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Volume 44, Nº 9 (2018)


Effects of Pressure-Induced Phase Transition in Model Hg2Br2 Ferroelastics

Roginskii E., Krylov A., Markov Y.


Raman spectra of model improper ferroelastics (Hg2Br2 crystals) have been analyzed in a wide range of hydrostatic pressures. The baric dependences of the phonon frequencies are obtained. The revealing and anomalous behavior of the soft mode, which is genetically related to the acoustic phonon (ТА1) at the Brillouin zone boundary (point X) of the tetragonal phase, are most interesting. The buildup of the second acoustic phonon (ТА2) from the same point has also been found in the ferroelastic-phase spectra, and its baric behavior has been investigated. The splitting of doubly degenerate phonons of the Eg symmetry has been revealed at fairly high pressures and explained.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):757-760
pages 757-760 views

An Experimental Study of Synchronization of Nonidentical Neuronlike Oscillators with an Adaptive Delayed Coupling

Ponomarenko V., Kul’minskii D., Prokhorov M.


A radiophysical model of two delay-coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo self-sustained generators coupling is constructed. The possibility of introducing both a constant and adaptive coupling between the generators is experimentally implemented in the model. It is shown that the use of an adaptive coupling makes it possible to shift from the antiphase synchronization of nonidentical generators to their in-phase synchronization.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):761-764
pages 761-764 views

Magnetic and Luminescent Properties of Barium Fluoride Nanopowder Obtained by Electron-Beam Evaporation in Low-Pressure Gas

Sokovnin S., Il’ves V., Zuev M., Uimin M.


Mesoporous amorphous-crystalline nanopowders of BaF2 with the specific surface area up to 34.8 m2/g were obtained using evaporation by a pulsed electron beam in vacuum. Influence of the thermal annealing of the BaF2 nanoparticles in air at the temperatures from 200 to 900°C on the size and morphology of the particles and changes in their magnetic and luminescent properties was studied. The paramagnetic response of the BaF2 nanopowder was found to transform to the ferromagnetic response after annealing at 900°C. The appearance and transformation of the magnetic response in nanopowders made of BaF2, which is diamagnetic as the bulk material, are ascribed to the appearance of radiation-induced and structural defects during the synthesis process by pulsed electron-beam evaporation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):765-768
pages 765-768 views

The Effect of Extremely High-Frequency Radiation on the Production of Serotonin in a Living Organism

Vonti A., Il’inskii A., Katsnel’son Y., Shadrin E.


A study of the influence exerted by extremely high frequencies (54 GHz) on conditioning in rats subjected to a current stress in the absence and in the presence of electromagnetic radiation is reported. The biophysical processes underlying the mechanism of this influence are discussed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):769-771
pages 769-771 views

An Optical Quantum Thermometer with Submicron Resolution Based on the Cross-Relaxation Phenomenon of Spin Levels

Anisimov A., Babunts R., Muzafarova M., Bundakova A., Soltamov V., Baranov P.


An optical quantum thermometer with a submicron spatial resolution that is based on the physical phenomenon of optical response in the system of spin centers in silicon carbide under conditions of cross-relaxation between the optically active centers in quadruplet spin state and triplet centers, where there is anomalously strong dependence of the splitting of the fine structure on temperature, has been proposed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):772-775
pages 772-775 views

High-Efficiency AlGaAs/GaAs Photovoltaic Converters with Edge Input of Laser Light

Khvostikov V., Pokrovskii P., Khvostikova O., Pan’chak A., Andreev V.


High-efficiency photovoltaic converters (PVCs) have been developed and fabricated by liquidphase epitaxy in the AlGaAs–GaAs system with laser light (λ = 850 nm) introduced through the edge surface in parallel to the plane of the p–n junction of the device structure. To raise the efficiency of light “capture” by the p–n junction, an AlxGa1–xAs waveguide layer is formed, in which the content of aluminum gradually varies from x = 0.55 to 0.15 so that the refractive index gradient is created in this layer and light beams are diverted toward the p–n junction. When a PVC (having no antireflection coating) is exposed to 0.1- to 0.2-W laser light, an efficiency of 41.5% is obtained. Depositing an antireflection coating on the edge surface of a PVC raises its efficiency to 55%.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):776-778
pages 776-778 views

Kinetics of Coloration in Hydrogenated Vanadium Pentoxide Films under an Internal Electrochromic Effect

Burdyukh S., Berezina O., Boriskov P., Pergament A., Yakovleva D.


