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Том 64, № 3 (2019)


Study of the Effect of Electron Cooling: Overview of the Current State

Bezverkhnii N., Bobashev S., Kolychev A., Monakhov N., Ponyaev S., Sakharov V.


Investigation results of the effect of electron cooling are considered. The current state-of-the-art is analyzed. The possibilities are discussed for the experimental study of the electron cooling phenomenon using a large shock tube and plasma-gas-dynamic stand at the Ioffe Institute.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):287-292
pages 287-292 views

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Photonic Crystals Based on Media with Arbitrary Anisotropy of Permittivity and Permeability

Glinskii G.


A general approach to analyzing eigenmodes in anisotropic and gyrotropic 3D photonic crystals based on dielectric and magnetic media is proposed. This approach is based on the representation of stationary macroscopic Maxwell equations in the operator form corresponding to the quantum-mechanical equation for a photon with spin s = 1. In these equations, the strengths of electric and magnetic fields are put into correspondence with state vectors in the complex Hilbert space. The permittivity and permeability serve as operators acting on these vectors. It is shown that the problem of determining the eigenmodes of a photonic crystal is reduced to searching for eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the Hermitian operator characterizing the spin–orbit interaction of a photon in the periodic anisotropic medium under study. It is proposed to use photon states with a certain wave vector (certain momentum) and a certain linear or circular spin polarization as a basis for the representation operator equations. One-dimensional photonic crystals are considered as an example. The influence of anisotropy and gyrotropy on the dispersion of eigenmodes in these crystals is investigated. The group velocity of the eigenmodes, momentum transferred by them, and spin angular momentum are analyzed for the case of gyrotropic media.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):293-301
pages 293-301 views

Intermittency at the Boundary of Generalized Synchronization in Mutually Coupled Systems with Complex Attractor Topology

Moskalenko O., Koronovskii A., Khanadeev V.


The mechanisms of occurrence and characteristics of intermittency at the boundary of generalized synchronization in mutually coupled systems with complex (two-sheet) chaotic attractor topology are investigated. It has been established that the occurrence of intermittency in this case is due to the imaging point jump from one sheet of the chaotic attractor to another. At the same time, distributions of laminar phase durations and dependences of average laminar phase durations on the supercriticality parameter obey exponential laws.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):302-305
pages 302-305 views

Atomic and Molecular Physics

Probability of Electron Capture by 3He2+ Ions from Argon Atoms at Different Impact Parameters

Basalaev A., Panov M.


We have measured the absolute values of total cross sections of capture of one and two electrons by He2+ ions from argon atoms. The differential scattering cross sections have been determined for fast atoms and singly charged helium ions formed in each of these processes (without and with additional ionization of the formed slow argon ion). Measurements have been taken for He2+ ions with kinetic energy of 6 keV in scattering angle range 0–2.5°. Based on the measured differential cross sections using different model atomic particle interaction potentials, we have calculated the cross sections of these processes as functions of the impact parameter. The probabilities of realization of these processes with electron density distribution in different shells in the target atom have been compared. The applicability of the expressions for the screened Coulomb interaction potentials in the description of scattering of particles that have captured electrons has been demonstrated.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):306-310
pages 306-310 views

Influence of Reynolds Number on the Distribution of a Vortex Velocity Pulsed Component through the Cross-Section of a Flat Channel

Chesnokov Y.


Based on the analysis of results from different authors using direct numerical simulations of the liquid flow in a flat channel, the effect of Reynolds number on the distribution of mean-square values of projections of a pulsed component of vortex velocity through the cross-section of a flat channel has been studied.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):311-316
pages 311-316 views

Flow Structure and Thrust Change at Gas Jet Injection into the Supersonic Part of a Nozzle

Volkov K., Emelyanov V., Yakovchuk M.


The numerical simulation of gas-dynamic processes accompanying the transverse injection of a gas jet into the supersonic part of a nozzle is considered in the context of creating steering forces in rocket engines. Numerical calculations are conducted based on various turbulence models at different mass flow rates of the injected gas. The calculation results obtained for the non-viscous, laminar, and turbulent formulation of the problem are compared with each other and with the physical experiment data. The formation of a shock wave and vortex flow pattern is discussed. Conclusions about the effect of problem input parameters on the thrust gain coefficient are made.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):317-323
pages 317-323 views

Quadrupole Radiation of an Uncharged Droplet That Oscillates in the Presence of Uniform Electric Field

Grigor’ev A., Shiryaeva S., Kolbneva N.


