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卷 62, 编号 12 (2017)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Electron Spectrum of Nonlinear Cold Emission from a Metal under the Action of a Laser Shot

Golovinskii P., Mikhin E.


The nonlinear emission of electrons from a metal under the action of a femtosecond moderate-intensity laser pulse (laser shot) has been studied. A theoretical model of the process has been constructed based on the 1D nonstationary Schrödinger equation in the vacuum half-space with given boundary conditions for the electron wavefunction. This equation has been solved using the Laplace transformation. It has been assumed that the states of free electrons in a metal, which are described by the Sommerfeld theory of metals, are insignificantly influenced by the laser field. The energy spectrum of emitted electrons has been obtained, and its dependence on the parameters of the lased shot has been found. The calculated spectrum of nonlinear electron emission from a tungsten nanotip under the action of a 6.5-fs-long laser shot generating a field of 9.26 V/nm agrees with the experimental data.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1761-1765
pages 1761-1765 views

Calculation of the RF Conductivity and Hall Constant of a Thin Metal Film

Kuznetsova I., Savenko O., Yushkanov A.


The kinetic problem of finding the rf conductivity and Hall constant of a thin metal film placed in a transverse steady magnetic field and a longitudinal variable electric field has been considered. It has been assumed that electrons diffusely reflect from the upper and lower surfaces of the film. No limitations have been imposed on the relationship between the thickness of the film and the electron free path. The dependences of the conductivity and Hall constant on dimensionless parameters, namely, electric field frequency, magnetic field induction, and thickness of the film, have been studied. Calculation results have been compared with the experimental data.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1766-1771
pages 1766-1771 views

Coupled Soliton States and Localization of Cnoidal Waves at the Interface of Nonlinear and Linear Media

Savotchenko S.


Contact effects at the interface of linear and nonlinear media are studied. The problem of different stationary states in two-level system with different parameters of the dispersion relation is considered. A model that employs the nonlinear Shrödinger equation is used to show coupled states of solitons, localization of waves on one side of a defect, and transformation of nonlinear wave into linear wave upon transition through interface for the system under study due to variation in energy. Dispersion relations that determine the energies of such states are derived.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1772-1777
pages 1772-1777 views

Bulk Nonlinear Elastic Strain Waves in a Bilayer Coaxial Cylindrical Rod

Gula I., Samsonov A.


The problem of the propagation of long nonlinear elastic strain waves in a bilayer coaxial cylindrical rod with an ideal contact between the layers has been considered. Expressions for transverse displacements through longitudinal displacements have been derived. The former satisfies free boundary conditions and continuity conditions for displacements and stresses at the interlayer interface with the desired accuracy. It has been shown how these expressions generalize the well-known plane-section and Love hypotheses for an isotropic homogeneous rod. An equation for the propagation of a nonlinearly elastic strain longitudinal wave has been derived, and its particular solution in the form of a solitary traveling wave has been studied.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1778-1786
pages 1778-1786 views

The Numerical Simulation of the Nanosecond Switching of a p-SOS Diode

Podolska N., Lyublinskiy A., Grekhov I.


Abrupt high-density reverse current interruption has been numerically simulated for switching from forward to reverse bias in a silicon p+P0n+ structure (p-SOS diode). It has been shown that the current interruption in this structure occurs as a result of the formation of two dynamic domains of a strong electric field in regions in which the free carrier concentration substantially exceeds the concentration of the doping impurity. The first domain is formed in the n+ region at the n+P0 junction, while the second domain is formed in the P0 region at the interface with the p+ layer. The second domain expands much faster, and this domain mainly determines the current interruption rate. Good agreement is achieved between the simulation results and the experimental data when the actual electric circuit determining the electron–hole plasma pumping in and out is accurately taken into account.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1787-1790
pages 1787-1790 views

Gases and Liquids

On the Stability of the Surface of a Short Charged Jet Moving with Respect to an External Material Medium

Petrushov N., Grigor’ev A., Shiryaeva S.


