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卷 48, 编号 5 (2017)

Developmental Biology of Mammals

Changes in the secretory activity of organs producing noradrenaline upon inhibition of its synthesis in neonatal rat brain

Murtazina A., Dilmukhametova L., Nikishina Y., Sapronova A., Volina E., Ugrumov M.


The study is devoted to investigating the humoral interaction of the organs that are major sources of the morphogenetic factor noradrenaline in the general circulation system of rats in the neonatal period of development. The change in the synthesis of noradrenaline in the central and peripheral organs when its synthesis in the brains of neonatal rats is switched off was considered as one of the mechanisms of such interaction. For this purpose, the level of gene expression and the content of enzymes involved in the synthesis of noradrenaline—tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH)—was determined in the brain, adrenal glands, and the organ of Zuckerkandl. The synthesis of noradrenaline after destruction of noradrenergic neurons was switched off by injecting anti-DBH-saporin-antibodies against dopamine-β-hydroxylase conjugated to the cytotoxin saporin into the cerebral ventricles of neonatal rats. The content of TH and DBH mRNA in organs was determined by realtime PCR, and the protein content of enzymes was determined by Western blotting. It is shown that, 48 h after switching off the synthesis of noradrenaline in the brain of 2-day-old animals, a sharp increase in TH and DBH mRNA content in adrenal glands and the organ of Zuckerkandl was observed, although the content of both enzymes was retained at the control level. These data indicate a compensatory enhancement of expression of the genes encoding noradrenaline synthesis enzymes at the transcriptional level as a result of humoral interaction of central and peripheral sources of noradrenaline in the neonatal period of ontogeny.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(5):295-300
pages 295-300 views

Mechanisms of Normal and Abnormal Tissue Development

Proteomic identification of protein markers of stages of heart formation in humans

Kovaleva M., Kovalev L., Ivanov A., Serebryakova M., Shishkin S.


On the basis of the results of proteomic analysis and mass spectrometric identification of human myocardium proteins exhibiting pronounced quantitative changes in the dynamics of prenatal cardiogenesis, changes in the expression level of proteins of three families (mitochondrial, contractile, and heat shock) have been identified. The complex of human myocardium mitochondrial proteins (for example, α and β isoforms of ATP synthase, aconitase 2, creatine phosphokinase M-subunit, and 60-kDa heat shock protein) largely finishes its development according to the adult type by developmental week 24. The formation of the protein composition of human myocardium contractile structures (for example, desmin, myosin regulatory light chain 2, fetal ventricular essential isoform 1, canonical α-tropomyosin, and fetal isoform 6) reflects the initial stage of myofibril development until developmental week 8 (replacement of fetal isoforms of contractile proteins with adult ones with the involvement of the phosphorylated isoform of 27-kDa heat shock protein), the stage of their qualitative and quantitative structuring by developmental weeks 20–24, and the final formation of the adult phenotype of contractile structures by 2 years of life.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(5):301-306
pages 301-306 views

Mechanisms of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation

Persistent and reparative neurogenesis in the juvenile masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou telencephalon after mechanical injury

Pushchina E., Zharikova E., Varaksin A.


A superficially located periventricular proliferative area with PCNA-immunopositive (PCNA+) cells, which corresponds to the pallial periventricular zone (PVZ) of other fish species, including its dorsal, lateral, and medial compartments, is discovered in the telencephalon of the juvenile masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou. The PCNA+ cells are also identified in the parenchyma of the masu salmon intact brain, and their maximum concentration is observed in the medial zone. After a mechanical injury, the zones of induced neurogenesis—neurogenic niches and sites of secondary neurogenesis surrounded by radial glial fibers—appear in the masu salmon telencephalon. The PVZ of the juvenile masu salmon pallium contains clusters of undifferentiated HuCD-immunopositive (HuCD+) neurons. A change in the HuCD+ cell topography is observed in the mechanically injured masu salmon telencephalon, namely, neurogenic niches in the lateral zone and an increase in the cell distribution density and cell migration patterns in the medial zone. A high level of persistent neurogenesis is characteristic of the juvenile masu salmon brain.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(5):307-320
pages 307-320 views

GFAP and PCNA Marking in the cerebellum of masu salmon’s (Oncorhynchus masou) juvenile after mechanical injury

Stukaneva M., Pushchina E., Varaksin A.


