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Volume 64, Nº 1 (2019)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Eigenwave Spectra of an Anisotropic Cylindrical Solid-State Waveguide

Averkov Y., Prokopenko Y., Yakovenko V.


Dispersion properties of eigenwaves of an anisotropic cylindrical solid-state waveguide without frequency dispersion in permittivity tensor components have been analyzed theoretically. The classification of waves has been performed. E type bulk–surface eigenwaves with negative group velocities have been found. The conditions for their existence have been determined. The existence in the waveguide of E-type surface eigenwaves and pseudo-surface eigenwaves of E- and H-types has been shown.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):1-7
pages 1-7 views

Atomic and Molecular Physics

Mass Spectrometry of a Xylitol Molecule

Zavilopulo A., Shpenik O., Pilipchinets O.


The technique and results of a mass spectrometric study on the yield of positive ions formed upon ionization of xylitol molecules by electron impact are discussed. The mass spectra of xylitol are studied in the range of mass numbers of 10–160 Da and in the range of bombarding electrons energies of 5–80 eV. Based on the analysis of the measured mass spectra, a scheme of xylitol fragmentation is proposed, which contains the most probable channels of formation of ion-fragments upon electron impact, when the energy of the incident electrons significantly exceeds the ionization potential of the molecule. The appearance energies of ionized fragments of xylitol are determined for the first time from the energy dependences of the effective cross-section formation of the ions upon electron impact. The dynamics of ionized fragment formation is studied in the temperature range of the initial substance evaporation of 340–410 K. The behavior of the temperature dependence indicates that the formation processes of water and oxonium cations compete with each other.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Gases and Liquids

Estimate of the Electromagnetic Radiation Intensity of Ball Lightning

Grigor’ev A., Shiryaeva S.


The maximum intensity of electromagnetic microwave radiation of ball lightning has been determined in regards to order of magnitude based on the properties of ball lightning taken from the descriptions of its existence in the natural environment. The movement of charged particles along curvilinear paths inside ball lightning can be considered as a physical mechanism of the generation of microwave radiation.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):14-18
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Nonisothermal Free-Molecular Flow of Gas in an Elliptic Channel with a Circular Cylindrical Element Inside

Germider O., Popov V.


The linearized problem of free-molecular gas flow in a long elliptic channel with a circular cylindrical element inside has been solved in the kinetic approximation. The flow in the channel is caused by temperature and pressure drops between its ends. The Boltzmann kinetic equation for collisionless gas has been used as a basic equation, and the boundary condition has been set in terms of the diffuse reflection model. The distribution of the mass velocity of the gas over the cross section of the channel has been obtained. The mass flow rate of the gas in the channel versus the temperature and pressure drops between its ends has been calculated. It has been found that the mass flow of the gas substantially depends on the radius of the inner cylinder.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):19-23
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Laser-Induced Superintensive Bubble Boiling

Yusupov V., Chudnovskii V., Bagratashvili V.


Superintensive bubble boiling (SBB) is implemented in water in the absence of degassing at the end surface of a laser fiber using 100-ns laser pulses. A thulium fiber laser with a radiation wavelength of 1.94 μm and moderate power is used as a radiation source. The generation of bubble microjets in the vicinity of the end surface of the laser fiber is studied with the aid of high-speed photography and acoustic methods. After a threshold transition to the SBB regime, the energy of acoustic emission is predominantly concentrated in an acoustic interval of 10–30 kHz. The acoustic signal is generated due to thermal cavitation. Record-high thermal fluxes of up to 0.16 MW/cm2 are reached in the SBB regime. Parameters of the resulting convective fluxes, microbubbles, and broadband acoustic oscillations are determined.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):24-26
pages 24-26 views

Study of a Pulsed Air Flow in a Large Vacuum Chamber by Means of a Commercial Ionization Gauge

Gushchin M., Strikovskiy A., Loskutov K., Evtushenko A., Korobkov S.


A method for creating a pressure gradient by pulsed injection of air into a large vacuum chamber for laboratory simulation of plasma phenomena in a vertically nonuniform atmosphere is proposed. The dynamics of subsonic and transonic air flows at different background chamber pressures is studied. The feasibility of creating and detecting instantaneous pressure drops by more than two orders of magnitude on a scale of about one meter is shown. Features of the operation of the PMI-10-2 ionization gauge used for pressure measurements in a pulsed gas flow are discussed.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):27-33
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Passage of a Plane Shock Wave through the Region of a Glow Gas Discharge

Lapushkina T., Erofeev A., Azarova O., Kravchenko O.