The kinetics of coloration in thin hydrogenated vanadium pentoxide films under the internal electrochromic effect is studied alongside with the influence of their hydrogenation by means of plasma-immersion ion implantation on this process. The variant of uniform implantation and the nonuniform case when a film is partially subjected to ion treatment are considered. Based on the experiments on measuring the electrochromically colored surface area growth rate and the passing current, it has been revealed that the electrochromic effect becomes much stronger in the nonuniform variant, when the cathode is placed on the nonhydrogenated part of a film, and the anode is located on its hydrogenated part.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):779-782
pages 779-782 views

Physical Modeling of Processes Generating Subsequent Negative Lightning Strikes with the Use of Artificial Thunderstorm Cells

Temnikov A., Chernenskii L., Orlov A., Lysov N., Belova O., Kivshar T., Zhuravkova D.


Results of physical modeling of how arrays of large model hydrometeors exert an influence on processes forming subsequent negative lightning strikes are presented. The modeling involved a system of artificial thunderstorm cells. It has been shown for the first time that the introduction of an array of large model hydrometeors to the space between negatively charged cells significantly increases the probability of the formation of a subsequent discharge, total length of the discharge system, and magnitude of the neutralized charge. The influence of hydrometeors on parameters of current pulses of the first and subsequent discharges has been established. The results obtained can be used in developing methods of artificial stimulation of multistrike lightning and directed discharging of a thunderstorm cloud.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):783-786
pages 783-786 views

Studying the Dependence of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Rotating Cylinders on the Rake Angle of Air Flow

Tanasheva N., Shuyushbayeva N., Mussenova E.


The results of experimental studies on estimating the lift force and lift coefficient of a rotating cylinder of constant cross section are presented. The data on the effect of the flow rake angle on the aerodynamic characteristics of rotating cylinders within a range of angles from 0° to 90° are analyzed. It has been established that a decrease in the lift coefficient is observed at flow rake angles above 30°, so the wind engine element shows a positive result within a range of rake angles from–30 ° ≤ α ≤ 30°. The data of these experimental studies can be used for the development of wind engines with blades designed as rotating cylinders with a smooth surface.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):787-789
pages 787-789 views

Phase Transitions in a Mixture of Tri- and Pentacosane Molecular Crystals

Marikhin V., Egorov V.


Phase transitions (PTs) in a mixture of normal alkanes—tricosane (C23H48) and pentacosane (C25H52)—have been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. Elimination of methodological errors makes it possible to obtain true values of the thermodynamic PT parameters and reveal their nature. Jumps of the specific heat have been comparatively analyzed based on the theory of diffuse first-order PTs.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):790-792
pages 790-792 views

Modeling of an Electron-Optical System with Converging Sheet Beam for a Traveling Wave Tube of Terahertz Frequency Range

Burtsev A., Danilushkin A.


A converging sheet electron beam with a cross section of 0.05 × 2 mm and current density of 200 A/cm2, which is formed by an electron gun, is modeled using the synthesis and analysis methods at the condition of magnetic shielding of the cathode. The deformation in the cross section of the beam in the focusing magnetic field is analyzed based on a computer three-dimensional model of an electron optical system with a sheet electron beam. The current-voltage characteristic of an electron gun is studied experimentally in the pulse mode. A collector current of 200 mA is obtained with the beam thickness being 70 μm.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):793-796
pages 793-796 views

Laser-Induced Phase Transitions in Vitreous Se Films Obtained by Vacuum-Thermal Evaporation

Aleksandrovich E., Stepanova E., Mikheev K., Mikheev G.


