transfer model taking into account flow line curvature. The lifetime of a trapped vortex in a circular cavern is estimated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):338-340
pages 338-340 views

The effect of high-power plasma flows on tungsten plates with multilayer films of tungsten nanoparticles

Gorokhov M., Kozhevin V., Yavsin D., Voronin A., Gurevich S.


We have experimentally studied the action of high-power plasma flows on pure tungsten plates covered with multilayer films of tungsten nanoparticles formed by the method of laser electrodeposition. The samples were irradiated using a plasma gun producing hydrogen (helium) plasma flows with power density up to 35 GW/cm2. The resulting surface morphology was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM data showed that tungsten plates coated by nanoparticles are more resistant to the formation of microcracks than are pure tungsten plates.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):341-344
pages 341-344 views

The photoemissive cell of a vacuum ultraviolet radiation detector array

Il’ichev E., Kuleshov A., Nabiev R., Petrukhin G., Rychkov G., Teverovskaya E.


A photoemissive “solar-blind” cell of a vacuum ultraviolet detector array for the 50–225 nm wavelength range is described. The cell is a cavity in the shape of frustum of a pyramid in a silicon wafer, the walls of which are coated by polycrystalline diamond film acting the part of a photosensitive cathode. The design of the cell allows one to manage the work of the detector in the “pass through” mode; i.e., photons fall to one side of the wafer, and photoelectrons release from its opposite side. Estimation of photosensitivity of the cell gives a value of about ten photons.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):345-347
pages 345-347 views

Threshold energies of atomic displacements in α-Fe under deformation: Molecular dynamics simulation

Tikhonchev M., Svetukhin V.


The influence of deformations on the average threshold displacement energy in α-Fe is studied by molecular dynamics simulation. Hydrostatic and several uniaxial compressive and tensile deformations are considered. It is demonstrated that the value of the threshold displacement energy is well described by the linear function of the relative change of volume caused by the deformation. The coefficient of linear approximation comes to −1.21 eV for volume change in percent. For deformations at constant volume, changes in the displacement energy are insignificant.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):348-350
pages 348-350 views

Ionization of glycine molecules by α-particles with keV energies

Afrosimov V., Basalaev A., Kuz’michev V., Panov M., Smirnov O.


The method of “multistop” time-of-flight mass spectrometry has been used to study the mechanism of radiation damage to glycine molecules in the gas phase upon their interaction with He2+ ions with energy Ep = 4 keV/amu. The relative cross sections of various elementary processes occurring in single collisions of glycine molecules with the ions were measured for the first time. A difference was found between the fragmentations of intermediate doubly charged ions formed in capture of a single electron with ionization and in two-electron capture, which is accounted for by the difference between the excitation energies of molecular ions.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):351-354
pages 351-354 views

An optical quantum thermometer with submicrometer resolution based on the level anticrossing phenomenon

Anisimov A., Babunts R., Muzafarova M., Bundakova A., Il’in I., Soltamov V., Romanov N., Baranov P.


An optical quantum thermometer with submicrometer resolution is proposed. Its operation is based on the physical phenomenon of the optical response in a system of spin centers in silicon carbide under conditions of anticrossing of spin sublevels of the excited quadruplet state (S = 3/2) with temperature-dependent fine-structure splitting.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):355-357
pages 355-357 views

The current–voltage characteristics of high-voltage spark discharge over a dielectric surface in vacuum

Asyunin V., Davydov S., Dolgov A., Korneev A., Pshenichnyi A., Yakubov R.


Investigation of temporal dependences of the voltage and current of high-voltage spark discharge over a dielectric surface in vacuum has shown that, in the presence of a longitudinal magnetic field, delay of the leading edge of the pulse-breakdown voltage takes place and the current, in turn, is converted from a well-defined impulse into alternating oscillations. Deceleration of the breakdown process in the presence of a low-current discharge that precedes the spark has been observed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):358-361
pages 358-361 views

Terahertz radiation generation in multilayer quantum-cascade heterostructures

Ikonnikov A., Marem’yanin K., Morozov S., Gavrilenko V., Pavlov A., Shchavruk N., Khabibullin R., Reznik R., Cirlin G., Zubov F., Zhukov A., Alferov Z.


