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Volume 62, Nº 2 (2017)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Equation for the envelope of a relativistic electron beam propagating in a resistive plasma channel during the evolution of resistive hose instability

Manuilov A.


Kinetic methods are used to derive the transport equations, virial equation, dynamic equilibrium condition, and the equation of the envelope of an axially symmetric paraxial relativistic electron beam propagating in an Ohmic plasma channel during the evolution of resistive firehose instability. The equation of the beam envelope is generalized by taking this instability into account.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):189-195
pages 189-195 views

Canonical algorithms for numerical integration of charged particle motion equations

Efimov I., Morozov E., Morozova A.


A technique for numerically integrating the equation of charged particle motion in a magnetic field is considered. It is based on the canonical transformations of the phase space in Hamiltonian mechanics. The canonical transformations make the integration process stable against counting error accumulation. The integration algorithms contain a minimum possible amount of arithmetics and can be used to design accelerators and devices of electron and ion optics.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):196-200
pages 196-200 views

Statistical simulation of the energy spectra of field-emission electrons

Egorov N., Antonov A., Demchenko N.


Random energies of electrons that escape from the source in the course of field emission are simulated using energy spectra. A relationship of the random values of total energy and the energy related to the normal (with respect to surface) component of momentum is established. A family of quadrature formulas needed for the integration of the distribution density of particles is analyzed. A hypothesis on the compliance of selected random energies with desired distribution laws is statistically tested.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):201-207
pages 201-207 views

Gases and Liquids

Combined energy–power action on a source in the constant Mach number regime with the given external force

Kucherov A.


Combined action on a source that flows into a submerged area or vacuum in the constant Mach number regime has been studied. The action by an external force has been defined with a constant distribution function (the force is given per unit volume) and with a distribution function proportional to the gas density (the force is given per unit mass). The investigations have been carried out for cylindrical and spherical sources. Similarity and differences, advantages and drawbacks of the above-mentioned cases and variants have been analyzed. It has been shown that the enthalpy increases significantly in subsonic flow (for the Mach number smaller than unity) by several times in the cylindrical source and by more than an order of magnitude in the spherical source. The total enthalpy increment increases with the length of the action zone or with the coordinate of the closing section.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):208-217
pages 208-217 views


Parameters of the beam plasma formed by a forevacuum plasma source of a ribbon beam in zero-field transportation system

Klimov A., Lomaev M., Oks E., Andreichik A.


We have studied the generation of the beam plasma formed by a forevacuum plasma source of a ribbon electron beam in the conditions of its transportation without an accompanying magnetic field. The ignition conditions in the beam transportation region of the beam–plasma discharge producing a plasma formation of the plasma sheet type with a plasma concentration of ~1016 m–3 and an electron temperature of 1–2.5 eV have been determined. The attained values of parameters and the sizes of the plasma formation make it possible to use it in technologies of the surface modification of planar extended articles.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):218-222
pages 218-222 views

Influence of temperature on the ionization coefficient and ignition voltage of the Townsend discharge in an argon–mercury vapor mixture

Bondarenko G., Fisher M., Kristya V.


The kinetics of main types of charged and excited particles present in a low-current discharge in an argon–mercury vapor mixture used in gas-discharge illuminating lamps has been investigated in a wide interval of the reduced electric field strength and temperature. Mechanisms behind the production and loss of ions and metastable atoms have been discovered, and the temperature dependences of their contributions to maintaining their balance have been determined. It has been shown that, when the discharge is initiated in the lamp and the mercury content in the mixture is low, the ionization coefficient exceeds that in pure argon, which is almost exclusively due to the Penning reaction. The influence of this reaction grows with a reduction of the electric field strength in the interelectrode gap. The dependences of the discharge ignition voltage on the interelectrode gap (Paschen curves) for different temperatures of the mixture have been calculated, and the nonmonotonicity of the temperature dependence of the ignition voltage has been explained.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):223-229
pages 223-229 views

Solid State

Dependence of the enthalpy of the direct martensitic transformation in titanium nickelide on the stress

Egorov S., Volkov A.


An original technique of differential thermal analysis for studying thermal properties of samples loaded with a tangential stress has been created. In a series of experiments studying the direct martensitic transformation B2 → B19′ in titanium nickelide during cooling under constant stress, it has been found that the enthalpy of transformation linearly decreases with an increase in stress and, at a stress of 100 MPa, it is 30% less than that of the sample in a free state.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):230-236
pages 230-236 views

Effect of heat capacity and conductivity of NbTi normal matrix of a composite superconductor on the stability to magnetic flux jumps

Kruglov S., Shutova D., Shcherbakov V.