The problem of the stability of capillary waves on the surface of a charged jet of an ideal incompressible electroconducting liquid, which moves with respect to a material dielectric medium, is considered. There is a tangential discontinuity of the velocity field on the interface between the media. Solutions to the problem in two idealized models have been compared, i.e., when the jet has a finite and infinite length. It has been shown that the instability increments and the wave numbers of the most unstable waves, computed in both models, are linearly related, and velocity of motion of the jet acts as a coefficient of proportionality.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1791-1798
pages 1791-1798 views

Background Oriented Schlieren Method as an Optical Method to Study Shock Waves

Gerasimov S., Trepalov N.


Background oriented schlieren method is applied in diagnostics of shock waves in air. The method can be used for visualization of shock waves that are generated after explosion or due to motion at ultrasonic speeds. Experimental data make it possible to observe propagation of a shock wave in space, estimate the asymmetry of energy liberation in explosion, and determine parameters of shock wave.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1799-1804
pages 1799-1804 views


The Studies of a Vacuum Gap Breakdown after High-Current Arc Interruption with Increasing the Voltage

Schneider A., Popov S., Batrakov A., Dubrovskaya E., Lavrinovich V.


Vacuum-gap breakdown has been studied after high-current arc interruption with a subsequent increase in the transient recovery voltage across a gap. The effects of factors, such as the rate of the rise in the transient voltage, the potential of the shield that surrounds a discharge gap, and the arc burning time, have been determined. It has been revealed that opening the contacts earlier leads to the formation of an anode spot, which is the source of electrode material vapors into the discharge gap after current zero moment. Under the conditions of increasing voltage, this fact results in the breakdown. Too late opening leads to the breakdown of a short gap due to the high electric fields.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1805-1811
pages 1805-1811 views

First Counter-NBI Experiments on the Globus-M Tokamak

Bakharev N., Chernyshev F., Davydenko V., Goncharov P., Gusev V., Kurskiev G., Melnik A., Minaev V., Mironov M., Patrov M., Petrov Y., Sakharov N., Shchegolev P., Sladkomedova A., Telnova A., Tolstyakov S., Zadvitskiy G.


A high-energy counter-NBI has been applied for the first time on the Globus-M spherical tokamak. An ELM-free H-mode has been obtained. However, no significant increase in the ion temperature and plasma energy content compared to ELMy H-mode has been observed. This is due to a high level of the fastion losses. Neither increase in the plasma current nor an increase in plasma-wall distance resulted in an increase in NB heating efficiency as it occurred during the co-NBI experiments.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1812-1816
pages 1812-1816 views

Analysis of Thermal Physical Processes and Peculiarities of Modification of a Steel Surface by Pulsed Plasma Flows

Zhukeshov A., Gabdullina A., Amrenova A., Abdraimova G., Mukhamedryskyzy M.


The temperature gradient and melting depth of the surface of iron-based alloys under the action of high-temperature pulsed plasma beams have been estimated and compared with the experimental data. It has been shown that the steel surface melts under the action of a pulsed plasma flow at an energy density of 15–20 J/cm2; the heat front propagates to a depth of up to 20 μm, the thickness of the molten layer being less than 10 μm. The characteristic size of the microstructure formed as a result of thermal perturbation is estimated at 17 nm. The formation of new phases with crystallite sizes that vary in the range of 16–270 nm is demonstrated experimentally. It has been shown that the formation of nanosize crystalline structure and modified near-surface region are the main factors responsible for strengthening steels.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1817-1821
pages 1817-1821 views

New Possibilities of Probe Detection of Anisotropic Charged-Particle Distribution Functions in an Arbitrary-Symmetry Plasma

Sukhomlinov V., Mustafaev A., Strakhova A., Murillo O.


