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Volume 43, Nº 6 (2017)


Two-slope soft X-ray spectra observed in experiments on electron cyclotron resonance plasma heating in the L-2M stellarator

Meshcheryakov A., Vafin I., Grishina I., Letunov A., Tereshchenko M.


In experiments on the generation and electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) of plasma in the L-2M stellarator, non-Maxwellian two-slope soft X-ray (SXR) spectra were observed. The temperatures of the thermal and epithermal components of the spectra were measured as functions of the heating power and plasma density. A hypothesis based on the experimental results is suggested to explain the formation mechanism of two-slope SXR spectra in the ECRH experiments at the L-2M stellarator. The measured SXR spectra are compared with the results of numerical simulations.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):599-604
pages 599-604 views

Plasma Diagnostics

Recovery of the characteristics of plasma turbulence from the radial correlation backscattering diagnostics

Gusakov E., Krutkin O.


Signals of the backscattering radial correlation Doppler diagnostics of plasma density fluctuations in the presence of the cutoff of the probing wave are analyzed theoretically with allowance for the curvature of magnetic surfaces. The scattering of the probing electromagnetic wave is considered in the linear (Born) approximation with respect to the amplitude of fluctuations. Using the Wentzel−Kramers−Brillouin approach, analytical expressions for the scattered signal and the correlation function of two scattered signals corresponding to oblique probing at different frequencies are derived. A criterion is obtained for the tilt angle of the antenna pattern at which the two-point turbulence correlation function can be measured directly. A method is proposed to recover the spectrum of plasma density fluctuations from the data on the radial wavenumbers even if this criterion is violated.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):605-613
pages 605-613 views

Dynamics of the ion energy spectrum in EUV-induced hydrogen plasma

Abrikosov A., Yakushev O., Lopaev D., Krivtsun V.


The dynamics of the ion energy spectrum in low-pressure (10–100 Pa) hydrogen plasma induced by extreme ultraviolet (EUV) pulses in the wavelength range of 10–20 nm was studied experimentally. The plasma was generated under cathode irradiation due to both direct gas ionization by EUV photons and impact ionization by high-energy secondary electrons. The dynamics of the spectra of ions incident on the cathode was measured using a time-resolved retarding field energy analyzer. It is shown that the ion spectrum dynamics is completely determined by the time evolution of the cathode sheath. At low gas pressures (<20 Pa), the ion spectrum at early moments after the EUV pulse has a peaked shape, typical of a collisionless plasma sheath, and is mainly determined by the cathode voltage. As the pressure increases, the peak broadens and low energy ions appear in the spectrum due to ion collisions in the cathode sheath. An increase in the role of collisions with decreasing plasma density is also observed in the time evolution of ion spectra.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):614-620
pages 614-620 views

Plasma Dynamics

Transport processes in plasma with an admixture of several heavy impurities

Fomin I., Bobrova N., Sasorov P.


A two-temperature magnetohydrodynamic model of an ideal, fully ionized magnetized plasma consisting of electrons and several types of ions is developed for the case in which the mass of ions of the first type is much lower than that of jth-type ions, where j = 2,3,…, m1mj, while the densities of heavy ions are so low that collisions between them can be neglected. The ion component is assigned a common velocity, common temperature, and common density, while its composition can vary in time and space.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):621-637
pages 621-637 views

Oscillations and Waves in Plasma

Excitation of helicons by current antennas

Gospodchikov E., Timofeev A.


Depending on the angle θ between the wave vector and the magnetic field, helicons are conventionally divided into two branches: proper helicons (H mode), propagating at small θ, and Trivelpiece–Gould waves (TG mode), propagating at large θ. The latter are close to potential waves and have a significant electric component along the external magnetic field. It is believed that it is these waves that provide electron heating in helicon discharges. There is also commonly believed that current antennas, widely used to ignite helicon discharges, excite essentially nonpotential Н modes, which then transform into TG modes due to plasma inhomogeneity. In this work, it is demonstrated that electromagnetic energy can also be efficiently introduced in plasma by means of TG modes.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):638-647
pages 638-647 views

Beams in Plasma

Nonlinear dynamics of beam–plasma instability in a finite magnetic field

Bogdankevich I., Goncharov P., Gusein-zade N., Ignatov A.