The stability against magnetic flux jumps has experimentally been studied in the external magnetic field for three samples from NbTi composite superconductors, one monofilamentary and two multifilamentary. A comparison between the experiment and theory of thermomagnetic stability of composite superconductors has been carried out. We have determined threshold values of the rates of the external magnetic fields, starting from which heat capacity and conductivity of the normal composite matrix become determining stabilizing factors. For the first time, the increasing dependence of field of first magnetic flux jump on the rate of the rise in the external magnetic field has been experimentally registered in the superconducting wire for MRI. The reason for this effect is the shunting effect of a high pure copper matrix and the low volume fraction of a superconductor in the composite (~10%).

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):237-242
pages 237-242 views

Physical Science of Materials

Centimeter- and millimeter-wavelength matched loads based on microwave photonic crystals

Usanov D., Meshchanov V., Skripal’ A., Popova N., Ponomarev D., Merdanov M.


Novel, small-sized broadband matched loads in the form of disordered photonic crystals containing nanometer metallic and insulating layers have been developed. It has been proposed to form insulating layers with different permittivities and low dissipation factors in both centimeter and millimeter wavelength ranges from the composites that consist of insulating matrices filled with air inclusions.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):243-247
pages 243-247 views

Effect of bombardment with iron ions on the evolution of helium, hydrogen, and deuterium blisters in silicon

Reutov V., Dmitriev S., Sokhatskii A., Zaluzhnyi A.


The effect of bombardment with iron ions on the evolution of gas porosity in silicon single crystals has been studied. Gas porosity has been produced by implantation hydrogen, deuterium, and helium ions with energies of 17, 12.5, and 20 keV, respectively, in identical doses of 1 × 1017 cm–2 at room temperature. For such energy of bombarding ions, the ion doping profiles have been formed at the same distance from the irradiated surface of the sample. Then, the samples have been bombarded with iron Fe10+ ions with energy of 150 keV in a dose of 5.9 × 1014 cm–2. Then 30-min isochoric annealing has been carried out with an interval of 50°C in the temperature range of 250–900°C. The samples have been analyzed using optical and electron microscopes. An extremely strong synergetic effect of sequential bombardment of silicon single crystals with gas ions and iron ions at room temperature on the nucleation and growth of gas porosity during postradiation annealing has been observed. For example, it has been shown that the amorphous layer formed in silicon by additional bombardment with iron ions stimulates the evolution of helium blisters, slightly retards the evolution of hydrogen blisters, and completely suppresses the evolution of deuterium blisters. The results of experiments do not provide an adequate explanation of the reason for this difference; additional targeted experiments are required.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):248-254
pages 248-254 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Structure of carbon dendrites obtained in an atmospheric-pressure gas discharge

Danilaev M., Bogoslov E., Pol’skii Y., Nasybullin A., Pudovkin M., Khadiev A.


The influence of growth conditions on the carbon dendrite structure has been investigated. The threshold values of the ratio between electron temperature Te and kinetic temperature T of the gas near a needle electrode and of the discharge current density, which are necessary for dendritic growth, have been determined. It has been shown that the hexagonal structure of submicron carbon particles arises when a number of hydrocarbons are used to synthesize dendrites. It has been found that the degree of order in the carbon structure can be controlled by applying external actions at the stage of graphite particle nucleation. The characteristic frequencies of inertial actions that may be energetically appropriate must exceed 10 kHz.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):255-260
pages 255-260 views

The structure, conductive properties, and reflective properties of amorphous granulated (Co45Fe45Zr10)x(ZrO)1 – x composite films

Antonets I., Kotov L., Golubev E., Kalinin Y., Sitnikov A.


The micro- and nanostructure of 328–772-nm-thick amorphous granulated (Co45Fe45Zr10)x(ZrO)1 – x (0.27 < x < 0.61) composite films deposited in argon on a lavsan substrate has been examined using atomic force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. It has been shown that the mean sizes of the grain and the metallic phase content govern the conductive and reflective properties of the films in the microwave range.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):261-269
pages 261-269 views

Formation of alkali-metal nanoparticles in alkali-silicate glasses under electron irradiation and thermal processing

Bochkareva E., Sidorov A., Ignat’ev A., Nikonorov N., Podsvirov O.


Experiments and numerical simulation show that the irradiation of alkali-containing glasses using electrons at an energy of 35 keV and the subsequent thermal processing at a temperature above the vitrification point lead to the formation of spherical metal (lithium, sodium, and potassium) nanoparticles with oxide sheaths that exhibit plasmon resonances in the visible spectral range. Glasses containing two alkali metals exhibit mutual effect of metals on the formation of nanoparticles with two compositions due to the difference of ion radii and mobilities of metal ions.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):270-275
pages 270-275 views

Pulsed electric strength of polypropylene film

Zakrevskii V., Pakhotin V., Sudar’ N.