Capillary oscillations of an uncharged spheroid droplet of nonviscous conducting uncompressible liquid in the presence of uniform electric field are analyzed in the first order of smallness with respect to the ratio of the oscillation amplitude to a linear size of the droplet and in the second order of smallness with respect to the squared ratio of the linear size to the radiation wavelength. It is shown that the electric quadrupole moment of the droplet is time-dependent due to surface oscillations, which lead to the emission of quadrupole electromagnetic waves. A mathematical model of the quadrupole electromagnetic radiation of an uncharged droplet that oscillates in the presence of electrostatic field is constructed, and the radiation intensity and frequency are estimated.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):324-330
pages 324-330 views

Influence of a Perpendicular Electrostatic Field on Aerodynamic-Force-Induced Primary Disintegration of a Thin Plane Jet of Dielectric Liquid

Korovin V., Kazhan V.


The disintegration of a plane nonconductive jet of a high-permittivity liquid has been studied. The jet moves with constant velocity in a gas that is quiescent at infinity in the presence of a perpendicular electrostatic field. Initially, the boundaries of the jet are parallel to each other. Its thickness is much smaller than the capillary constant. The gas density has been included into the list of governing parameters. The case has been considered when aerodynamic forces arising from wave disturbance of the gas–liquid interface make a greater contribution to the dynamics of the liquid than capillary forces. It has been shown that when the jet is aerodynamically unstable, the application of a perpendicular electric field with moderate intensity considerably decreases fragments of the jet after disintegration.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):331-336
pages 331-336 views

Dynamic Effects in a Magnetic Fluid with Microdrops of Concentrated Phase in a Rotating Magnetic Field

Dikanskii Y., Bedzhanyan M., Kolesnikova A., Gora A., Chernyshev A.


Variation in the shape of microdrops of a highly concentrated magnetic colloid resulting from phase separation in a magnetic fluid has been studied. It has been found that even weak magnetic fields (such as those comparable to the geomagnetic field) substantially influence the geometry and behavior of microdrops. Different configurations of microdrops in a rotating magnetic field have been considered. The occurrence of a rotation moment that acts on a macrodrop of a magnetic fluid in a rotating magnetic field has been shown. The rotation moment is due to the rotation of concentrated phase microdrops inside the macrodrop. The macroscopic rotation frequency of a drop’s surface as a function of the applied magnetic field frequency and strength has been measured.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):337-341
pages 337-341 views


Calculation and Analysis of Electrophysical Processes in a High-Power Plasma Accelerator with an Intrinsic Magnetic Field

Zhukeshov A., Amrenova A., Gabdullina A., Moldabekov Z., Useinov B.


We have considered basic theoretical models describing various aspects of the formation and acceleration of plasma in pulsed accelerators. The discharge current, magnetic field, and plasma bunch velocity have been determined experimentally at different initial gas pressures in the accelerator chamber. We have considered the correspondence of some theoretical models of plasma acceleration to experimental data obtained in a KPU-30 coaxial accelerator. It is shown that the formation of the plasma in the coaxial accelerator depends on the plasma density, and acceleration processes at densities higher and lower than a certain transient density value on the order of 1011–1012 cm–3 are different. At a density higher than this critical value, the plasma is accelerated by a magnetic force. At the same time, at a low plasma density, plasma can be accelerated by an internal electric field.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):342-347
pages 342-347 views

Optical and Kinetic Characteristics of an Atmospheric Pressure Pulsed Discharge in Helium with Iron Vapor

Kurbanismailov V., Maiorov S., Omarov O., Ragimkhanov G.


The emission spectrum of a near-cathode plasma of a pulsed discharge in atmospheric pressure helium reveals spectral lines of electrode material. Numerical simulation of the kinetics by the Monte Carlo method shows that starting with a fraction of percent, the addition of iron atoms to helium strongly affect the ionization-drift characteristics of electrons in gas.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):348-351
pages 348-351 views

Solid State

Shockwave-Initiated Emission of Ions from Stressed Granite

Shcherbakov I., Vettegren’ V., Mamalimov R., Makhmudov K.


