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卷 42, 编号 6 (2016)

Plasma Dynamics

Distributions of the ion temperature, ion pressure, and electron density over the current sheet surface

Kyrie N., Markov V., Frank A., Vasilkov D., Voronova E.


The distributions of the ion temperature, ion pressure, and electron density over the width (the major transverse dimension) of the current sheet have been studied for the first time. The current sheets were formed in discharges in argon and helium in 2D and 3D magnetic configurations. It is found that the temperature of argon ions in both 2D and 3D magnetic configurations is almost uniform over the sheet width and that argon ions are accelerated by the Ampère force. In contrast, the distributions of the electron density and the temperature of helium ions are found to be substantially nonuniform. As a result, in the 2D magnetic configuration, the ion pressure gradient across the sheet width makes a significant contribution (comparable with the Ampère force) to the acceleration of helium ions, whereas in the 3D magnetic configuration, the Ampère force is counterbalanced by the pressure gradient.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(6):549-558
pages 549-558 views

Adiabatic model of field reversal by fast ions in an axisymmetric open trap

Tsidulko Y.


A model of field reversal by fast ions has been developed under the assumption of preservation of fast-ion adiabatic invariants. Analytical solutions obtained in the approximation of a narrow fast-ion layer and numerical solutions to the evolutionary problem are presented. The solutions demonstrate the process of formation of a field reversed configuration with parameters close to those of the planned experiment.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(6):559-565
pages 559-565 views

Oscillations and Waves in Plasma

Potential surface waves in anisotropic plasma

Aliev Y., Vagin K., Uryupin S., Frolov A.


The dependences of the frequency and damping rate of a potential surface wave on the wavenumber and the degree of anisotropy of a bi-Maxwellian electron distribution characterized by different temperatures along and across the plasma surface are established. It is demonstrated that the influence of electron thermal motion along the plasma surface on the surface wave properties is similar to the influence of thermal motion on the properties of a bulk Langmuir wave. On the contrary, thermal motion across the surface qualitatively affects the dispersion relation and substantially increases the damping rate.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(6):566-575
pages 566-575 views

Plasma Radiation

Stimulated Brillouin scattering in the field of a two-dimensionally localized pumping wave

Solikhov D., Dvinin S.


Stimulated Brillouin scattering of electromagnetic waves in the field of a two-dimensionally localized pump wave at arbitrary scattering angles in the regime of forward scattering is analyzed. Spatial variations in the amplitudes of interacting waves are studied for different values of the pump field and different dimensions of the pump wave localization region. The intensity of scattered radiation is determined as a function of the scattering angle and the dimensions of the pump wave localization region. It is shown that the intensity increases with increasing scattering angle.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(6):576-591
pages 576-591 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Simulation of nonstationary phenomena in atmospheric-pressure glow discharge

Korolev Y., Frants O., Nekhoroshev V., Suslov A., Kas’yanov V., Shemyakin I., Bolotov A.


Nonstationary processes in atmospheric-pressure glow discharge manifest themselves in spontaneous transitions from the normal glow discharge into a spark. In the experiments, both so-called completed transitions in which a highly conductive constricted channel arises and incomplete transitions accompanied by the formation of a diffuse channel are observed. A model of the positive column of a discharge in air is elaborated that allows one to interpret specific features of the discharge both in the stationary stage and during its transition into a spark and makes it possible to calculate the characteristic oscillatory current waveforms for completed transitions into a spark and aperiodic ones for incomplete transitions. The calculated parameters of the positive column in the glow discharge mode agree well with experiment. Data on the densities of the most abundant species generated in the discharge (such as atomic oxygen, metastable nitrogen molecules, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and negative oxygen ions) are presented.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(6):592-600
pages 592-600 views

Penning plasma based simultaneous light emission source of visible and VUV lights

Vyas G., Prakash R., Pal U., Manchanda R., Halder N.