The interaction of a plane shock wave (M = 5) with an ionized plasma region formed before the arrival of a shock wave by a low-current glow gas discharge is considered experimentally and numerically. In the experiment, schlieren images of a moving shock-wave structure resulting from the interaction and consisting of two discontinuities, convex in the direction of motion of the initial wave, are obtained. The propagation of a shock wave over the region of energetic impact is simulated on the basis of the two-dimensional Riemann problem of decay of an arbitrary discontinuity with allowance for the influence of horizontal walls. The systems of Euler and Navier–Stokes equations are solved numerically. The non-equilibrium of the processes in the gas-discharge region was simulated by an effective adiabatic index γ. Based on the calculations performed for equilibrium air (γ = 1.4) and for an ionized nonequilibrium gas medium (γ = 1.2), it is shown that the experimentally observed discontinuities can be interpreted as elements of the solution of the two-dimensional problem of decay of a discontinuity: a shock wave followed by a contact discontinuity. It is shown that a variation in γ affects the shape of the fronts and velocities of the discontinuities obtained. Good agreement is obtained between the experimental and calculated images of density and velocities of the discontinuities at a residual gas temperature in the gas discharge region of 373 K.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):34-41
pages 34-41 views


Self-Rotation of Dust Particles in Induction-Type RF Discharge

Karasev V., Dzlieva E., Pavlov S., Novikov L., Mashek I.


Self-rotation (rotation about the center of mass) of dust particles in a magnetic field has been investigated. The angular velocity of self-rotation in a dust trap produced by an rf discharge has been measured for the first time. It has been discovered that the angular velocity is independent of magnetic induction up to 700 G in spite of the action of ion drag. In addition, the dependence of self-rotation velocity on gas pressure in the discharge when the particles are in the dust trap and on power deposited into the discharge has been measured for the first time. Experimental data correlate well with the developed model of dust particle self-rotation, which appears to maintain the stationary charge of the dust particle.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):42-46
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Effect of Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Fluctuations on the Confinement of Plasma in the Uragan-3M Torsatron at Rare Collision Frequencies

Pashnev V., Sorokovoy E., Petrushenya A., Ozherel’ev F.


The plasma energy content in the Uragan-3M torsatron was determined by means of diamagnetic measurements under the conditions of its radiofrequency (RF) generation and heating (at near ion-cyclotron frequencies) in the presence of bootstrap current. The balance of power under the fast heating of plasma was considered and used as a basis to estimate the radiofrequency power absorbed by the plasma in the confinement volume. The behavior of energy losses in the discharge period was calculated, and the effect of magnetic field fluctuations on the energy losses within a frequency range of 0.5–70 kHz was discussed.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):47-55
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Threshold Field That Separates Domains of Subcritical and Deeply Subcritical Microwave Discharges Ignited on a Dielectric Surface

Bulat P., Grachev L., Esakov I., Ravaev A.


Microwave discharges initiated by an electromagnetic (EM) vibrator and ignited on the inner surface of a dielectric tube in a quasi-optical EM beam are experimentally studied. A threshold level of the microwave field that separates domains of subcritical and deeply subcritical microwave discharges is determined in experiments. Experiments show that streamer channels of the subcritical discharge propagate from the initiator along the propagation direction of the EM wave and in the opposite direction under certain conditions. Variations in the power of the microwave beam can be used to change length of the plasma region of the subcritical discharge along the wave vector of the microwave beam and control the level of the EM energy absorbed in the plasma regions of the deeply subcritical microwave discharge.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):56-60
pages 56-60 views

Investigation of Spark Discharge Dynamics in an Air-Filled Point–Plane Gap by Shadow Photography

Almazova K., Belonogov A., Borovkov V., Gorelov E., Morozov I., Tren’kin A., Kharitonov S.


The microchannel structure of a spark discharge in a 1.5-mm-long point–plane gap has been studied by the method of shadow photography. The discharge dynamics (propagation of microchannels from the point into the discharge gap, branching and expansion of the microchannels, formation of a joint front of the spark’s shock wave and its motion) has been observed over a time from several nanoseconds to several hundred nanoseconds. Objects of a half-ring shape have been discovered. They have been identified as semispherical shock waves resulting from the formation of microcraters near sites where the microchannels touch the plane electrode.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):61-63
pages 61-63 views

Solid State

Capabilities of Magnetic Pseudoresonance in Studies of Thin Ferromagnetic Films with Uniaxial Magnetic Anisotropy

Demidov V., Mefed A.