In this paper, we obtained intensity distributions of beams of positively charged ions emitted from the surface of uniaxially compressed granites under the effect of a shock wave. The intensity of beams decreases exponentially with an increase in the number of shock waves. The ions fly out at the moments when the dislocations reach the surface moving in intersecting slip planes. A compressive load suppresses the dislocation release and the intensity of ion beams.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):352-355
pages 352-355 views

Elastic Precursor Decay and Spallation in Nonporous Tungsten Carbide Ceramics

Savinykh A., Cherepanov I., Razorenov S., Mandel K., Krüger L.


To identify the possible contribution of relaxation processes to the resistance against high-rate deformation, evolution of shock-compression waves in tungsten carbide (WC) ceramics manufactured by spark-plasma sintering at a maximum compressive stress of 27 GPa is measured. Strong elastic precursor decay upon changing the thickness of the samples from 0.15 to 4 mm is revealed. At maximum shock compressive stresses twice exceeding the Hugoniot elastic limit, a decrease in the spall strength value by about 30% from its value in the elastic region is recorded.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):356-360
pages 356-360 views

Physical Science of Materials

The Possibilities of Energy-Saturated Nanoporous Silicon-Based Composites (Review and New Results)

Savenkov G., Zegrya A., Zegrya G., Rumyantsev B., Sinani A., Mikhailov Y.


A brief review and results of experimental investigation of the properties of energy-saturated nanoporous silicon-based composites are presented. Various types of oxidants used in the composites are examined. Calcium perchlorate has been used as an oxidant. The energy-saturated composite under study is shown to exceed in several parameters the primary explosive, mercury fulminate and brisant explosive, RDX.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):361-367
pages 361-367 views

Solid State Electronics

IR Photodetectors Based on Isoperiodic Epitaxial Layers of Lead Tin Chalcogenides

Tsarenko O., Tkachuk A., Ryabets S.


IR photodetectors have been made on Pb/δ-layer/p-Pb1 –xSnxTe1 –ySey/p+-Pb0.8Sn0.2Te/Au and Au/δ-layer/n-Pb1 –xSnxTe1 –ySey(BaF2)/Pb surface-barrier structures prepared by liquid-phase epitaxy and thermal evaporation. At ~170 K, peak wavelength λp ~ 7.9–8.2 μm, and cutoff wavelength λc ~ 8.2–8.5 μm, the former surface-barrier structure has product R0A (where R0 is the zero-bias differential resistance and A is the active surface area) = 0.31–0.97 Ω cm2, peak quantum efficiency ηλ = 0.32–0.48, and specific detectability \(D_{\lambda }^{*}\) = (0.72–1.83) × 1010 cm Hz1/2 W–1. For photodiodes made on the latter surface-barrier structure, these parameters measured at ~80 K are R0A = 1.71–2.72 Ω cm2, ηλ = 0.34–0.49, and \(D_{\lambda }^{*}\) = (3.02–4.51) × 1010 cm Hz1/2 W–1 at λp ~ 8.6–12.3 μm and λc ~ 9.2–12.9 μm.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):368-372
pages 368-372 views

Numerical and Experimental Study of an Optimized p-SOS Diode

Lyublinsky A., Belyakova E., Grekhov I.


We report on the results of experimental investigation and numerical simulation of switching of SOS diode with p+P0n+ structure and with reduced thickness of P0-base. The proposed 1D diffusion-drift model of electron–hole plasma dynamics is found to be in good agreement with the experiment. The reduction of the P0-base thickness has allowed us to double the output pulse voltage with the same switching current density. This has been reached by a considerable reduction of switching losses as well as due to the formation of the domain of a strong quasi-rectangular electric field at the P0n+ junction during the current interruption. As a result, output pulse amplitude considerably exceeds the static breakdown voltage of P0n+ junction. This effect has been observed for the first time for high-voltage semiconductor opening switches.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):373-379
pages 373-379 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Anomalies in the Elastic and Inelastic Properties of Cox(PZT)100 –x Nanocomposites

Tarasov D.