The results of the study of vitreous Se films obtained by a method of vacuum-thermal evaporation after their laser modification are presented. It is shown for the first time that a low-power laser irradiation of the film at a wavelength of 632.8 nm and room temperature results in a nucleation and growth of nanocrystallites of monoclinic and rhombohedral Se in an amorphous matrix of the film. The formation of the stable hexagonal Se phase is not observed. The appearance of nanocrystallites with an average size of ~20–30 nm is accompanied by a growth of a reflection coefficient of the film. The established new optical and structural properties of the formed films are stable in time at room temperature.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):797-800
pages 797-800 views

Radiation Resistance of α-Si:H/Si Heterojunction Solar Cells with a Thin i-α-Si:H Inner Layer

Kalinovskii V., Terukov E., Kontrosh E., Verbitskii V., Titov A.


We have studied the degradation of photoelectric characteristics of heterojunction solar cell samples based on α-Si:H/Si structures upon irradiation by electrons with an energy of 3.8 MeV and fluences of 1 × 1012–1 × 1014 cm–2. It is shown that the efficiency of the samples of heterojunction solar cell elements under the conditions of AM0 illumination (0.136 W/cm2) is reduced by 25% at a fluence of 2 × 1013 cm–2. This is more than an order of magnitude higher than the critical fluence value achieved previously when silicon solar cells with a p–n junction and an n-type base were irradiated by high-energy electrons.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):801-803
pages 801-803 views

Features of the Upsurge in Drift Velocity of Electrons in DA-pHEMT

Pashkovskii A., Novikov S., Lapin V., Lukashin V., Martynov Y.


A simple phenomenological model for estimating the upsurge in drift velocity of electrons in transistor heterostructures is proposed. This model is based on a self-consistent solution of Schrödinger and Poisson equations and the hydrodynamic system of equations of energy and momentum conservation. It is demonstrated that the conditions in the layer channel of DA-pHEMT structures with additional potential barriers, which are produced by donor–acceptor doping and enhance the localization of hot electrons, are even more conducive to reducing the time of flight of electrons under the gate than those established in heterostructures with deeper quantum wells produced by increasing the conduction band offset at the heterojunction interface.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):804-807
pages 804-807 views

Erosion Characteristics of Copper-Based Composite Electrodes in an Electric Arc of Variable Length with Transverse Gas Blowing

Budin A., Pinchuk M., Kurakina N.


We present experimental data on the erosion of electrodes made of copper-based pseudoalloys during contact breaking at current amplitudes up to 150 kA in nitrogen at a pressure of ~2 MPa with transverse gas blowing. The electric-erosion characteristics of copper–iron pseudoalloy CuFe (85/15%) electrodes obtained by laser layer melting, as well as CuFe (70/30%) and CuW (25/75%) pseudoalloy electrodes fabricated by traditional powder technology (sintering of pressed powder compacts) are reported. The specific erosion of electrodes in variable-length arc amounts to ~1 mg/C, which somewhat exceeds the value observed for a fixed-length arc discharge gap.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):808-810
pages 808-810 views

The Influence of the Surface Layer on the Combination of Properties of Thin TiNi Alloy Wires

Gyunter V., Marchenko E., Gyunter S., Baigonakova G.


We have studied the influence of the surface layer on the parameters of the multiply repeated shape memory effect, developing stresses, characteristic temperatures, and intervals of martensitic transformations in thin (1 mm diameter) wires made of TiNi-based alloys. Examination of the surface layer structure showed that, in 1-mm-diameter TN-1V grade alloy wire, the oxide layer is about 15 μm thick and consists mostly of titanium, nickel, oxygen, and carbon. Removal of this surface layer leads to an increase in the maximum accumulated deformation, shift of the temperature interval of formation toward higher temperatures, and increase in the strength and plasticity characteristics.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):811-813
pages 811-813 views

Quantum-Cascade Lasers Generating at the 4.8-μm Wavelength at Room Temperature

Mamutin V., Vasil’ev A., Lyutetskii A., Il’inskaya N., Usikova A., Zadiranov Y., Maleev N., Sofronov A., Firsov D., Vorob’ev L., Ustinov V.


