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Том 42, № 12 (2016)

Plasma Dynamics

Dynamics of the plasma current sheath in plasma focus discharges in different gases

Vinogradov V., Krauz V., Mokeev A., Myalton V., Kharrasov A.


The shape of the plasma current sheath (PCS) in the final stage of its radial compression, the dynamics of pinching, and the subsequent pinch decay in plasma focus (PF) discharges in different gases are studied using an improved multichannel system of electron-optical plasma photography and a newly elaborated synchronization system. The PCS structure in discharges in heavy gases (Ne, Ar) is found to differ significantly from that in discharges in hydrogen and deuterium. The influence of a heavy gas (Хе) additive to hydrogen and deuterium on the structure and compression dynamics of the PCS is investigated.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(12):1079-1090
pages 1079-1090 views

Implosion dynamics of a megampere wire-array Z-pinch with an inner low-density foam shell at the Angara-5-1 facility

Aleksandrov V., Bolkhovitinov E., Volkov G., Grabovski E., Gritsuk A., Medovshchikov S., Oleinik G., Rupasov A., Frolov I.


The implosion dynamics of a pinch with a highly inhomogeneous initial axial distribution of the load mass was studied experimentally. A cascade array consisting of a double nested tungsten wire array and a coaxial inner cylindrical shell located symmetrically with respect to the high-voltage electrodes was used as a load of the Angara-5-1 high-current generator. The cylindrical foam shell was half as long as the cathode− anode gap, and its diameter was equal to the diameter of the inner wire array. It is shown experimentally that two stages are typical of the implosion dynamics of such a load: the formation of two separate pinches formed as a result of implosion of the wire array near the cathode and anode and the subsequent implosion of the central part of the load containing the cylindrical foam shell. The conditions are determined at which the implosion of the central part of the pinch with the foam cylinder is preceded by intense irradiation of the foam with the soft X-ray (SXR) emission generated by the near-electrode pinches and converting it into the plasma state. Using such a load, which models the main elements of the scheme of a dynamic hohlraum for inertial confinement fusion, it is possible to increase the efficiency of interaction between the outer accelerated plasma sheath and the inner foam shell by preionizing the foam with the SXR emission of the near-electrode pinches.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(12):1091-1100
pages 1091-1100 views

Spatial structure of the neck and acceleration processes in a micropinch

Dolgov A., Klyachin N., Prokhorovich D.


It is shown that the spatial structure of the micropinch neck during the transition from magnetohydrodynamic to radiative compression and the bremsstrahlung spectrum of the discharge in the photon energy range of up to 30 keV depend on the configuration of the inner electrode of the coaxial electrode system of the micropinch discharge. Analysis of the experimental results indicates that the acceleration processes in the electron component of the micropinch plasma develop earlier than radiative compression.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(12):1101-1105
pages 1101-1105 views

Design of a 500-kJ Mather-type plasma focus device

Heidarnia A., Sadighzadeh A., Zaeem A., Damideh V.


In this article, design of a 500-kJ Mather-type plasma focus device to achieve 1011 neutrons/shot is reported. One of its important characteristics is the triple-part anode design. The anode is surrounded by an alumina insulator. The second part of the anode is changeable in order to locate cylindrical, conical, or other shapes of pieces mounted on it. This geometry leads to the easier investigation of the neutron and X-ray emissions of the device. The third part of the anode is for changing the materials exposed to different kinds of radiations. The design parameters are considered by semiempirical and empirical formulas and are sketched by Solidworks software. Also, the peak current and neutron yield are estimated.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(12):1106-1110
pages 1106-1110 views

Plasma Radiation

Influence of the electron density on the characteristics of terahertz waves generated under laser–cluster interaction

Frolov A.


A theory of generation of terahertz radiation under laser–cluster interaction, developed earlier for an overdense cluster plasma [A. A. Frolov, Plasma Phys. Rep. 42. 637 (2016)], is generalized for the case of arbitrary electron density. The spectral composition of radiation is shown to substantially depend on the density of free electrons in the cluster. For an underdense cluster plasma, there is a sharp peak in the terahertz spectrum at the frequency of the quadrupole mode of a plasma sphere. As the electron density increases to supercritical values, this spectral line vanishes and a broad maximum at the frequency comparable with the reciprocal of the laser pulse duration appears in the spectrum. The dependence of the total energy of terahertz radiation on the density of free electrons is analyzed. The radiation yield is shown to increase significantly under resonance conditions, when the laser frequency is close to the eigenfrequency of the dipole or quadrupole mode of a plasma sphere.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(12):1111-1126
pages 1111-1126 views

Diagnostics of Pulsed Systems

Laser-optical measurements of the velocities of the plasma jets formed from different gases in a kilojoule-range plasma focus facility

Polukhin S., Dzhamankulov A., Gurei A., Nikulin V., Peregudova E., Silin P.


The velocities of the plasma jets formed from Ne, N2, Ar, and Xe gases in plasma focus facilities were determined by means of laser-optical shadowgraphy of the shock waves generated at the jet leading edge. In spite of the almost tenfold ratio between the atomic weights of these gases, the outflow velocities of the plasma jets formed in experiments with these gases differ by less than twice, in the range of (0.7–1.1) × 107 cm/s under similar discharge conditions. The energies of the jet ions were found to vary from 0.7 keV for nitrogen to 4 keV for xenon.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(12):1127-1133
pages 1127-1133 views

Nonlinear Phenomena

Stationary relativistic structure of a collisionless skin layer in plasma

Chukbar K.


Profiles of the magnetic and electric fields and electron density in a stationary collisionless skinning layer in plasma at relativistic current velocities are analyzed in detail.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(12):1134-1137
pages 1134-1137 views

Methodological Notes

Tearing instability in a tokamak with a noncircular cross section

Arsenin V., Skovoroda A.


Using a straight-column model to describe tokamak plasma with a noncircular cross section, it is shown how to (i) find the boundary of tearing instability from the condition of existence of a magnetohydrodynamic plasma equilibrium different from that of a straight cylinder by solving a two-dimensional linear boundary-value problem with a second-order equation with respect to the flux coordinate and (ii) find the spatial structure of the tearing mode and the corresponding effective Δ' when there is only one resonance magnetic surface in the plasma for a given axial wavenumber by solving some kind of a boundary-value problem for the perturbation. The proposed approach is illustrated by numerical calculations for the case of an elliptical cross section as an example.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(12):1138-1145
pages 1138-1145 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Determination of plasma density from data on the ion current to cylindrical and planar probes

Voloshin D., Vasil’eva A., Kovalev A., Mankelevich Y., Rakhimova T.


To improve probe methods of plasma diagnostics, special probe measurements were performed and numerical models describing ion transport to a probe with allowance for collisions were developed. The current–voltage characteristics of cylindrical and planar probes were measured in an RF capacitive discharge in argon at a frequency of 81 MHz and plasma densities of 1010–1011 cm–3, typical of modern RF reactors. 1D and 2D numerical models based on the particle-in-cell method with Monte Carlo collisions for simulating ion motion and the Boltzmann equilibrium for electrons are developed to describe current collection by a probe. The models were used to find the plasma density from the ion part of the current–voltage characteristic, study the effect of ion collisions, and verify simplified approaches to determining the plasma density. A 1D hydrodynamic model of the ion current to a cylindrical probe with allowance for ion collisions is proposed. For a planar probe, a method to determine the plasma density from the averaged numerical results is developed. A comparative analysis of different approaches to calculating the plasma density from the ion current to a probe is performed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(12):1146-1154
pages 1146-1154 views

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