We have analyzed the precision and systematic errors of the familiar method of a plane single-ended probe for measuring the anisotropic distribution functions for electrons and ions in plasma. Analytic relations that connect the plasma parameters and the required number of terms in a series are obtained under the conditions when anisotropy is due to the presence of an electric field in the plasma. It has been shown that ten terms of the series are usually sufficient to adequately describe the ion distribution function, except for the case of strong fields. For strongly anisotropic charged particle distribution functions, the spline interpolation technique for experimental data is proposed and tested, which substantially reduces the systematic error for a preset number of terms in the series. It has been shown for abundant actual plasma objects with the mirror symmetry that the number of required orientations of a plane probe for the experimental distribution function can be reduced by half compared to the most general case of the absence of any symmetry for a fixed number of terms in the Legendre series, while for the same number of orientations, the number of terms in the series, which are determined from these measurements, doubled accordingly.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1822-1832
pages 1822-1832 views

Is the Collecting Surface of a Flat One-Sided Probe Constant when Measuring the Ion Distribution Function?

Korshunov G., Mustafaev A., Nekuchaev V., Sukhomlinov V.


The correctness of the known plane single-ended probe method for measuring the anisotropic ion distribution functions in a gas-discharge plasma has been considered. Analysis has been performed for positive probe potentials relative to the plasma with magnitudes on the order of the mean ion energy, which as a rule is much lower than the mean electron energy. We have analyzed the dependence of the collection surface area of a plane probe on its potential in this range. The structure of the near-probe layer has been determined for an isotropic electron distribution function of the Maxwellian or Druvestein type and an anisotropic ion distribution function. These results are used to derive analytic relations for the correction to the second derivative of the probe current with respect to the plane probe potential. It has been shown that, when the ion distribution function is measured in a wide range of conditions in the gas-discharge plasma, when the approximation of a collisionless probe layer is applicable, and the probe does not perturb the plasma, the dependence of the collection surface area of the probe on the potential can be disregarded in this range.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1833-1842
pages 1833-1842 views

Solid State

Features of Crystallization of Rapidly Quenched Ni45Ti32Hf18Cu5 and Ni25Ti32Hf18Cu25 Alloys from Melt with High-Temperature Shape Memory Effect

Pushin A., Pushin V., Kuntsevich T., Kuranova N., Makarov V., Uksusnikov A., Kourov N.


A comparative study of the structure and the chemical and phase composition of Ni45Ti32Hf18Cu5 and Ni25Ti32Hf18Cu25 amorphous alloys obtained by fast-quenching of melt stream by spinning has been carried out by transmission and scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The critical temperatures of their devitrification were determined by the data of temperatures measurements of electrical resistance. The features of the formation of ultrafine structure and the phase transformation at the vitrification depending on the regimes of heat treatment and chemical composition of alloy have been established.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1843-1847
pages 1843-1847 views

Magnetically Controlled Tunneling of a TE Wave through the Ferrite—ε-Negative Layer Structure

Afanas’ev S., Sementsov D., Fedorova I.


We have considered the tunneling of a normally incident electromagnetic wave through a bilayer structure that consists of a ferrite layer and an adjoining layer with a negative permittivity. The ferrite layer is transversely magnetized by an external magnetic field that corresponds to the range of negative values of the effective permeability. It has been shown that the transmission of the structure can be controlled in wide limits by varying the external magnetic field. In particular, nearly perfect tunneling (viz., nonreflective transmission of incident radiation) can be realized.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1848-1852
pages 1848-1852 views

Influence of Dislocation Pinning on the Creep Rate in Aluminum

Petrov A., Razuvaeva M.


The influence of the dislocation mobility on the creep rate in aluminum has been estimated. In a steady state of creep, the dislocation mobility is varied by pinning dislocations using impurity atoms during heating. It has been shown that the change in the creep rate is proportional to the fraction of impurity atoms that migrate from the solid solution of deformed aluminum toward the dislocations.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1853-1855
pages 1853-1855 views

Hardening of Metal Product Surface Layers by the Combined Gas Discharge Plasma

Brzhozovskii B., Gestrin S., Zinina E., Martynov V.