The elastic (G) and inelastic (Q–1) properties of Cox(PZT)100 –x nanocomposites (x = 23–76 at %) obtained by ion-beam sputtering have been studied in the temperature range 200–900 K. Internal friction peaks associated with Co atom hopping inside metallic granules have been discovered at 236 K. It has been found that the peak height grows with metallic phase concentration. Above 750 K, curve Q–1(T) rises considerably because of vacancy diffusion in Co granules under conditions of confined space.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):380-384
pages 380-384 views

Silicon with Magnetic Nanoclusters of Manganese Atoms as a New Ferromagnetic Material

Bakhadyrkhanov M., Iliev K., Mavlonov G., Ayupov K., Isamov S., Tachilin S.


Photosensitivity of the negative magnetoresistance (NMR) of silicon containing magnetic nanoclusters of manganese atoms is revealed under background and IR (up to λ = 3 μm) irradiation at room temperature. It is shown that irradiation leads to a significant decrease in the NMR (NMR suppression) and sign inversion of the NMR at higher radiation intensities. Regularities of variations in the NMR and conditions for sign inversion are determined.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):385-388
pages 385-388 views


Generation of Soft X-Ray Radiation in a Compact Free-Electron Laser with Harmonic Multiplication

Zhukovskii K.


Single-pass free-electron lasers (FELs) with harmonic multiplication in the X-ray range are studied theoretically with the objective of producing intense radiation with the minimum possible FEL length, beam energy, and seed laser frequency. A cascade FEL with a two-frequency undulator for electron bunching at wavelengths of higher harmonics is proposed. The dynamics of radiation power in a FEL with harmonic multiplication cascades is investigated based on a well-proven phenomenological FEL model that covers all major losses for each harmonic in each FEL cascade. The effect of the beam quality on X-ray generation in a FEL is examined. It is demonstrated that electron beams with energy spread σe ≤ 0.0002 are required for efficient use of harmonics in a cascade X-ray FEL. The evolution of power of harmonics in several cascade FELs at wavelengths of ~2–3 nm with multiplication of seed harmonics at a wavelength of 13.51 nm (Mo/Si reflection peak) and 11.43 nm (MoRu/Be reflection peak) is studied. It is demonstrated that the power increases to ~1 GW at a FEL length up to 40 m. In addition, the operation of multicascade FELs with a seed F2 excimer 157-nm UV laser and harmonics of lasers with CO2 and C2H2 at 30 nm with a beam of electrons with an energy of ~0.6 GeV and a current of ~1 kА is studied. The power of the modeled X-ray radiation of these FELs at λ = 2.5 and 3.3 nm increases to ~0.5 GW at ~30 m.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):389-398
pages 389-398 views


Analysis and Optimization of the Characteristics of Superpower Virtode Generation

Badarin A., Kurkin S., Frolov N., Pak A., Khramov A.


We report on the results of the 3D numerical simulation of perspective design of an oscillator based on an external-feedback virtual cathode (virtode), as well as optimization of characteristics of its generation. We have analyzed the effect of beam parameters on the virtode output characteristics. In particular, we have obtained the dependence of the efficiency on the feeding voltage and on the current being injected. We have studied the effect of beam velocity premodulation and electron velocity spread on virtode generation characteristics. It has been established that the introduction of premodulation sharply increases the generation efficiency up to 13% for optimal parameters. The possibility of stable generation in the virtode at relatively large spread in electron velocities has been demonstrated.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):399-403
pages 399-403 views

Toroidal Cavity with Electrostatic Focusing

Daumenov T., Khizirova M.


The possibility of using an einzel lens built-in the region of concentration of electrostatic field in the cavity for modulation of the electron beam velocity is considered. It is shown that the application of the einzel lens as a velocity modulator does not affect the constant of interaction of the electron beam with the lens field.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):404-406
pages 404-406 views

Effect of Radio-Frequency and Ionizing Radiation on the ATmega8515 Microcontroller

Stepovik A., Shamaev E., Otstavnov V.