Possibilities of magnetic pseudoresonance (a non-resonance peak of magnetic susceptibility) were studied and compared with the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) in measuring the parameters of thin ferromagnetic films with in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. The measurements were conducted with two characteristic samples of ferromagnetic films showing this effect. A Q-meter operating at a frequency near 300 MHz (for pseudoresonance) and a standard X-band magnetic resonance spectrometer (for FMR) were used. The Q-meter working at 300 MHz was shown to detect reliably the magnetic pseudoresonance in both epitaxial and polycrystalline films. It was found that the accuracy of determination of the magnetic anisotropy field and orientation of the easy magnetization axis provided by the pseudoresonance method is as good as with FMR, and in some cases the pseudoresonance method gives additional information.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Tunneling of Microwave Radiation through Three-Layer Structures Containing Ferrite Layer

Afanas’ev S., Sementsov D., Sharipova K.


Tunneling of microwave radiation through a symmetric three-layer structure in which the central ferrite layer is interfaced with two layers of a material with negative permittivity is considered. Conditions for perfect tunneling (i.e., transmission with zero reflection) are analyzed for normal incidence. It is shown that the transmittance of the structure can be controlled using external magnetic field that provides magnetization of the ferrite layer. A broad transmission band with a width of several gigahertzes in which almost perfect tunneling is implemented can exist in the frequency range corresponding to the negative effective permeability of the ferrite material.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):68-73
pages 68-73 views

Thermal and Elastic Properties of CexTh1 –xO2 Mixed Oxides: A Self-Consistent Thermodynamic Approach

Filanovich A., Povzner A.


A self-consistent thermodynamic model of thorium dioxide and its dilute alloy Ce0.05Th0.95O2, which are of great importance for atomic power engineering, has been constructed based on generalized Debye and Einstein models. In terms of this model, the temperature dependences of the bulk modulus, density, and heat capacity of the systems have been obtained. The anharmonicity of the acoustical and optical modes of the crystal lattice and its change in passing from ThO2 to Ce0.05Th0.95O2 has been discussed.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Reinforced Concrete Fracture Diagnostics under Conditions of Bending by Parameters of the Electric Response to an Impact Action

Fursa T., Dann D., Petrov M., Sokolovskii A.


Regularities of changes in the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete in the process of testing for four-point bending have been studied. The change in characteristics of the electric response to an impact action in the process of a sequential increase in the external load has been analyzed. Regularities in the relation between parameters of the electric response to the impact action and stages of the stress-strain state of reinforced beams in the process of bending have been revealed. Criteria of determining stages of reinforced beam destruction by parameters of the electric response are proposed.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):78-85
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Structure and Mechanical Properties of the CaO–ZrO2–Al2O3 Ceramic Composites at Low Corundum Concentrations

Dmitrievskii A., Zhigachev A., Zhigacheva D., Tyurin A.


We have studied the effect of the ratio between concentrations of zirconium dioxide (stabilized by CaO) and corundum on phase composition and mechanical properties of nanostructured CaO–ZrO2–Al2O3 ceramic composites. The CaO–ZrO2–Al2O3 composites sintered at temperatures typical of ZrO2 are found to be characterized by the optimal microhardness/fracture toughness ratio at corundum content \({{C}_{{{\text{A}}{{{\text{l}}}_{2}}{{{\text{O}}}_{3}}}}}\) = 5%. These composites have a high flexural strength; their porosity, coefficient of friction, and wear are typical of those for CaO–ZrO2 ceramics.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):86-91
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Plastic Strain of Nickel [001] Single Crystals: Simulation and Experiment

Alfyorova E., Fomin E.


Mathematical simulation and experiments are used to study plastic strain in nickel [001] single crystals. It is shown that the crystal exhibits self-organization of plastic strain at all scales, and the most developed effect is observed at the microlevel. Processes of self-organization of plastic strain are determined for micro- and mesolevels. At such levels, the processes involve correlated creation and annihilation of dislocations and correlated shear in parallel gliding planes, respectively. Owing to the above processes, the strain components are quasi-periodically distributed over the face, so that crystal integrity is maintained under load.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):92-99
pages 92-99 views

Physical Science of Materials

Pulse Compression and Tension of Epoxy Resin under Shock-Wave Action

Mochalova V., Utkin A., Pavlenko A., Malyugina S., Mokrushin S.


