
Abundance dynamics of the Trans-Volga great bustard (Otididae, Aves) population
Oparina O., Kondratenkov I., Oparin M., Mamaev A., Trofimova L.
Distribution and Abundance of Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Dens in Chukotka (Based on Inquiries of Representatives of Native Peoples)
Kochnev A.
Underyearlings of dreissenid mussels (Dreissenidae, Bivalvia) in the phytophylic communities in the mouth area of the Rybinsk Reservoir tributary
Zhgareva N.
Arthropod Abundance at Bustard Nesting Sites in the Saratov Trans-Volga Region
Oparina O., Oparin M.
Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus, Falconiformes, Falconidae) in colonial settlements of rook (Corvus frugilegus, Passeriformes, Corvidae) in steppe ecosystems of the Manych valley
Ermolaev A.
Numbers of Small Mammals in Fields, Stacks, and Ricks in the South Central Chernozem Region
Trankvilevsky D., Kvasov D.
Anthropogenic Transformation and Prospects for Conservation of the Chamois Population (Rupicapra rupicapra caucasica) in the Northwestern Caucasus
Trepet S., Eskina T., Bibina K.
Changes in the species composition and number of gulls in tundra colonies in the western Chukotka over the last 40 years
Solovyeva D., Zelenskaya L.
Bacterioneuston Abundance and Physicochemical Properties of the Surface Microlayer of Lake Baikal
Galachyants A., Domysheva V., Sakirko M., Blinov V., Zimens E., Suslova M., Sukhanova E., Shtykova Y., Tomberg I., Belykh O.
Changes in Rodent Populations in Eastern Fennoscandia under the Influence of Anthropogenic Transformations of Boreal Ecosystems
Ivanter E., Kurhinen J.
Long-Term Dynamics of the Community Structure of Larks (Alaudidae, Aves) in the Northwestern Caspian Lowland
Oparin M., Mamaev A., Oparina O., Trofimova L.
Specific Composition and Distribution of Euphausiids in the Zone of the North Atlantic Subtropical Convergence
Burukovsky R.
Vertical Distribution of Bacteria in Forest Lakes of Karelia
Lapteva N., Sokolova E.
Climate change and mammals of Yakutia
Safronov V.
Ecological Organization of the Spatiotypological Diversity of Amphibian, Reptile, and Small Mammal Communities in the West Siberian Plain
Ravkin Y., Bogomolova I.
Abundance of the Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax L. 1758 (Otididae, Aves) in Saratov Oblast
Oparin M., Kondratenkov I., Oparina O., Mamayev A.
Veliger larvae of dreissenids (Bivalvia, Dreissenidae) in the plankton foodweb of Rybinsk Reservoir
Lazareva V., Kopylov A., Sokolova E., Pryanichnikova E.
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