Effect of ultrabroadband radiation and bremsstrahlung on a complicated device (ATmega8515) placed in a radio-transparent housing is studied. Similar results are obtained in the two cases: short-term malfunction or hangup. A particular scenario depends on the moment of irradiation relative to the phase of the meander generated by the microcontroller. In the presence of bremsstrahlung, the effect depends on the exposure dose, so that an increase in the duration of the generated phase or hangup can be obtained.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):407-413
pages 407-413 views

Anomaly of Microwave Absorption of Ice near –45°C under Plastic Deformation

Bordonskii G.


The microwave absorption of fresh ice subjected to plastic deformation when changing temperature from 0 to –60°C has been measured. A decrease in the losses of radiation transmission through ice at frequencies of 32 and 125 GHz with extremum at a temperature of –45°C was found. This temperature corresponds to the point at atmospheric pressure at the Widom line, which starts from a hypothetic second critical point in pressure–temperature phase space. The used measuring technique makes it possible to obtain layers of deeply supercooled water into ice and study the position of the Widom line and second critical point in phase space.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):414-417
pages 414-417 views

Physical Electronics

Determination of the Thicknesses and Visualization of Ion-Exchange Waveguides in Glasses by Scanning Electron Microscopy

Lihachev A., Nashchekin A., Sokolov R., Konnikov S.


The formation of a surface layer with silver and sodium concentration gradients in K8-grade glasses as a result of ion exchange is demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe X-ray microanalysis. The silver ions enriched layers with different thicknesses, depending on the duration of the ion exchange from the silver melt, are visualized in the secondary electrons mode. SEM data on the thickness of the silver enriched layer are in good agreement with the results of calculation from the diffusion equation for silver in glass. The dependence of the silver concentration on the diffusion depth is obtained using elemental composition mapping over the glass cross section. The presence of a layer with a silver concentration gradient leads to formation of a gradient waveguide. Discrete peaks in silver concentration profiles, caused by specific features of mutual diffusion of sodium and silver ions in glasses, are found.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):418-421
pages 418-421 views

Peculiarities of Magnetron Sputtering of Nickel Oxide Thin Films for Use in Perovskite Solar Cells

Aglikov A., Kudryashov D., Mozharov A., Makarov S., Bolshakov A., Mukhin I.


Use of inorganic oxides as transport layer material is a promising way to increase the efficiency of perovskite solar cells. Results of the studies of the influence of the gas mix composition in the plasma discharge used during magnetron sputtering on the optical, electrical, and structural parameters of deposited thin nickel oxide films are reported. Addition of oxygen or nitrogen to pure argon atmosphere (up to 30 vol %) was shown to change the growth rate (1.2–2.3 nm/min), resistivity of the samples (8.5–208 Ω cm), material band gap (2.85–3.43 eV), and the spectral dependence of the extinction coefficient, while the structural and morphological parameters of synthesized thin films were not affected. The lowest extinction coefficients were found in films deposited in pure argon atmosphere, which determines the capabilities of their usage in photovoltaic converters based on perovskite compounds.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):422-426
pages 422-426 views

Biomedical Physics

Nonlinear Dynamics of Firing Activity Patterns of Nociceptive Neurons during Management of Damaging Pain Stimulation

Dik O.


A bifurcation analysis of a nociceptive neuron model was performed to study how the firing activity pattern changes when an antinociceptive response to damaging pain stimulation arises in rat dorsal ganglia. Ectopic train activity was found to arise in the model. Suppression of train activity was demonstrated to proceed solely through modification of the activation gating structure of the NaV1.8 slow sodium channel in response to comenic acid, which exerts an analgesic effect and is an active ingredient of the new nonopioid analgesic Anoceptin.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):427-435
pages 427-435 views

Experimental Instruments and Technique

Specifics of Preparation of Storage Chambers for Ultracold Neutrons and EDM Spectrometer Sensitivity

Lasakov M., Pirozhkov A., Serebrov A.


Storage cells for ultracold neutrons (UCNs) are crucial parts of the experimental setup used to measure the electric dipole moment (EDM) of a neutron. The effect of the technology of preparation and sputtering of elements of UCN storage cells on the limiting operating voltage and on the capacity of these cells for long-term operation under high voltage with polarity switching was studied. A voltage magnitude of ±250 kV was obtained in tests of a neutron storage cell for the EDM spectrometer with a cell height of 9 cm.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(3):436-439
pages 436-439 views

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