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Volume 43, Nº 8 (2017)


A hall microscope for measuring magnetic properties of films

Ignat’ev V., Orlov A., Perchenko S., Stankevich D.


A magnetic measuring microscope with a spatial resolution of 3 μm in the determination of current dipole coordinates is described. For the primary transducer, a film Hall transducer with sensitive-zone dimensions of 250 × 400 μm is used. The transducer is positioned at a distance of 3 mm from the plane of scanning. Superresolution as compared to the sensor dimensions and distance from the object was reached by using a priori information about the scanned object. A means of calibration of the magnetic microscope and measurement of its metrological characteristics is proposed. The effectiveness and consistency of the obtained estimate of coordinates is shown by comparison of the random error in measurements of current dipole coordinates with the Cramér–Rao bound. The measuring microscope can be applied in studying elements of functional electronics.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):687-690
pages 687-690 views

The influence of surface plasmons on the optical properties of composite films on the basis of poly(3-hexylthiophene), fullerene derivatives, and nickel nanoparticles

Chikalova-Luzina O., Samosvat D., Aleshin A.


It is shown that a previously discovered effect of the introduction of Ni nanoparticles into films on the basis of poly(3-hexylthiophene) and fullerene derivatives (P3HT: [60]PCBM: Ni), which consists in increasing the light absorption and photoluminescence quenching in the spectral range from 400 to 620 nm, can be theoretically explained as being a result of the influence of surface plasmon resonance of Ni nanoparticles on the optical properties of P3HT: [60]PCBM: Ni composite films.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):691-693
pages 691-693 views

Rivulet dynamics at isothermal film flow

Bobylev A., Guzanov V., Kharlamov S., Kvon A., Markovich D.


Averaged fields of thickness of an isothermal vertically flowing liquid film, obtained by the laserinduced fluorescence method, have been analyzed. The chosen minimum averaging time interval, at which the wave motion is completely averaged, allows one to observe rivulet dynamics in a transverse direction. It is found that short-lived rivulets, which are chains of no less than five to eight waves with similar transverse coordinates, are dominant structures on the film surface at Reynolds number Re > 50.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):694-697
pages 694-697 views

Structural-defect formation in CeO2 nanoparticles upon laser ablation

Pugachevskii M.


Cerium-dioxide nanoparticles are prepared by laser ablation, and their structure is studied by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray-diffraction analysis. The semiquantitative elemental composition is determined by electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Based on the spectral data obtained before and after annealing of particles, the significant oxygen-vacancy concentration in the structure of ablated CeO2 nanoparticles is established.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):698-700
pages 698-700 views

Deposition of stoichiometric Bi2Se3 film by vacuum-thermal treatment of Se/Bi heterostructure

Kogai V., Mikheev K., Mikheev G.


The possibility of obtaining a stoichiometric Bi2Se3 film by vacuum-thermal treatment of a Se/Bi heterostructure is demonstrated for the first time. It was found that a stoichiometric Bi2Se3 film can be only produced at a certain ratio of the Se and Bi film thicknesses (dSe/dBi = 3.13). X-ray-diffraction analysis and Raman spectroscopy were used to study the phase transformations in a Se(141 nm)/Bi(45 nm) heterostructure upon its thermal treatment in a vacuum. The phase transition temperatures at which various crystalline phases are formed were determined. It is shown that Bi2Se3 crystallizes in the Se(141 nm)/Bi(45 nm) heterostructure heated to 493 K in conformity with an exponential law, with a characteristic time in which the equilibrium state is attained equal to 20 min.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):701-704
pages 701-704 views

Specific features of motion of molten zones in the field of silicon structural inhomogeneity

Skvortsov A., Zuev S., Koryachko M., Voloshinov E.


The formation and dynamics of molten Al–Si inclusions in silicon at temperatures of 1123–1273 K in the dislocation-density gradient field are investigated. It is established that the molten inclusion moves as a whole in accordance with the melting–crystallization mechanism: dissolution is observed at the front boundary in the region with a higher dislocation concentration and crystallization and on the back surface in the region with a lower one. The migration rates and activation energies are experimentally determined. It is demonstrated that the inclusion migration is limited by the melting–crystallization processes at the interfaces between the melt and matrix.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):705-707
pages 705-707 views

Effect of the allotropic transition in titanium on its interatomic interaction energy

Betekhtin V., Kadomtsev A., Narykova M.