The shock-wave properties of ED-10 epoxy resin have been studied using VISAR and PDV multiple-channel laser interferometers. The Hugoniot of epoxy resin and pressure dependence of sound speed has been obtained and it has been shown that the structure of a shock-wave front corresponds to the model of a Maxwell viscous-elastic body with a typical relaxation time of tangential stresses of 0.3 μs. The spall strength has been measured and its dependence on the strain rate in a sample upon pulse tension has been determined.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):100-105
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Effect of HfO2 Nanoparticles on the Shape and Parameters of Pseudoelastic Stress–Strain Curves of Cu–Al–Ni Alloy Single Crystals

Malygin G., Nikolaev V., Pul’nev S.


The effect of hafnium dioxide (HfO2) disperse nanoparticles on the shape and parameters of stress–strain curves for the compression of Cu–13.5 wt %Al–4.0 wt %Ni alloy single crystals with memory effect has been investigated. It is found that 30-nm nanoparticles with a volume fraction of 1% affect the shape of pseudoelastic stress–strain curves of an alloy crystal, namely, substantially elevate its (martensite) strain-hardening coefficient θ and deformation work and eliminate deforming stress drops associated with the existence of interfacial stresses under martensite transformation, but do not affect the hysteresis of pseudoelastic stress–strain curves and deformation of shape memory. Simulation of pseudoelastic stress–strain curves and analysis of results using the smeared martensite transformation have revealed that the increase in coefficient θ ~ ω–1 and elimination of stress drops on pseudoelastic stress–strain curves are associated with a considerable (order-of-magnitude) decrease in martensite nucleus volume ω ~ w, where w is the transverse size of nanoparticles.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):106-110
pages 106-110 views


Wave Nature of the Transverse Doppler Effect and the “Red” and “Blue” Frequency Shift Anomaly in an Electromagnetic Wave from a Moving Radiation Source

Kuklin A., Kuklin V.


The electromagnetic field of a harmonic oscillator moving at a constant velocity has been analyzed. The expression for calculating the Doppler frequency shift at relativistic velocities of its motion is derived using the classical electromagnetic theory. It is shown that the transverse Doppler effect is a special case and also differs from zero in the wave theory. With an increasing velocity of the radiation source, the “red” frequency shift in an electromagnetic wave prevails over the “blue” shift more strongly. The noncontradictory nature of the proposed model relative to the well-known experimental data has been demonstrated.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):111-115
pages 111-115 views

Physical Electronics

Multilayer Field Emitters Made of Contacting Hafnium and Platinum Nanolayers

Sominskii G., Sezonov V., Taradaev S., Vdovichev S.


Novel field emitters made of contacting hafnium and platinum layers have been studied. Calculations aimed at optimizing the characteristics of the multilayer emitters have been conducted. Field emission currents up to 2.0–2.5 mA at a (tentative) current density of up to 200 A/cm2 have been achieved. It has been shown that the field emission current can be significantly increased by summing current from several multilayer systems.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):116-120
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Biomedical Physics

Physicochemical Properties and Structure of the Bone Matrix in Simulated Tuberculous Osteitis

Krut’ko V., Kazbanov V., Musskaya O., Gaidash A., Kulak A., Chekan N., Serdobintsev M., Skrotskaya K.


The physicochemical properties and structure of the bone matrix are studied in a case of simulated tuberculous osteitis without treatment and after a full course of specific antibacterial therapy. Using X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis, and scanning electron microscopy, we revealed that tuberculous osteitis causes fine disintegration of the bone matrix due to an increase in nonstoichiometric hydroxyapatite, formation of amorphous calcium phosphates, and a decrease of the organic phase, which is accompanied by embrittlement of the bone matrix. Excessive growth of carbonate-hydroxyapatite crystals of a mixed AB substitution type leads to excessive osteogenesis, accompanied by the uncontrolled growth of bone trabeculae. The presence of “liming” regions in the crystal lattice of hydroxyapatite increases the “binding” properties of the bone matrix in which mycobacteria are immobilized and removed in the composition of detritus.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):121-126
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Experimental Instruments and Technique

IR and THz Bolometric Detectors with Absorbers Characterized by Frequency Dispersion of Conductivity

Dem’yanenko M.


Application of thin metal absorbers allows one to significantly increase the absorption coefficient and sensitivity of matrix THz microbolometric detectors. It is shown that absorbers characterized by frequency dispersion of conductivity, in contrast to conventional nondispersive absorbers, can provide almost total IR absorption retaining high sensitivity in the THz range.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(1):127-132
pages 127-132 views

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