We report on room-temperature generation at the 4.8-μm wavelength in a lattice-matched structure of a quantum cascade laser (QCL) grown on indium phosphide (InP) substrate. Laser heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) comprised 30 cascades and were designed to generate at the 4.80 μm wavelength corresponding to an atmospheric transparency window. Experiments demonstrated effective lasing at temperatures from 80 to 300 K on a wavelength coinciding with the calculated value, which confirmed the high quality of interfaces, high precision of layer thicknesses, and high accuracy of active region doping.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):814-816
pages 814-816 views

Defect Structure of GaAs Layers Implanted with Nitrogen Ions

Sobolev N., Kalyadin A., Karabeshkin K., Kyutt R., Mikushkin V., Shek E., Sherstnev E., Vdovin V.


Structural defects formed in epitaxial GaAs layers as a result of 250-keV N+ ion implantation to doses within 5 × 1014–5 × 1016 cm–2 have been studied by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy techniques. No amorphization of the ion-implanted layer took place in the entire dose range studied. The implantation to doses of 5 × 1014 and 5 × 1015 cm–2 led to the appearance of an additional peak on XRD curves, which was related to the formation of a stressed GaAs layer with positive deformation arising due to the formation of point-defect clusters. The implantation to a dose of 5 × 1016 cm–2 led to the formation of a dense structure of extended defects in the implanted layer, which was accompanied by the relaxation of macrostresses to the initial state.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):817-819
pages 817-819 views

Photovoltaic Laser-Power Converters Based on LPE-Grown InP(GaAs)/InP Heterostructures

Potapovich N., Timoshina N., Khvostikov V.


We have studied the possibility of creating laser-power converters based on LPE-grown InP(GaAs)/InP heterostructures intended for wireless power transmission via a laser beam channel at wavelengths λ ≈ 1.06–1.2 μm.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):820-822
pages 820-822 views

The Formation of Elastoplastic Fronts and Spall Fracture in AMg6 Alloy under Shock-Wave Loading

Saveleva N., Bayandin Y., Savinykh A., Garkushin G., Razorenov S., Naimark O.


Full wave profiles were monitored by the laser interferometry method by means of a VISAR laser Doppler velocimeter under shock-wave loading of samples of AMg6 aluminum alloy. Analysis of these profiles was used to study the laws of elastic precursor formation and its amplitude variation during elastic–plastic transition front propagation in samples loaded by a shock wave of variable intensity. Critical stresses leading to the spall fracture of samples were determined as dependent on the strain rate under unloading.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):823-826
pages 823-826 views

Concentration Dependence of the Dynamic Yield Stress of Aged Aluminum–Copper Alloys under High-Rate Deformation Conditions

Malashenko V.


The dynamics of dislocations in aged aluminum–copper alloys under high-rate deformation conditions has been studied. An analytic expression for the dynamic yield stress of these alloys is obtained and it is established that its dependence on the copper concentration is nonmonotonic and has a minimum.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):827-829
pages 827-829 views

Transparent Traveling-Wave Tubes with Multivelocity Electron Beams

Kalinin Y., Starodubov A.


We present results of a theoretical and experimental investigation of the output characteristics of transparent (containing no local absorbers) traveling-wave tubes (TWTs) operating on multivelocity (turbulent) electron beams. It is established that higher gain (up to 20 dB) and higher efficiency (40–50%) can be achieved in this case in comparison to the output characteristics of transparent TWTs employing monovelocity (laminar) electron beams. This effect is explained by the formation of space-charge bunches of much higher density in multivelocity electron beams than in monovelocity beams.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):830-832
pages 830-832 views

Suppressing a Laminar Flow Separation Zone by Spark Discharge at Mach Number M = 1.43

Polivanov P., Sidorenko A.