In this paper, a laboratory-based penning plasma discharge source is reported which has been developed in two anode configurations and is able to produce visible and VUV lights simultaneously. The developed source has simultaneous diagnostics facility using Langmuir probe and optical emission spectroscopy. The two anode configurations, namely, double ring and rectangular configurations, have been studied and compared for optimum use of the geometry for efficient light emissions and recording. The plasma is produced using helium gas and admixture of three noble gases including helium, neon, and argon. The source is capable to produce eight spectral lines for pure helium in the VUV range from 20 to 60 nm and total 24 spectral lines covering the wavelength range 20–106 nm for the admixture of gases. The large range of VUV lines is generated from gaseous admixture rather from the sputtered materials. The recorded spectrum shows that the plasma light radiations in both visible and VUV range are larger in double ring configuration than that of the rectangular configurations at the same discharge operating conditions. To clearly understand the difference, the imaging of the discharge using ICCD camera and particle-in-cell simulation using VORPAL have also been carried out. The effect of ion diffusion, metastable collision with the anode wall and the nonlinear effects are correlated to explain the results.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(6):601-609
pages 601-609 views

Applied Physics

Particle-in-cell simulation of multipactor discharge on a dielectric in a parallel-plate waveguide

Sakharov A., Ivanov V., Konyzhev M.


An original 2D3V (two-dimensional in coordinate space and three-dimensional in velocity space) particle-in-cell code has been developed for simulation of multipactor discharge on a dielectric in a parallelplate metal waveguide with allowance for secondary electron emission (SEE) from the dielectric surface and waveguide walls, finite temperature of secondary electrons, electron space charge, and elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons from the dielectric and metal surfaces. The code allows one to simulate all stages of the multipactor discharge, from the onset of the electron avalanche to saturation. It is shown that the threshold for the excitation of a single-surface multipactor on a dielectric placed in a low-profile waveguide with absorbing walls increases as compared to that in the case of an unbounded dielectric surface due to escape of electrons onto the waveguide walls. It is found that, depending on the microwave field amplitude and the SEE characteristics of the waveguide walls, the multipactor may operate in two modes. In the first mode, which takes place at relatively low microwave amplitudes, a single-surface multipactor develops only on the dielectric, the surface of which acquires a positively potential with respect to the waveguide walls. In the second mode, which occurs at sufficiently high microwave intensities, a single-surface multipactor on the dielectric and a two-surface multipactor between the waveguide walls operate simultaneously. In this case, both the dielectric surface and the interwall space acquire a negative potential. It is shown that electron scattering from the dielectric surface and waveguide walls results in the appearance of high-energy tails in the electron distribution function.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(6):610-618
pages 610-618 views

Formation of a strong electric field resulting in the excitation of microplasma discharges at the edge of a dielectric film on a metal in a plasma flow

Ivanov V., Sakharov A., Konyzhev M.


Results are presented from experimental and analytical studies of the processes resulting in the excitation of microplasma discharges (MPDs) on a metal surface partially covered with a thin dielectric film under the action of an external plasma flow in vacuum. It is shown experimentally that MPDs are excited at the interface between the open metal surface and the region covered by the dielectric film. The probability of MPD excitation is investigated as a function of the thickness of the dielectric film deposited on the metal. It is found that, for a film thickness of 1 μm, the probability of MPD excitation is close to unity. As the film thickness decreases below ~10 nm or increases above ~10 μm, the probability of MPD excitation is reduced by more than two orders of magnitude. A two-dimensional kinetic numerical code is developed that allows one to model the processes of Debye sheath formation and generation of a strong electric field near the edge of a finite-thickness dielectric film on a metal surface in a plasma flow for different configurations of the film edge. It is shown that the maximum value of the tangential component of the electric field is reached at the film edge and amounts to Emax ≈ |φ0|/2d (where φ0 < 0 is the electric potential applied to the metal and d is the film thickness), which for typical conditions of experiments on the excitation of MPDs on metal surfaces (φ0 ≈–400 V, d ≈ 1 μm) yields Emax ≈ 2 MV/cm. The results of kinetic simulations confirm the qualitative idea about the mechanism of the formation of a strong electric field resulting in the excitation of MPDs at the edge of a dielectric film on a metal surface in a plasma flow and agree with experimental data.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(6):619-632
pages 619-632 views

Spatial configuration of a plasma bunch formed under gyromagnetic resonance in a magnetic mirror trap

Andreev V., Novitskii A., Umnov A., Chuprov D.


The spatial configuration of a relativistic plasma bunch generated under the gyromagnetic autoresonance and confined in a magnetic mirror trap has been studied experimentally and numerically. The characteristics of bremsstrahlung generated by the plasma bunch from the gas and chamber walls were investigated using X-ray spectroscopy and radiometry, which made it possible to determine the localization of the bunch and analyze the dynamics of its confinement.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(6):633-636
pages 633-636 views