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卷 44, 编号 2 (2018)


Analysis of Poloidal Asymmetric Density Behaviors in SOL Induced by 4.6-GHz Lower Hybrid Launcher Power in EAST

Li Y., Ding B., Li M., Wang M., Liu L., Wang X., Xu H., Shan J., Liu F.


On the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST), a series of striations, including a few strong emissivity striations and several low emissivity striations, were observed in front of the 4.6-GHz lower hybrid (LH) launcher with the visible video camera for the LH power discharge. These striations indicate that LH may create significant poloidal scrape-off layer (SOL) density profile asymmetries in front of the LH launcher. These poloidal asymmetric density behaviors are further confirmed with the edge density measured by two Langmuir probes installed at the top and bottom of the LH launcher. The measured density depends on LH power injection and magnetic field direction. A 2D diffusive convective model was used to study the mechanisms of the observed striations and poloidal asymmetric density. The simulation results qualitatively match with the measured density, indicating these poloidal asymmetric effects are ascribed to the LHW-induced ELH × Bt drift.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):171-179
pages 171-179 views

Diagnostics of Magnetic Confinement Systems

MAGO-IX Experiment

Chernyshev V., Korchagin V., Babich L., Burenkov O., Volkov G., Dolin Y., Dudin V., Ivanov V., Ivanovskiy A., Karpov G., Krayev A., Kudelkin V., Morozov I., Pak S., Polyushko S., Skobelev A., Tokarev V., Zubaerova R.


The results of the last (in the thermonuclear program “Magnetic compression”) MAGO-IX experiment with a plasma chamber including a third compartment designed to compress plasma with a converging liner are presented. An X-ray pulse consisting of an intense peak of 1-μs duration, followed by a low-intensity tail with a duration of more than 10 μs, was recorded. In the MAGO-IX experiment, the neutrons were generated mainly in the third compartment. A neutron yield of 2 × 1012 was obtained. The results demonstrate that the expected compression of preheated plasma in chambers similar to MAGO-IX is promising for achieving thermonuclear ignition.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):180-189
pages 180-189 views

Plasma Diagnostics

Structure of Longitudinal and Transverse Currents in Current Sheets

Frank A., Satunin S.


The structure of magnetic fields and currents in current sheets formed in 2D and 3D magnetic configurations with an X line is analyzed using experimental data. It is found that, in addition to the main (longitudinal) current, transverse currents comparable in magnitude with the main current are also generated in current sheets. Relations between the longitudinal and transverse currents in current sheets formed in different magnetic configurations are obtained. The vectors of the total currents and their deviations from the direction of the main current in different regions of the sheet are determined. It is shown that the total magnetic fields and currents in current sheets have a 3D structure.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):190-202
pages 190-202 views

Plasma Dynamics

Study of Electric Explosion of Flat Micron-Thick Foils at Current Densities of (5−50)×108 A/cm2

Shelkovenko T., Pikuz S., Tilikin I., Mingaleev A., Atoyan L., Hammer D.


Electric explosions of flat Al, Тi, Ni, Cu, and Та foils with thicknesses of 1−16 μm, widths of 1−8 mm, and lengths of 5−11 mm were studied experimentally on the BIN, XP, and COBRA high-current generators at currents of 40−1000 kA and current densities of (5–50) × 108 A/cm2. The images of the exploded foils were taken at different angles to the foil surface by using point projection radiography with an X-pinch hot spot as the radiation source, the spatial resolution and exposure time being 3 μm and 50 ps, respectively, as well by the laser probing method with a spatial resolution of 20 μm and an exposure time of 180 ps. In the course of foil explosion, rapidly expanding objects resembling the core and corona of an exploded wire were observed. It is shown that the core of the exploded foil has a complicated time-varying structure.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):236-244
pages 236-244 views

Study of Plasma Flow Modes in Imploding Nested Arrays

Mitrofanov K., Aleksandrov V., Gritsuk A., Branitsky A., Frolov I., Grabovski E., Sasorov P., Ol’khovskaya O., Zaitsev V.


Results from experimental studies of implosion of nested wire and fiber arrays at currents of up to 4 МА at the Angara-5-1 facility are presented. Depending on the ratio between the radii of the inner and outer arrays, different modes of the plasma flow in the space between the inner and outer arrays were implemented: the sub-Alfvénic (Vr < VА) and super-Alfvénic (Vr > VА) modes and a mode with the formation of the transition shock wave (SW) region between the cascades. By varying the material of the outer array (tungsten wires or kapron fibers), it is shown that the plasma flow mode between the inner and outer arrays depends on the ratio between the plasma production rates in /out in the inner and outer arrays. The obtained experimental results are compared with the results of one-dimensional MHD simulation of the plasma flow between the arrays. Stable implosion of the inner array plasma was observed in experiments with combined nested arrays consisting of a fiber outer array and a tungsten inner array. The growth rates of magnetic Rayleigh−Taylor (MRT) instability in the inner array plasma at different numbers of fibers in the outer array and different ratios between the radii of the inner and outer arrays are compared. Suppression of MRT instability during the implosion of the inner array plasma results in the formation of a stable compact Z-pinch and generation of a soft X-ray pulse. A possible scenario of interaction between the plasmas of the inner and outer arrays is offered. The stability of the inner array plasma in the stage of final compression depends on the character of interaction of plasma jets from the outer array with the magnetic field of the inner array.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):203-235
pages 203-235 views

Oscillations and Waves in Plasma

Surface Plasmon Resonances of an Axially Magnetized Plasma Column in the Presence of Collisional Loss

Es’kin V., Ivoninsky A., Kudrin A.