The properties of a low-pressure combined gas discharge initiated in a resonator chamber near the surface of a metal workpiece subjected to the superposition of high electromagnetic and electrostatic fields have been studied. It has been shown that, when a constant potential is applied to the workpiece, a layer forms on its surface in which positive ions or electrons (depending on the sign of the potential) accelerate to an energy as high as several hundred electronvolts. The interaction between accelerated particles and the workpiece causes the liberation of heat in the surface layer, which is sufficient for its complete melting. If the applied potential is positive, a hardening nanostructure arises on the workpiece surface. The physical parameters of the combined gas discharge have been estimated.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1856-1862
pages 1856-1862 views

Physical Science of Materials

Method of Measuring the Diffusion Resistance of the Structures of Porous Electrode Materials Based on a Proton-Conducting Ionomer and Carbon Nanomaterials

Glebova N., Krasnova A., Tomasov A., Zelenina N., Nechitailov A.


A method has been developed for measuring the oxygen mass-transport resistance of porous electrodes based on micro- and nanostructures of a Nafion proton-conducting ionomer, Pt/C, and carbon nanowires with the ultrahigh porosity. The method suggests measuring the limit oxygen electroreduction current density at the controlled oxygen flow through an electrochemical system and calculating the oxygen mass transport resistance using the ratio based on the Fick’s law. The method has been used to study the mass-transport loss of a membrane-electrode assembly electrode and electrode material based on a rotating disk electrode and can be applied in the development of new electrodes.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1863-1868
pages 1863-1868 views

SiC-Based Composite Materials Obtained by Siliconizing Carbon Matrices

Shikunov S., Kurlov V.


We have developed a method for fabrication of parts of complicated configuration from composite materials based on SiC ceramics, which employs the interaction of silicon melt with the carbon matrix having a certain composition and porosity. For elevating the operating temperatures of ceramic components, we have developed a method for depositing protective silicon-carbide coatings that is based on the interaction of the silicon melt and vapor with carbon obtained during thermal splitting of hydrocarbon molecules. The new structural ceramics are characterized by higher operating temperatures; chemical stability; mechanical strength; thermal shock, wear and radiation resistance; and parameters stability.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1869-1876
pages 1869-1876 views

Solid State Electronics

The Use of Solar Cells with a Bifacial Contact Grid under the Conditions of Kazakhstan

Tokmoldin N., Chuchvaga N., Verbitskii V., Titov A., Zholdybayev K., Terukov E., Tokmoldin S.


The paper reports on the results of simulations of output characteristics of silicon solar cells based on the amorphous silicon–crystalline silicon heterojunction. In addition, the prospect of utilizing high-efficiency bifacial silicon solar modules for various orientational configurations is evaluated. The evaluations are based on the geographical location of the city of Astana (Kazakhstan) located at 51.2° N and 71.4° E at an altitude of 354 m above the sea level

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1877-1881
pages 1877-1881 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Composition and Structure of Ga1 – xNaxAs Nanolayers Produced near the GaAs Surface by Na+ Implantation

Boltaev K., Sodikjanov Z., Tashmukhamedova D., Umirzakov B.


The composition and structure of nanodimensional Ga1 – xNaxAs phases produced by implantation of Na+ ions into the near-surface area of GaAs have been studied by Auger electron spectroscopy and fast electron diffraction. It has been found that the thickness of the ternary epitaxial layer is 10–12 nm for ion energy E0 = 20 keV. The composition of the three-layer nanosystems is GaAs–Ga0.5Na0.5As–GaAs.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1882-1884
pages 1882-1884 views


Generation of High-Power Ultrashort Optical Pulses Using a Semiconductor Laser with Controlled Current Pumping

Kolykhalova E., Dyudelev V., Zazulin S., Losev S., Deryagin A., Kuchinskii V., Efanov M., Sokolovskii G.