The objective of this work was to study proliferation processes and the role of glia and neural stem cells in the event of injurious action on cerebellum of masu salmon’s (Oncorhynchus masou) juvenile. Using the immunoperoxidase staining of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and proliferating cells nuclear antigen (PCNA), processes of proliferation and gliogenesis after mechanical trauma of cerebellum of cherry salmon’s (Oncorhynchus masou) juvenile were studied. After the trauma, the intensity of proliferation and migration processes varies in different zones. Proliferation processes decrease after the trauma in lateral and basal zones, and migration increases. In the dorsal zone, on the contrary, migration processes significantly decrease and proliferation increases. In the dorsal matrix zone of a cerebellum, intense cell proliferation was detected. In the dorsal, lateral, and basal zone of the molecular layer of cerebellum after traumatic damage, neurogenic niches containing PCNA and cells, as well as a heterogeneous population of PCNA-cells, were identified. At the location of neurogenic niches, fibers of radial glia and small single intensely or moderately labeled GFAP cells were discovered. As a result of damaging action, GFAP+ fibers of radial glia, which form differently directed radially oriented bundles, appeared in the dorsal matrix zone. Such structural formations have not been discovered in intact animals. We suppose that, after the trauma, structural reconstruction connected with partial spatial reorientation of the radial glia fibers and formation of specific directions for cells formed in this zone occurs in the dorsal matrix zone. As a result of the trauma, in masu salmon’s cerebellum, elements of the radial glia, including both cells possessing typical morphology and cell fragments presented as long radially oriented processes or cell body containing initial fragments of radial fibers, appeared.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(5):321-329
pages 321-329 views

Developmental Genetics

Induced androgenesis in acipenserids may be obtained by ultraviolet radiation

Balashov D., Vinogradov E., Kovalev K., Barmintseva A., Recoubratsky A., Grunina A.


The results are presented on haploid androgenesis in Siberian sturgeon and sterlet induced by UV irradiation of ovicells. During irradiation, the cells in Ringer solution were rotated around a UV lamp. The efficiency of genetic inactivation of ovicells was estimated by the following parameters: manifestation of Hertwig effect, the fraction of embryos demonstrating haploid syndrome at final developmental stages, by arrest of embryonic development in hybrids Siberian sturgeon × great sturgeon, and by absence of maternal alleles of microsatellite loci in embryos. The dose-effect curve suggests that, during UV irradiation of ovicells of Siberian sturgeon, the complete genetic inactivation is attained at exposition of 120 s, while that in sterlet is 90 or 105 s. The results show a principal possibility of inactivation of ovicells by UV irradiation and use of such cells for producing androgenetic progeny of acipenserids.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(5):330-339
pages 330-339 views

Embryogenesis and Carcinogenesis

Embryological peculiarities of interspecific hybridization in Pinus sibirica

Tretyakova I., Lukina A.


Cytoembryological research of the ovules in experiments with interspecific hybridization of Pinus sibirica (pollination be the pollen of P. koraiensis, P. armandii, P. parviflora, P. strobus, P. hokkaidensis, P. wallichiana, P. monticola, and P. сembra) revealed that the development of megagametophytes occurred in them by the usual scenario and resulted in the formation of mature archegonia. Pollen successfully germinated on the nucellus of ovules. However, disturbances were observed in the process of male gametophyte development, and pollen tubes on the nucellus were not visible by the period of archegonia maturation. Fertilization was usually absent. The development of embryonic channel is determined by egg cell maturity. The only exception was the variant of the controlled pollination of Pinus sibirica × P. сembra, in which the embryo has been formed.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(5):340-346
pages 340-346 views

Ontogenesis and Evolution

Fertility of triploid hybrids of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) with common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)

Balashov D., Recoubratsky A., Duma L., Ivanekha E., Duma V.


Fertility of backcross triploid hybrids containing one genome of Prussian carp and two genomes of common carp is investigated. The females of hybrids of Prussian carp and common carp (Prussian × common carp) are prolific and produce diploid gametes. Since males of such hybrids are sterile, their reproduction is realized by means of induced gynogenesis. Triploid progeny is obtained by backcrossing female Prussian × common carp with carp males. Among triploids obtained from hybrids F1 and among hybrids of the first gynogenetic generation, there were no prolific specimens. However, in reproduction of diploid hybrids by means of gynogenesis during six generations, the female fertility in the backcross progeny is restored. From backcross triploid females (daughters of Prussian × common carp of the sixth gynogenetic generation), a viable triploid gynogenetic progeny and a tetraploid backcross (by carp) progeny are obtained. The obtained data may be considered as the experimental proof of the hypothesis of reticular speciation.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2017;48(5):347-353
pages 347-353 views