We have reported on the results of experiments on electric strength of a 2-μm-thick polypropylene film under pulsed loading of samples in the submicrosecond and microsecond time intervals. It has been shown that experimental data on the pulsed breakdown of the polymer film can be described using the concept of the ionization mechanism of breakdown of polymers, which is not associated with the development of impact ionization of molecules in them.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):276-281
pages 276-281 views

Nanostructural self-organization and dynamic adaptation of metal–polymer tribosystems

Mashkov Y.


The results of investigating the effect of nanosize modifiers of a polymer matrix on the nanostructural self-organization of polymer composites and dynamic adaptation of metal–polymer tribosystems, which considerably affect the wear resistance of polymer composite materials, have been analyzed. It has been shown that the physicochemical nanostructural self-organization processes are developed in metal–polymer tribosystems with the formation of thermotropic liquid-crystal structures of the polymer matrix, followed by the transition of the system to the stationary state with a negative feedback that ensures dynamic adaptation of the tribosystem to given operating conditions.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):282-286
pages 282-286 views

Dynamic modes of microwave signal autogeneration in a radio photonic ring generator

Kondrashov A., Ustinov A., Kalinikos B.


Dynamic modes of microwave signal autogeneration in a radio photonic generator have been investigated. The generator is a ring circuit with a low-pass filter and microwave amplifier in its microwave path. The optical path contains an optical fiber delay line. The generator demonstrates the periodical, chaotic, and noise dynamics. It has been shown that the correlation dimensionality of the random signal attractor in the chaotic generation mode saturates with increasing phase space dimensionality. Saturation is not observed in the noise-generation mode.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):287-293
pages 287-293 views

Mechanical properties of polymeric composites with carbon dioxide particles

Moskalyuk O., Samsonov A., Semenova I., Smirnova V., Yudin V.


Nanocomposites consisting of a polymethylmethacrylate or polystyrene matrix with embedded silicon dioxide nanoparticles surface-modified by silazanes have been prepared by melting technology. The influence of particles on viscoelastic properties of the nanocomposites has been studied using dynamic mechanical analysis. It has been revealed that the addition of 20 wt % of SiO2 raises the flexural modulus of the nanocomposites by 30%.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):294-298
pages 294-298 views


On the nature of emissions of polymethyl methacrylate excited by an electron beam of subnanosecond or nanosecond duration

Oleshko V., Baksht E., Burachenko A., Tarasenko V.


The results of studies of the physical nature of emissions produced in polymethyl methacrylate excited by electron beams of a subnanosecond or a nanosecond duration are presented. The spatial, amplitude, and spectral-kinetic properties of emissions have been examined under an electron beam energy density varying from 10–4 to 4 × 10–1 J/cm2. It has been found that cathodoluminescence is the primary type of emission under low energy densities of the electron beam. When the energy density of a nanosecond electron beam and/or the number of pulses of excitation by a subnanosecond electron beam were increased, an electrical breakdown of polymethyl methacrylate occurred in the irradiated region. This process was accompanied by a burst of emission of dense, low-temperature plasma.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):299-304
pages 299-304 views

Electrophysics, Electron and Ion Beams, Physics of Accelerators

Standardless analysis of solids by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma

Nurubeyli T., Nurubeyli Z., Nuriyev K., Gurbanov K.


The possibility of the standardless mass spectrometric analysis of the elemental composition of solids has been discussed. The effect of each stage of the laser plasma expansion on the formation of the coefficient of relative sensitivity of elements in the sample has been studied theoretically and experimentally. It has been shown that the stages of ionization and detection make the main contribution to the formation of the coefficient of relative sensitivity. It has been proposed to separate dissociation and ionization processes in time and/or in space. To compensate for the energy spread of ions at the output of the analyzer, a circuit has been proposed for aligning the energy of ions before their detection.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):305-309
pages 305-309 views

Biomedical Physics

Atomic force microscopy of swelling and hardening of intact erythrocytes fixed on substrate

Khalisov M., Timoshchuk K., Ankudinov A., Timoshenko T.


Peak force measurements with the aid of atomic force microscopy are used to quantitatively map nanomechanical properties of intact erythrocytes of rats under conditions that are close to physiological conditions. Erythrocytes that are immobilized on the substrate preliminary processed using poly-L-lysine predominantly exhibit plane shape. However, cells may also exhibit stepwise transformation to semispherical objects with an increase in volume and hardening. Possible reasons for such transformations are discussed.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):310-313
pages 310-313 views

Experimental Instruments and Technique

Analysis of the interrelation between the processes of polarization and microstructuring in a magnetic fluid layer

Morozova T., Demin M.