Fiber-coupled semiconductor lasers are studied under pumping with high-power short current pulses. Appropriate parameters of the current pumping make it possible to substantially reduce the output pulse duration to 80 ps for a single-mode laser and 120 ps for a wide-stripe multimode laser at a pump pulse duration of 1 ns and to 40 ps for the single-mode laser at a pump pulse duration of 0.5 ns.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1885-1888
pages 1885-1888 views

Electrophysics, Electron and Ion Beams, Physics of Accelerators

Effect of External Longitudinal Electric Field on Tracking Force upon the Interaction of a Relativistic Electron Beam with the Ion Channel in the Ion Focusing Regime

Kolesnikov E., Manuilov A.


It has been shown that, in the presence of a longitudinal external electric field, the magnitude of the tracking or detracking force that emerges during the acceleration or deceleration of a beam propagating along a preliminarily created ion channel in the ion-focusing regime can be commensurate with the force of the interaction of a relativistic electron beam with the ion plasma channel.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1889-1892
pages 1889-1892 views

Physical Electronics

On the Faraday Effect in Magnetic Colloids

Dikanskii Y., Turkin S.


The propagation of plane-polarized microwave radiation in magnetic colloids with magnetite particles and magnetosensitive emulsions based on such particles is experimentally studied. A magnetic field exerted along the propagation direction leads to the rotation of the polarization plane (Faraday effect) provided that the magnetite concentration is higher than a certain critical level. Specific features of the effect in structured magnetic colloids and magnetic emulsions related to structural changes in the presence of magnetic field are revealed.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1893-1898
pages 1893-1898 views

Total External Reflection of X Rays from Polycrystal Solid Surface

Stozharov V., Pronin V.


Total external reflection of X rays from surfaces of several polycrystalline metals is analyzed. The roentgenograms of total reflection and X-ray diffraction are comprehensively studied for nickel, copper, silver, platinum, and bismuth. Theoretical processing of experimental roentgenograms is used to calculate Xray refractive indices, number of surface crystallites, interplane distances, and remaining quantities for polycrystalline metals. It is shown that the refractive index inversely depends on the interplane distance in crystallites of polycrystalline solids. Total reflection of X rays from the lead zirconate titanate ferroelectric film is studied.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1899-1902
pages 1899-1902 views

Experimental Instruments and Technique

Simulation of Experiment on Measurement of Neutron Lifetime Using the Big Gravitational Trap of Ultracold Neutrons with the Absorber

Fomin A., Serebrov A.


At present, the experiment on measuring neutron lifetime using a big gravitational trap is being performed at Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute. It is planned to achieve a measurement precision of 0.2 s, which is four times better than the best existing level of precision. The modified installation is simulated using the Monte Carlo method. It has been shown that the application of the absorber in the installation design increases the number of stored ultracold neutrons in the trap by a factor of approximately three and reduces the duration of the measurement cycle.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1903-1907
pages 1903-1907 views

Short Communications

The High-Temperature Evaporation of Water Droplets in a Gaseous Medium

Voitkov I., Volkov R., Kuznetsov G., Strizhak P.


The results of experimental investigations of the processes of water droplet evaporation upon heating in a gaseous medium at temperatures of 500–1100 K have been presented. High-speed tools of video recording and panoramic optical methods of particle image velocimetry have been applied. The times of full droplet evaporation and mass evaporation rates have been calculated. The evaporation rates have been compared with those calculated using well-known evaporation models. The temperature ranges in which the mathematical modeling data well correlate with experiments have been determined.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1908-1911
pages 1908-1911 views

Influence of the Fluid on the Parameters and Limits of Bubble Detonation

Pinaev A., Prokhorov E.


The compression and inflammation of reactive gas bubbles in bubble detonation waves have been studied, and the considerable influence of the fluid (liquid or vapor) on the detonation parameters has been found. It has been shown numerically that the final values of the pressure and temperature significantly decrease if the temperature dependence of the adiabatic index is taken into account at the compression stage. The parameters of reactive gas combustion products in the bubble have been calculated in terms of an equilibrium model, and the influence of the fluid that remains in the bubble in the form of microdroplets and vapor on these parameters has been investigated.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(12):1912-1915
pages 1912-1915 views