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Том 43, № 5 (2017)

Plasma Dynamics

Experimental study of magnetized plasma rotation in crossed fields

Gorshunov N., Dubovitskii V., Pashkovskii V., Potanin E.


Rotation of magnetized plasma between two coaxial electrodes in crossed electric and magnetic fields was studied experimentally. Three regimes of plasma rotation were observed. In the first regime, the radial electric field is created by a beam−plasma discharge due to the charging of the inner axial electrode by electrons, the outer electrode being grounded. Plasma rotation in this case is accompanied by strong high-frequency current oscillations detected by a Mach probe. When a negative voltage was applied to the coaxial electrodes, the second regime was observed, in which weakly perturbed quasi-stationary plasma rotation occurred at a relatively low radial current. The third regime of plasma rotation was observed upon a spontaneous disruption of the second regime. It is characterized by high currents of ~1 kA, sheared plasma rotation, and excitation of high-frequency perturbations.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):533-541
pages 533-541 views

Sharpening of the front of the current through a cylindrical foil liner

Sorokin S.


Results are presented from experiments on the electromagnetic implosion of aluminum foil liners at the MIG generator with a current rise time of ≈80 ns. Plasma with a density of 1017 cm–3 was preliminarily injected into the liner region by using a set of radial plasma guns. The Lorentz force J × B causes plasma acceleration in the radial direction. Since the magnetic field pressure is inversely proportional to the radius squared, the plasma displacement is maximum near the liner surface. As a result, plasma motion becomes two-dimensional, a gap appears between the plasma and the liner, and the generator current is switched over to the liner. The plasma velocity at the liner surface is close to the local Alfvén velocity, while the time during which the current is switched over to the liner is nearly equal to the ratio of the liner length to the Alfvén velocity. The proposed scheme allows one to decrease the rise time of the current through the liner to several nano-seconds and, as a result, to reduce the initial liner radius and improve the stability of liner implosion.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):542-546
pages 542-546 views

Proton energy relaxation in an electron gas in a uniform magnetic field

Bobrov A., Bronin S., Zelener B., Zelener B., Manykin E., Khikhlukha D.


Energy relaxation of single protons in an ultracold electron gas in the presence and absence of a uniform magnetic field is studied by the method of molecular dynamics. For the case with a magnetic field, the situation is considered in which the electron Larmor radius is much smaller than the classical minimal approach distance. The calculations are performed for electron densities of 108–109 cm–3, magnetic fields of В = 1–3 T, electron temperatures of 10–50 K, and proton energies of 100–300 000 K.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):547-554
pages 547-554 views

Dusty Plasma

Interaction between two conducting spheres in weakly ionized collisional plasma

Grach V.


Charging of two conducting spheres in a weakly ionized collisional plasma flow is considered. The spheres are arranged along the flow, and the plasma is assumed to consist of two ion species with the charges equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. The problem is analyzed with allowance for the external electric field, charging of the spheres due to the sedimentation of plasma ions on them, the fields of the sphere charges, the space charge field, and the processes of recombination and molecular diffusion. The interaction between the spheres and plasma is studied by numerically solving a time-dependent problem in a bispherical coordinate system by the finite difference method. The steady-state values of the sphere charges and the distributions of the space charge and ion densities in the ambient plasma are found as functions of the plasma parameters and the distance between the spheres. The electrostatic forces acting on the spheres are determined, and the effects of the external field, the space charge fields, and the fields of the sphere charges are comparatively analyzed. It is shown that, for the considered plasma parameters, the main electrostatic effect in the interaction between two spheres is their mutual approach in the external field due to the difference in their charges (one sphere catches up with the other). Due to the friction force with the neutral gas, this mutual approach is much slower than all other processes in the system. For widely spaced spheres, the results coincide with the solution obtained previously for a solitary sphere.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):555-565
pages 555-565 views

Wave processes during the interaction of the Earth’s magnetotail with dusty plasma near the lunar surface

Popel S., Morozova T.