The variation of interatomic interaction energy during allotropic transition in titanium is established by analyzing the stress and temperature dependences of durability. This energy is ≈458 kJ/mol in bodycentered β-Ti at a temperature of T > 1155 K, which agrees well with the titanium sublimation heat, and ≈305 kJ/mol in hexagonal close-packed α-Ti at T < 1155 K. Literature data confirming the conclusions drawn are discussed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):708-711
pages 708-711 views

Interaction of chimera states in a multilayered network of nonlocally coupled oscillators

Goremyko M., Maksimenko V., Makarov V., Ghosh D., Bera B., Dana S., Hramov A.


The processes of formation and evolution of chimera states in the model of a multilayered network of nonlinear elements with complex coupling topology are studied. A two-layered network of nonlocally intralayer-coupled Kuramoto–Sakaguchi phase oscillators is taken as the object of investigation. Different modes implemented in this system upon variation of the degree of interlayer interaction are demonstrated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):712-715
pages 712-715 views

Monodisperse core–shell particles composed of magnetite and dye-functionalized mesoporous silica

Eurov D., Kurdyukov D., Medvedev A., Kirilenko D., Yakovlev D., Golubev V.


Hybrid particles with a core–shell structure have been obtained in the form of monodisperse spherical mesoporous silica particles filled with magnetite and covered with a mesoporous silica shell functionalized with a luminescent dye. The particles have a small root-mean-square size deviation (at most 10%), possess a specific surface area and specific pore volume of up to 250 m2/g and 0.15 cm3/g, respectively, and exhibit visible luminescence peaked at a wavelength of 530 nm. The particles can be used in diagnostics of cancerous diseases, serving simultaneously for therapeutic (magnetic hyperthermia and targeted drug delivery) and diagnostic (contrast agent for magnetic-resonance tomography and luminescent marker) purposes.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):716-719
pages 716-719 views

Impact-resistant silicon-carbide-based ceramic materials

Perevislov S., Bespalov I.


The bullet resistance is determined by an indirect method, by evaluation of time of delay of penetration by bullet of the silicon-carbide-based ceramics obtained by reactive sintering, liquid-phase sintering, and hot pressing.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):720-722
pages 720-722 views

Inelastic behavior of ceramics with hierarchical pore structure under compression

Grigor’ev M., Savchenko N., Buyakova S., Kul’kov S.


The compaction behavior is studied in Al2O3 ceramics with a pore space volume in the range from 35 to 60% and with the following three types of hierarchical pore structure: coarse porosity with a size of 80 to 100 μm, fine porosity with a size of 14 to 15 μm, and intermediate interblock porosity comprised of elongated (110–120 μm) porous microchannels formed as a result of zonal isolation during sintering. It is shown that the obtained hierarchical porous structure causes the formation of a hierarchical deformation structure in the volume of ceramics and leads to a decrease in the extent of destruction processes from the macroscopic scale in the case of unimodal ceramics to the microscale destruction comparable with the sizes of the blocks formed during sintering.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):723-726
pages 723-726 views

Surface plasmon resonance in a bent single-mode fiber with a metallized cladding experimental research

Dyshlyuk A., Mitsai E., Cherepakhin A., Vitrik O., Kulchin Y.


The processes of surface plasmon resonance excitation in a bent single-mode optical fiber with a metallized cladding have been studied experimentally. It is shown that, for a certain combination of the bending radius of an optical fiber and the thickness of a metal film, a strong coupling between the fundamental and plasmon–polariton mode is achieved through a whispering gallery mode supported by the fiber cladding, which leads to the formation of a resonance dip with a depth of ~30 dB or more in the transmission spectrum of an optical fiber loop. The position of the dip depends strongly on the ambient refractive index, which provides the possibility of refractometric measurements with a spectral sensitivity of ~5 μm/RIU and a resolution of ~4 × 10–6. Limits of measurement of the refractive index are determined by the operating spectral range and the bending radius of the optical fiber and are 1.42–1.44 for the setup used.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):727-729
pages 727-729 views

Single crystals of TlIn1 – xCoxSe2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) solid solutions as effective materials for semiconductor tensometry

Umarov S., Nuritdinov I., Ashurov Z., Khallokov F.