IV and radiative characteristics of multilayer quantum-cascade GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with a double metal waveguide are investigated. The IV characteristics typical of the quantum-cascade lasers are seen. The observed threshold-intensity growth and narrow radiation spectrum are characteristic of laser generation. The measured radiation frequency was found to be about 3 THz, which coincides with the calculated value. Thus, fully domestic terahertz quantum-cascade lasers are demonstrated for the first time.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):362-365
pages 362-365 views

A model of carbon-nanotube growth-rate limitation on thin-film catalysts

Sirotina A., Shamanaev A., Bulyarskiy S., Lakalin A., Pavlov A., Dudin A., Kitsyuk E., Eganova E.


It is experimentally established and theoretically justified that a decreasing growth rate of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on thin-film catalysts may be caused by the formation of intermetallic compounds that hinder supply of carbon from the bulk. In particular, the growth of CNTs on the Ti–Ni thin-film system is accompanied by the formation of a titanium carbide layer on the surface of a catalyst droplet. The kinetics of CNT growth under these conditions is calculated, and kinetic coefficients determining the growth rate are evaluated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):366-368
pages 366-368 views

Megawatt low-temperature DC plasma generator with divergent channels of gas-discharge tract

Gadzhiev M., Isakaev E., Tyuftyaev A., Yusupov D., Sargsyan M.


We have developed and studied a new effective megawatt double-unit generator of low-temperature argon plasma, which belongs to the class of dc plasmatrons and comprises the cathode and anode units with divergent gas-discharge channels. The generator has an efficiency of about 80–85% and ensures a long working life at operating currents up to 4000 A.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):369-371
pages 369-371 views

An electric sensor based on the electrogyration effect in a lead tungstate crystal

Novikov M., Stepanov A., Khyshov A.


We present original results of an investigation of the specific features of optical electrochirality (electrogyration) in a lead tungstate crystal. Since this crystal exhibits neither the Pockels effect nor the inverse piezoelectric effect, the electrogyration effect can be used to create a fast-response electric sensor for remote monitoring of high-speed processes in high-voltage electric networks. A fiber-optic sensor prototype has been manufactured using optical elements intended for fiber communications.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):372-375
pages 372-375 views

The influence of a silicon substrate conductivity type on the efficiency of photostimulated polyelectrolyte adsorption

Stetsyura S., Kozlowski A., Malyar I.


Changes in the work function of silicon substrates of different conductivity types under illumination and after deposition of a polyethylenimine layer by the method of photostimulated adsorption were examined. It is revealed that photostimulated adsorption of polyethylenimine results in the electrical passivation of silicon and its correlates with a value of the work function change under illumination.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):376-379
pages 376-379 views

Experimental proof of the existence of a Widom line based on peculiarities of the behavior of hydrogen in nanoporous silicate at −45°C and atmospheric pressure

Bordonskii G., Gurulev A.


We have experimentally studied the thermal and microwave properties of a nanoporous medium (silica gel) with hydrogen-filled pores. On cooling down to about −45°C at atmospheric pressure, the system exhibited chemical transformations, a first-order phase transition with heat evolution, and a sharp change in the power of microwave radiation at 34 GHz transmitted through a sample. It is concluded that this point on the phase diagram corresponds to a point on the Widom line featuring sharp increase in fluctuations of the entropy and density of supercooled water formed during hydrogen interaction with the surface of pores in silica gel. These results confirm the existence of a second critical point of water, from which the Widom line originates.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):380-382
pages 380-382 views

A description of the self-sustained evaporation-front shape in a layer of metastable liquid

Sharypov O.


A theoretical model for description of a stationary surface of the self-sustained evaporation front propagating in a layer of superheated liquid flowing over a flat heater is proposed, which takes into account new experimental data. An approximate analytical dependence of the vapor-layer thickness on the coordinate and physical parameters is obtained that satisfactorily agrees with the experimental results. A dimensional parameter is introduced that allows the description to be presented in an invariant dimensionless form.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):383-385
pages 383-385 views

Multidimensional ultimately short optical pulses in silicene

Konobeeva N., Belonenko M.


The evolution of three-dimensional (3D) ultimately short optical pulses propagating in silicene has been studied. An effective equation describing the dynamics of these pulses is obtained that has the form of a nonlinear wave equation with saturable nonlinearity. Pulses comprising one and two oscillations of a electromagnetic field have been studied.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):386-389
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An antiemission coating based on zirconium carbide

Lisenkov A., Vetrov N., Kostrin D.


