
New data on chromosomal variability, distribution of sibling species, and hybridization of 46-chromosomal forms of Microtus arvalis sensu lato (Rodentia, Arvicolinae) in the Upper Volga basin
Baskevich M., Mironova T., Cherepanova E., Krivonogov D.
Evolutionary and Ecological Aspects of Genetic Variability in Populations of Sicista betulina (Rodentia, Dipodoidea) from Valdai Hills
Baskevich M., Khlyap L., Potapov S., Shvarts E., Dmitriev S., Malygin V.
Seasonal variability of macrozoobenthos in a lagoon having a periodic connection with the sea (Ptich’e Lake, southern Sakhalin)
Labay V., Kurilova N., Shpilko T.
Skull Sizes and Proportions in Western Palearctic Wood Mice (Sylvaemus, Muridae, Rodentia) from Eastern Europe: 2. Intraspecific Variability
Okulova N., Bogdanov A., Baskevich M., Orlov V., Popova Y., Antonets N., Lavrenchenko L.
The influence of anthropogenic factors on reproduction of Rana temporaria and Rana arvalis
Severtsova E., Kormilitsin A., Severtsov A.
Factors of Polymorphism of Craniometric Characters in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes, Carnivora, Canidae) from the Center of European Russia
Korablev N., Korablev M., Korablev A., Korablev P., Zinoviev A., Zhagarayte V., Tumanov I.
The Variability and Spatial Distribution of Chaffinch Songs (Fringilla coelebs) in Moscow
Kislyakov I., Ivanitskii V.
Geographical Variability of Morphological and Acoustic Signs of the North Populations of the Long Tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus (Passeriformes, Aegithalidae)
Lukyanchuk O., Marova I., Redkin Y.
Relations between the Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) and the Pine Bunting (Emberiza leucocephalos) in the Forested Steppe of the Trans-Urals
Rubtsov A., Tarasov V.
Investigation of Shell Characteristics in Chondrula tridents (Pulmonata, Enidae) from Highland and Plain Habitats of the Forest–Steppe of the Volga River Basin
Komarova E., Sachkova Y., Kurmaeva N., Stoiko T.
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