We present the results of investigation of the tensoresistive characteristics of crystals of TlIn1–xCoxSe2 solid solutions with compositions in the interval of cobalt concentrations within 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5. In addition, the temperature dependence of the tensometric sensitivity of crystals has been studied at 300 K ≤ T ≤ 410 K. The crystals under consideration proved to be promising materials for semiconductor tensometry.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):730-732
pages 730-732 views

The influence of gate length on the electron injection of velocity in an AlGaN/AlN/GaN НЕМТ channel

Mikhailovich S., Galiev R., Zuev A., Pavlov A., Ponomarev D., Khabibullin R.


Field-effect high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) based on AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures with various gate lengths Lg have been studied. The maximum values of current and power gaincutoff frequencies (fT and fmax, respectively) amounted to 88 and 155 GHz for HEMTs with Lg = 125 nm, while those for the transistors with Lg = 360 nm were 26 and 82 GHz, respectively. Based on the measured S-parameters, the values of elements in small-signal equivalent schemes of AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMTs were extracted and the dependence of electron-injection velocity vinj on the gate–drain voltage was determined. The influence of Lg and the drain–source voltage on vinj has been studied.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):733-735
pages 733-735 views

Critical electric-field strength for anisotropic spinodal decomposition of water

Karpov D., Medvedev D., Kupershtokh A.


Threshold values of an electric field for anisotropic spinodal decomposition of water in a supercritical region at T = 670 K and at a low temperature of about 350 K have been calculated. This threshold depends on the second derivative of the dielectric permittivity with respect to density. The dependence of the permittivity of medium on its density was determined by studying fluctuations of the polarization vector in a broad range of densities at the given temperatures. Time series of fluctuations of the polarization vector of ensembles of water molecules were constructed by the method of molecular dynamics.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):736-738
pages 736-738 views

The effect of localized pulse-periodic energy supply on supersonic mixing in channels

Zheltovodov A., Pimonov E.


Results of numerical simulations of supersonic flows in flat channels with narrowing and expanding input sections confirm the possibility of intensification of the mixing of a low-density supersonic gas jet with surrounding co-current flow by means of a localized pulse-periodic energy supply. The influence of the positions of the jet and energy-supply source on the formation of large-scale vortex structures favoring the intensification of mixing is demonstrated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):739-741
pages 739-741 views

The development and application of a cold atmospheric plasma generator for treatment of skin and soft-tissue injuries in animals

Emelyanov O., Petrova N., Smirnova N., Shemet M.


We describe a device for obtaining cold plasma in air at atmospheric pressure using a system of positive high-voltage pin electrodes, which is intended for the treatment of skin and soft-tissue injuries in animals. Plasma is generated due to the development of periodic pulsed discharge of nanosecond duration at current pulse amplitudes 10–20 mA, characteristic frequencies 10–20 kHz, and applied voltages within 8–10 kV. The high efficacy of the proposed device and method is confirmed by the good clinical results of treating large domestic animals with traumatic injuries.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):742-744
pages 742-744 views

Thermodynamic properties of fullerite C70

Rekhviashvili S.


A new expression for the isochoric heat capacity and the equation of state of fullerite C70 are obtained in the framework of a quantum-statistical method. Analogs of the Debye law and Dulong–Petit law for this fullerite are formulated. Fullerene C70 molecules are modeled by isotropic quantum oscillators under the assumption that their nonsphericity weakly influences the thermodynamic properties of the condensed phase. The intramolecular oscillations of carbon atoms are described using the Debye theory and the cold contribution to the free energy of fullerite is calculated using the Lennard-Jones pair potential for fullerene molecules. A comparison of the proposed theory to experiment shows good agreement.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):745-747
pages 745-747 views

Nonlinear ion dynamics in a radiofrequency multipole trap

Rozhdestvenskii Y., Rudyi S.


Nonlinear dynamics of a charged particle in a radiofrequency multipole ion trap has been studied for the first time by the method of direct averaging over rapid field oscillations. An expression for the twodimensional effective potential of this trap is obtained, and regions of ion localization are determined. A Poincaré section is presented that clearly demonstrates the nonlinear character of ion dynamics in the multipole trap.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):748-752
pages 748-752 views

Spectroscopic features of laser-induced breakdown in water and aqueous solutions in ultrasonic field

Bulanov A., Nagorny I., Sosedko E.