The main requirement for the formation of an antiemission coating of intermetallic Pt3Zr compound is the presence of a buffer layer of stoichiometric zirconium carbide (ZrC) that can be formed with the aid a vacuum-arc plasma source. It is shown that ZrC layer can be obtained through vacuum annealing of a multilayer film comprising nanolayers of zirconium (Zr), nonstoichiometric zirconium carbide (ZrC1 − x), and zirconium carbide with excess carbon (ZrC + C) sequentially deposited from vacuum-arc-discharge plasma.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):390-392
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A series of high-frequency EPR spectrometers with microwave and optical detection channels

Babunts R., Badalyan A., Gurin A., Namozov B., Romanov N., Baranov P.


We describe a series of high-frequency EPR/optically detected magnetic-resonance (ODMR) spectrometers operating in both continuous-wave and pulsed regimes in 2-, 3-, 4-, and 8-mm. The resonance signal can be monitored in both microwave and optical detection channels. The entire series of EPR/ODMR spectrometers has common design features.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):393-395
pages 393-395 views

Deposition of nanocrystalline nonstoichiometric chromium oxide coatings on the surface of multiwalled carbon nanotubes by chromium acetylacetonate vapor pyrolysis

Kremlev K., Ob’edkov A., Ketkov S., Kaverin B., Semenov N., Gusev S., Andreev P.


Nanocrystalline coatings of nonstoichiometric chromium oxide have been obtained for the first time on the surface of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by the method of metalorganic chemical-vapor deposition using chromium acetylacetonate as a precursor. The new hybrid nanomaterial (Cr2O2.4/MWCNT) has been characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. It is established that oxidation of the hybrid nanomaterial in air under soft conditions (at 380°C) leads to the formation of nanocrystalline chromium oxide (Cr2O3) on the surface of MWCNTs.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):396-398
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Evolution of the structure and mechanical properties of a FeNi alloy during annealing after megaplastic deformation

Glezer A., Tomchuk A., Betekhtin V., Dunsue B.


Evolution of the structure and mechanical properties of a FeNi alloy annealed after megaplastic deformation (MPD) at room temperature in the Bridgman chamber has been studied by the transmission electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, and microhardness measurement techniques. It is established that the primary recrystallization process during annealing is accompanied by growth of the recrystallized grains formed at the preliminary MPD stage. At the same time, the deformation fragments cannot grow because of the extremely low mobility of their boundaries.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):399-401
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Stabilization of the generation spectrum of a pulsed solid-state Nd–YAG laser with a multiloop cavity

Pogoda A., Sergeev A., Fedin A., Ivanov A., Nikonorov N.


We propose a method of stabilizing the frequency and narrowing the generation bandwidth of a pulsed solid-state Nd–YAG laser with dynamic self-adaptive multiloop cavity, which is based on the introduction of a stationary intracavity-volume Bragg grating. This allows the laser frequency to be stabilized and the spectral line width to be reduced from 18 to 4 pm.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):402-404
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A comparison of plasma and thermal effects upon supersonic flow past aerodynamic bodies

Azarova O., Erofeev A., Lapushkina T.


The task of controlled variation of parameters of supersonic flow past a semicylindrical aerodynamic body is considered. The action of gas-discharge plasma on the flow by means of discharge-induced increase in the degree of nonequilibrium in the oncoming gas has been experimentally studied. For the flow parameters used in the experiment, the numerical simulation has been conducted for the thermal action of plasma upon the shock layer of a homogeneously heated region with the gas temperature equal to the electron temperature determined in the experiment. Comparison of the experimental and calculated data leads to the conclusion that the new mechanism based on increase in the degree of gas nonequilibrium in the source of energy supply can be used for controlling supersonic flows past aerodynamic bodies.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):405-408
pages 405-408 views

Absolute atomic charges in YBa2Cu3O7 lattice determined by analysis of the nuclear quadrupole interaction parameters

Bordovskii G., Terukov E., Marchenko A., Seregin P., Shaldenkova A.


The absolute charges of atoms in all sites of the YBa2Cu3O7 lattice were determined using Mössbauer data for 67Cu(67Zn) and 67Ga(67Zn) isotopes, NMR/NQR data for 17O and 137Ba isotopes, and calculations of the lattice electric-field gradient. The obtained charge distributions correspond to a hole occurring predominantly in the sublattice of chain oxygen.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(4):409-412
pages 409-412 views

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