The results of examining and analyzing the interrelation between the processes of polarization and structuring in magnetic fluid microlayers under the influence of the temperature, external electric and magnetic fields, and variations in the structure and amount of stabilizer have been presented.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):314-321
pages 314-321 views

Experiment neutrino-4 on searching for a sterile neutrino with multisection detector model

Zinov’ev V., Neustroev P., Golovtsov V., Chernyi A., Zherebtsov O., Polyushkin A., Martem’yanov V., Tarasenkov V., Aleshin V., Petelin A., Izhutov A., Tuzov A., Sazontov S., Ryazanov D., Gromov M., Afanas’ev V., Zaitsev M., Chaikovskii M., Serebrov A., Ivochkin V., Samoilov R., Fomin A.


A laboratory for searching for oscillations of reactor antineutrinos has been created based on the SM-3 reactor in order to approach the problem of the possible existence of a sterile neutrino. The multisection detector prototype with a liquid scintillator volume of 350 L was installed in mid-2015. This detector can move inside the passive shield in a range of 6–11 m from the active core of the reactor. The antineutrino flux was measured for the first time at these short distances from the active core of the reactor by the movable detector. The measurements with the multisection detector prototype demonstrated that it is possible to measure the antineutrino flux from the reactor in the complicated conditions of cosmic background on the Earth’s surface.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):322-328
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Putting in operation a full-scale ultracold-neutron source model with superfluid helium

Serebrov A., Lyamkin V., Prudnikov D., Keshishev K., Boldarev S., Vasil’ev A.


A project of the source of ultracold neutrons for the WWR-M reactor based on superfluid helium for ultracold-neutron production has been developed. The full-scale source model, including all required cryogenic and vacuum equipment, the cryostat, and the ultracold-neutron source model has been created. The superfluid helium temperature T = 1.08 K without a heat load and T = 1.371 K with a heat load on the simulator of P = 60 W has been achieved in experiments at a technological complex of the ultracold-neutron source. The result proves the feasibility of implementing the ultracold-neutron source at the WWR-M reactor and the possibility of applying superfluid helium in nuclear engineering.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):329-333
pages 329-333 views

Short Communications

Formation of metallic nanoislands in the process of electron irradiation of a thin gold film on glass

Komissarenko F., Zhukov M., Mukhin I., Golubok A., Sidorov A.


It has been demonstrated experimentally that the local irradiation of a thin gold film on glass with electrons with an energy of 5 keV led to an increase in the thickness of the irradiated area. When the film was subjected to local irradiation with electrons with an energy of 25 keV, the irradiated region became thinner and a gold ring was formed along the perimeter of this region. At high densities of the electron current, thickened regions of the film assumed the shape of fractal nanostructures. The observed effects were induced by the formation of a negative charge region on the surface of glass (or in the bulk of it) and the migration of positive gold ions into this region.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):334-337
pages 334-337 views

Silicon-based shortwave differential photodetector

Gavrushko V., Ionov A., Kadriev O., Lastkin V.


The silicon-based photodetector that contains two n+p photodiode with equal areas has been described. One of the photodiodes had a wide spectral characteristic with high sensitivity in the UV range. The sensitivity of the second photodiode was decreased in the shortwave range via the formation of additional recombination centers in the near-surface region using the implantation of As ions. The study of the spectral sensitivity of the differential signal obtained by photocurrent subtraction has revealed a profound shortwave spectral characteristic. The boundaries of spectral range at λ0.5 were in the limits of 0.27–0.44 μm. The maximum sensitivity corresponded to λmax = 0.36 μm. The sensitivity of the differential channel at this wavelength reached 83% of that of the wide-range channel.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):338-340
pages 338-340 views

Dependence of the beam–channel interaction force on the radial profiles of a relativistic electron beam and an ion channel in the ion-focusing regime

Kolesnikov E., Manuilov A.


We have derived the formulas for calculating the force of the interaction of a relativistic electron beam with an ion plasma channel in the case of the beam transportation during ion focusing. The dependence of the difference in radial profiles of the beam and the ion channel on this force for different amplitudes of beam deviations from the channel symmetry axis has been studied.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):341-343
pages 341-343 views

Measurement of the water content in oil and oil products using IR light-emitting diode–photodiode optrons

Bogdanovich M., Kabanau D., Lebiadok Y., Shpak P., Ryabtsev A., Ryabtsev G., Shchemelev M., Andreev I., Kunitsyna E., Ivanov E., Yakovlev Y.


The feasibility of using light-emitting devices, the radiation spectrum of which has maxima at wavelengths of 1.7, 1.9, and 2.2 μm for determining the water concentration in oil and oil products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel) has been demonstrated. It has been found that the measurement error can be lowered if (i) the temperature of the light-emitting diode is maintained accurate to 0.5–1.0°C, (ii) by using a cell through which a permanently stirred analyte is pumped, and (iii) by selecting the repetition rate of radiation pulses from the light-emitting diodes according to the averaging time. A meter of water content in oil and oil products has been developed that is built around IR light-emitting device–photodiode optrons. This device provides water content on-line monitoring accurate to 1.5%.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(2):344-346
pages 344-346 views

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