The wave processes that take place under the interaction of the Earth’s magnetosphere with dusty plasma near the lunar surface are considered. It is shown that the waves can be excited for the photoelectron parameters corresponding to the quantum yield of the lunar regolith reported by Willis et al. [Photon and Particle Interactions with Surfaces in Space, Ed. by R. J. L. Grard (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1973), p. 389]. Ion-acoustic waves are excited in the regions of the transient magnetic and/or boundary magnetospheric layers due to the onset of linear hydrodynamic instability, whereas dust-acoustic waves are generated due to the onset of linear kinetic instability in the entire region of magnetotail interaction with dusty plasma near the Moon. In both cases, instability is caused by the relative motion of the magnetospheric ions and charged dust grains. The dynamics of the development of ion-acoustic and dust-acoustic turbulence is investigated. Ion-acoustic turbulence is described in terms of strong turbulence theory, while dust-acoustic turbulence is described in terms of weak turbulence theory. The energy density of oscillations, the effective collision frequencies, and the electric fields arising in the system are determined for both ion-acoustic and dust-acoustic turbulences. It is shown that the development of ion-acoustic turbulence in the dusty plasma system near the Moon can lead to the generation of electric fields that are somewhat weaker than those arising near the lunar surface due to the charging of the Moon’s surface under the action of solar radiation, but still sufficiently strong to affect the electric field pattern above the Moon. The obtained effective collision frequencies should be taken into consideration when deriving hydrodynamic equations for dusty plasma ions with allowance for turbulent plasma heating.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):566-575
pages 566-575 views

Dust−ion acoustic freak wave propagation in a nonthermal mesospheric dusty plasma

El-Labany S., El-Shewy E., Abd El-Razek H., El-Rahman A.


Nonlinear properties of dust−ion acoustic freak waves have been studied in homogeneous unmagnetized dusty plasmas consisting of ions, nonthermal fast electrons, and positive and negative dust grains. By using derivative expansion method under the assumption of strongly dispersive medium, the basic equations are reduced to nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). One of NLSE solutions in the unstable region is the rational one which is responsible for creation of the freak waves. The dependence of the freak wave profile on the dust grain charge, carrier wavenumber, and energetic nonthermal electron population is discussed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):576-582
pages 576-582 views

Space Plasma

Thermal self-focusing during solar flares

Kovalev V., Kurkina E., Kuretova E.


By solving a nonlinear equation for a heat source with a power proportional to Тβ (β > 1), it is shown that heat localization in the transverse cross section of a magnetic tube with a classical thermal conductivity occurs in the blowup regime in the form of microstructures—temperature background cells bounded by hot walls with a spatial scale of <100 m. The reduction in the integral X-ray emissivity observed on board of spacecrafts in the early stage of the flare is attributed to thermal self-focusing, i.e., a decrease in the factor of filling of the flare volume with hot plasma due to the narrowing of the hot walls of the microstructure.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):583-587
pages 583-587 views

Brief Communications

Effect of collisions on Van Kampen waves

Timofeev A.


The time evolution of Van Kampen waves is analyzed by solving the kinetic equation for the plasma particle distribution function. The damping law for Van Kampen waves, ∝Bexp(−Ct)3), obtained earlier from qualitative considerations, is confirmed. The values of the constants B and C are found, and comparison with the previous analysis is made.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):594-597
pages 594-597 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Langmuir probe study of an inductively coupled magnetic-pole-enhanced helium plasma

Younus M., Rehman N., Shafiq M., Naeem M., Zaka-ul-Islam M., Zakaullah M.


This study reports the effects of RF power and filling gas pressure variation on the plasma parameters, including the electron number density ne, electron temperature Te, plasma potential Vp, skin depth δ, and electron energy probability functions (EEPFs) in a low-pressure inductively coupled helium plasma source with magnetic pole enhancement. An RF compensated Langmuir probe is used to measure these plasma parameters. It is observed that the electron number density increases with both the RF power and the filling gas pressure. Conversely, the electron temperature decreases with increasing RF power and gas pressure. It is also noted that, at low RF powers and gas pressures, the EEPFs are non-Maxwellian, while at RF powers of ≥50 W, they evolve into a Maxwellian distribution. The dependences of the skin depth and plasma potential on the RF power are also studied and show a decreasing trend.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):588-593
pages 588-593 views

Plasma Diagnostics

Experimental and theoretical study of the near IR emission of xenon excited by a fast electron beam

Babichev V., Dem’yanov A., Dyatko N., Pal’ A., Starostin A., Filippov A.


Emission of xenon excited by a 120-keV electron beam at gas pressures of 100, 200, 500, and 760 Torr nm was studied experimentally and theoretically. More than 30 spectral lines were identified in the wavelength range of 750–1000 nm. A self-consistent kinetic model is developed to calculate the emission intensity of xenon atoms in the near IR range. The model includes balance equations for the number densities of electrons, ions and excimer molecules; equations for the populations of electron levels; and the Boltzmann equation for the low-energy part of the electron energy distribution function with a source of slow electrons. Excitation and ionization rates of xenon by the beam electrons and the energy spectrum of slow electrons are calculated by the Monte Carlo method. It is shown that, under these conditions, the main mechanism of xenon atom excitation is dissociative recombination of Xe3+ ions.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(5):515-532
pages 515-532 views

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