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Vol 44, No 8 (2018)

Dusty Plasma

Effect of Electrostatic Interaction in the Formation of Dust-Acoustic Shock Wave with Fluctuating Dust Charge

Borah P., Das N.


A theoretical investigation on the effect of electrostatic interaction on dust acoustic wave (DAW) has been carried out in weakly nonlinear limit in strongly coupled regime with fluctuating dust charge. The generalized hydrodynamic set of equations is employed in the hydrodynamic limit. The dust−dust electrostatic interaction couples with dust charge fluctuation, as well as the viscosity of the medium, and provides the dissipative effect, which leads to the formation of shock wave in such a system. The novel feature of the present work is that, in the presence of charge fluctuation, the effective electrostatic temperature starts affecting the behavior and also enhancing the formation of monotonic shock wave. In this investigation, the dissipative effect arising due to charge fluctuation is dominant in comparison to the viscosity of the medium in the presence of electrostatic temperature.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(8):738-745
pages 738-745 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Plasma Parameters Controlled by a Movable Ion Sheath

Mishra M.K., Phukan A., Chakraborty M.


It is shown that plasma parameters, such as the electron density, electron temperature, and plasma potential, in multidipole discharge plasma can be controlled by a negatively biased movable metal plate. Here, plasma is produced in the target region by a flux of energetic electrons coming from the source region of a double plasma device. Further, the thickness of the ion sheath formed in front of the biased metal plate varies depending on its axial position inside the cage.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(8):775-781
pages 775-781 views

Formation of Wide Streamers during a Subnanosecond Discharge in Atmospheric-Pressure Air

Tarasenko V.F., Naidis G.V., Beloplotov D.V., Kostyrya I.D., Babaeva N.Y.


Results are presented from experimental and computational studies of a subnanosecond breakdown of atmospheric-pressure air in a nonuniform electric field. It is shown that the ionization waves (streamers) formed in the prebreakdown stage have a nearly spherical or conical shape. The diameter of the streamer in its widest part is found to increase with increasing voltage and discharge gap length. For a rise time of the voltage pulse of ≈0.5 ns and its amplitude of ≈250 kV, streamers about 8 cm in diameter were observed in a 7-cm-long gap.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(8):746-753
pages 746-753 views

Effect of the Air Flow Velocity on the Characteristics of a Pulsating Discharge Produced by a DC Power Source

Shibkov V.M., Shibkova L.V., Logunov A.A.


Results are presented from experimental studies of a pulsating discharge produced by a dc power source in subsonic and supersonic cold (T = 150–300 K) air flows at static air pressures in the flow of 40–760 Torr. Two modes of pulsating discharge were implemented experimentally: without and with (from one to five) intermediate breakdowns. The discharge pulsation frequency, the maximum attainable voltage across the discharge gap, the length of the plasma channel, and the electric field in the discharge plasma were studied as functions of the air flow velocity and discharge current.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(8):754-765
pages 754-765 views

Study of the Possibility to Use a Magnetoplasma Compressor for Plasma-Assisted Combustion in a High-Speed Flow

Alekseev A.I., Vaulin D.N., Deshko K.I., Chernikov V.A.


Results of experimental studies of the possibility to use a low-power magnetoplasma compressor for propane−air mixture ignition in a supersonic flow are presented. It is demonstrated that the regime of explosive combustion of the propane−air mixture can be stably implemented under the action of the magnetoplasma compressor. The maximum repetition rate of the magnetoplasma compressor is limited by the charging time of the storage capacitor.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(8):766-774
pages 766-774 views

Plasma Dynamics

High-Frequency Quasi-Potential Waves in the Plasma Formed under Tunnel Ionization of Atoms

Vagin K.Y., Mamontova T.V., Uryupin S.A.


The dispersion law and collisionless damping rate of quasi-potential waves in the plasma formed upon tunnel ionization of gas atoms in the field of a short pulse of circularly or linearly polarized radiation are found. It is shown how the frequency and damping rate of quasi-potential waves depend on the wave propagation direction relative to the symmetry axis of the photoelectron distribution. It is established that, in plasma with a toroidal photoelectron velocity distribution, weakly damped waves with a linear dispersion law and frequency above the electron plasma frequency can propagate in a wide range of angles. In the case of a bi-Maxwellian photoelectron distribution, the frequency of weakly damped waves is comparable with the electron plasma frequency and the anisotropy of electron motion manifests itself in relatively small corrections to the dispersion law.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(8):703-712
pages 703-712 views

Plasma Kinetics

Kinetics of Atomic Recombination on Silicon Samples in Chlorine Plasma

Sitanov D.V., Pivovarenok S.A.


The recombination kinetics of chlorine atoms on the wall of a plasmachemical reactor and on silicon samples in the positive column of a glow discharge in Cl2 has been studied experimentally. The rate constants and probabilities of the heterogeneous recombination of chlorine atoms on the plasma limiting surfaces, as well as of the chemical interaction of chlorine atoms with silicon, are calculated. The temperature and time dependences of the probabilities of the chemical interaction of chlorine atoms with silicon are analyzed, and optimal conditions for conducting pulse relaxation experiments are determined.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(8):713-722
pages 713-722 views

Space Plasma

Dusty Plasma near the Martian Satellite Deimos

Popel S.I., Golub’ A.P., Zelenyi L.M.


The formation of dusty plasma in the near-surface layer above the illuminated part of the Deimos, the satellite of Mars, due to photoelectric and electrostatic processes is analyzed. Using a physicomathematical model self-consistently describing the densities of photoelectrons and dust grains above the illuminated part of Deimos, the distribution function of photoelectrons near its surface is calculated and the altitude dependences of the electric field, as well as of the number density, charge, and size of dust grains, are determined. It is noted that, due to the lower gravity, substantially larger grains are lifted above the surface of Deimos compared to those lifted above the Moon’s surface. In this case, adhesion, which is believed to significantly hamper the detachment of dust grains from the lunar surface, plays a substantially smaller role on Deimos.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(8):723-728
pages 723-728 views

3D Magnetic Holes in Collisionless Plasmas

Shustov P., Artemyev A., Yushkov E., Vasko I.


Recent multispacecraft observations in the Earth’s magnetosphere have revealed an abundance of magnetic holes—localized magnetic field depressions. These magnetic holes are characterized by the plasma pressure enhancement and strongly localized currents flowing around the hole boundaries. There are several numerical and analytical models describing 2D configurations of magnetic holes, but the 3D distribution of magnetic fields and electric currents is studied poorly. Such a 3D magnetic field configuration is important for accurate investigation of charged particle dynamics within magnetic holes. Moreover, the 3D distribution of currents can be used for distant probing of magnetic holes in the magnetosphere. In this study, a 3D magnetic hole model using the single-fluid approximation and a spatial scale hierarchy with the distinct separation of gradients is developed. It is shown that such 3D holes can be obtained as a generalization of 1D models with the plasma pressure distribution adopted from the kinetic approach. The proposed model contains two magnetic field components and field-aligned currents. The magnetic field line configuration resembles the magnetic trap where hot charged particles bounce between mirror points. However, the approximation of isotropic pressure results in a constant plasma pressure along magnetic field lines, and the proposed magnetic hole model does not confine plasma along the field direction.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2018;44(8):729-737
pages 729-737 views

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