
Nemova, N.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 44, 编号 1 (2017) Conference Materials Comparative characteristics of the lipid status of gills of juvenile Atlantic salmon infected with glochidia of the freshwater pearl mussel living in rivers of the European North
卷 44, 编号 1 (2017) Conference Materials The ecology of the freshwater form of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., the brown trout Salmo trutta L., and the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L. in Syuskyuyanyoki River (Basin of Lake Ladoga)
卷 44, 编号 1 (2017) Conference Materials Metabolic background for establishment of the subpopulation structure in early ontogenesis in the Atlantic salmon (the case of energy of carbohydrate metabolism)
卷 44, 编号 1 (2017) Conference Materials The biochemical variability of the lipid status of juveniles of the brown trout Salmo trutta L. inhabiting rivers belonging to the watershed area of the White Sea
卷 44, 编号 1 (2017) Conference Materials Protein degradation in the skeletal muscles of parrs and smolts of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L.
卷 45, 编号 2 (2018) Biochemistry Comparative Analysis of the Fatty Acid Profiles of Smolts of the Brown Trout Salmo trutta L. and Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar L. during Smoltification (Indera River, White Sea Basin)
卷 46, 编号 1 (2019) Biochemistry Lipid and Fatty Acid Status of the Liver and Gonads of the Three-Spined Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus (Gastrosteidae) from Different Spawning Grounds in the White Sea