It is established that the action of ultrasound leads to both sharp enhancement of the acoustic emission and increase in the intensity of spectral lines of laser-excited elements dissolved in aqueous salt solutions (NaCl, NaHCO3, CaCl2), which provides a new method of combined laser–ultrasonic spark spectroscopy. The task of synchronization of the acoustic and optical emission has been solved, which reveals dependence of the intensity of spectral lines on the phase of ultrasonic wave action.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):753-755
pages 753-755 views

Generation of high-power Cherenkov superradiance pulses using 2D periodic slow-wave structures based on oversized cylindrical waveguides

Ginzburg N., Zaslavskii V., Malkin A., Sergeev A.


We propose to stabilize the azimuthal structure of superradiance pulses using two-dimensional (2D) periodic Bragg structures that simultaneously play the role of a slow-wave system. Analysis performed in the framework of a quasi-optical approach is confirmed by the results of 3D particle-in-cell modeling that demonstrates the possibility of using the proposed system for generating multi-GW nanosecond radiation pulses in the millimeter waveband.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):756-759
pages 756-759 views

Cherenkov friction and radiation of a neutral polarizable particle moving near a transparent dielectric plate

Dedkov G., Kyasov A.


We have obtained general expressions for the intensity of radiation, decelerating force, rate of heating, and acceleration of a small polarizable particle under the conditions of Cherenkov friction: at relativistic motion parallel to the surface of thick transparent dielectric plate. Comparison with the results of other authors is given.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):760-763
pages 760-763 views

A monolithic silicon-based membrane–electrode assembly for micro fuel cells

Yuzova V., Merkushev F., Semenova O.


We report the basic possibility of creating a micro fuel cell (MFC) with a monolithic silicon-based membrane–electrode assembly (MEA), which employs a porous three-layer framework structure manufactured by two-sided anodic etching of a 500-μm-thick silicon wafer. A technology of MEAs for MFCs is described.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):764-766
pages 764-766 views

Formation of hexagonal 9R silicon polytype by ion implantation

Korolev D., Nikolskaya A., Krivulin N., Belov A., Mikhaylov A., Pavlov D., Tetelbaum D., Sobolev N., Kumar M.


Transmission electron-microscopy examination revealed the appearance of a hexagonal silicon (9R polytype) inclusions in the subsrface silicon layer upon ion implantation and subsequent heat treatment of the SiO2/Si structure. The formation of this hexagonal phase is stimulated by mechanical stresses arising in the heterophase system in the course of ion implantation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):767-769
pages 767-769 views

The influence of the local atomic packing of thin MoSx films on their electrocatalytic properties in hydrogen reduction

Fominski V., Nevolin V., Romanov R., Fominskii D., Dzhumaev P.


We have studied the characteristics of the structure, composition, and electrocatalytic properties of thin MoSx films obtained by pulsed laser deposition using an Mo target ablated in H2S reactive-gas medium. The laser plume during deposition was directed tangentially and normally to the substrate, which allowed amorphous films to be obtained with different local atomic packings in an amorphous matrix consisting of Mo3–S clusters. It is established that the orientation of Mo3–S clusters influences charge transport in the catalyst and determines the type and surface density of catalytically active sites in the reaction of hydrogen evolution. For small, approximately equal amounts of Mo and Pt (~4 μg/cm2) laser-deposited on glassy carbon substrates, the MoSx films were inferior to a Pt film with respect to hydrogen overvoltage (by about 90 mV) in acid solution, but the efficiency of thin-film MoSx catalysts at elevated cathode potentials exceeded that of a thin Pt film.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):770-773
pages 770-773 views

The influence of circuit inductance on the energy characteristics of electric discharge and deformation of plates in water

Kosenkov V., Bychkov V.


We have experimentally studied the influence of discharge-circuit inductance on the efficiency of conversion of energy stored in a capacitor bank, evolved in the electric-discharge channel in water, and spent for the resulting plastic deformation of plates. It is established for the first time that a growth in inductance of the discharge circuit produces a positive effect on the deformation of plates by increasing the amount of energy spent in this process.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(8):774-777
pages 774-777 views

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