Surface plasmon resonances arising in the course of scattering of an H-polarized plane electromagnetic wave by an axially magnetized plasma column are analyzed. Main attention is paid to the behavior of these resonances in the presence of collisional loss in the magnetoplasma filling the scatterer. The frequencies, Q factors, and amplitude coefficients of the electromagnetic field of multipole surface plasmon resonances of different orders are found, and conditions under which the collisional loss in the plasma completely suppresses a given resonance are determined.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):245-252
pages 245-252 views

Application of Telegraph Equations for Modeling of Plasma Antenna Characteristics

Kovalev A., Vozhakov V., Klenov N., Adjemov S., Tereshonok M.


A method is proposed to calculate the characteristics of a plasma antenna analytically. The method allows one to simply take into account the finiteness of the region occupied by the ionized gas and find the distributions of the main plasma parameters along the antenna.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):253-258
pages 253-258 views

Broadband Wide-Angle Second Harmonic Generation in Magnetized Plasma: Double Resonant Effect

Shvartsburg A., Erokhin N.


Conditions for the phase synchronism between high-frequency electromagnetic waves with frequencies ω and 2ω propagating in magnetized plasma are investigated. The variety of the values of the plasma density and magnetic field, as well as of wave polarizations, obeying the synchronism conditions are shown to provide resonant broadband wide-angle nonlinear generation of the second harmonic of the pumping wave. Special attention is given to oblique propagation of interacting waves. The coupling strengths for the resonant mode conversion in magnetized collisional plasma are obtained. The double resonance ensuring efficient nonlinear generation of extraordinary mode in the vicinity of the electron cyclotron resonance (ω(2k) = ωce) is considered. Examples illustrating these nonlinear phenomena for some plasma and radiation parameters are presented.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):259-266
pages 259-266 views

Space Plasma

Possible Mechanism of Enhancement of Diamagnetic Current Dissipation during the Heating of Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Solar Corona

Kovalev V.


It is shown that dissipation of the diamagnetic current heating the coronal plasma with the classical conductivity in the absence of a longitudinal current can increase significantly due to the cellular transverse microstructure of the flux tube, thereby compensating for intense radiative losses.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):267-269
pages 267-269 views

High-Temperature Plasma

Dose Measurements in a 20-J Repetitive Plasma Focus

Goudarzi S., Babaee H., Esmaeli A., Nasiri A., Mazandarani A.


In this article, the results of X-ray dose measurements executed using thermoluminescent dosimeters in experiments with a very small (20 J) repetitive plasma focus device named SORENA-1 are presented and analyzed. The working gas in these experiments was Argon. Also, pinch formation in experiments with this device has been observed. This device has been designed and constructed in Plasma and Nuclear Fusion Research School of Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute of Iran. From these results, it is concluded that we can do experiments with this device using Ar as working gas all over the working days of year, and a good symmetry for measured dose around the device has been seen.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):299-302
pages 299-302 views

Nonideal Plasma

Formation Conditions and Stability Criteria for Small-Size Cluster Systems

Vaulina O., Lisina I., Lisin E.


The formation conditions and stability criteria for small-size cluster systems consisting of several particles interacting via an arbitrary isotropic pair potential are considered. Analytical criteria for instability development in horizontal (quasi-two-dimensional) and vertical (chain) structures consisting of three, four, and five charged particles are obtained for the first time. A simple algorithm to search for similar criteria in systems consisting of a larger number of particles is proposed. The obtained relations are verified by numerically solving the problem for Yukawa systems.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):270-277
pages 270-277 views

Plasma Accelerators

Nonstationary Model of a Low-Density Plasma Jet Ejected from a Stationary Plasma Thruster

Bishaev A., Abgaryan M., Kim V., Merkur’ev D., Ivanova E., Fomenkov A., Wartelski M., Theroude C.


A time-dependent problem on finding the parameters of a low-density plasma jet ejected from a stationary plasma thruster is analyzed. In contrast to earlier works in which a stationary problem was solved using a Crook-type kinetic model, a set of kinetic equations is derived at the accuracy level accepted in the kinetic theory with allowance for resonant charge-exchange interaction between ions and neutrals. A method to solve the obtained set of equations is developed and used to perform test simulations, some results of which are presented.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):278-288
pages 278-288 views

Plasma Electronics

Influence of Plasma Unsteadiness on the Spectrum and Shape of Microwave Pulses in a Plasma Relativistic Microwave Amplifier

Kartashov I., Kuzelev M., Strelkov P., Tarakanov V.


Dependence of the shape of a microwave pulse in a plasma relativistic microwave amplifier (PRMA) on the initial plasma electron density in the system is detected experimentally. Depending on the plasma density, fast disruption of amplification, stable operation of the amplifier during the relativistic electron beam (REB) pulse, and its delayed actuation can take place. A reduction in the output signal frequency relative to the input frequency is observed experimentally. The change in the shape of the microwave signal and the reduction in its frequency are explained by a decrease in the plasma density in the system. The dynamics of the plasma density during the REB pulse is determined qualitatively from the experimental data by using the linear theory of a PRMA with a thin-wall hollow electron beam. The processes in a PRMA are analyzed by means of the KARAT particle-in-cell code. It is shown that REB injection is accompanied by an increase in the mean energy of plasma electrons and a significant decrease in their density.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(2):289-298
pages 289-298 views