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Том 47, № 6 (2016)


cGMP and epigenetic factor in the suppression of apoptosis in ovarian follicles

Chakravarthi V., Sireesha Y., Kumar Y., Siva kumar A., Bhaskar M.


The role of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) in the suppression of apoptosis in preantral and preovulatory follicles has been established. But the underlying mechanisms have not yet been established. The present study has been focused on revealing the mechanisms involved in the cGMP mediated suppression of apoptosis and in survival of ovarian follicle. cGMP reduces calcium burden of the cell by mediating Ca2+ channels, BK (Big Potassium) channels, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway thus, prevents the mitochondrial membrane pore formation and apoptosis. cGMP induces the expression of Trx (thioredoxin) protein and prevents the TNF-α (Tumour Necrosis factor) induced apoptosis. cGMP also induces the expression of cytoskeleton proteins which are involved in heterogeneous distribution of mitochondria and there by reduces the Ca2+ burden and apoptosis. Histone 3 lysine 4 methyltransferase (MLL2) is an epigenetic factor inhibits the transcription of genes involved apoptosis which acts as co-activator of Estrogen receptor-α. In conclusion the present review predicts some mechanisms underlying the cGMP mediated suppression of apoptosis in ovarian follicles.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2016;47(6):303-312
pages 303-312 views

Developmental Biology of Mammals

Position of the nucleus in mouse germinal vesicle–stage oocytes with different chromatin configurations

Shishova K., Lavrentyeva E., Khamidullina A., Zatsepina O.


The mammalian germinal vesicle–stage (GV) oocytes are divided into two major types, NSN (non-surrounded nucleolus) and SN (surrounded nucleolus), and at least one intermediate type, pSN (partly surrounded nucleolus), based on large-scale chromatin configuration. In mice, the SN oocytes are considered to be the most meiotically competent, which explains active study of their phenotypic characteristics necessary for improvement of human reproductive technologies. One of such characteristics is the position of the GV (nucleus) relative to the center of the oocyte. However, the current data on this issue are contradictory and even completely absent for pSN oocytes. In this work, we have studied the GV position in 187 mouse GV oocytes belonging to NSN, SN, and pSN types using different approaches known from the literature. Our results suggest that (1) the most abundant in all examined types of oocytes are central GVs (43–66%) and the least abundant are peripheral GVs (12–39%); the pSN oocytes are closer to SN oocytes rather than to NSN oocytes according to the GV position; (3) the position of the nucleus in mouse GV oocytes is an ambiguous marker of large-scale chromatin configuration and, correspondingly, maturation competence of the oocyte; (4) the diversity of the GV position in NSN, SN, and pSN oocytes most likely reflects the ability of GVs to migrate; and (5) assessment of the GV position according to three variants (central, peripheral, and intermediate) is more informative as compared with two variants (central and peripheral).

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2016;47(6):313-319
pages 313-319 views

Structural–functional condition of the thyroid gland of red deer at different stages of postnatal ontogenesis

Ovcharenko N., Vlasova O., Gribanova O.


The histological structure and morphometric and some histochemical indices of thyroid gland of maral as a subspecies of red deer at the postnatal stage of ontogenesis were studied. It was established that the gland was structurally formed by the time of the birth. C-cells are detected at 6 months of age. With age, the ratio of follicles of different sizes changed: smaller forms predominate in newborns and those 6 months old, medium and large predominate in adults and in old deer. Histological, morphometric, and histochemical data indicate to activation of the thyroid gland in the period of intensive growth for up to 6 months and a gradual decrease in activity over the next years of life. During aging, along with an increase in stromal elements, large follicles with colloid are stretched and resorption processes in the follicles are reduced.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2016;47(6):320-325
pages 320-325 views

Developmental Biology of Plants

Length of meristematic and fully elongated root cells related to haploid DNA content

Zhukovskaya N., Bystrova E., Ivanov V.


The lengths of meristematic (lm) and fully-elongated cells (le) were measured in the roots of 118 monocot and dicot species of herbaceous plants from 20 angiosperm families. The results were analyzed using the data on haploid DNA content (Cval) for the same species from the website (http://data.kew.org/cvalues). The distribution range of lm, le, and Cval was wider in monocot plants compared to dicots. Values of lm and le in monocot and lm in dicot species correlated positively with Cval. Dependence of lm and le on Cval was similar in diploid and polyploid species, both monocots and dicots. The average length of root cells differed less than the root length.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2016;47(6):326-334
pages 326-334 views

Efficiency of the induction of cytomixis in the microsporogenesis of dicotyledonous (N. tabacum L.) and monocotyledonous (H. distichum L.) plants by thermal stress

Sidorchuk Y., Kravets E., Mursalimov S., Plokhovskaya S., Goryunova I., Yemets A., Blume Y., Deineko E.