The influence of flow perturbations generated by an electric discharge on the region of interaction between a shock wave and laminar boundary layer in the flow on a flat plate at a Mach number of M = 1.43 has been experimentally studied. The oblique shock wave generated by a wedge mounted above the plate induced separation of the flow, while perturbations in the flow were introduced by a spark discharge on the model plate surface. It is established that the discharge leads to the formation of turbulent and thermal spots. The turbulent spot suppresses the separation zone, while the thermal spot leads to a local increase in the boundary layer thickness in the interaction zone.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):833-836
pages 833-836 views

New Aspects of the Fluctuation-Electromagnetic Theory of Friction and Radiative Heat Exchange of Levine–Polevoi–Rytov in a System of Two Parallel Plates

Dedkov G., Kyasov A.


It has been shown that the fundamental results obtained in the works by Levine, Polevoi, and Rytov (1980) and Polevoi (1990) adequately describe the rate of radiative heat exchange and dissipative frictional force in a system of two parallel plates in relative lateral motion. Within the framework of the Levine–Polevoi–Rytov theory, a new expression has been obtained for the force of fluctuation-electromagnetic friction of two plates in the terms of local dielectric permittivities and magnetic permeabilities of the plate materials.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):837-840
pages 837-840 views

Spatial Distribution of Gas Temperature in an Air Plasma Jet of Direct Current Glow Microdischarge

Stepanova O., Kazak A., Astafiev A., Pinchuk M., Simonchik L.


The spatial distribution of gas temperature in air plasma jet of dc glow microdischarge has been determined. The temperature field was measured by a thermocouple probe and compared to schlieren images. The jet can be separated in the radial direction into three characteristic regions with clearly pronounced boundaries. The central region represents a narrow hot zone corresponding to the visible plasma plume, in which the gas temperature varies from 50 to 200°C depending on the air flow rate and distance from the anode. This zone is surrounded by a warm “coat” of ~1-cm diameter and a temperature within 30–50°C. The outer region represented ambient air at room temperature. The zone of temperatures above 50°C did not extend to a distance above 3 cm from the output nozzle of the discharge cell.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):841-843
pages 841-843 views

The Dragging Effect in Ag/Pd Nanocomposite Film: Generation of Bipolar Pulses

Mikheev G., Saushin A., Styapshin V., Svirko Y.


Characteristic features of the phenomenon of longitudinal photocurrent generation in Ag/Pd nanocomposite films under the obliquely incident nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation with wavelengths in the 1350–4000 nm range have been studied for the first time. Films of 20-μm thickness consisting of nanocrystals of Ag–Pd solid solution and palladium oxide (PdO) were obtained using a thick-film technology. The influence of radiation wavelength on photocurrent pulses has been studied for s- and p-polarized laser pumping. It is established that the photocurrent pulses generated by s-polarized pumping in the 1350–4000 nm wavelength range are monopolar, while p-polarized pumping can generate both mono- and bipolar pulses depending on the wavelength. The obtained results are explained by simultaneous generation of photocurrent due to the dragging effect and the surface photogalvanic effect.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):844-847
pages 844-847 views

Studying the Transparency of Graphene for Low-Energy Electrons

Il’ichev E., Kuleshov A., Migunov D., Nabiev R., Petrukhin G., Rychkov G., Teverovskaya E., Khaustov V.


The transparency of graphene membranes for electrons with energies in the range from 5 to 50 eV has been studied with a view to using graphene as an electrode stimulating field-induced emission in microand nanoelectronic devices. The behavior of electrons reflected from a membrane was analyzed with allowance for their return under the action of a retarding electric field. Low-energy electrons were represented by photoelectrons emitted from a diamond photocathode under the action of vacuum ultraviolet radiation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):848-851
pages 848-851 views

Controlled Absorbers for Terahertz Spectral Range Based on Resonance Absorption in Periodic Multilayer Graphene Structures

Lerer A., Makeeva G.


Two-dimensional (2D) periodic gratings of rectangular graphene nanoribbon elements on substrates, comprising dielectric and graphene layers have been studied to learn their absorption properties in the terahertz range. It is established that, at the surface plasmon polariton resonance frequencies, these graphene structures represent electrically controlled absorbers of almost 100% incident energy in a broad THz range.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(9):852-855
pages 852-855 views

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