The nonlinear dynamics of beam–plasma instability in a finite magnetic field is investigated numerically. In particular, it is shown that decay instability can develop. Special attention is paid to the influence of the beam−plasma coupling factor on the spectral characteristics of a plasma relativistic microwave accelerator (PRMA) at different values of the magnetic field. It is shown that two qualitatively different physical regimes take place at two values of the external magnetic field: B0 = 4.5 kG (Ω ~ ωBp) and 20 kG (ΩB ≫ ωp). For B0 = 4.5 kG, close to the actual experimental value, there exists an optimal value of the gap length between the relativistic electron beam and the plasma (and, accordingly, an optimal value of the coupling factor) at which the PRMA output power increases appreciably, while the noise level decreases.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):648-658
pages 648-658 views

Dusty Plasma

Brownian motion of a plasma crystal

Ignatov A.


The dynamics of a plasma crystal under the action of random external forces is considered. The pair correlation functions of the particle displacements are calculated in the harmonic approximation by using the Langevin equations. The case of a planar hexagonal lattice is analyzed in more detail. Analogues of the Van Hove singularities in the spectral densities are discovered.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):659-667
pages 659-667 views

Small-amplitude shock waves and double layers in dusty plasmas with opposite polarity charged dust grains

Amina M., Ema S., Mamun A.


Theoretical investigation is carried out for understanding the properties of nonlinear dust-acoustic (DA) waves in an unmagnetized dusty plasma whose constituents are massive, micron-sized, positive and negatively charged inertial dust grains along with q (nonextensive) distributed electrons and ions. The reductive perturbation method is employed in order to derive two types of nonlinear dynamical equations, namely, Burgers equation and modified Gardner equation (Gardner equation with dissipative term). They are also numerically analyzed to investigate the basic features (viz., polarity, amplitude, width, etc.) of shock waves and double layers. It has been observed that the effects of nonextensivity, opposite polarity charged dust grains, and different dusty plasma parameters have significantly modified the fundamental properties of shock waves and double layers. The results of this investigation may be used for researches of the nonlinear wave propagation in laboratory and space plasmas.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):668-676
pages 668-676 views

Nonlinear Phenomena

Raman amplification of laser pulses near the threshold for plasma wave breaking

Balakin A., Levin D.


Equations are derived for the amplitudes of counter-propagating laser pulses near the threshold for plasma wave breaking, which allow one to describe laser pulses with durations on the order of the plasma oscillation period. In the quasi-monochromatic approximation, they take the form of conventional threewave equations with an additional nonlinearity for the plasma wave. The amplitudes of the amplified laser pulses estimated using these equations agree with results obtained by solving the complete equations. It is shown that Raman amplification of a weak quasi-monochromatic signal (plasma noise) in rarified plasma is significantly suppressed. At the same time, according to numerical simulations, the amplification of laser pulses with durations on the order of the plasma oscillation period is suppressed insignificantly. This result opens new prospects in the application of Raman compression of laser pulses without additional frequency modulation.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):677-684
pages 677-684 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Microwave discharges in liquid dielectrics

Lebedev Y.


A review is given on microwave discharges in liquid dielectrics—a relatively new direction in the physics and application of low-temperature plasma. The main types of experimental devices are described, and available information on the plasma parameters obtained by emission spectroscopy is presented. Examples of application of discharges in liquid dielectrics, such as solution of ecological problems and production of hydrogen, nanomaterials, and diamonds, are considered.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):685-695
pages 685-695 views

Applied Physics

Experimental studies of the magnetic structure and plasma dynamics in current sheets (a review)

Frank A., Kyrie N.


Based on measurements of magnetic fields in current sheets, spatial distributions of the electric current and electrodynamic forces in successive stages of the sheet evolution are determined. Two new effects manifesting themselves mostly in the late stages of the current sheet evolution have been discovered, namely, expansion of the current flow region at the periphery of the sheet and the appearance of a region with inverse currents, which gradually expands from the periphery toward the center of the sheet. Using spectroscopic methods, generation of superthermal plasma flows accelerated along the sheet width from the center toward the periphery has been revealed and investigated. The measured energies of accelerated plasma ions satisfactorily agree with the Ampère forces determined from magnetic measurements. The excitation of inverse currents additionally confirms the motion of high-speed plasma flows from the center of the current sheet toward its side edges.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(6):696-710
pages 696-710 views

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