The efficiencies of the induction of cytomixis in microsporogenesis by thermal stress are compared in tobacco (N. tabacum L.) and barley (H. distichum L.) It has been shown that different thermal treatment schedules (budding tobacco plants at 50°C and air-dried barley grains at 48°C) produce similar results in the species: the frequency of cytomixis increases, and its maximum shifts to later stages of meiosis. However, the species show differences in response. The cytomixis frequency increase in tobacco is more pronounced, and its maximum shifts from the zygotene–pachytene stages of meiotic prophase I to prometaphase–metaphase I. Later in the meiosis, aberrations in chromosome structure and meiotic apparatus formation typical of cytomixis are noted, as well as cytomixis activation in tapetum cells. Thermal stress disturbs the integration of callose-bearing vesicles into the callose wall. Cold treatment at 7°C does not affect cytomixis frequency in tobacco microsporogenesis. Incubation of barley seeds at 48°C activates cytomixis in comparison to the control, shifts its maximum from the premeiotic interphase to zygotene, and changes the habit of cytomictic interactions from pairwise contacts to the formation of multicellular clusters. Thermal treatment induces cytomictic interactions within the tapetum and between microsporocytes and the tapetum. However, later meiotic phases show no adverse consequences of active cytomixis in barley. It is conjectured that heat stress affects callose metabolism and integration into the forming callose wall, thereby causing incomplete closure of cytomictic channels and favoring intercellular chromosome migration at advanced meiotic stages.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2016;47(6):335-347
pages 335-347 views

Mechanisms of Normal and Pathological Tissue Development

Histological and immunocytochemical investigation of human coronary vessel development with anti-CD34 antibodies

Pototska O.


Information about embryonic development of coronary endothelium is the main clue for the creation of new methods in tissue engineering for treatment of ischemic heart diseases. The purpose of the research was to describe human coronary vessels development on early stages of the prenatal ontogenesis. The first step in human coronary vessels development is the formation of endothelium de novo by transformation of some epicardial and, possibly, endocardial cells. The next step is the ingrowth of sinus venosus endothelium in subepicardium over ventricles and atria, which gives rise to the coronary vessels. Only after 7 days does the primitive coronary plexus of the heart communicate with aorta (third step). During this period, some subepicardial vessels invade myocardium and some intramyocardial vessels contact with the heart cavity. Such intercommunications could help in regulation of blood circulation in primitive coronary plexus before establishment of effective contacts between arterial and venous vessels—excess of blood could be discharged directly into the heart cavity. Additional population of CD34+ cells were revealed inside condensed mesenchyme of the conotruncus; it participates in the formation of vasa vasorum in the aorta. Epicardium and sinus venosus generate endothelium of coronary vessels by neovasculo- and angiogenesis, respectively. During a week after ingrowth of vessels from SV and before their ingrowth to the aorta, ventriculo-coronary communications could be found in the heart.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2016;47(6):348-358
pages 348-358 views


Features of clonal micropropagation of Silene cretacea (Caryophyllaceae) in in vitro culture

Kritskaya T., Kashin A., Spivak V., Firstov V.


The features of the formation of microshoots in in vitro culture of Silene cretacea—endangered species with narrow ecological amplitude, which is a promising source of medicinal raw materials—were studied. It was demonstrated that, at the micropropagation step, basic Woody Plant Medium containing vitamins according to Murashige and Skoog and supplemented with 0.2 mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine, 1.0 mg/L kinetin, 1.0 mg/L gibberellic acid, and 0.5 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid is the most effective. The combination and concentration of these growth regulators, selected using mathematical combinatorial analysis, activated axillary buds and provided a high multiplication factor (9.3 ± 1.3 microshoots per explant). Morpho-histological analysis revealed the main stages of the formation of microshoots and proved the absence of callus formation during the whole time of the cultivation of explants. The features of the dynamics of the culture during the year of continuous cultivation are presented.

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2016;47(6):359-366
pages 359-366 views

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